LIVE TO TELL: A Fake Fiancé Romance (Material Girls Book 2)

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LIVE TO TELL: A Fake Fiancé Romance (Material Girls Book 2) Page 16

by Sophia Henry

  I’ve been to Maddie’s place multiple times, but I’ve never had Ramos with me. When she opens the door, the bright, white sofa practically glows. I drop one of my duffle bags and grab Ramos’s collar, holding him back from bursting into the condo and jumping on her immaculate furniture.

  She turns around. “What are you doing?”

  “His paws are all muddy and he’s going to jump right on—”

  “It’s okay, Erik.” She looks me in the eye when she speaks, which is how I know it’s really okay. “It’s his home now. And I have stain-guard stuff on all my furniture. Dirt will come out.”

  Even though I know she’s being honest, I still hesitate while Ramos practically chokes himself trying bust out of my grasp and get in.

  “Come on in, Ramos!” Maddie lowers herself to one knee. The simple beckon brings out his super-lab strength. He jerks out of my loose grasp and runs to Maddie. She grabs his head and scratches him heartily. “Your daddy is so silly. I invited him to live here, and he’s dirtier than you are most days.”

  “Touché,” I say, picking up the duffel bag I’d dropped entering Maddie’s condo, and shut the door behind me with my foot.

  “I’ve had this furniture for years. It’s very lived-in.” Maddie lets go of Ramos. To my surprise, he doesn’t head straight for the couch. Instead, he puts his nose down, exploring the place by sniffing every crack and crevice in each room.

  “Thanks for letting two dirty boys move in with you.” I stop to plant a kiss on her lips before taking my bags to the guest room. As I pass the couch, I notice how it does not look lived-in at all. It looks like it came off the delivery truck yesterday. “How often do you have it cleaned?”

  “Well, I usually have the furniture professionally vacuumed and shampooed every three months.”

  That’s not high-maintenance at all, I think as I set my bags in the guest room. I make a mental note to schedule someone to come in to clean the furniture after Ramos and I leave.

  “I’ve never heard of anyone doing that,” I tell her when I return to the living area.

  “I’m not a germaphobe, I swear,” Maddie says. “I know it sounds that way, but I’m not. Just like having everything cleaned. I could probably do it twice a year, like Mama does. I just like how it feels and smells.”

  “Well, it’s gonna smell like dog and man soon.”

  “I know! And I’m so excited!” Maddie grabs a remote from the coffee table and presses a few buttons until music comes on. Then, she flicks a switch on the wall, flooding the room in darkness, except for a few candles flickering throughout the room. “Time to celebrate.”

  “Sex?” I ask.

  “Dancing.” She tugs my hand, but I’m frozen in place. “Come on.”

  “I don’t dance, Maddie,” I say.

  “It’s easy, just put your hands on my waist and move your hips.”

  I place my hands on her waist and move my hips from side to side, slow and stiff. It’s meant to exaggerate my lack of skills. My hands drop back to my side.

  Maddie cocks her head and stares at me, blinking once, before saying. “It’s just us, Erik. No one else is here to see us. Please, just try it.”

  “There may not be anyone else in here, but there’s a ton of people out there.” I nod toward the floor-to-ceiling windows that span an entire wall of her condo. The view is breathtaking, especially now, with darkness falling and the city sparkling with lights as far as the eye can see.

  “No one can see us way up here.” She places her hands on my hips and guides them in a slower, rolling motion. “Loosen up. Feel the music.”

  “I hear the music, I can’t feel it,” I say, laughing at her instructions. “I don’t have any rhythm.”

  “Look at me and follow my lead.” She places her hands on my cheeks and presses her body against mine. My automatic response is to grab her hips. Then she starts swaying and moving her hips slowly. I mimic her actions, because I don’t want her body to slip away for mine. I love the feeling of having her so close.

  Maddie raises up on her tiptoes, leans in, and whispers, “See? It’s easy.”

  Her lips tickle my ear as she speaks, which sends a jolt of lust through me. I pull her closer. “Being with you is easy.”

