Brother’s Best Friend

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Brother’s Best Friend Page 103

by Kaylee, Katy

  I jumped down from the counter and, with my hand on his chest, pushed him back toward the kitchen table.

  “Chair or table?” I said, ignoring him.

  “Fuck.” He sat in the chair. His cock was standing straight up, looking hard, tight and red.

  I held my piping back over it.

  “I’m serious, Sof, I might come.”

  “That’s okay. I’d like to see that.”

  He growled again.

  I piped a dollop of frosting onto his tip.

  He hissed out a breath and his fingers gripped the chair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

  I smiled, loving his reaction. I piped a second and third dollop on each of his balls, eliciting a long groan from him.

  “You’re torturing me.”

  “Let me take care of you, Jake.” I knelt between his thighs. I made an “mmm” sound.

  “Fuck…come on Sofia.” His hips bucked, and I could feel his need radiating off of him. He was coiled tight.

  I licked his ball, tasting the mixture of Jake and frosting. He hissed again. His breath came in sharp gasps. I sucked his other ball and his hand went to my head.


  How could I refuse that? “I want to drink your cum, Jake.”

  “Oh fuck…then you better hurry because I’m about ready.”

  I swirled my tongue over his tip, taking in the frosting as he let out another torturous groan. Wanting to please him, I sucked his dick deep in my mouth.

  “Yes…God, Sofia yes…” His hips bucked up. I moved my mouth over him, in time with his movements. Then I gripped him, and focused on the tip, running my tongue around the sensitive rim. “Fuck me with your mouth, Sof…I need to come…ah, fuck…I need to come.”

  I sucked him deep, taking him until his tip reached the back of my throat. He let out a long feral growl and then I tasted his warm essence as it coated my mouth. I worked him as he continued to thrust and pump his cum into my mouth until I couldn’t manage it. I removed my mouth but used my hand to finish him off. When his dick was finally flaccid, I looked up at him.

  His head was dropped back and his eyes were closed as his breath slowly returned to normal. “You fucking blow my mind,” he said

  “Good.” I straightened and straddled his thighs.

  His hands squeezed my ass. He finally lifted his head and looked at me. “You’re not going to offer this service at your bakery, are you?”

  I laughed. “Only for you, Jake.”

  He flinched slightly and only then did I realize that I’d made a comment that suggested we’d continue like this once our deal was done. That made me flinch too. Not that I didn’t like this arrangement, but I knew Jake wasn’t a forever sort of guy. Plus I had my own goals to achieve.

  Wanting to get us back on track I said, “I wanted to thank you for finding such a great spot. And it has a place to live. Two birds with one stone.”

  Something like sadness washed over his face. It was the same thing I saw when we toured the studio apartment. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  I tilted my head to study him. “Is something wrong?”

  He shook his head.

  “I don’t believe you. Something was up when you walked in.”

  “I forgot, because remember, you blew my mind.”

  I quirked a brow at him. “Really? Is everything okay?” Had his partnership fallen through?

  He sighed. “I got a call from Tony today.”

  “Oh?” I leaned back slightly, but Jake’s arms held me and pulled me back toward him.

  “He wants to meet up for a beer. He asked me why you were such a bitch—his word not mine—at his birthday.”

  I made a face. “Did you tell him?”

  “I wasn’t sure what was okay to say, but I did suggest that you had some concern over his behavior toward that woman…Theresa.”

  I nodded. “Did you ask him what was going on?”

  “He didn’t say he was fucking her specifically, but his responses suggest that he is.”

  My heart broke. I started to move off Jake. Why did men have to be such weak babies?

  Jake held me tighter. “I’m not him, Sofia.”

  “I know.” Although what would it matter? We were having a business arrangement that included sex. This wasn’t forever. And no commitments beyond our business deal had been made.

  “I felt like a hypocrite getting on his case for cheating while I was lying to him,” Jake said.

  “It’s not the same,” I said.

  “It’s a betrayal.”

  All of a sudden, I wondered if Jake was going to end this arrangement right now. Why not? He had his partnership. We’d chosen the bakery. He could help me get it set up without our being in this marriage.

  “So, you’re ready to end our deal?” Again, I tried to move off of him, feeling too vulnerable being naked and so close.

  “No. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t think about it, but I still need you and we need to get your bakery and living situation set.”

  I was relieved that I had time, but I was hurt and sad too, that all this was going to come to an end. Which was dumb because of course it was going to end. I wanted it to end, didn’t I?

  Deciding to get back to the original topic, I asked, “are you meeting Tony?”

  “Yes. I don’t have a date or time yet, but I’ll let you know. I think it will be out at a bar so we don’t have to worry about him coming here.”

  “Is he going to leave Vera?”

  Jake sighed. “I don’t think so. He said he loves her and the kids.”

  I shook my head. “People don’t betray those they love.”

  “We’re betraying him.”

  “It’s not the same.”

  His head seesawed side to side. “He’ll see what I’ve done as a betrayal.”

  Looking into Jake’s blue eyes, I saw that it bothered him that he was having sex with his friend’s sister. I knew it had bothered him five years ago too. I guessed wanting a partnership was more important than that. Of course, at the time, our agreement was not to sleep together.

