Doctor Single Dad: A Single Dad Romance (No Boundaries Book 2)

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Doctor Single Dad: A Single Dad Romance (No Boundaries Book 2) Page 6

by Sonia Belier

  “I want it Paul.” Reassurance was all he needed and he inched himself in in in in in in, so far in! The moan I was about to let out was stifled quickly by Paul’s hand.

  He brought his lips to my ear, “You’re going to have to be quiet. Very. Quiet.”

  Paul moved his hips in and out of me, slowly at first. The feeling was mind-blowing. I tried to keep my eyes open to take in the look of his body but I couldn’t help but clench them tight. Every time he entered I could feel him throbbing, pulsing inside of me. He held on to my waist with a vice grip and I grabbed him too. The change in angle made him reach farther into me before. Bursts of passion swept over my body.

  There was a throbbing…

  No, maybe it was a clicking sound?

  Probably the sound of someone walking down the hall from outside.

  I didn’t give a shit. This felt too good.

  Paul made eye contact with me and shook his head in a melting smile as he continued thrusting into me. My voice caught in my throat before a moan could get out.

  “I said…no sounds…” He grunted in his dripping low timbre.

  Our bodies were slick with sweat and my mind was reeling. I could feel myself coming close to the edge.

  “Paul, don’t stop!” I scream-whispered and that only made him pick up his pace. My fingers were sliding against the wooden desk as I tried to get a grip on it. He pressed his muscular frame on to me and that was it.

  Waves of unexplainable passion coursed through my whole body and I screamed into Paul’s neck, biting on his salty smooth skin. Paul gave a few last thrusts that were strong and disjointed and collapsed on top of me.

  We were gasping and out of breath.

  I dragged my hand lazily along the small his back and raked it lightly with my fingernails.

  The kiss…oh that damn kiss he gave me while we sat in the afterglow of sex. If there was any doubt I was his, it was thrown away after that soul churning kiss. Tongues flipping over each other and struggling for dominance, he left me reaching for air.

  Suddenly, we must’ve both snapped back to our senses and realized that we were sitting on the desk and half-naked in Paul’s office.

  “Uhh, maybe we should get dressed before anyone actually does come in here for tutoring.” Grinning awkwardly, Paul scrambled to gather our scattered articles of clothing off the ground. I don’t know what the hell we just did, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. This single dad was twisting me around his finger without even knowing it.

  “So…I’ve got Dylan tonight right?” I tried to avoid eye contact with Paul because I knew if I just so much as looked at him again, we might wind up tussling on the desk.

  “Yeah, I made you a copy of the keys. Let me grab them for you.” I got one last look at his fine, buttery smooth body before he buttoned it up behind the constriction of his suit. He grabbed the tiny piece of metal from off of his desk and handed it to me. Just the feeling of his soft skin on mine ignited my body.

  “So I’ll see you Friday. Just come right in. Dylan’s expecting you. I gotta run babe.” He gave me a swift peck on my forehead and charged out of the office, leaving me to make sense of things alone and in silence.

  I gathered my things and closed the door behind me.

  “So come on, spill the beans. I know you have a story to tell me. Just look at your face. That sexy daddy professor of yours keeping you on your toes hmm?” Judy twirled the pasta we were eating around on her plate, giving me a knowing look. I wasn’t really in the mood for Italian, but I picked the last lunch date we had so I submitted to Judy’s whims. Even though Giancarlo’s was filled to the brim today.

  “Listen Jud, I’m telling you that nothing happened. Do you really think I’m going to be off romping around with my med school professor? I babysit his kid. That’s all.” Somehow I managed to convince even myself of the lie I was spewing. I knew damn well I was doing a lot more than romping around with Paul. I was slowly falling for him.

  “I don’t believe you but I’ll leave it at that. Anyway, what’s his kid Dylan like?”

  Thank goodness for changing the subject.

