Billionaire Dragon's Nanny (Irish Dragon Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Billionaire Dragon's Nanny (Irish Dragon Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 9

by Brittany White

  Kellan could not leave his son and Clara to the witches that long. The witches could do too much damage in that time. “I do not agree to those terms.”

  He could feel Declan even more now. His son was closer in proximity than he had been; Declan must be nearby, because Kellan’s connection to him rippled and strengthened.

  Kellan could find him.

  He wasn’t going to fight Niamh yet. That would be his last resort. He stepped away from her, preparing to shift back into his dragon form.

  Before he could transform, a roar sounded. That was the sound Declan made; Kellan had heard it when his son tracked and caught his first deer. Then a scream, human and female. It wasn’t a scream of pain, but of rage.

  Kellan spun, just in time to see Declan and Clara racing out of a distant cave. Declan was fully transformed into his shifter form, and Clara was clinging to his back. He wasn’t a big dragon yet, but he was strong enough to hold her slight form. She looked well, and tension fled his body as soon as he saw that she was not injured.

  And in his claws, Declan held one of the witches. Declan couldn’t fully get her off the ground, so the hem of her long skirts dragged across the rocky ground. She was screeching, and yelling out spells and curses, none of which seemed to be affecting Clara or Declan at all.

  Kellan rushed forward. As he got closer, he could see the witch was Eithne.

  He looked up at his son. “Great job, Declan. Don’t let go of Clara, okay? But you two get away from here.”

  As soon as his son nodded, Kellan grabbed Eithne from Declan and pulled her toward where Niahm stood. He dropped her at the feet of her fellow witch.

  Eithne scrambled to get upright. She and Niahm linked hands. The air around them began to glow and shimmer, but nothing happened to Kellan. Even alone, he could withstand their spells.

  “Where’s the third one of you?” he asked. “I haven’t seen Roisin.”

  “She’s coming.”

  Kellan scoffed. “I don’t feel her nearby. I bet she’s turned and run away. Like the cowards you all are.”

  The air in front of the witches turned black, and it morphed into a spear, which they aimed at Kellan. He dodged it easily, but their magic had improved over the years.

  “Not good enough, witches. And where’s the rest of your coven? You once had fifty members.”

  Niamh spat at him. “Thanks to your treachery, our coven was decimated. We were ruined. We will never give up hunting you, or your kind as long as we are alive.”

  “In thirteen years you haven’t come after me.”

  “Because the vampires in the United States have prevented it. But you have left their protection now. This is our territory.”

  Behind him, the ground trembled; rocks rolled off the edge of the cliff, and Roisin appeared. She hadn’t run away – she was riding a massive hawk, one that had been enchanted. “You will not speak to us with such disrespect, Kellan Cormac.”

  She flattened herself against the back of the bird, and charged at Kellan. He shifted into his dragon form and joined the hawk in the air.

  When he heard his son’s familiar roar again, he looked frantically for Declan and Clara.

  Underneath him, about fifty feet away, Declan and Clara were circling the other two witches.

  He had to tear his eyes away as Roisin came at him again, this time with an enchanted sword that shot mini daggers his way.

  He flew higher and dove straight down at her. She lost her grip on the hawk and almost fell. While she dangled from the hawk’s feathers, Kellan checked on Declan and Clara again.

  Below him, he watched as Clara tied a rope into a lasso, and threw the rope around the two witches. Then Declan flew into the air, tightening the rope around both witches, while he breathed fire in any direction they tried to run. Both Niamh and Eithne had one of their hands outstretched, and the other two hands linked together, spouting one chant after another, but none affected Clara because she was touching Declan.

  A quick glance at Roisin showed that she’d gotten back on her hawk and flown toward the sea, probably to regroup.

  Declan landed, and still holding onto him, Clara pulled the rope tight and knotted it. Kellan couldn't form human words, but he flew closer to Clara and his son, staring at her quick skill with the rope.

  “I was in the local rodeo as a kid,” she shouted up to him, making her voice heard over the wind. “I never imagined it would be so useful.”