  “The thing is, Sofia, he feels trapped in a life he didn’t plan. That’s where you and I are different. We’re making our own destinies.”

  “That doesn’t make it okay for him to cheat.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I’m just saying what the situation is.”

  I nodded. “That could have been me, too.”

  “And now you’re about to have a bakery in New York City because you made different choices.” He stood, and set me on the table. “And now that I’ve caught my breath, I’m about to make a choice too.” He moved to the kitchen and came back with the bowl of frosting.

  My body tingled in anticipation of what he might do with it.

  “I’m hungry again, Sofia. Starved in fact.” He scooped up some frosting with his fingers and dragged it between my breasts and down over my belly. Then he grinned at me. “Dinner time.”



  I loved frosting. I craved Sofia. The two together was like I’d gone to sweet sexy heaven. Coming home to Sofia naked except her apron certainly took the edge off after a long day. That brought a new wave of concern as I realized how used to Sofia being in my home I was getting. This marriage plan worked because it was a short-term deal, after which she and I could go our own ways. Sure, we’d still be friends, but there would be no business agreement or marriage. We’d each get what we wanted and no one had to know. No harm, no foul.

  Of course, that only worked if no attachments were made. As far as I could tell, Sofia was enjoying herself, but she didn’t appear to be developing stronger feelings. In fact, I suspected she’d move out tonight into her new place and bakery if her excitement over the viewing today was any indication. This was a good thing, and yet, I found myself feeling disappointed at the prospect of her leaving.

  Pushing all that aside, I focused on Sofia, worshiping her delectable body with my hands and mouth until she
was coming on my tongue. Then I took care of my own urgent need by thrusting my cock inside her hot tight pussy. God, she felt so good. I pounded away until my own cum filled her.

  After a shower, I sat with her at the table I’d just fucked her on as she went over her projected numbers and I reread the lease. I had an urge to encourage her to hold off on taking the place, yet there was no good reason not to. It was perfect for her needs. So, she called Jane, and we made arrangements to complete the deal.

  “I can’t wait to get in there to clean and paint,” Sofia said, her eyes bright with excitement. As much as I was reluctant to let her go, I did enjoy seeing her so happy. Whatever happened in the future, I would have been a part of helping her reach her goals. I felt good about that.

  “Why don’t we hire a cleaning crew?”

  “I have to watch the budget,” she said, looking over her financial list again.

  “A cleaning crew would be faster and probably better at getting all the old grime out.”

  She was right in that it was an extra expense, and I probably should have been more frugal. I had money from my uncle’s inheritance and I did well in my job, but I wasn’t filthy rich. I needed some of my uncle’s money to invest as an equity partner, and I agreed to not only get Sofia set up in her new bakery, but to support it for a few months until she was making a profit.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “The sooner it’s clean, the sooner you can decorate and get your equipment in.”

  “Speaking of which,” Sofia said, grabbing her laptop “I did some research on the things I’d need.” She showed me the big mixer she’d need and then at a few styles of tables and chairs she liked. “I was thinking of a long bench on the wall, with tables and chairs, and then a few more tables, I think five or so would fit, in the rest of the space.”

  “We should measure, but that is a good idea.”

  She grinned up at me. “I can’t believe this is really happening.”

  I couldn’t help but smile back. “You deserve it, honey.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure my part of the deal is payment enough for yours.”

  I put my hand over hers. “It is. This partnership will get me bigger and better clients and more leverage in the firm. I’ll earn back my investment in you.”

  She looked down at her paperwork, biting her plump bottom lip. “I’m a little scared.”

  “What? Why?” Unable to help myself, I reached over and pulled her into my lap. If our time was limited, I wanted to get my fill of her.

  “This is a big thing. What if I don’t make money? What if I don’t make it fast enough? It would have been smarter to open a bakery in one of the boroughs or at home.”

  I shook my head at her. “Don’t downsize your dream, Sofia. You have an excellent product. All you need is a good marketing plan. You’ve already started. All your Internet customers who live near here will come to see you. You’ve built your Instagram with baked food porn. People will want to see and eat that in person.”

  “You’re right. I have to believe in myself.”

  “I believe in you, Sofia.”

  She smiled at me with such gratitude and sweetness that I felt like I’d given her the world. It was a heady feeling. One I wanted to keep having.

  We worked on her business plan, estimating how long it would be before she could have the place cleaned, decorated, furnished and hire an assistant cook and a server, so she could open.

  “This date would put us at nearly six months married which is what we agreed to. Will that be long enough for your partnership?”

  Her question surprised me. Had we really been married for several months already? Initially, I’d planned for six months of marriage, although we’d been flexible in that. At the time, it seemed like it would be an eternity and I wondered how I’d cope. Now, I realized, time was whizzing by. The plan was working better than I’d anticipated. This was fantastic, and yet, my chest constricted at the idea that the end was near. Or maybe it was heartburn. I had just consumed a lot of frosting.

  “We could say that my obsession with the bakery was taking a toll on the marriage. Plus maybe we were rash in getting married.”

