Just One Glance (Oh Tequila Series Book 5)

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Just One Glance (Oh Tequila Series Book 5) Page 8

by C. A. Harms

  Ruby: Tomorrow at seven sounds good. I will meet you there.

  I would have much rather picked her up, but Isaac was right, it was best to steer clear of her father. I’d never admit it to him though, cocky bastard.

  I hovered over the buttons, wondering what I should send back, or even if I should send anything. Overeager was not what I wanted to come across as, but truth be told, I was. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.

  About two a.m. I was woken up to the sounds of what resembled a foghorn. Bolting out of bed, I ran across the room toward my door. After unlocking it, I jerked it open and found none other than Tweedle-dum, Corbin himself, huddled on the floor with his hands over his ears.

  Standing only a few feet away was Isaac, hunched over holding his stomach, trying his damnedest to control his laughter. Eli stood at his side looking completely unfazed holding a foghorn in his hand. There was a stoic look on his face as he stared down at Corbin. One by one the rest of the frat brothers started to emerge into the hallway to see what the commotion was.

  “I said I was sorry,” Corbin wailed, making no attempt to get off the floor. “How was I supposed to know she was naked?”

  “It’s the bathroom, you douche.” Again Eli did not look amused or forgiving.

  “I was half asleep, and to my defense the bathroom door was unlocked. Who takes a shower and leaves a door unlocked? Especially around here!”

  “So it’s Blake’s fault now.” Eli kicked his foot out and Corbin tried to scoot away. A grunt escaped him when he felt the kick.

  That’s when the door came open and Blake walked out of the bathroom looking like Ralphie from Christmas Story. She wore a big pink fluffy onesie, leaving no part of her body uncovered. We all stopped and looked at her as she remained frozen in the now open bathroom doorway.

  I had no doubt that Red bought her the atrocious outfit.

  “Hey Ralphie,” the words were out before I could stop them and everyone around me laughed, except Eli. Oh, and Blake.

  This gave Corbin time to scurry away before Elijah had a chance to stop him and he was back in his room with the sounds of doors locking and something heavy being slid across the floor. My guess was a dresser or desk.

  The rest of the guys slowly started to disburse and Eli grabbed Blake around the waist and carried her off, grumbling something about doors having locks for a reason. I imagined she was in for a night, or should I say morning now that the first half of his frustration had been taken out on Corbin. That guy was always in the line of fire.


  I sat in my truck outside of the theater and watched the front doors like a fucking stalker. Part of me was worried she wouldn’t show. Another part was overwhelmed with anticipation for her arrival.

  Then I saw a flash of red and it felt like my heart skipped a beat, or ten. She wore tight jeans, a red shirt that hung off one shoulder, and her hair flowed down her back. Ruby was a vision.

  I took a few seconds to admire her, staring out the windshield of my truck. She looked left and then right, before pulling her phone out of her purse, staring down at it. I noticed a few guys pass and their looks lingered as they walked away. She had no idea just how attractive she truly was.

  My phone pinged from the center console and I already knew it was her.

  Ruby: Am I being stood up?

  Chuckling, I considered my words carefully before typing out my response.

  Jay: Hell no, I’d be a fool not to show for a beauty such as yourself. I was just admiring you for a bit.

  I looked back just as she lifted her gaze and scanned over the parking lot as if searching for me. She had no idea what I drove which made the confused look on her face even more enjoyable. Back and forth she roamed, seeking me out.

  I couldn’t resist adding in another message to ensure her I was in fact watching her.

  Jay: Red looks good on you.

  I waited with a smile on my face as she looked back at her phone and began to type.

  Ruby: Okay creeper join me or I’m leaving.

  I’d be worried if I didn’t notice the huge smile stretched out over her lips.