  Pride swelled his chest. His nanny was human but she was strong and brave, just like his son. She would have been the perfect mate, had he not screwed everything up.

  Declan and Clara seemed as safe as they could possibly be right now, so Kellan swooped in the air, rising back up into the sky with as much speed as he could muster. He flew straight at Roisin.

  But she didn’t stay on the hawk. She leaped from the bird, landing on Kellan’s back.

  “I’ve spent the last ten years trying to perfect my spellcasting enough to kill a dragon. To enchant a sword enough to pierce your disgusting scales. But oh no, the others don’t want you dead. They want you alive and well, taking up the mantle your parents left behind.” She dug her fingers into his scales until they burned. “I am done with being their puppet.”

  From the corner of his left eye, Kellan could see Roisin lift her sword. She rammed it straight down into his back. Kellan couldn’t suppress his yell.

  For the first time in his life, the blade had penetrated his skin while in dragon form.

  But he could still fly. He flew out toward the horizon, picked up speed, reaching nearly seventy miles an hour, even with the blade stuck in his skin.

  His strength waned. He had to get her off of his back. He flew in a big arc, circling back toward the land. This time he got back up over eighty miles per hour, and he flew straight at the cliffs. If he crashed, then he might survive.

  But she would not.

  “What are you doing? Slow down!” she screamed.

  Her hands gripped the sword and she tugged on it, sending fresh red-hot pain through every cell in his body. But she couldn't get the sword out. Right as he reached the rocky cliffs, he made a sharp turn, banking hard left, and flung her off his back.

  She hit the rocks with a dull thud. Her body fell, crashing to one of the boulders below. Waves lapped at her broken body.

  Kellan hadn’t wanted to kill her. He’d never killed anyone before, not even thirteen years ago during the battle. He’d fought, but he hadn’t taken a life. Even today, he’d have preferred a working treaty, or a truce. But she hadn’t made it possible.

  Sluggishly, he flew back up to the surface, where Declan and Clara stood in front of the witches, arms linked together.

  He collapsed to the ground. Every heartbeat brought an agonizing pain that sliced through his nervous system. If he could only get the sword out, he’d probably be fine.

  “Dad!” Declan shouted, moving to run toward him, but Kellan held up his claw, hoping that Declan wouldn’t leave his nanny.

  He transformed back into human form, but the sword stayed lodged in his back. He turned his head to the side, needing one last look at his son. His brave, sweet son. And his nanny, Clara. Who had turned out to be the love of his life.

  Mate, his dragon breathed.

  He wished he’d only gotten to tell her.

  Tell her now.

  But his dragon didn’t understand humans. He’d missed his chance.

  “Dad!” Declan screamed, and this time his voice filled with tears.

  Kellan shook his head. “Stay with Clara. Don’t let go of her.”

  Clara picked Declan up, resting him on her hip. “We’ll go together, and we’ll check on your dad. There’s enough length in this rope for us to walk that far.”

  Even with his face on the ground, Kellan could hear each time her voice cracked.

  “No,” Kellan said. He tried to protest, but he was too weak.

  Several agonizing seconds went by, where Clara and Declan inched toward Ke
llan, still holding onto the enchanted rope that kept the witches captive.

  Beside him, Declan’s feet landed on the ground, and then Clara was next to him.

  “Declan, you watch the witches for me, and keep your hand wrapped around my leg. I’m going to help your dad.”

  “Okay, Miss Clara.”

  “Hey, Kellan. Looks like you’ve got a pretty big sword sticking out of your back,” Clara said. Her cool hand pressed against his hot forehead.

  “Be.” He had to stop talking to suck in air. “Careful. It’s cursed.”

  “Well, maybe the curse won’t work on humans.” Clara stood on either side of him, planting her feet firmly on the ground, and wrapped her fingers around the handle. “So far, so good.” She gave a quick, sharp tug and the blade moved.

  A white-hot blaze shot down Kellan’s spine.

  “Almost there,” she said. And she pulled again, and the blade was out.

