On the Same Page (Secrets Book 4)

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On the Same Page (Secrets Book 4) Page 10

by K. C. Wells

Xavier gave Heath a lingering kiss, then patted his arse. “Don’t let him lead you astray.”

  Rob affected a look of total innocence. “Me? As if I would. Well, except for that one time when I was younger and needed money, but that’s a different story.” He gripped Heath’s forearm. “Let’s go.”

  Before Heath could react, Rob tugged him along as they wove through the crowd and got into the lift. When the doors opened and they stepped inside, Rob stared back at the club.

  Heath knew exactly what he was doing. “Looking for Vic?”

  “Mm-hm.” Rob’s gaze snapped to Heath’s. “And you will never tell anyone that.”

  “Your secret is safe, trust me. I can see how much you love him.” It shone out of him.

  Rob sighed as the doors closed. “I do. He makes me less… me, if you get my meaning.”

  Heath didn’t but said nothing. When the doors opened on the third floor, Rob propelled him along the hallway to a room in the middle. He turned and raised his hand to the man stationed on the far end, and a moment later, the door buzzed.

  “We used to have a key, but I might have lost it. Jarod—he’s one of the owners—had them put a lock on it. See that nice man sitting at the big desk? He can press a button to let me in. Though sometimes he’s a dick about it and makes me come all the way to his desk before he’ll do it. I’m guessing he’s being nice tonight because you’re with me.”

  Rob pushed the door open and pulled Heath through it. The place was amazing. Plush couches, a TV, a kitchen area…. It looked so comfortable and homey that Heath was instantly at ease.

  “This isn’t what I expected.”

  “I know, right? When I asked about getting a room, I didn’t think Eli and Jarod would go all out for it.”

  “Will you shut up?” a voice growled. “I’m trying to take a nap here.” A man sat on one of the couches, his leg propped up. He opened his eyes and scowled. “Don’t say it, Rob. Not a word.”

  The change in Rob was stunning. He let go of Heath, hurried over to the couch, and dropped to his knees beside it. He reached out and put a hand on the man’s chest. “What’s wrong?”

  The man’s face was a mask of pain. “My fucking leg. I twisted it and now it’s throbbing. I’m an idiot. I wish…. Never mind.”

  Rob eyed him with obvious concern. “Do you need me to call Wayne?”

  Gone was the brat Vic had teased, replaced by a warm man who now focused his attention on someone else. Heath knew that if anyone saw the real Rob, it was Vic. He was maybe the only person who really knew the depths he kept hidden.

  “No.” The stricken man blew out a breath. “Well… maybe. I left my pills in the office. The thing is, if I tell him, I just know he’s going to take me home and make me stretch, and right now it hurts too much, and I don’t want to, and….” He sighed, his gaze meeting Heath’s. “Oh God. I sound like such a whiny baby, don’t I?”

  “No, not at all.” It was clear he was in pain.

  Rob held out a hand to the man. “Give me your keys and tell me where your pills are. I’ll go get them. Heath will wait here.”

  “Yeah?” He beamed a smile at Rob. “Thanks, really. I don’t want Wayne to see me like this. I mean, I’ll tell him once the pain has gone away, but… I just don’t want to see that pitying look tonight, you know?” He turned his head and regarded Heath. “I take it this is Heath,” he said pointedly.

  Rob bit his lip. “Oops. Sorry. Heath, Ellis. Ellis, Heath.”

  Ellis nodded. “I’d stand, but….” He gestured to his leg. “Maybe another time?”

  “Yeah, absolutely.”

  Ellis reached into his shirt and pulled out a set of keys. He thumbed through them, then took one off the ring. “This one will open the door. My pills are in the desk on the right. You’ll know which desk is mine because Wayne’s got an ottoman there for when I need a break.” He sighed. “I might grouse about the man, but I love him.”

  “I know.” Rob took the key. “I’ll be right back.” He scampered out of the room, leaving Ellis and Heath alone.

  Ellis gave a pained grin. “If I’d known we were having company, I’d have tidied up the place. Unfortunately, it’s the maid’s day off, so….” He winced. “Yeah, sorry, I’m not at my best right now.”

