Home Again

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Home Again Page 7

by Lisa Emme

  The bar, as usual, started to fill up as townsfolk wrapped up their workdays and came in to unwind. Mike sauntered in with Doc and threw her a quick smile and a wink, but she was swamped behind the counter and barely had time to smile back. She did notice that they ordered the Steak special, so she hoped Mike was sticking around a while and that she’d get a chance to visit with him later on.


  Mike sat back from the remains of his dinner and watched Allie behind the bar. She was the picture of efficiency, drawing beer and pouring drinks, a smile on her face for everyone. She laughed at something Marla said and Mike’s heart skipped a beat.

  “Hey Mike. Are you listening, boy?” Doc asked, snapping his fingers in front of Mike’s face.

  “What? Yeah, sure.” He smiled sheepishly at Doc. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “I was wondering if something went on the other day at the Circle D between you and Rowdy MacAllister?”

  The concern in Doc’s voice grabbed Mike’s attention. “No. Why? Is something wrong?”

  “No, no. Just had a phone call from Rowdy checking up on you is all. Wanted to know about your training and experience and such.”

  “Is there a problem?” Mike asked uneasily. The Circle D was the biggest account they had. It would be very bad for the practice if the MacAllisters decided to go somewhere else for their veterinary services.

  “Well…I don’t think so.” Doc grimaced and rubbed the stubble on his chin. “You know how it is with young bucks. He’s just trying his new position on for size.” He glanced over his shoulder at Allie and then back at Mike. “Although…” He frowned and ran a hand through his thinning hair.

  “Although what?” Mike asked. “Don’t hold out on me. We can’t afford to lose the Circle D.”

  “Well, I couldn’t help but notice your interest in the Daniels’s girl.” He frowned. “I’m not one to gossip, but I’m sure by now you have heard who she is and her relationship to the MacAllisters.”

  “Yeah, I’m aware,” said Mike. He looked across the room at Allie then turned back to Doc with a frown. “But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well, let’s just say that some folks around here tended to make sure they kept a bit of distance between themselves and Allie rather than risk getting on the wrong side of the MacAllisters. The MacAllisters have their fingers in a lot of pies in these parts and a lot of people’s jobs depend on them.”

  “Are you saying that people around here gave Allie the cold shoulder because they were afraid if they were nice to her, they would lose their jobs?” Mike looked incredulous.

  Doc shrugged. “Pretty much, yeah.”

  Mike looked over at Allie, suddenly understanding her wary nature. He felt a pang of sympathy for the young child Allie once was, growing up in a town where they made her feel like an outcast. “Do you think that Rowdy is going to be trouble?” Mike asked. “Allie is a friend and well…” He shrugged, not sure what to say.

  “Heaven forbid, boy!” Doc spluttered. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t be. Hell, it’s a right shame the way young Allie was treated. I’m just telling you ‘cause you asked.”

  “Thanks Doc, I appreciate it.” Mike took a long sip of his beer and sat back mulling over what he just been told.


  “Allie-Cat!” The high squeal was easily heard over the din of the packed bar.

  Allie looked up, a big smile on her face. “Becky! Lori! You made it.” She ran round the counter and the three women exchanged hugs. “Look at you!” she exclaimed to a very pregnant Becky Rogers. “My goodness, you look like you’re ready to pop!”

  Becky groaned and rolled her eyes, one hand supporting her bowed back. “Don’t I know it?” She rubbed her belly affectionately. “This one is a bruiser. Still five weeks until my due date and I’m bigger than I ever was for my first two.”

  Allie looked over at Lori Bell, her other childhood friend. “And look at you. Pencil thin again already and little Michelle is what, three, four months old now? I think I hate you.” She laughed and gave Lori another hug, putting a lie to her words. Lori blushed. She was always the shy one, whereas Becky was the go-getter of the group. Allie always stood the middle ground somewhere in between and the three had been best friends for most of their lives.

  Allie pulled them towards the bar and shooed a couple of regulars off their stools, sending them to a table with promises of a round on the house. The two girls sat down and Allie went back to her place behind the counter. She quickly took care of the couple of orders that were waiting then placed two large, icy drinks in front of her friends.