  Kellan’s body sagged in relief. He tried to push himself up, but his vision tunneled. His face hitting the ground was the last thing he remembered clearly.

  His ears rang, with noises filtering in and out. With each breath, he could smell his son, and Clara, along with the sea and the grass. Time seemed to slow down. He groaned, and his head pounded with each heartbeat.

  He woke to Declan’s face right in his, and Clara frantically patting his face. “Kellan, come on. We need you. Please wake up.”

  “I’m fine,” Kellan said with a groan.

  Now that the enchanted sword was out of his skin, the enhanced healing that came from being a shifter would kick in, and within a few hours, he’d be as good as new, with only a few lingering twinges as a reminder of what happened.

  At least physically. Mentally, he was sure he’d be dealing with what happened for quite some time.

  Within seconds, he felt the itching that meant his skin was beginning to knit back together. He managed to push himself up this time, only to end up with his arms full of Declan.

  “Dad! You didn’t die!”

  “No, buddy. You know we’re hard to kill.”

  Clara’s hand slid over the back of his neck. “Kellan. I’m so glad you’re awake.”

  He put his hand over hers. “Thank you for helping Declan.” He tapped his son on the leg. “Buddy, would you go get my bag.” Kellan pointed. “It’s over there.” He had to deal with these witches, and he planned to do it with clothes on.

  “What about Miss Clara?”

  “I’ll be with her.”

  Declan nodded and took off at a run, legs pumping.

  Kellan squeezed Clara’s shoulder, hoping he could communicate everything he felt in that moment. She wasn’t his mate. Or his wife. Or even his girlfriend. She’d made it very plain that she didn’t want to be with him, and he’d never gotten the chance to convince her otherwise.

  Now that he’d survived, he was glad he hadn’t made any deathbed confessions earlier.

  And now, thanks to his big secret being revealed, he never would. She’d had to find out – via kidnapping – that he and Declan weren’t human. That they were dragon shifters. That was a massive fucking deal.

  She was calm right now, and not screaming at him, but that was Clara. She would never chastise him in front of Declan. She would wait until they were alone, and he’d know how betrayed she felt. Maybe he’d be able to convince her to stay on as Declan’s nanny, even though he hadn’t been honest with her about who he was.

  Declan returned with his bag, and very slowly, Kellan pulled his clothes back on. With Clara’s help, he stood.

  The dagger wound in his back was almost completely healed now. He stood, a little unsteadily, but he grew stronger with each step, until he was fully back to normal when he reached the witches. They’d been standing there the entire time he was on the ground, chanting, and spellcasting, to no avail.

  Now their faces were red, and their hair was limp with sweat.

  “Where is Roisin?” Niamh asked as soon as he stood in front of them.

  He wasn’t going to beat around the bush. He had no desire for revenge, and he didn’t need to torment them. Only to get rid of them for good. “Unfortunately, she’s dead.” He wished he could have spared Declan from hearing this, but there was nothing for it.

  Niamh’s eyes turned a solid black. “You are a monster.”

  “No, I gave her several chances. Your coven sister revealed that she did not want me back here, she wanted me dead.”

  The dirt under Eithne’s feet began to stir, and it circled her legs, but did not go higher. “That is a lie!”

  With Roisin dead, their power should be diminished.

  “I’m speaking the truth, I give you my word,” Kellan said. When a dragon shifter said he or she was giving their word, in the past, the witches had taken it. Now he didn’t really care if they believed him or not. “I’m going to give you another chance. Leave now. Never come back to this area, and leave my family alone.”

  “Never,” Eithne said. “We will avenge our fallen sister.”

  “You will not,” Kellan said. “If any of you ever come back to the Cliffs of Moher, I will personally see to your deaths.”

  “The Dragon Clan is not supposed to kill.”

  “They may not, but I will.” Kellan picked up the enchanted blade. It hurt, but its power was lessened without a witch to wield it. “I know that you dwell in Glentoskert now. If you cross me, I’ll send the vampires in. They will decimate you.”

  “Vampires are loyal to no one,” Niamh said with a sneer.