  Heath couldn’t even imagine. The images of Ellis being taken down by a gunshot were seared indelibly into Heath’s mind. The fact he was even up and about was a true testament to his fortitude.

  “I saw the news,” Heath admitted quietly.

  Ellis shrugged. “Pretty much all of the UK did.” His jaw set. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

  Of that, Heath had no doubt. He sat down beside Ellis and put a hand on Ellis’s arm. “You were…. Brave doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

  “No.” Ellis turned his face away from Heath. “Don’t say that. I wasn’t brave at all. I was scared out of my mind. I saw that little girl, and all I could think of was that she was going to die if I didn’t move my arse and do something.” He looked back. “Bravery had nothing to do with it, trust me.”

  They sat there quietly for a few moments, and then the door burst open and Rob came back in, a small amber bottle in his hand. He rushed to the mini refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, then cracked it open. “How many do you need, Ellis?”

  Ellis sighed. “One.” Then he winced again. “Better make it three. And then would you call Wayne? I think I need to go home before I start bawling like a baby.”

  Rob tapped three pills into his palm, then gave them to Ellis. Ellis popped them into his mouth, tilted his head back, and swallowed. Then he took the water and drained the bottle.

  Rob went to the phone and dialed. “Vic? Are you with Wayne? Okay, can you tell him Ellis needs him? He’s hurting and—thank you.”

  When he hung up, Rob came back over to where Ellis lay, pale, his hands trembling. “He’s on his way.” Rob bit his lip. “Ellis, I—”

  “I’m fine, Rob. Just sore, so don’t worry, all right?”

  Rob gave a tight nod, and Heath could see how close to tears he was. The man was a walking contradiction.

  Ellis opened his arms. “Oh, come here.” Rob dropped to the floor again and gently embraced Ellis, who stroked Rob’s hair. “I love that you worry, you know. You put on this big front, but—”

  Rob gave a pained smile, then coughed. “Hey. Don’t give away all my secrets.”

  A moment later the door opened and Vic stepped in with another man by his side, who rushed to Ellis. “You okay?”

  Ellis gave a brief nod. “Just twisted my knee. I know you wanted to stay awhile tonight, but—”

  The man shook his head. “Let’s get you home where I can take care of you.”

  “Thank you, Wayne. I’m sorry if I—”

  “Not another word, Ellis.” Wayne brushed a hand over Ellis’s head, and Ellis pushed into the intimate touch. “I’m always here for you.”

  Watching them, Heath realized what Xavier had said was true. Real life was nothing like the books he’d read. Those had been meant to titillate, because at their core they were mostly about sex. What Heath was seeing here tonight was reality. Men who loved each other, who were there for their friends, and who made what Heath could only describe as a family. It was humbling to witness.

  “Hey, Heath?” Ellis leaned on Wayne and Vic. “I know this wasn’t the best introduction, but—”

  Heath smiled. “Actually, it was, more than you know. I—I hope you feel better soon.”

  “Oh, I will. Wayne’s going to take me home, wrap up my leg, then put me to bed, where—”

  “Where I’ll hover over you all night,” Wayne interjected, “checking to make sure you’re okay, and then tomorrow I’ll call your therapist.” He gave Heath a warm smile. “Trust me, it’s not the first time this has happened.”

  Ellis turned to Rob. “Hey, I’m probably not going to be in for a few days, but call me, yeah?”

  Rob nodded, his eyes bright.

  Ellis held out an arm and Rob was there immediately. “I’m okay, I swear. Come by tomorrow after work and we’ll talk, okay?”

  Rob gave an obviously forced smile. “Okay.” His voice cracked. “Need me to bring anything?”

  “Yeah, check with Tim and see if he can come too.” Ellis’s eyes gleamed. “Ask him to smuggle me in a biscuit or two.”

  Wayne snorted but said nothing. With that, they took Ellis from the room. As soon as the door closed, Rob flopped down onto the couch and put his head in his hands. Less than a minute later, there was a knock at the door.

  “That’ll be mine,” Rob whispered. He raised his voice. “Come in, Vic.”

  The door buzzed and Vic stepped inside. “Home or tank, Rob?”

  “Tank, please.” Rob was practically vibrating. “I need it tonight.”

  “Good enough.” Vic held out a hand. “Let’s go, boy.”

