Sharing Backstage

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Sharing Backstage Page 8

by Paige Parsons

  There was nothing she wanted more than to be pissed. She wanted to rage that he was overreacting, but in the way back deep part of her mind, she knew she’d been pushing for it. Her subconscious was a persistent little bugger. She was woman enough to give her boyfriend an onstage striptease one night in the empty theatre, but she couldn’t just ask for a spanking because she was curious. The roundabout request held less emotional impact before the deed.

  They remained in silence a little while longer, Harper listening to the steady, rhythmic beating of his heart, and Lucas comforting her with his soothing massage.

  “I think my appetite is back.” Harper’s stomach might have been telling her one thing, but the heavy-lidded eyes that she gazed up at him from told a different story. Spankings, especially the real kind, took it out of you.

  Lucas gave her a non-committed, mumbled response and settled down on his back while keeping the woman he adored even closer. When they awoke, the first sound heard was his stomach, not hers.

  Chapter 8

  Opening Night

  Fall 2012

  “Let’s go, people! Standing around doesn’t get a show started.”

  Harper’s assistant and the crew started gathering up all the stuff they had spread around the stage. She didn’t want to mention that they still had fifteen minutes until their call officially started. It didn’t seem like Harper was in the mood for the minutiae, especially since she was still barking orders as they all headed stage left and right.

  “Wesley, run those sound cues in act two for me again. Last night, Riley said it still wasn’t loud enough. It has to be startling, not just for the character, but for the whole audience.”

  “So, more bass?” he said. “More reverb? Louder isn’t really helping. What does she want, specifically?”

  “She wants you to design her vision,” Harper said. “If she knew which one thing would give her that, then she would be designing sound. Play it back and try both. I’ll know it when I hear it.”


  “For the record, snippy isn’t really helping, either. I still don’t see presets yet. Come on, people. I do not start my shows late, and I’m not letting you lot make this a first.”

  Lucas was listening on the shop monitor and knew what he was hearing was the sound of a wound-too-tight Harper. She took the concept of shouldering the burden quite literally. As long as Riley and her actors had a flawless experience, she’d let a hole burn through her stomach lining. Riding her crew hard over tech and opening night could get rough, but she would take them to the bar after everything was set for the next performance, buy a few rounds of drinks, hand out opening night checks, and all would be forgiven. He was hoping to settle her without putting a dent in their savings. They had their eyes on a cruise to the Caribbean over the summer, and he rejected the idea of using her inheritance for any portion of the cost.

  Standing in the house, she was listening to sound cues and pacing the aisles. Her phone was in one hand and a coffee large enough to swim in was in the other.

  “Hey! Wesley, kill the sound and take a break. We’ll try it again in few. Don’t go far.”

  “Cool! Thanks, Lucas!”

  “Lucas? Wesley, what the hell is going on with my—”

  Harper spun around to yell directly into the booth. Her face was a contorted mask of all the tension she was carrying in her body.

  “Whoa, easy. It’s me.”

  “Why the hell would you sneak up behind me? I don’t have time to get another coffee, and I need this one. And, I need my sound cues fixed,” she hollered so that her voice would reach the disappearing back of her sound guy.

  “You need to take a break,” Lucas whispered close in her ear. “Baby, you are wound tight. They got this. Everyone has their list, and people are working. Let them.”

  “They’re my crew. I’ll decide if they got it or not. I walk in and folks are dancing around like they don’t have shit to do. There’s plenty to do.”

  “Okay, that’s it. Let’s go to the office.”

  Setting her cup down on the floor in front of her, Harper used both hands to send off a quick text, then shoved her phone into the back pocket of her black jeans. Lucas stood in disbelief that she was completely ignoring him. He was getting more and more irritated by the second. He’d given her the look, cleared his throat, and put his hand on her lower back, and all she did was side-step him, glare in reply, and continued texting. As soon as she put the phone in her pocket, he reached in and removed it. They both bent to retrieve the cup.

  “Stop. I got it, and we are going to the office.” The resistance in her body was not well received, and Lucas was beyond feeling tolerant. “That wasn’t a request.”

  Taking her by the arm, he turned them toward the side door that led backstage. They ran right into a laughing Wesley and Harper’s assistant, Maddy. The four stared into the void of awkwardness a moment too long, with Harper’s shrill voice being the sound that finally jolted everyone into movement.

  “Is there anyone working, or are we all just on one big fucking break?”

  Lucas reached over, grabbed the cup, and held it in his left hand while he kept his girlfriend in his right. The slight pressure his thumb exerted on the underside of her arm was enough to keep her mouth from running away from her brain. The set of his jaw and the slits his eyes had become had the assistant and the sound guy rushing to create space so they could pass. The silence stretched on, but the tension spoke volumes.

  If anyone passed them, it would look as though their hushed tones and close proximity were the beginnings of a lover’s secret tryst. However, the words Lucas was actually saying hinted at their connecting in an altogether different manner.

  “You couldn’t just walk away and take the break. Stop fighting me. Come on, Harper. I know this isn’t about anything but your opening night stress. I’m trying to help.”