  Turning off the ignition, I grabbed my keys and opened the door. Instantly I saw her find me and she lowered her phone, placing it back into her purse. With each step I took I felt my chest grow tighter and I wondered if this feeling was what I’d heard Xavier, Eli, and hell, even the twins mention so many times before. That desire to be near someone, even if there was nothing going on, the mere presence alone was all you truly needed. I didn’t know her so much, but it didn’t take long for me to realize she was different. Not a bad different, a desired different. Sweet, smart, Ruby was a breath of fresh air.

  “Should I be worried that you linger in parking lots and watch girls?”

  “Not girls.” I stepped up onto the curb and did my best to contain the joy I felt rushing through me. “Just one.”

  A rosy color filled her cheeks and it was yet another sign of just how sweet and timid she was. She didn’t flaunt, but she flirted. She didn’t come off sleazy, but the interest was there. All this only made me want to know her more, no, need to know her more.

  “So…” she tucked her chin toward her chest as if attempting to hide her blush. “Should we grab the tickets?”

  I reached out and as she turned, I placed my hand against the small of her back, leading her toward the front entrance.

  After buying the tickets we stopped at the concession stand and got popcorn and drinks. I tossed a bag of Reese’s Pieces on the counter and she looked back over her shoulder with a smile. “What?” Shrugging, I replied, “Every salty needs some sweet.” Arching a brow, I dared her to argue with me but she only smiled wider and turned back to the young girl behind the counter who was watching us closely.

  It had been a long time since I’d felt this relaxed, this eager.

  Chapter Twenty


  Don’t be nervous, just be yourself. I sat next to Jay consistently repeating Darcy’s words in my mind. Be myself, really, that was her advice. Come on, that had never before gotten me were I was now. In fact, it was acting out of character that had gotten me here.

  I was a nervous wreck, though I truly hoped he didn’t pick up on it. My stomach was in knots, my palms sweaty, and my heart, I swear it was going to beat right out of my chest.

  I could hear the movie, see the screen, but I couldn’t tell you what the hell it was about. I was entirely too focused on the way Jay’s shoulder kept brushing against mine or the occasional touch of his hand against my own when I reached for popcorn.

  There was a silence between us, but talking in the theater was a little difficult.

  “Not a fan of action?” Jay’s hot breath fanned out over my cheek as he leaned in to whisper near my ear. Turning too quick, my mouth skimmed over his check. He didn’t pull back, only smiled, which managed to make my heart race even faster. The calm, cool, and collected demeanor I was going for was completely shot when I looked up and found his gaze locked on mine.

  I wished more than anything that I was put together like Darcy. Right then she would have some sly remark, one that would give her back the control in the situation.

  “You make me nervous.” Okay, that was not what I meant to say. Not even close. “I mean―” What was the freaking point? I’d already allowed my mouth to get ahead of my brain. Immediately I covered my face with my hand and tried to hide myself.

  I swore I heard him chuckle, which only made things worse.

  Darcy said be myself, yep, mission accomplished.

  The feeling of his hand touching mine and the way he began to tug it away from my face only heightened my embarrassment.

  “Here’s a little secret.” I looked up at him and he was smiling. “You make me nervous too.” For a few seconds neither of us said anything more, we just stared at one another. He’s nervous too? Hmm.

  Instead of him letting go of my hand, he lowered it to the space between us and continued to toy
with my fingers. I focused on the feeling, watching it more than I watched the movie. It was strange but amazing, which I know is pathetic, but I’m that girl who had never had the attention of a guy. It was a sweet change.

  When he threaded his fingers through my own and brought our now joined hands to rest on his thigh, I sat holding my breath, awaiting the rush of nerves to swarm me, that feeling of overwhelming anxiety that left me completely unsettled. Only it didn’t come, instead I felt comfort.

  For the rest of the movie we remained just like that, him leaning in a little closer and me accepting it. It felt right, sweet even. His way of doing all he could to relax me and assure me that what I was feeling was normal and that he too felt the same.


  “Jay Grady?” For the fourth time Darcy repeated his name like I was lying or something. “Wow, I figured you’d be calling me complaining about him being all hands and shit.”

