The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 13

by C. P. Mandara

  I'd been given a safe 'symbol' before they trussed me up like a turkey dinner, but it didn't make me feel a whole lot better. I already had an inkling of what I was in for and it gave me heart palpitations. As I had always refused water sports, it was unlikely Sophia was going to try that. She hadn't overridden any of my previous limits thus far, and I didn't think she'd start now. Unfortunately that just left breath play, and that was just as scary if not more scary than just about anything I have ever done in a scene. There were twenty evil women in the room, and one single hose controlling the air I breathed. This could be heart attack material. Just breathe. Yeah, that was pretty much the problem.

  Someone purred in my ear, 'Can you guess what we're going to do to you?' I thought it was Scarlett but I wasn't one hundred percent positive. Everything seemed distorted and jumbled through the thick leather of the hood. Whoever it was, I hoped she didn't expect an answer. I had two metres of black plastic hosing where my mouth should be.

  'Have you done this to him before?' This sentence wasn't directed at me and I only just managed to pick up every other word, but filling in the blanks wasn't too hard. Although I didn't hear the response the answer should have been 'no'. Sophia and I had played about with sensory deprivation before, but we'd not done much in the way of breath play. Apparently she was about to make up for lost time.

  Someone took told of my rubber hose and began shouting something into it. This time I couldn't make head or tail of what was being said, but everyone else in the room laughed. That meant it was nothing I wanted to hear, so it was just as well. Trying to calm myself down I concentrated on my breathing. Telling myself to relax was easier than it sounded, because I knew that this was only the start of Sophia's game. It would only get worse from here on in.

  I should point out that my suit left one item of my anatomy free, but just one. My cage protruded proudly from a hole that was around five inches wide at my crotch, and that concerned me too. Still, I had bigger things to worry about. Someone was playing with the rubber hose again.

  'Pet, nod your head if you can hear me clearly.' That was Sophia, and she was easy to understand because she spoke very loudly. I nodded my head as instructed.

  'Good. Can you show me your safe symbol?' Obediently I banged my feet against the floor. Had it been any other type of activity that didn't involve breath play it would have been at least two or three bangs, but if they were going to get me lightheaded they had to be careful. The amount of adrenaline running through my body at the moment was nearing overload, which told me I was extremely excited and pretty damn apprehensive about the whole ordeal. Whilst I wasn't about to safe-word until I'd at least tried this, I wouldn't hesitate if I thought they were putting me in danger. Basically, if anyone tried to kill me I was going to make short work of killing them - if I wasn't already dead, of course.

  'Pet, there are sensors inside your suit that are now being hooked up to an ECG machine. We will be monitoring your pulse rate and breathing the entire time, so there's no need to panic.' It was Sophia again, her voice loud and crystal clear. Easy for you to say, Lady, I thought, but it did at least explain the wires I'd seen earlier trailing from the suit. At least they weren't going to shock the hell out of me. That was something, I guessed.

  'Remember to bang those feet if you feel lightheaded or if you're going to faint.' I nodded again. 'Even if you need a time out, bang those feet. I mean it, pet,' she added threateningly. With that she was gone.

  That left me anxiously wondering what the hell was coming next, and there was little I could do but wait patiently. The seconds ticked by painfully slowly, each one growing in size until they began to explode in my head. My world felt as if it had suddenly gotten a lot smaller, and the confines of my rubber suit were stifling. The talking had stopped, and although there was activity around me, judging by the soft footsteps, they were doing their utmost to keep me in the dark. Well, they'd be pleased to know they'd succeeded. I had no idea what was coming next. All I knew was I wasn't going to like it.

  So, one moment I was happily sucking in air through my rubber tube and the next I wasn't. That gave me a bit of a shock. The first indication I had that something was up was when a) I couldn't breathe and b) the sound of bubbling water hit me. The bitches were trying to drown me. Holy fuck, I did not sign up for torture by water boarding, and I wasn't hiding any state secrets to my knowledge. I realised I was still holding my breath and wondered whether I should panic. My feet began to lift in the air.

