The Velvet Caress

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The Velvet Caress Page 27

by C. P. Mandara

  To appease my grumpy husband I wasted no time in getting down to business. Employing every single tactic I'd learned in Albrecht, I had him pretty much exactly where I wanted him in just under three minutes, which was when I stopped.

  'Beg me to let you come,' I said looking at him, licking my lips. Yes, I knew I was playing with fire but I couldn't resist.

  At first he looked like he was going to throttle me, but then he inhaled a large, shaky breath and said, 'That is not how this works. You can suck or not suck, the choice is entirely yours, but if you fail to deliver on your end of the bargain I'm going to make good on all those threats I issued earlier.' He gave me a wolfish grin. 'I'll thoroughly enjoy myself, too.' He tilted his head slightly as if daring me to take on the challenge.

  I was many things, but I wasn't completely stupid. In this relationship I was going to have to pick my battles wisely, and this was not one I needed to win. Besides, I was actually having a whole lot of fun, so I might as well continue.

  'Spoilsport,' I uttered. It was the last word I said for some time.

  Over the next three hours Mark got his three blowjobs and I managed to climax five times. We finally had to stop, because neither of us had the energy to continue without some food inside us.

  As my cooking skills were virtually non-existent it was Mark who made dinner. I watched him the whole time, and the smell of whatever he was creating was magnificent. Maybe he'd teach me one day.

  'What are you making?' I asked him, unable to hide my grin as he cast his eyes up and down my almost naked body not once but twice before he answered.

  'I love that dress,' he purred. 'I'm going to have one made for every day of the week. It makes me hard just looking at it.' He gave me yet another look from top to bottom and I rolled my eyes at him.

  'That's another fifty spanks to add to the tally,' he said, winking at me. Moving over towards one of the kitchen chairs I sat my backside down on one gingerly. It still had a rather fiery glow from earlier. I'd already figured out that I was always going to have a bright pink bottom under Mark's roof, and that I'd better get used to my daily spankings. I seemed to put a foot wrong approximately every twenty seconds, so at the rate I was going I would probably still have spankings to work off when I was sixty. It wasn't all bad news though, because there were definite perks to having your backside reddened.

  'My apologies, darling. No more eye rolling.' I cast them down demurely and injected just the right amount of sincerity into my voice. I waited silently to see what he would make of that.

  Before I knew what was happening an arm snaked around my waist and he pulled me upright, hauling me into his chest. I was so shocked at this display of affection that I blinked stupidly for a minute or two.

  'Am I being too hard on you?' he whispered. 'I know it's early days, so if I'm giving you more than you can handle just say the word and I'll ease up. I want you to enjoy this kind of relationship. If you're not enjoying yourself we'll work something else out. I need you to be happy.' The emphasis on 'need' was heart-warming. Mark Matthews really did love me. He was even prepared to compromise. If you'd told me this two weeks ago I'd have laughed in your face.

  'I'm just teasing you, sweetheart. I can take all you have to give and more, and I'm enjoying myself immensely, even if you are going to be spanking me well into my retirement,' I said wryly.

  Mark squeezed my ass and chuckled. 'I bloody hope so. I would love to grow old with you, Jennifer Matthews.' The cooker timer interrupted that thought and he rushed over to the hob, where he began stirring and mixing things around.

  'Which reminds me,' I spoke over the bleeping, 'what is for dinner?'

  'A chilli prawn risotto, with sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes. Oh, and we've got some garlic bread on the side. You might as well sit yourself down and get comfortable.' The look he gave me after that comment was hilarious.

  Pressing my bottom once again into the cold white leather chair, I sat up straight and tried not to think about my pounding backside.

  'Pull that dress up and then sit down again, sweet pea.'

  'If I do that my ass is going to stick to the leather,' I said, and I glanced up at him pleadingly.

  'Nice ladies do not say "ass". That's another fifty spanks. But you're right, it is, which is excellent because I'm going to play with you all through dinner. If pulling your butt up off that chair is going to hurt, you're not going to squirm, which means it's far less likely that I'll get sauce down my shirt. Now be a good girl and do as you're told.'

  I rolled my eyes again before realising my mistake.

  'That's another fifty,' Mark remarked as he put a large plate of the risotto before him with a single knife and fork.

  'Are you feeding me dinner?' I was already beyond excited. Mark was going to play with me whilst feeding me. There was no greater heaven on earth.