  “They are. You mentioned that they guard the United States. They are loyal to me, because I pay them. I pay them millions each year, to keep the remaining shifters safe.”

  “You are a vile abomination. Your mother would be disgusted.”

  Kellan doubted that.

  In the distance, he heard the whir of a helicopter engine, and he felt the powerful feel of his brothers all in one place. “Ah. Finally.”

  “What? What have you done?”

  “You don’t have to believe me that I’ll kill you. My brothers are here.”

  Niamh’s eyes went wide.

  “Yes. Liam, Quinn and Brennan. There they are here right now.”

  The witches’ faces drained of color. They dropped their hands, and the magic faded from their fingertips.

  The whir of the engine grew deafening as Quinn landed the helicopter. As soon as the landing gear was solidly on the ground, Kellan’s brothers emerged, running full-tilt toward them.

  “Uncle Quinn! Uncle Liam! Uncle Brennan!” Declan met them halfway, and Quinn swept Declan into his arms.

  As soon as Quinn put him down, Declan ran straight back to Clara.

  Kellan’s brothers embraced him, and he spoke in a low tone. “I need them taken care of, which means taking them back to Glentoskert, where they live now, but if they fight you, then do what you must.”

  “Whatever we must?” Brennan asked.

  “I killed Roisin.” Kellan rubbed his temples. “I had no choice, and we’ll talk about it later.”

  Brennan patted him on the back, which really fucking hurt. “No judgment here. I’m glad to see that harpy gone.”

  Kellan didn’t feel quite so sure about it, but it was done, and there was no going back.

  The three of them walked directly to the witches. They didn’t remove the rope, but walked them to the helicopter with it still tied around them.

  As soon as the helicopter lifted off again, Kellan sat down on the ground. He was home, he’d survived another witch attack, and his son and the love of his life were safe. He was really fucking glad for that.

  Even if Clara never forgave him, he’d love her forever for working so hard to save his son.



  Now that Kellan’s brothers had taken the witches away, Clara felt all of her energy ebb away too, and she plopped down on the grass near Kellan.

  She put her hand on his leg. “Kellan. How’s your back?” She l
eaned back to look, but there was only a small spot of blood on his dress shirt. “Should I call an ambulance?”

  “No. Shifters heal quickly. I was fine as soon as you got the sword out.”

  “Oh.” She didn't have the energy to ask any details about shifters or their healing. She didn’t know what to think about the day’s events. She wasn’t sure she’d even begun to process any of it.

  She stared blankly out into the ocean. Despite the day’s upheaval, this might be the most breathtaking place on earth. Needing to see the cliffs more closely, she stood up and walked closer to the edge.

  She was distantly aware of Kellan following her, but everything was cloudy, as if there was a fog over her mind. At the edge of the cliff, a rock crumbled beneath her foot. She watched it, fascinated as it tumbled down.

  She found herself scanning the rocks for the body of the witch who’d fallen, but it was gone. The sea must have taken it away.

  For a moment, she watched the tide roll in and out, and then she took another step forward.

  This time there was no ground beneath her foot, and she pitched forward, unable to catch herself.

  Strong arms shot out and grabbed her. “Clara! You almost fell!”

  Kellan pulled her tight to his chest and lifted her, carrying her away from the edge of the cliffs.

  Safely away from the dropoff, he sat her on the ground and held onto her shoulders. “What happened?” Kellan’s eyes bored into hers. “Are you still under their spell? Were you hearing any voices?”

  She looked over her shoulder to the ocean. Had she really just almost stepped over the side? She’d have plunged to her death, just like Roisin had.

  She gasped. It was a delayed reaction, but it was just now sinking in. She didn’t want to die – she’d fought really hard to stay alive. And what a horrible thing for Declan that would have been! To see her plunge to her death right after he’d been so courageous.

  She pressed her hands against her eyes. “I don’t know! I don’t think so.” She looked at him. “What if they try to make me hurt you or Declan?”

  “You can’t.” He pulled her and wrapped both arms around her, and she immediately felt better. “It’s not that easy.”


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