  I swallowed but nodded. “Once we have this settled and ready for opening, I think we can start to bring our deal to an end.”

  She smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Did you want to be done sooner?” Was she ready to be done with our deal?

  She shook her head. “No. I’m happy with what we’ve set up.”

  Good. “I’ll call cleaners tomorrow.”

  “Jake, I really appreciate all you’re doing for me. But you don’t have to help me with the cleaning and decorating and all that. You’re already doing so much and I know you need to focus on your work.”

  “I want to help.” It was crazy how much I wanted to be a part of helping her achieve her dream aside from writing the checks.

  “Really? You’re not just saying that?”

  “Really. Besides, I might get more frosted Sofia out of it.”

  The next day, we completed the paperwork and I arranged for a cleaning crew to scrub down both the bakery and the studio apartment. In the meantime, Sofia ordered the equipment, supplies and furniture she needed. The following weekend, with the place gleaming and smelling fresh, Sofia and I began to paint the bakery.

  Her color scheme was white with a sea-foamy green and black. “You don’t worry it will be too cutesy?” I asked when I opened the can of pale pastel green paint.

  “Cutesy?” She made a face at me. “Is that another word for girlie?”

  I shook my head. “No. Not at all.” Well, sort of.

  “It will be pretty. Look.” She handed me her large journal book where she kept all her bakery notes and ideas. She’d sketched out a page that had her ideas for the décor, which included the green as an accent, several areas that had chalkboard paint, and lots of white to keep the small place bright. She was right. It looked sophisticated and yet friendly and fun.

  “It’ll be great.”

  We got our tarps and brushes out and began to paint on the largest wall that would have the long bench seat.

  “I told my boss I was visiting a sick aunt today,” Sofia said as she brushed the first roll of paint on the wall. She stood back, pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

  “Then you probably shouldn’t post that,” I said, enjoying her enthusiasm for a job that was going to be hard and tedious.

  “Not yet anyway.” She turned to me and snapped another picture. “More eye candy for my followers.”

  I rolled my eyes and started to paint my section of the wall. “Have you told your family about this?”

  “Not really. You know when Tony came to see you last week, he never contacted me.”

  I nodded. “I told him too, but I think he’s afraid of you.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  “You’re a scary woman.”

  She cut me a glance.

  “Sometimes.” I grinned at her. “He knows you’ll give him hell over his behavior.”

  “He deserves worse than hell.” She rolled her brush in the paint again. “Is he still dipping his dick into that lady?”

  “I don’t know. That topic was off limits.”

  “Fucker and a coward.” She looked at me over her shoulder. “Do you think Vera knows?”

  I shrugged. “I can’t imagine she hasn’t heard the rumors. There aren’t secrets in small towns.”

  Her expression saddened. “She doesn’t deserve that.” Then her eyes darkened. “I hope she castrates him.” She shook her head and her paint strokes turned fast and jerky as if she was pissed. “How does he justify that? Does he give that lame-ass excuse of ‘I’m only human,’ or ‘it was a mistake’?” She turned to me, shaking her roller at me. “How does one mistakenly fuck someone?”

  I held my hands up in surrender. “I don’t know.”

  She made a fffttt sound. “Me
n and their dicks.” She whirled at me again. “Yours is uncontrollable too. Do you have to fight the urge to fuck women you see all day?”

  “No. The only woman I can’t control my dick around is you.”

  Her eyes narrowed as if she didn’t believe me.

  “Swear to God, Sof. And even if it did respond to another woman, I wouldn’t follow through.”

  She gave a satisfied nod. “I know it must be hard for you, but I appreciate it.”

  Huh? “What do you mean?”

  She went back to painting. “To have to resist women while you’re in this marriage. Before our deal, you could scratch that itch.”

  I frowned. I didn’t itch that much. At least over the last few years. I was too busy working my ass off to get my partnership.

  “But in only a few months, you’ll be able to indulge again.”

  “Sofia, what sort of man do you think I am?”

  “A sexy one that woman can’t resist. I know I can’t.” She gave me a flirty smile over her shoulder. Then she frowned as she saw I wasn’t enjoying her insinuation. “What?”

  “I’m not a horndog.”

  “I didn’t say you were—”

  “You suggested as much. I’ve been working my ass off. Until you, I haven’t been with a woman in—” Okay, I didn’t want to confess that part. I was still a man with pride. “Well a long time. My dick might have a mind of its own, but I don’t use it as regularly as you seem to think.”

  She studied me. “What’s got you all upset? You’re mad that I think you’re a sexy, usually single man who sows his oats?”

  Fuck, she made me sound like a pussy. “Yes. I’m not Tony. Since our marriage, my dick hasn’t hardened for anyone but you. Being monogamous is not a hardship. At least not for me.”

  “Jake, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just…well…you never seemed to be able to stop yourself with me. It seems like you’re easily seduced.”

  I pointed my roller at her. “Only by you.” Worried she might read too much in that statement, I continued on. “But only because you kept taking your clothes off.” I turned back to painting, working off some of the tension.

  “So, for you, if a woman gets naked, then you can’t resist.”


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