  'Yes. I'm always going to feed you. At the moment you need feeding up. After the poisoning thing you look like a bag of bones - and don't take that the wrong way. You are utterly adorable in every way, but I'm not going to be happy until there is some meat on you. Which brings me to the next topic of conversation.' He fed me a mouthful of risotto using his fork and my taste buds exploded with delight. If it were possible for taste buds to orgasm they were having multiples.

  'I'd like at least three babies. What are your thoughts on the matter?'

  I then choked on the most delicious thing I had eaten in ages. Why did he have to go and spoil the moment?

  'Why not go for an even ten?' I finally remarked, after I'd somehow managed to swallow a mostly un-chewed mouthful of food.

  'I'm happy with that if you are. Let's do ten,' he remarked amiably.

  I swatted him upside the head. 'Mark, let's take this one step at a time, okay. I'm too young for babies. Give me a year or two and then we'll see. Oh, and the next time you bring up major announcements like that give me a warning for Christ sakes!'

  'That's another fifty spanks,' he said, giving me a dark look, but then he brightened. 'I can wait. Now I have you here there is no immediate rush.'

  'Glad to hear it,' I said dryly. 'Now how about you continue fattening me up? I was really enjoying that bit.'

  If it were possible to be in heaven and hell at the same time, Mark managed to fly me there with ease during dinner. The food was magical but his tormenting fingers were merciless. When we'd eaten the risotto I was hoping he could finish what he'd started, but oh no. We had dessert to get through and it was even more diabolical than the main. It tasted wonderful, some mango and coconut mousse with raspberry coulis, I think. The problem was that Mark delighted in smearing it all over me and then kissing it off. He began with my lips, which was almost bearable, before moving on to arms, inner thighs, breasts and nipples. Then he deposited a rather large portion between my legs and I thought I might kill him. The bastard made me orgasm twice before he had finished it all up. Mark Matthews was going to be the death of me, I swear.

  Some considerable time later I was in the bathtub, and Mark was soaping my body down with undisguised enthusiasm.

  'How on earth did I manage before I met you? I had to wash myself, feed myself, dress myself…' There was a considerable degree of sarcasm in my voice. He appeared not to notice.

  'And now all of that is behind you. What a lucky girl you are.' He squeezed the breast he was soaping fondly and continued as if he hadn't heard me. I decided there and then that if all my days were going to be like this, I had chosen my husband fairly well.

  'You are going to spoil me rotten,' I whispered, sinking further in the bubbles, and on a whim deciding to blow some of my own.

  Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. 'You have no idea, Mrs Matthews. I am going to spoil you for any other man, period. You belong to me and I take very good care of what is mine.' There was another squeeze and he added a flick to my nipple to drive his point home. I groaned. I felt like a bitch in heat and had started to think about sex every ten seconds. Was this what it felt like to be
a man? I almost snorted at my own joke.

  'Well you've managed one day with me, darling. Do you think you can make it through two?'

  'You're a pussycat. Bring it on,' I replied with a cheeky twinkle in my eye.

  'Ah ha. So you want the old Mark back, already? That can be arranged.'

  Although I knew he was joking I suspected that if we stayed married for longer than a week, at some point I was going to get a glimpse of the old Mark here and there. It didn't frighten me, strangely enough. The old Mark turned me on just as much, if not more, though he would be a pain to live with. Hopefully we'd managed to get some kind of balance between the two. Then my thoughts turned back to Michael. Where was he? What was he going to do next? I frowned and turned towards my husband.

  It was time to finally bring up the conversation we'd both been avoiding. I needed to clear the air, and it was best if I did it now rather than later.

  'My father wants something from you, from us. I'm not sure what. You know there is no love lost between us. I'm his stepdaughter, from a marriage that I thought ended so badly my mother just disappeared. We've since discovered that might not have been exactly how it happened. I've tried to unravel the mystery more times than I can count, with the help of several private investigators, but either Michael or my mother covered up all the loose ends neatly and each clue I had ended up in a dead end. For a while I lived for little else but to serve his purpose.' I sighed.

  'So you have no idea what he's up to?' Mark looked thoughtful.

  'None. I don't think he's finished with us yet though.' That was a lie. I knew he wasn't finished with us. My father didn't give up that easily.

  'He'll be running scared for a bit. After your testimony the authorities will want to speak with him, so he won't show his face round these parts anytime soon. If he's sensible he'll retire to Mexico and hopefully this will be the last we'll ever see of him.' Mark said the words with conviction, mostly for my benefit, but I was pretty sure he didn't believe them any more than I did. If daddy dearest couldn't visit the UK he'd send someone who could. Then again, maybe I was being a little pessimistic. My father wasn't stupid. Perhaps he would stay hidden, and that would be that.