  “He’s a great kid. Funny, smart, listens well. A real heaven sent, you know? Paul’s lucky to have him.” I thought about how much love Paul had for his son Dylan. That was one of the many reasons I found him so damn irresistible.

  “Well, that’s cute. Dads are always pretty hot. Aren’t you going to be getting assigned to hospital rotations soon? What if you get stuck in Paul’s department?! How ever are you going to be able to concentrate on the patients?” She waved her hand in front of her head like a damsel in distress, mocking me. The truth is, I hadn’t really thought about it. I knew that if I was assigned to Paul’s department that it could be trouble. But funny enough, that’s just what I wanted.

  The trouble of Paul.

  The danger of Paul.

  It put a kind of irresistible hold on me.

  “I think I’ll manage,” I said plainly, chewing on a piece of cheesy ravioli.

  I wasn’t sure I’d ever tell Judy about what we did in Paul’s office. For now, it was bound to just be our little secret. Our little moment of stolen seduction that I was practically praying we would do again. Staring at my plate blankly, I tried to get the picture of Paul out of my mind. His firm body yet gentle touch. The dominant nature he had when he told me to stay quiet.

  Yeah, he was dangerous alright.

  “Just be careful April. Whatever the truth with you and Dr. Gray is.”

  “Hmm?” I looked up from my food and straight at Judy. “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing serious, but Paul is a world-famous surgeon. Just don’t make the wrong people angry. You know, the rich ones that he likely associates with.” She said that last part sarcastically and I nodded my head in agreement.

  Judy was right.

  Paul was cut from a cloth that I only saw on TV. I’m just a medical student getting by and learning the art of cooking ramen. I didn’t really know if I would fit in with those kind of people.

  Eh…it’s way too soon to think about any of that.

  All I wanted to do right now was enjoy these secret rendezvous’ that I was becoming so accustomed to.

  All I wanted was more of Paul.

  My thoughts were louder than the bustling sounds of all the hungry patrons at the restaurant and the thought of Paul’s tangy scent was stronger than the smell of oregano coursing through the room.

  “Okay fine. I’ll tell you.” I leaned in closer like I was giving Judy some top-secret code for world domination. She leaned in giddy and excited, waiting for the juicy details she was trying to get out of me.

  “I kinda of…did someth-”

  “You went all the way?!” Judy yelled and I covered her mouth.

  “You don’t have to be so damn loud!! Yes…I did.” If she didn’t have such a hilarious expression on her face I would’ve been pissed that she couldn’t keep an inside voice. Hell, she was more excited than I was!

  “Holy shit April, I am super, mega jealous right now. You are one lucky chick.”

  “Just keep it on the low, will you? It just sorta happened.” Now I couldn’t stop myself from smiling and little foggy memories of my time with Paul kept creeping up in my mind.

  “My lips are sealed.”

  When we finished eating, we grabbed our things and walked out back to our apartment.

  This feeling…I never had it before.

  Paul was taking over every part of me.

  And I needed more of it.

  Chapter 9


  “So, who’s got the kid today Dr. Gray?” Gabe Hill, my ever so loyal assistant, walked over to me with a joking look on his face. He knew I was having the worst time ever finding a babysitter for Dylan.

  But he didn’t know that I found the perfect one.

  “One of my students actually. Her name is April. Great girl.” I pretended to sift through some documents and tried not to let my mind venture too
far into the depths of her fucking perfect body.

  “Oh, a student of yours? Is she hot?” Now, I knew Gabe was an immature little runt but suddenly the thought of someone wondering if April was sexy mad me angry.

  She was mine and mine alone.

  “That wouldn’t be the question I would ask if I were you, Gabe. You should be asking me if she’ll make it to our department after her placement exam.”

  “Yeah, you know what? That’s even better. ‘Cause if she’s hot and in our department, I’ll have something to keep me occupied aside from this boring paperwork.

  I laughed a bit, appreciating his honesty. “Not sure that’s exactly what you should be telling your boss Gabe.”