  “Strawberry Margaritas all around girls.” She pushed Becky’s toward her. “Virgin-style for the Mama-to-be.”

  “Ooo, these look delicious.” Becky took a long slurp from her drink. “Ahh, that’s good.” She patted her stomach. “Do you think we could get an order of nachos too? Extra guacamole? I’ve had a craving all day.”

  Allie laughed, remembering what it was like to be pregnant. “Sure thing. One order of nachos, coming up!”

  The three friends chatted, catching up. Even though Allie had been back home for a few weeks now, it was the first chance she’d had to see her friends.

  “So Brian’s home with the kids tonight?” Allie asked. Becky had married her high school sweetheart, Brian, who now worked for the town police force.

  “Oh no. He’s working. He’s going to swing by and pick us up later.”

  “Then who’s with the boys?”

  “That’s what Grandma is for.” Becky laughed. “My mom can’t get enough of them.”

  Feeling a twinge of jealousy, Allie looked at Lori and changed the subject. “And how’s Tommy? Has he got the hang of being a daddy yet?” Lori’s husband, Tommy, was a newcomer to town. He worked at the nearby meat processing facility.

  Lori smiled wryly. “Yeah, he loves it. He’s absolutely ga-ga over Michelle. With his shifts, he’s home full days sometimes and he just takes over, changing diapers, warming bottles.” She laughed. “And you should see how he dresses her up! Now I know that Michelle has the cutest little clothes, but does she really have to wear three outfits a day?” The girls all laughed at the thought of Lori’s big, burly husband playing dress-up dolls with his baby daughter.

  “Oh, that’s too cute!” Allie giggled.

  The evening wore on and Allie began to fill more and more orders for margaritas. As she suspected, the men that frequented the bar may have just wanted to stick with their draft and shots, but the women were looking for something different. Sal came out front just as she was serving up two more. He looked at the fruity drinks and scowled. “What the hell are those? I thought I said no sissy drinks?”

  “Oh Sal. Don’t have a cow.” She patted his arm. “Not everyone wants to drink beer all night.” She leaned in close, gestured to him to bend down and whispered in his ear. “Besides, I’m charging six bucks for an ounce of liquor.”

  Sal’s eyebrows shot up. “Six bucks?” He looked thoughtful as he rubbed his scruffy chin. “Well, I guess there’s no harm in it.”

  Allie laughed. “I thought you’d see it that way. Although you owe me for the strawberries.”


  “Oh, oh. Don’t look now…” Becky cast a furtive glance across the bar. “But that sexy cowboy has been watching you all night and now he’s heading over here.”

  “What?” Allie looked over to where Becky was now staring. “Oh, that’s just Mike.” She picked up a mug and started to dry it, trying to act casual.

  Becky turned back to eye her suspiciously. “Mike?”

  “He’s the new vet working with Doc Mundy.”

  “And?” Becky drummed her fingers on the bar.

  “And what?” Allie tried her best to school her expression. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “A nice guy? A nice guy?” B
ecky looked exasperated. “That’s all you can say about that prime piece of beefsteak?” She shook her head. “Allie Daniels, you’re holding out on us.” She glared at Allie suspiciously.

  “I am not….now hush. Here he comes.” She looked up at Mike and smiled innocently.

  “Hey Mike. How was your dinner tonight?”

  “Hey Allie. It was good, real good.” He placed an empty pitcher on the bar. “Can you get me another, please?”

  “Ahem.” Becky cleared her throat and looked expectantly at Allie.

  Allie shook her head, resigned. Becky wasn’t going to let things go. “Mike, these are my dearest friends, Becky Rogers and Lori Bell.” She waved a hand at Becky and then Lori.

  “Evening ladies.” Mike smiled and tipped his imaginary hat.

  “Well hello, Dr. Mike.” Becky gave him a huge smile. “Welcome to our little burg. You been in town long?”

  “A few weeks now.”

  “Settling in okay then are you?” Becky persisted.