  Rob stood, but he was shaky. He went over to Vic and grabbed on to his outstretched hand like it was the most important thing in the world. “Thank you, Sir.”

  They didn’t even spare Heath a glance as Vic led Rob out of the room. When the door closed, Heath sat on the couch and marveled at what he’d witnessed tonight. These men were so tight-knit, it was no wonder they functioned like a family. He sighed and let his head drop back against the cushions.

  I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that I want to be among these men. I want to belong here.

  He checked the time, then got up and left the room. He nodded to the man sitting at the desk, who gave him a smile. Then he stepped into the lift and headed back down to the bar so he could see what Xavier had concocted for them tonight. No matter what it was, Heath could scarcely contain his excitement. After what he’d witnessed, he was going to see everything through new eyes.

  And he couldn’t wait to get started.

  Chapter Eleven

  XAVIER PAUSED outside the door to one of the private rooms. “Now, we’re going to go in for a moment, while I explain what’s going to happen.”

  “Do I get a say in that?” Not that Heath minded if Xavier had planned the whole thing down to the nth degree. He just wanted to get started.

  “Of course. This is why we’re discussing it.” Xavier opened the door and stood aside to let Heath enter. The room was square, with tall cupboards along one side, presumably filled with anything anyone could ever want to use in a scene.

  God, Heath wanted to peek inside.

  Against the far wall was a bed, but unlike Xavier’s previous description, this was covered not with black vinyl, but with white sheets and pillows. In the center of the room was a wide, high-backed armchair, and in front of it, a low, square padded bench, bigger than a footstool.

  “Welcome to Byerley’s bedroom,” Xavier murmured.

  Heath shivered. “Then we are doing a scene from the book?”

  “Not exactly.” Xavier led him over to the bed, and they sat on it. “We’re going to keep those two characters but do something new with them. I’ll expect you to keep in character all the time, unless you want to stop, in which case you say your safeword, red. Everything stops for that. If you want to take a breath, it’s yellow.” He grinned. “Not that you’ll be talking much tonight.”

  Goose bumps erupted over Heath’s arms. “Okay. Tell me.”

  “Byerley has been away. He informed his housekeeper to take on a new manservant, to be in place for when he returned. And you’re the result. So far, he’s had brief glimpses of you, but the two of you haven’t had a good talk. When he retired for the night, he asked you to come to his bedchamber. So this is your first meeting.”

  Heath loved this. His gaze flickered toward the cupboards. “And will we be using… anything?”

  Xavier chuckled. “Believe me, you’ll have enough on your plate tonight without us introducing any toys. That will come.” He snickered. “Although… I may have a surprise lined up.”

  Heath was all for surprises. “So… can we start? How do we start?” He was buzzing with excitement.

  “Strip down to what I told you to wear. Once you’re done, go outside and wait a minute. Then knock on the door. From that moment on, you’re Malcolm, who speaks only when spoken to. And I’m ‘my lord.’”

  Heath launched himself off the bed and hurriedly took off his shirt, then dashed over to the door, and paused at the threshold. “In case I forget to tell you later? I had a great time tonight.”

  Xavier smiled. “And in case I neglected to tell you? Malcolm is a virgin.” When Heath widened his eyes, Xavier laughed. “Now there’s a challenge for you. Out you go.”

  Heath opened the door, stepped outside, and closed it softly. He faced the door, taking deep breaths to force calm into his body while he talked himself into the role.

  You’ve been taken on as a manservant. Remember that. You’ve been in service before. And if this is… different, then react to it. Xavier will be expecting that.

  Except he knew it was going to be different.

  One final long breath and he was ready. Heath raised his hand and rapped on the door.


  Heath pushed opened the door, stepped inside, and closed it behind him. “You asked to see me, my lord.”

  Xavier sat in his armchair, his back straight, legs wide at the knee. “Malcolm. Mrs. Davis took you on.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Heath stood by the door, not daring to move until given leave to do so. He wasn’t sure how he should be standing. At first he was tempted to cross his arms over his chest, but that didn’t feel authentic. Then he gave consideration to keeping them at his side, but that didn’t seem servile enough. Finally he crossed them behind his back, gripping his left wrist with his right hand.