  “All hands?”

  “Uh, yeah, all those guys are the same.” I’d heard her complain about a guy named Isaac on more than one occasion, but then again, Darcy is always complaining about guys. “They are all about getting laid. I figured Jay would be the perfect guy for you to wrap up item ten and then you could move on to a more solid one. One that isn’t all about sex and parties.”

  “So you’re pimping me out to a whore?”

  She laughed, but I remained calm, which surprised even me. My best friend had pretty much just told me she allowed me to go on a date with a guy because she expected him to be the one that would help me lose my virginity quick.

  “Please, pull the stick out of your ass and tell me that you didn’t think the same thing.”

  “No, actually, I thought he was sweet and that I may enjoy time with him.”

  When she laughed I felt my confidence fade.

  “Jay Grady is not your forever guy, he’s the one who will help you prepare for that guy.” I felt the disappointment settle in my chest. “I’ve been to enough parties to know that he or any other guy there aren’t looking for anything permanent and long term. They want to party, live out their inhibitions, and not be held accountable for their actions.”

  The date now that I thought was fun and couldn’t wait to repeat no longer felt the same. It had been diminished to nothing more than a joke.

  The sound of the front door shutting gained my attention and only added to my already ruined night. “I should go.” My chest ached and my throat burned. “My dad just got home and I’m sure we’ll be worrying about dinner soon.”

  We said our goodbyes and I begrudgingly exited my room and walked downstairs to face my father. Everything always felt so forced around him, it reminded me of just how unhappy I’d been. Just a few hours ago I felt like I was on top of the world and suddenly the only thing I felt was anger. Toward my father yes, but mostly toward Darcy. She took away my joy, she took a great date and darkened it.

  As I rounded the corner, I found my father and a woman standing in the kitchen and I froze. She was tall, with long blonde hair, and wearing a fitted skirt that hugged her a little too tightly. High heels, cheetah printed, and a belt around her waist that matched.

  She was all the things I’d spent years listening to him tell me a woman should not be.

  The sound of her laughter as she leaned into my father and placed her palm to his chest. It was the first time in longer than I could remember that I saw him smile.

  “Ruby.” My father stepped back away from the woman and looked at me in surprise. “I wasn’t aware that you were home.”

  Slowly, the woman turned around to face me and I noticed how young she was. I’d never seen her before.

  “I’m always home at this time.” It was pathetic, yes, but also it was the easiest way to keep him off my back.

  “This is Bianca.” I tried not to sneer at her. There was something about her that I instantly disliked. “She’s my new assistant.” Biting the inside of my cheek, I allowed him to continue. “We have several meetings lined up next week and we plan on working late. You can order something in and we’ll be in my office.” Without another word he ushered her out of the room and toward the hall. Just before they disappeared around the corner she looked back at me and the triumphant smile she flashed made me want to laugh. She actually thought she’d won, but if my father’s attention were the surprise, she could have it. She honestly had to be delusional if she felt he was a gift, that man was an ass.

  In an odd way I was the winner because if he was focused on her. It meant maybe, just maybe, he’d be less focused on mine.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I stood in the entryway of the frat house, holding my phone in my hand, staring down at it as if willing it to vibrate, ping, or fucking ring. Anything really.

  I’d sent several messages over the course of the past three days yet still I’d received nothing in return.

  “You still pining?” Isaac walked by and pushed on my shoulder, making me stumble. “You didn’t even get any and you’re hooked.” He paused and turned back to face me. “Wait? Is that it? Like a conquest that can’t be forgotten until conquered?”

  “Shut the hell up.” Yes, I was testy, but he was being an ass.

  Isaac was our president and he kicked ass in that role. But when it came to the opposite sex, he was an ass. Never the same girl twice and he had no intention of settling down. In fact, he made sure to hassle the guys in the house who had way more than he should.