  All he got in response was a vicious glare from eyes that were as angrily slit as his own. She snapped her head forward and refused comment.

  “Okay. We can play it like that if you want.”

  Walking past the shop, they went to the office door. He had to hand the cup back and release his hold. Harper couldn’t help but smirk at the absurdity of it. He wanted to hold on to her but had no choice but to let her go because of his own locked door compulsion.

  “I locked it while I was in the shop. Don’t you dare take off.”

  Harper crossed her arms and continued her silent treatment until the door shut behind them. So she wasn’t going to make it easy. Lucas went to the desk to sit down, but the second his back was to her and before he got his ass into the chair, Harper was all over him.

  “I went along with all of this—this damn—these rules. and the one thing I asked you to do was to never, ever bring it into the theatre. You just couldn’t wait to show me who was boss and to remind everyone else at the same time. Do you know how disrespectful you’re being? They won’t take me seriously or listen to me for the rest of the run. I’ve lost control before I even had a chance to cement it. You plan on being here every night? No, of course not. I’m the only one that’s here from beginning to end. Riley doesn’t even do that to me, and she signs my damn check! Where the hell do you get off? How about you answer me?”

  Settling in his chair, Lucas pivoted and didn’t say a word. He started taking deliberate breaths without taking his eyes off of her. She began shifting from foot to foot, looking anywhere but directly at him. It wasn’t long before her breathing mirrored his. She was still pretty tense, but there were some things that went hand in hand with an opening night. When her arms dropped, he knew they could at least have a conversation.

  “First of all, I didn’t do or say anything that I wouldn’t have regardless of our relationship. Be honest with yourself, and you’ll see that. You, however, are so far out of character I hardly recognize you. Listen, I know things were rough the last two nights. Riley’s being manic about the details is normal. You and I both
know she’ll have flowers for you tonight and a huge apology for losing her cool last night in the meeting. She was nitpicking us all. You usually deal with her and buffer the team a lot better. Last night you were like a kicked puppy. We should have talked last night. You were so tired, though, getting into it didn’t feel like what was best. My fault. Tired or not, I knew you need a release.”

  Harper was still breathing steadily and remained relatively calm, but she wasn’t in the mood to have the conversation then, anymore than she would have been the night before. Loving Lucas wasn’t going to be enough. That exchange only confirmed the feeling. She was feeling boxed in. Wanting a relationship with him had been a fantasy for so long that she’d been determined to make the reality a matching win. She had avoided bringing up her doubts very often because Lucas was a logical and linear man. Reassuring her, comforting her, settling her, it had all become too easy. She was getting used to it, and that should have given her comfort but, instead, it put her more on edge. Every encounter became a test, and snapping at him became inevitable.

  Lucas could tell by the steeled look in her eyes that there was more going on than an opening night meltdown. She was forcing herself to stay in control. The show goes on, though. That was always their motto. There wasn’t time for indulging in hurt feelings, and they both knew it. That’s what her forced calmness was about. They both needed to move past whatever this was turning into, so that getting on with the show could happen. The team was Harper’s job, but she was his.

  “I really just wanted to give you a little break. Maybe get a snack and take a minute for you to relax.”

  “I don’t need to relax. I need to work. If you’re feeling like the way I work is stressing you out, then you should go home.”

  Lucas put his finger to his lips and shook his head. Beckoning her with his other hand, he tried to coax her over. Harper kept her back to the door, shaking her head no for a different reason.

  “You also keep making the assumption that everything I say is a suggestion. It’s not. Come here, Harper.”

  Checking her watch, Harper went with stating the obvious to get him to back off. “We’re fifteen minutes away from half hour. I need to open the house and finish checking my sound.”

  “Trust your team. Trust me. Besides, the longer you take, the later you’ll be. Come here.”

  “You always make it about trust between us, when you know that I do trust you.”

  She was within his grasp, and his hands were on her hips as they looked at each other. The edges of her eyes crinkled, and she bit her bottom lip to keep from breaking her severe and committed scowl. In a move that was well outside the norm, Lucas broke the look first, placing his head on her abdomen. It took but a second before Harper put her arms around him. The pull and hold he had on her had little to do with proximity and so much to do with heart. There was no getting around how selfish she was; her sister and mother had no problem reminding her; but continuing to absorb everything he had to give while fighting him on the singular thing he wanted from her was the definition of it.

  “I know I crossed about a hundred of the lines we agreed to, but I—”

  “No buts about it. You did. That’s still not why I wanted you to come in here with me.”

  Pulling her down onto his lap, Lucas reached behind him to the junk bowl he kept on his desk and pulled out her favorite chocolate, a raspberry-filled dark chocolate square. He knew she hid them all over the house and office, especially during tech week. He opted not to mention the wrappers he’d found in their bathroom wastebasket and the two in the kitchen trash. There were worse vices.

  “Now you’re stashing them in here.”

  “Anything for you. Eat.”

  Lucas took both of their phones out, putting them face up on the desk. He set the timer on his for ten minutes and relaxed back in his standard issue office chair.

  “I wish the light switch was closer,” she said.

  “You could always close your eyes and let me have my way with you.”