  “That is not generally how I do things in this house. Mrs. Davis is obviously pleased with your past achievements and demeanor—that does not mean I shall feel the same way. I intend to conduct my own interview, and if I am satisfied at its conclusion, you shall stay. If not, you will leave in the morning. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, my lord.” Heath kept his voice low.

  “I understand from your references that you have been employed as a manservant on at least two previous occasions. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, my lord. Once with Lord Enderby, who trained—”

  “I am not remotely interested in your previous training. Is that clear?” Xavier’s voice was cool, with a harsh edge to it, and ice slid down Heath’s spine. “I shall be training you—if I think you are worthy of my attentions. It would be well if you bear that in mind this evening. Please me, and you stay. It is as simple as that.”

  What struck Heath in that moment was how well Xavier must have been acquainted with the books, because he nailed Byerley. Heath wanted to respond, but at the last minute, he stopped short. Xavier had not given permission to speak.

  “Come here. Stand in front of me, facing away.”

  Heath blinked at the unusual request but did as instructed. His breathing caught as Xavier brought his hands around Heath and stroked his chest through the loose black cotton T-shirt he’d worn under his shirt. Xavier grabbed his pecs and squeezed, and Heath bit back a cry of surprise.

  “Kneel up.” Xavier pointed to the bench.

  Heath complied, his heartbeat racing as Xavier pulled his top upward and left it covering Heath’s head, his arms in the air. His breathing was amplified in the constricted space, and he let out a low moan of desire as Xavier stroked his chest and belly before moving lower to rub his fingers over Heath’s hips. Then the darkness was gone as Xavier removed the T-shirt entirely.

  Heath’s heart pounded as he tried to remain in character. Would Malcolm say something at this point? Because this is a pretty fucking strange interview by anyone’s standards. “My l-lord….”

  “Silence unless I ask you to speak.” Xavier gave him a rough push forward, and Heath fell, his face meeting the cool surface of the bench, his hands on either side of his head, his arse up in the
air. A firm hand slipped between his legs and rubbed over his crotch, where Heath’s erection was already making itself apparent.

  “Just so we are clear,” Xavier said in a low voice. “If you remain here, I will own you, heart, body, and mind. This body?” He stroked a hand down Heath’s back, pausing at the waistband of his jeans. “This will be mine to do with as I please.” He gripped the fabric and pulled at it, then slipped his hands under Heath’s body and tugged him into an upright position. Xavier reached around to unfasten the button on his jeans, then slid his hands higher to Heath’s nipples. He grasped them both firmly, pulling down on them and dragging a low cry from Heath’s lips. Xavier rubbed his pecs, then repeated the process, each time tugging harder.

  “You like that,” he whispered in Heath’s ear. It was not a question. He curved his hand around Heath’s throat and gently pulled him until he was leaning against Xavier’s chest before slowly lowering his other hand to Heath’s jeans, where he dipped his fingers under the waistband. Heath’s breathing grew rapid and he trembled, awaiting the first touch of Xavier’s hand on his dick.

  Xavier chuckled and brought his hand to rest on Heath’s belly. “Has anyone touched you there?”

  Heath swallowed. “No one, my lord.”

  Xavier stilled his hand. “No girl has taken you in her hand or her mouth?”

  Heath shook his head. “No one… has known me, my lord.”

  Xavier gave him another rough push, and Heath was once more with his cheek pressed against the bench, arse tilted. Xavier pulled down on his jeans, exposing the top of his crease. “Oh, I intend to know every inch of you, Malcolm. And before this night is over, I intend to take you.”

  THERE WAS no faking the shudder that coursed through Heath’s body. Xavier’s cock was like granite in his pants. The urge to pull down Heath’s jeans and slide his dick into that tight body was overwhelming, but he reined in his desire.

  They had a scene to do, and the way things were shaping up, it had the potential to be one of the headiest fucks of Xavier’s experience.

  He brought his hand down with a sharp smack, connecting with the firm flesh visible above the waistband. Then he grabbed the mounds and squeezed them before repeating the blows. With each connection, Heath’s body jolted, and Xavier watched for any signs that he wasn’t into the experience. Heath’s breath condensed on the bench’s surface, and he dug his fingers into the edge, but the way he pushed back for more told Xavier all he needed to know.


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