  'It's a bubbler bottle, Mark. Your hose is connected to a bottle that's half-filled with water. Don't worry, you still have access to fresh air, but you're going to have to work much harder if you want to breathe. Suck really hard and you'll find what you're looking for.' She held my hand and grasped it tightly, urging me to do as she said.

  The encouraging squeeze was wasted. I sucked as hard as I could, and sure enough I managed to get some air up through my hose. It took four long pulls before I became happy that I would be able to do this for a little while at least. The witches were probably falling about in hysterics about my heart rate at the moment, but I'd like to see one of them go through this shit without a spike of adrenaline.

  'That's great. Keep it up, pet.' This was accompanied by another squeeze. It was oddly comforting this time.

  Lying there, horizontal on the cold tiles, I could concentrate on little but the effort required to pull air into my lungs. I was trying to imagine what the bubbler bottle looked like, and I wondered if I'd seen one before. An image of a large plastic bottle with valves sprang to mind. Maybe I'd read about it somewhere, or seen it at a show. Anyway, it didn't matter now. I could read all about it later, after the event.

  All in all it wasn't as bad as it could have been. The Darth Vader style sound I made as I sucked air in and out was vaguely hypnotic after a while, and although the moisture droplets travelling up the hose annoyed me a little, it wasn't anything I couldn't cope with. But the witches weren't going to be happy watching me laying here for long. They wanted entertainment, and lots of it - most of which would be had at my expense.

  Sure enough, in relatively short order I felt some fumbling around my crown jewels. Oh God, what now? There were muffled voices all around me, but I couldn't hear a thing through the bubbles I was blowing. Please don't let them castrate me, I prayed, and it was only a half humorous thought.

  It didn't take me long to figure out that they were removing my 'cage'. This did not bode well. I needed all my wits about me right now just to pull air into my chest. The last thing I needed was a group of women pulling things about down there. Aha! Bingo. The penny finally dropped. Game number two was going to be all about air. They were hoping to distract me, and as soon as I lost my concentration I would be in serious trouble. The closer I got to orgasm the harder and faster my heart would have to work, and the more oxygen my body would need. They were trying to crack me open wide and tear out my insides.

  Fuck them. They had no idea who they were dealing with. I was much stronger than the whole room of them combined. My wife was on her deathbed, and yet here I was keeping it together - no thanks to them. There was nothing this lot could do to me that would be any worse than the predicament I already found myself in. Whilst suffering might not bring my wife back, at least it would give me something to focus on for the next couple of hours. It would also exhaust me and that, I knew from experience, was the only way I was likely to get any sleep. Hitting the land of nod had never been one of my talents, and under stress I found it nearly impossible. I needed to get through this evening. Things always looked better after some sleep.

  My subconscious quickly informed me that a dead wife would not look better after anything, and I told it to shut up. Jennifer was not going to die. Someone up there was going to feel my pain and hear my prayers. They'd have to be stone cold deaf not to, once Sophia unleashed the Cat.

  The fingers worked tirelessly upon my cock but I chose to ignore them - as much as I could. Every brain cell I poss
essed was screaming breathe in and out, and my chest rose and fell rhythmically to this warning. I tried to treat the tormenting fingers as nothing more than annoyances and directed my attention towards my wife. Questions began pouring through my head, and though I was sure I had no answers for them as yet, I might as well start thinking about them. What would I say to her when she awoke? Deciding I would think positively, I tried to imagine us as a conventional husband and wife. Could we work something out if we both decided to trust each other? That was a big 'if'. It was more than likely that she wouldn't want to lay eyes on me. Was there any possible way I could ever earn her trust back? There was one thing I couldn't do - one thing all the money in the world could never buy. I couldn't make her love me. What I could do was shower her with my love and affection, and if that didn't work, basically stalk her until she gave in. Now there was a healthy thought. It did make me realise, however, that I would be prepared to do an awful lot to get back in Jennifer's good graces.