  “Just fine. You’ve got a nice little town here.” He looked at Allie and added, “It has some real appeal.”

  Becky’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline but a look from Allie kept her quiet.

  “Allie, I was driving by your place today and noticed you had finished up the stairs. The tree house looks really good,” Mike said.

  “Oh yeah, thanks. Evan came out the other day and gave me a hand.” She smiled. “Dougie is practically beside himself. He loves it.” She paused for a moment as if thinking. “We’re actually having a little tree house warming party this weekend if you’d like to come.” She looked uncomfortable for a moment then hurried on, “Of course you’ve probably already got plans, what with the fair and all.”

  “The fair?” Mike asked. “Oh yeah, I saw them hanging a banner down on Main Street. That’s this weekend?”

  “Yes, it is.” Becky answered eagerly. “You going to attend?” She shot Allie a sly grin and then turned innocently back to Mike. “There’s lots of fun and food, a midway and there’s a street dance and fireworks Saturday night. You could come by Allie’s for dinner and then go with us to watch the fireworks.”

  “Well, that sounds like fun. Are you going to the fireworks too, Allie?”

  “Me? Oh, yeah. Sure. I promised Dougie that he could try and stay up for them this year.” She shifted uncomfortably again. “You should come, if you don’t have plans, uh, Dougie would be thrilled.”

  “Well, that sounds great.” He smiled at Allie and winked. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint Dougie. Will you be going to the fair earlier in the day at all?”

  “Yes, but we’ll be pretty busy. I’m helping my aunt and uncle run the booth most of the day. And I got roped into volunteering at one of the charity booths for an hour too.”

  “Booth?” Mike asked.

  “Yeah, we’re selling fresh strawberries, pies, jams and other treats.” She looked at Mike hopefully. “Maybe you could pop by the booth and I’ll see if I can get away for a few minutes.”

  “Great. It’s a date. I mean, sounds like a plan,” said Mike. He smiled wryly, grabbed the now full pitcher of beer and nodded to Becky and Lori. “Nice meeting you both. See you on Saturday.” He threw a quick smile to Allie. “Catch you later, Allie.”

  The three friends watched Mike stroll back to his table. Becky let out a long breath and shook her hand. “Hubba hubba. What a doll. And check out that ass.”

  “Becky! You’re a married woman, for Pete’s sake!” Lori looked at her friend in exasperation.

  “So? I’ve still got eyes, don’t I?” Becky looked unabashed. She turned to stare at Allie accusingly. “You are holding out on us. Now spill, girlfriend.”

  Allie grimaced. “There’s nothing to tell. I just met him.”

  “And?” Becky looked at her skeptically. “There’s got to be more than that. You could practically carve the sexual tension between you two with a knife.”

  “Yeah,” added Lori, “There did seem to be something going on between you two.”

  Allie frowned. “There isn’t really. Mike’s just a nice guy. He helped me out a time or two.”

  “And?” Becky folded her arms across her chest and gave a doubtful look.

  Allie shook her head, capitulating. “Alright, alright. So maybe there was a kiss or two.”

  “Omigod! I knew it!” Becky slapped the counter.

  “Shh! Keep it down, will you?” Allie looked around worriedly. “You don’t have to shout it to the whole bar.” She stepped away to pull a couple of drafts.

  When she came back Becky pounced. “So, is he a good kisser?” Allie blushed. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Becky said. “Are you going to jump his bones?”

  Allie gasped and shook her head at her friend’s audacity. “The last thing I need in my life is more complications, and trust me, that man is a huge complication.”

  “Are you kidding me? That’s exactly what you need. A man, I mean. You need to get laid.”

  Lori choked on her drink. “I can’t believe you just said that.” She shook her head. “No, I take that back. That’s exactly like something you would say.”

  Allie leaned forward and hissed at Becky, “I can’t just jump into bed with him at the drop of a hat.”

  “Why the hell not?” She turned to ogle Mike again. “He can drop his hat at me anytime.”

  “Becky Rogers!” Allie shot her friend a stern look. “What would Brian say if he could hear you now?”