  'My mother is after him, so maybe we won't have to worry too much. If she finds him anything he's done to me in the past will seem like child's play.' I shuddered to think what she'd do to him if she got her hands on him. She'd looked pretty mad when I told her the recent string of events that had happened to me. Perhaps my father was the one who should be worried, and not me.

  'That reminds me, what did he threaten you with in order to go through with the poisoning?' Mark looked curious, as well he might be. It wasn't every day you married a monster of a billionaire under duress.

  'My father has made so many threats it's hard to keep track of them. To get me to marry you he threatened to send me back to Albrecht and have me trained up to black, before I would be sold off. That was still the deal should I divorce you, by the way, which was why that was never an option. To poison you he used the same threat, but just gave it a different twist.'

  'I'm listening,' he said grimly.

  'I'd go back to Albrecht with Kyle as my trainer,' I whispered.

  'That miserable fucking bastard. I'm going to kill your stepfather, Jen, and I hate to say it, but I'll probably enjoy myself. You are not to worry about him. No matter what happens I'll take care of you. You don't have to worry about anything. I will always be there for you. You know that, right?' Mark brought a great big fluffy white towel up to the side of the bath and motioned for me to get out. When I did so he wrapped it around me and lifted me up into his lap. I could get used to this kind of treatment.

  'Well I am a little worried, but I think you could probably distract me,' I said, grinning at him. His eyes narrowed immediately, but with mock humour thankfully.

  'Why, Mrs Matthews, I do believe I have created a monster.' He managed to sneak his hand between my legs, which were now free of the spreader bar, but I kept them wide open for him anyway. He was doing exactly what I wanted, and I was pretty sure it was in my best interests to keep him happy.

  'You are insatiable, Jen. You know that, right?' He dipped his fingers inside me and sure enough, I was once again soaking wet.

  'You made the monster,' I said, grinning. 'Now you'll just have to deal with it.'

  Thankfully he spent hours and hours doing exactly that. If this was day one of my training under his hand, I couldn't wait to see what day two would bring…

  The end of Book Two in The Velvet Lies series

  I really hope you enjoyed The Velvet Caress, and thank you for reading it. Reviews are very important to me and my books, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd consider leaving one at Amazon.

  If you'd like to find out how Mark and Jenny met, the first book is called The Riding School and it's book one of a six book series called Pony Tales.

  Want to be notified when the next book is available? Sign up to my newsletter at

  The Velvet Collar

  Book three in The Velvet Lies series

  On Dangerous Ground

  I made a bet with my newlywed submissive wife. I told her that if she could behave herself impeccably for a week she could wear the trousers for a day. That included being able to dominate me. The bet was almost guaranteed to be impossible to achieve, and yet somehow she did it. It looks like I'm in for a fun night, doesn't it?

  If that wasn't bad enough, Kyle has been spotted near our home. It scares me. I can feel the net closing in and I'm still no closer to unravelling the pieces. We need to figure out what Redcliff wants, and fast.

  In order to do this I'm going to have to talk to my mother-in-law, who still isn't speaking to me. I have no idea what her problem is. She tried to kill me, not the other way around…


  I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me with The Velvet Caress. Debenpac from Texas always has some fantastic plot ideas, and Robin and Caroline are fantastic beta readers, along with many others.

  To all of you on my Facebook page - another big thank you for helping me with medical procedures, slang, book covers, and plot problems. I don't know what I'd do without you - actually I do - I'd probably have to rewrite the book and it would be a very messy affair.

  For those that have offered encouragement to me along the way, another big thank you. This is the eighth book in the series, if you count the original Pony Tales, and it's been quite a journey. Those comments you leave in my inbox inspire me to write, day after day.

  And last but most certainly not least a big thank you to my wonderful readers. Without you, all of this would be for naught. All of your kind words, reviews, and thoughts make each book a little better than the last.

  Christina x

  Christina Mandara is a USA TODAY bestselling author and tends to write dark romance with lashings of kinky naughtiness. Her favourite pastime is travelling, and if it involves sun, sea and… sand then it's all good.

  In her spare time she's usually cuddled up with a good book, exploring the countryside or baking in the kitchen. In fact, she loves her kitchen so much she's one of few woman who wouldn't mind being tied to it! Her first and foremost love is writing, however, and more often than not you'll find her on a laptop spinning tales of romance, erotica or dark, paranormal fantasies.

  She's a big fan of BDSM in all of its glorious forms, and her favourite item in the toy closet (a box simply isn't big enough) is her riding crop.

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