  The hands were all over me now. Though the rubber suit was thick I could still feel them running up and down my body. The ones upon my cock were doing the most damage though. They were rough, greedy hands, and they wanted me hard. As much as I tried to fight them, little by little they were wearing down my reserve. I could almost feel all the blood in my body being happily redirected into my cock, and as soon as that happened I was lost. There wasn't enough fight in me to resist this lot. When one pair of hands tired another took over, and they were all over me, all the time. Warm fingers gently rolled my balls in their practised grip, whilst others slid up and down my cock with ease. Fingernails ran wild; caressing the silky flesh they'd left uncovered, and when they got the chance, also squeezed the tip of my cock. All of this I could have just about withstood, although I'd already missed a couple of breaths, here and there. Making up for the lack of oxygen, when I lost concentration, was beginning to take its toll. A feeling of euphoria began to wash over me, and I knew I was getting lightheaded. Redoubling my efforts I sucked a couple of deep breaths into me and sent the bottle into a bubbling frenzy. A few more and my head finally stopped swirling. I was not going to let these women beat me. Um, actually I was going to let these women beat me, but only with whips and paddles. There was no energy in me for laughter, and I'd probably choke on it regardless, so once again I diverted my attention.

  Where was Redcliff? Had Khalil managed to get a hold of his whereabouts yet? I also wondered how Forbes was getting on with the lovely Marianna. Not overly confident that he'd get anything out of her, I thought I might as well let him have a go while I was preoccupied. If somehow he did manage to uncover all of her dirty secrets I might actually be ahead of the game for once, although I wasn't going to get my hopes up. Technically I was already aware who was employing her - Redcliff. What I really wanted to know was whether she knew anything more than the basics, and how long she had been planted in my office. Was it a recent thing, or could it have been when she started around two years ago? If so, that was some pretty impressive long-term planning on Michael's behalf. My thoughts completely fractured and splintered after that, but there was a very good reason that my head had gone to La La Land.

  The witches had obviously been a bit disappointed that they weren't getting quite the reaction they expected with their hands and fingers. Whilst they'd managed to get me stiff, they hadn't managed to make me orgasm, and they'd been playing with me for a good half an hour or so. Give or take ten minutes, because it was kind of hard to tell the time without a watch. Anyway, clearly not about to be bested, one of them had decided to go down on me, which in my personal opinion violated the 'no sex' rule again, though not necessarily if you were in a certain ex-American president's camp. God damn it. There was no way I could hold myself back from a tight wet throat. No way in hell. The friction, the warmth, the amazing tightness of being lodged firmly inside someone's mouth had always been one of my downfalls, and Sophia knew this. I must have been fucking special, because it was virtually unheard of for the witches to perform any kind of action that might provide pleasure to their underlings. Mind you, they wanted to cut off my air supply while I orgasmed, so perhaps the end result justified the means.

  Stiffening to full mast my groin exploded to life, and sure enough I forgot to breathe. This time recovering was a bit more of a challenge. Whoever was sucking my cock was doing so with great talent and enthusiasm, and I needed twice the air that was available in order to keep my vital signs happy. The water in the bubbler bottle was going to be turned into a lake of volcanic lava by the time I was finished. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  If I'd been thinking clearly I'd have probably banged my feet about then. Instead I gurgled, spluttered and choked, while wisps of euphoria began to swim in my head. It was actually quite pleasant, in a dangerous kind of way. Giving in to the sensations all around I ceased to care about breathing or air. All I wanted to do was to give in to the delicious, voracious little mouth that was trying to suck me dry. When I finally realised I'd been holding my breath for a good thirty seconds or more I broke into a fit of coughing spasms that I could never recover from without fresh air. Oh shit.

  'Enough.' Sophia yelled the word loud enough that even I jumped at the volume. In less than two seconds the bubbler bottle was removed from my rubber hose and I was once again sucking in clean, sweet air, whilst trying not to vomit.