  “Oops, sorry haha…”

  Truth was, there was a guarantee April was going to be placed in this department. I couldn’t see it any other way. She’ll be right here in this office.

  On my desk.

  Her perfect skin in my hands.

  Those pink lips on mine.

  “Oh, that’s right. Dr. Gray, Courtney Townsend was ringing your phone all morning. I told her you’d get back to her. It’s about the list of shit or whatever. She said you’d know what she was talking about.”

  Courtney Townsend. The name filled me with dread. I almost managed to forget that I have a massive operation for her family coming up in a few days. And it would be the first test for whichever student got the placement in my department.

  Lucky them.

  They’d have to deal with my most mind-numbing patient to date.

  “Jeez…that lady never gives me a break. I’ll get to her in a minute.”

  “It’s your call boss. Alright, I’m out. Taking lunch.” He left my office and I dropped the pen I was using to doodle on my notepad.

  I leaned back in my office chair and took a deep breath. Shit…April’s body was something that stained my brain. I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was fucking perfect and Dylan loved her. How else could it be more right?

  My door opened after two brash knocks and I adjusted myself in my seat.

  Lorrie? What the hell was she doing here?

  “Dr. Gray, good to see you.” She walked into the office and straight towards my desk, her black heels piercing the ground beneath.

  “Good to see you too Lorrie. Can I help you with something?” I hid the surprise in my voice. Who the hell did she think she was barging into my office like this? Ever since she stopped babysitting Dylan abruptly, she made it a habit to have at least one awkward encounter with me per day. It was starting to grind my gears.

  “Actually, no. I can help you with something though. I want to take up babysitting Dylan again.”

  “You what?” I couldn’t really make sense of what I was hearing though she was speaking in perfect English. Lorrie abruptly quick and practically told me to fuck off just a little while ago. What the hell was her angle?

  “I said, I’ve freed up my schedule. I want to take care of Dylan again.”

  “That’s just not going to work. I have someone taking care of him already. I’ve got that department covered, thanks.” There was an air of assholeness in my voice and damn right it was intentional. I don’t like being fucked around with. Especially when it involves my kid.

  “You do? Can I ask who it is?”

  “You don’t know her so I don’t think it’s all that relevant. If there’s anything else I can help you with, let me know. Otherwise, you can see yourself out.”

  Taking the hint, she walked out of my office not without cutting her eyes at me.


  No, fucking strange.

  I dusted my shoulders off and went back to work. Whatever had Lorrie’s panties in a bunch had nothing to do with me.

  I got back home to my condo to a sleeping Dylan and a note left for me on the granite countertops in the kitchen.

  Dylan is always a pleasure. Can’t wait to see you again.

  I didn’t have enough fingers to count all the ways April was so perfect. Good thing she didn’t stay too long or I might’ve taken her to my room for a little reward. She was addicting, like a drug that I just couldn’t put down.

  Ice clanked in the glass as I poured some water to quench my thirst. Unfastening my tie, I grabbed the small pile of mail next to April’s note.

  “Trash…trash…trash…hmm, what’s this…” A small envelope sealed with a red emblem caught my eye. I opened it and immediately rolled my eyes.

  “Another invitation to a high society event I don’t really care about. Great.”

  Dr. Gray, you are cordially invited to the eighth annual Medical Mavericks gathering. Please bring one guest to accompany you. And honor as always Dr. Gray.

  The only use I saw in these kinds of “nose in the air shindigs” was the liquor and the food. Prissy people were pretty good on those two fronts. No doubt I would bring April. And I was going to spoil the hell outta her.

  She deserved that much for taking care of Dylan for me.

  Waltzing up the stairs and to my suite, I undressed and stepped into the glass shower. Temperature piping and steam filling up the bathroom, I leaned my arm against the wall.

  I was tense.