  Harper, feeling satiated, dragged her nails down his chest under his t-shirt, initiating a searing kissing. Her efforts were rewarded with reciprocal behavior. Lucas’s hand started undoing the buttons on her tailored black shirt. He enjoyed the lingering taste of raspberry and chocolate on her lips as he took charge of kiss. This was definitely a preferred pre-show ritual.

  Burying her head on the side of his neck, Harper’s hand moved south as his hand worked her pert nipples through her lace bra, and he nipped along her neck, following up each nibble with a soothing swipe of his tongue. Both of them ignored the knocking at first. The hand Harper managed to maneuver down the front of his cargo shorts was the only thing either of them wanted to concentrate on.

  “Harper! They need you in the house. Harper! Lucas! Are you guys in there?”

  They heard mumbling as Maddy moved farther down the hallway.

  “Seriously bad timing.” Harper withdrew her hand and started to sit up.

  “We still have three whole minutes.”

  “Maybe until half hour, but not for Maddy to come back. That girl is gunning for my job, I’m sure of it. As soon as she doesn’t see us in the shop, she’ll double back. Our loss, because I trained her to be just as diligent for me as I am for Riley. Come on, let me up.”

  “I think I’ll hold you here a few minutes longer.”

  All she could do was moan into his mouth as his hand went right back to her breast. He always said she was a perfect handful, and he knew exactly how to use those hands. Harper couldn’t help crossing her legs tighter in an attempt to cause more pressure and friction in the now incredibly awake area enclosed in far too thick denim. Every pinch of her overly sensitized bud sent an electric current straight to her clit.

  More knocking separated their lips, but his hand remained.

  “She’ll be right out, Maddy,” Lucas answered for them both, giving a final twist and squeeze before removing his hand.

  They both threw their heads back in frustration. Harper was regretting her earlier refusal to come into the office. Standing up, she quickly redid her buttons and smoothed the top of her hair, hoping her ponytail wasn’t too askew. Lucas handed her cell phone back, along with another chocolate square.

  “My intermission snack,” she said. “Thanks for the distraction. Sorry I was a pain in the ass earlier, although now I’ll be hot and bothered for a completely different reason.”

  Holding her face between his hands, Lucas gave her a three step kiss. Forehead. Nose. Lips.

  “Break legs tonight, baby,” he said, “and I’ll swing by the booth on my way out.”

  “You’re not watching tonight?”

  “No, Nate called. One of his guys had an emergency with his kid, and he needs someone to help install the revolve for his show’s set. I told him I would help. He’s certainly pitched in for me plenty of times. Oh, and I have your car keys. I know you and Maddy will be soaked in tequila before the night is over. Opening night rituals and all.”

  “I wouldn’t drive. You know that.”

  “I suspect that, but the fact that you told me you all debated who was sober enough to drive during your last show makes me deeply suspicious. Call a cab. Besides, I’m probably going to help Nate again tomorrow, so dropping you off for the matinee won’t be a big deal.”

  “Well, so long as it won’t be a big deal. Have fun helping Nate.”

  Her tone was none too subtle and dripping was sarcasm. He wished he knew why she was suddenly pushing, but it wasn’t the moment to find out.

  “Text me when you’re headed home.”



  “I will, Lucas,” she answered, rolling her eyes.

  The slap to her seat really wasn’t a surprise. In her mind, she knew she’d been pushing for the past hour. His look dared her to do anything other than accept.

  “I won’t be too late, and I’ll call when I get in the cab.”

  “Thank you. I love you.

  “Love you, too.”

  As the door closed, he heard her calling out half hour to cast and crew as she headed toward the house.

  Harper slipped her headset on and cued Wesley to take the lights down in the booth.

  “Maddy, call places. I’m going with the house announcement. Standby lights and sound.”

  Lucas stood in the doorway of the booth, perfectly still and quiet. He knew she wouldn’t have noticed him, anyway. Once she started the sequence to get into the show, nothing pulled her focus. He loved seeing her like that. She was her most assured, most confident, and completely in the zone. Short of a fire alarm going off, nothing took Harper out of show mode. It would be another fabulous opening. He only hoped the seats were just as filled for the rest of the run. The theatre really needed a hit. He watched the first two scenes from his position. Once he could see that everyone had relaxed into things (even Riley’s laughter could be heard from the house) he took off to help his friend. He could only hope things were still fine with him and Harper.

  “Good show, brother.”

  Harper high fived Wesley as the house lights went up, and he brought the music up, as well. They both stretched, after sitting for the last hour, and listened to the comments from the audience as they filed out. So far so good. If they kept going at that rate, all of their checks were guaranteed to clear. Harper called back to remind Maddy to set up for the matinee the next day, and then headed down to find Riley. That was the real litmus test of success for a stage manager.

  As soon as the double doors at the back of the house opened. Harper found herself embraced by her friend and boss.

  “So, you’re happy.”

  “I’m more than happy. It was perfect, Harper. You called a beautiful show, and you got Wesley to fix the sound.”

  “Yeah, he managed to figure it out even better when I stopped hovering. The kids are setting up for tomorrow and then we’re going to head out.”


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