  'Calm down. Big, deep breaths, pet.' She rubbed my arm slowly and somehow it helped. 'If you want to end this do it now.' Sophia was giving me an out and I was sorely tempted to take it. If I hadn't had a roaring hard-on I might have packed my bags, but I figured the end was in sight now, and it shouldn't be too long before I finally got what I wanted. Keeping both feet securely on the floor, I shook my head.

  'There's more breath play to come, pet. Are you sure you're not going to end this?' I couldn't help but wonder if Sophia was trying to get rid of me. It certainly seemed that way. The thought of more breath play didn't scare me off, though it probably should have done. I was too focused on my arousal and the hideously blissful feeling of the Cat crashing into my back. Now it's no secret that I'm a stubborn bastard, but sometimes even I think I'm crazy. It looked like Sophia did too. Well, that was her problem. If I had the use of my hands I would have rubbed them together and asked what they had in store for game number three. They wouldn't have answered me, so it was probably just as well I didn't. Come on ladies, I thought viciously. Show me what you've got. Did I forget to mention that I also work quite well under pressure?

  Chapter Sixteen - Leyland

  Torture wasn't supposed to be this much fun. Mind you, it wasn't torture in the usual sense - Marianna had been constantly and consistently screaming out her orgasms for the past hour or so, but she finally appeared to be flagging. I couldn't help but wonder how much more of this the woman could take.

  'How's that new piercing feel, precious?' I was well aware that it felt amazing, judging by how quickly she was climaxing, but it's always nice to hear it from the horse's mouth.

  'I can't take much more of this,' she whispered, and her voice sounded broken. That was exactly what I wanted to hear. I had a feeling I could break this woman over and over again, into a thousand pieces or more, and never tire of putting her back together again. It was an interesting thought, but one I didn't intend to dwell on. I did not form attachments to women. I played with them, took them out to dinner occasionally, and then put them back wherever they belonged. That was the arrangement and I wasn't about to change it.

  'Poor girl. Are all of these orgasms too much for you, precious? Well, you know what I want. If you tell me they could stop in an instant.' But I hope you don't, because I'm having way too much fun here, I thought.

  Thankfully she must have heard me, because her lips clamped tightly shut and she seemed to be bracing herself for round two. Excellent. The girl had more stamina than I thought.

  'Oh, so you want to play?' I appeared shocked by her stance, but I was beginning to learn there was a lot more to Marianna than
met the eye. I was more than happy to push her various buttons and see just how far I could take that beautiful body. I had a feeling the journey would be longer than I thought.

  'This is good news. Okay, so I used my fingers for the first two orgasms, and we managed another five with the wand. I wonder what we can use next?' Speaking out loud, purely to torment her, I watched her determined eyes glance down in my direction. They tried to convey the message 'I will not crack', but I knew better. They all cracked. Eventually.

  'I think I'll go with the rabbit. That's always fun.' Marianna's eyes said she didn't agree, but that wasn't my problem. Wringing another two or three climaxes out of her was going to be a piece of cake. No woman alive could resist those bunny ears, and I wasn't using any old rabbit. Oh no. I was using a luxury supercharged version, complete with a pliable tip for expert G-spot stimulation. The magic wand had been a warm up - but now I intended to bring out the big guns.

  Pulling the bright purple rabbit out of my bag, I held it up to Marianna's face and ran my finger along the smooth tip. 'Are you already imagining this inside you, darling?' I let it gently caress her cheek, and she shuddered.

  'I'm trying not to.'

  She still held herself proudly, and there was plenty of fight left in her eyes. The few minutes of recovery time I had given her had worked wonders.

  'And you call yourself a submissive? With all those years of abstinence, darling, I'd have thought you might have wanted to catch up on a spot of pleasure here and there.' Talking to Marianna purely to have the pleasure of hearing her voice, I did think that this might have been the oddest torture session on record.

  'I'm not personally against the idea,' she replied nonchalantly, 'but I'd rather not do it all in the same day. I don't want to be greedy.'

  Dammit. Now the woman was making jokes. I was never going to get anything out of her if we continued on this vein. You need to show her who's boss, Leyland.


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