  Not in a bad way. But in an “I really need to taste April again” kind of way. My cock was throbbing at the thought of her perfect tight little body. The curves of her ass. The perkiness of her tits. Every single part of her kept playing on repeat in my mind.

  Normally I would feel like a chump. Letting my student rent space in my head for free all day? Insane.

  But April wasn’t just some student of mine. She knew it and I knew it.

  I was fighting my hand awfully hard, trying not to take my cock and stroke it hard to the thoughts of her. There was still a part of me that wanted restraint. A part of me that wanted to keep the mystery of her. There was also this feral part of me that wanted her more than I ever wanted anything else.

  Which part of me was going to win out in the end? I think I had a pretty good idea.

  “Alright guys, settle down for a minute.” I quieted the noisy lecture hall to deliver the ‘wonderful news’ to my students.

  As always, April was sitting right in the front with her glimmering eyes looking directly at me. Her blonde hair that was almost snow white was pulled neatly into a ponytail. It gave me an uninhibited view of her beautiful face. She smirked at me leaning her head on her hand and tapping her pen idly against her desk.

  Fucking stunning.

  “So that test that I told you all about. Turns out it’s going to decide which one of you will be moving to the big leagues with me, in the Cardiac department.”

  There was an odd combination of moans and groans with some ecstatic “ooh’s” through in there for good measure. April raised an eyebrow and leaned forward a bit closer in her seat. She was wearing a top that was buttoned up, showing just the right amount of cleavage. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was definitely playing with me. Pushing my buttons. All the right ones.

  “Don’t get mad at me. It wasn’t my choice. I advise you all to do a damn fine job because whoever does the best…will be doing their hospital rotation with me.” It might have been a little unfair, maybe even a bit nepotistic but I already had it in my mind that April would be the one. Not like she wasn’t going to ace the test anyway.

  That’s what I liked about her.

  The girl was a force all on her own.

  After that, I trudged through the day’s lesson and waited around my desk when it was over to see if April would come by.

  Of course, she did.

  “Well, well Dr. Gray. Seems like you scared everyone in here today with your test talk. You just know how to get people rattled, don’t you?” She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my frame. I leaned in and gave her a peck on her forehead.

  She smelled like orchids and honey and I pulled her closer to inhale the scent.

  “Are you saying that you’re not up to the challenge? Come on, I k
now you’ll ace that test and wind up right in my hospital.”

  “We’ll see Doctor. I hope so.” She smiled into my chest and twirled the collar of my shirt lightly. I ran my hands down her back and to her ass and grabbed it firmly. The little sigh of shock she let out almost made me explode.

  If she was going to toy with me looking all sexy and distracting, it was only fair that I played with her.

  “Hey listen, I’ve been invited to this evening gathering in a few days. Some kind of medical dinner for the top doctors all over the world. The poor saps invite me every year and every year I decline. But this year I’m going and I want to take you. I want nothing more than to have a woman like you in my arms.”

  For some reason, her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas day. I didn’t understand it. I hated taking part in those boring, fake as fuck events for members of the “high society”. Having money was nice. I didn’t want to have to put up with money if you catch my drift.

  “You would really take me to something like that? I’m sure you have tons of wealthy and famous women that would want to be seen with you for such a fancy schmancy occasion.” April held her head down and it pulled at my heartstrings for a minute.

  “Of course I do. But none of them would ever make me feel like you do.” Before she could get any words out, I moved in for a kiss.

  Long, sexy, sloppy.

  The kind that left you gasping for air.


  We let up for a second and her puffy cheeks were flushed and red.

  “I’ll take care of everything you need for the event. Don’t worry about a thing. I mean it.”

  “Surprise me Paul.”

  “Oh I will.”

  We broke our embrace and she grabbed her bag making her way to the exit of the lecture hall.

  “I’ll see you later?”

  “Of course.”

  I watched her walk away, strutting with a perfect pep in her step and swaying those marvelous hips back and forth.


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