  “She’s too much work. I told you messing with the Dean’s daughter was a bad idea. She probably had padlocked panties.”

  “Don’t you have something else you could be doing?”

  “Or someone.” He wagged his brows and tossed his keys in the air before catching them again. “Her name is Ginger and she’s a TA. Apparently she’s lonely and I’m heading over to her place to see if I can help her out with that.”

  He didn’t wait for me to say anymore and I was thankful. Right now Isaac is the last thing I need. I’d already been going over the details of my date with Ruby more than I should, trying to find the point where things had gone wrong. Each time I came up empty.

  She’d even said she had a great time.

  Walking outside, needing some fresh air, I sat on the front porch and leaned back, closing my yes. My phone rested on my thigh as I again found myself going over details

  “You okay?” I opened my eyes and saw Palmer climbing the stairs with Emelie holding her son Ethan in her arms. They paused and part of me wanted to say yes, but another part knew that I had no fucking clue what my next move should be. Asking the guys of the house seemed pointless, and asking my sister, hell, that would open up a whole mess of questions I didn’t feel like filtering.

  “When is the point when a guy should just say the hell with it and move on?”

  I sat up taller and leaned forward, waiting for them to respond. Ignoring the look they shared with one another, I continued to wait.

  “I’m gonna take a wild guess here and assume that you’re getting the brush off and can’t figure out why?” Emelie smiled and shifted Ethan from one hip to the other.

  “We went out, things seemed great. Now,” I held up my phone, “I’ve messaged and nothing.”

  “Did you act like an ass?”

  “No.” At least I didn’t think I did. “It was a movie, and afterwards I didn’t even try to kiss her.” Though I wanted to.

  “Well, that’s the problem.” Corbin poked his head out of the door and instantly I regretted talking at all. “She thinks you’re gay.”

  Palmer rolled her eyes and pushed on his chest. With that he grabbed her hands, pulled her in close, and she squealed, just before he covered her mouth with his own and dipped her backwards dramatically. I looked away, wondering how in the hell some dipshit like him got the girl and I got nothing.

  “See,” Corbin motioned toward Palmer, who now looked a little dazed. “Kiss the girl and then they are putty in your hands.” With that he grippe
d her ass and gave it a little squeeze. She mumbled menacingly before shoving him and then they disappeared inside.

  “Hey.” Emelie still remained on the porch and took the seat next to my own. Repositioning her son on her lap, I watched her being so gentle with him. It was strange, but with each of my brothers settling down one by one, I’d managed to gain a new sister. And this little guy, he was part of that large extended family too.

  He held a toy four wheeler in his hand tightly and I was reminded of the stories they shared after the twins’ trip back home. After Corbin fell into the dark place when our brother Brent was killed in a motorcycle accident, Clayton had introduced the little guy to four wheeling and now he’d found his new love.

  “I remember how resistant I was in the beginning.” Emelie talked to me, though she watched her son. “Not all of us wear our fears and worries on our sleeves. We each have things that keep us from jumping headfirst into an opportunity. For me it was…” She motioned toward her son. “It wasn’t just me that could be hurt but him too.”

  I highly doubted that Ruby had a kid, but I got what she was saying.

  “College is hard, and not just the academic parts. We are all discovering who we are, who we want to be. We all have obstacles and things are so easily misinterpreted. Maybe this girl is scared.”

  I looked away from Ethan and found that Emelie was looking directly at me.

  “I don’t know you that well, Jay, but from what I do know I can tell you aren’t a bad guy.”

  A silence settled between us, with only the sounds of her son playing with his toy and mumbling as he did.

  “If the phone isn’t working then maybe you should go to her. Maybe you should take away her choice to hide behind a text and force her to tell you why she’s avoiding you. It’s better than driving yourself crazy.” Emelie shrugged just before the door opened and out stepped Clay. Of course like most guys in this house he gave me the stink eye because I was occupying his girl’s time.


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