  “Alright, fine.” Becky shrugged. “So I wouldn’t, but only because I’m happily married,” she hastened to add. “There’s no reason you couldn’t though. The guy is totally into you.”

  “You know what your problem is?” Lori asked. Allie turned in surprise at her usually quiet friend. “You over-think everything.”

  “Exactly!” exclaimed Becky. “I mean how long did you waffle back and forth before finally sleeping with Hank?”

  “Ummm, a while,” Allie hedged.

  “Uh-huh.” Becky rolled her eyes.

  “And look where that got me!” Allie replied. “Not that I regret having Dougie, but come on, I’m not exactly where I planned to be.”

  “That’s exactly my point,” Lori said. “Sometimes you just can’t plan. You just have to, you know, wing it.”

  “Wing it?” Allie blinked and stared at her friend. “Are you feeling okay? You sure don’t sound like the Lori I remember.”

  Lori blushed and then shrugged. “We all change. Being married and now a mom has made me, I don’t know, more spontaneous?”

  “Well whatever,” Becky interrupted. “Lori’s absolutely right. You need to quit dragging your heels and jump back into life. It’s like you have been on cruise control the last six years.”

  “Hello. I’ve been raising my child, thank you very much.” Allie folded her arms across her chest.

  “Of course you have sweetie, but just because you have a kid, doesn’t mean you don’t have needs too.” Becky looked at Lori, who nodded in agreement. “You don’t have to make a commitment. Just go with the flow.” She made a wavy hand sign.

  “Come on Allie, what could it hurt to see where this thing goes with Mike?” Lori asked.

  Allie frowned. “That’s exactly what could happen. Someone could get hurt. I could get hurt again.” She turned her back on her friends’ surprised faces, to go wait on another customer.

  The crowd in the bar picked up again and Allie found herself too busy to go back and talk, which was just as well, as far as she was concerned. When Brian arrived to drive the two women home, Becky gave Allie a quick hug. “You can’t let your fear of getting hurt keep you from living Allie. Just think about it.”

  “Allie, you’ve outdone yourself!” Elaine beamed as she looked over the tables laden with jars of jam, fresh baked pies, tarts and cartons of freshly picked strawberries

  “Well, it’s not like I did it all myself,” Allie replied. “You made all the jam and helped pick the berries.”

  “Oh, but these little mini-cheesecake tarts were an inspiration. I bet we sell out of them right away.”

  “And don’t forget the ice cream cookies!” Dougie said pushing between the two women. “They’re my favourite.”

  Allie smiled and ruffled the little boy’s hair. “Hmmm, cookies and ice cream. Why am I not surprised that they’re your favourite?” She checked the freezer, making sure it was plugged in and the cord tucked out of the way. “It sure was nice of Mr. Hanley to loan us this little unit.”

  She crouched down so she was at eye level with her son. “Now listen little man. I know you are dying to go on the rides, but you have to stay here with us for a while. Becky and Brian will be by with the boys and you can go on the rides with them then. Okay?”

  “Okay Mommy.” He smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Can I play with my trucks now?”

  “Sure. Just be certain to stay where I can see you. No wandering off.” She stood up and gave him a playful poke on the tip of his nose.

  “Oh Allie! Allie, dear.” Allie looked around to see Marietta Appleton, the town librarian waving at her, a clipboard clutched under her arm.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Appleton.”

  “Good morning, dear,” she replied. “Here’s the volunteer schedule. I managed to book you in for the afternoon, just like you asked.” Marietta was spearheading the fundraising efforts to purchase new materials for the town’s library and had cajoled Allie into volunteering.

  Allie looked at the schedule and frowned. “The Kissing Booth! You have me working at the Kissing Booth?”

  “Now dear, don’t be shy. A pretty girl like you? I’m sure all the boys will be lining up.”

  “I’m not so sure…” Allie bit her lip.

  “Nonsense. Besides, it’s too late to change the schedule now.” She waved her clipboard. “Must be off. I need to get the rest of these handed out.” She strode away calling over her shoulder. “See you this afternoon!”


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