  “Is it?” she asks, stopping our movements just as I started getting my groove. Concentrating on the music and staying in rhythm with her helped keep my mind off how much I want her. And how I could get used to moments like this: swaying together in the safety and warmth of our home—errr—her home.

  “Yeah,” I tell her. “You’re fun and willing to try anything. I’ll do anything with you, even things I’d never see myself doing before.”

  “I feel the same way about you.” She places her hands on my face and kisses me softly.

  Now that I’m not distracted by trying to keep rhythm, my thoughts veer straight back to the fact that we’re in front of a huge window. Suddenly the prospect that someone could look up and see us isn’t embarrassing—it’s fucking hot.

  I spin her around and wrap my arms around her waist, so we’re gazing out at the sprawling city together. Lowering my lips to her ear, I say, “What do you want to try that you haven’t done before?”

  She must feel my erection pressing against her, because she grinds her ass into my crotch. “Surprise me.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Erik presses his chest against my back, leans close to my ear, and whispers, “Put your palms on the window.”

  My breath hitches, but I do as he commands, closing my eyes and shivering as my body reacts to his soft, sensual timbre. I try to squeeze my legs together, a natural reaction to the excitement tightening my stomach, but Erik places his thigh between my mine and nudges them farther apart with his knee.

  “You’re gorgeous, Maddie.” He slides a fingertip down my back, then kneels behind me and places his lips in the middle, right above my ass. Despite his calloused hands, his touch is soft, gentle, tender.

  A shiver shakes my entire body. My heart speeds up in anticipation of what he’ll do next. He slides his hands over my hips and down the outside of my thighs. His lips are still on my back, his breath hot on my skin. Slowly, he reaches up and finds my clit. He alternates between rubbing and flicking, then he dips one finger inside me and my knees almost buckle. I feel him smile against my back before he slips another digit in me.

  I’m so wet, his fingers slide easily as he pumps them in and out. It’s nothing new. When I’m around Erik, my arousal is almost instant. All he has to do is look at me and I’m drenched.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers.

  I’m rocking against his hand, wanting more, needing more. Just when I’m getting used to the rhythm, he pulls out. Before I can protest, his mouth is between my legs, his tongue taking the place of his fingers. The low moan that escapes doesn’t even sound like me. He pushes his fingers into me again, forcing me slightly forward. His teeth graze my clit, but it’s when he sucks softly that he sends me over the edge. I grind down, moving through the orgasm. He doesn’t let up, sucking and nibbling. I didn’t even realize an orgasm could last so long, but he keeps letting me ride his face, so I’m not complaining.

  Once he’s gotten everything from me, he licks my pussy before standing up. He slides his hands up and down my hips again, his soft touch mesmerizing me into a haze. I’m expecting something sweet and soft again, but he surprises me by grabbing my hips and pushing into me hard from behind.

  The force propels me forward and I brace myself, splaying my palms against the glass. Being fucked against a window is a completely new, and exhilarating, experience. In the back of my mind, I know no one can see us. All the lights are off in the condo, and there’s not another building as far as they can see. Still, the excitement of being seen is there. I never thought that’s the reaction I would have to being bare in front of an open window, but I can’t deny the way my body reacts.

  I’m breaking all the rules with Erik. Taki
ng fears and prejudices and tossing them aside like the black, lacy lingerie he pulled off me tonight.

  “Yes! Erik! Oh my god!” I say, urging him to keep going. Every time he thrusts, it’s a bit harder and a bit deeper, and I love it. But my head is dangerously close to hitting the window, and the memory of Trent pushing me into it, causes terror to rip through me.

  As if Erik can read my mind, or maybe sense my tension, he raises his arm and places a hand palm-down against the window right at my head level. I rest my forehead on the back of his hand in silent appreciation.

  “I’ve got you, Madeline. Don’t hold back,” Erik growls in my ear. “Let go. You can let go with me.”

  He wraps the other arm around me, caging me in, then reaches around and places his fingers on my clit, rubbing as he continues thrusting. When my head falls back onto his shoulder, he kisses my neck, grazing my skin with his teeth. The sensations make me dizzy, lightheaded, and about to lose it again. I nod, clenching his cock with all my strength.

  “You ready, sweetheart?”

  I nod again and push my ass back, letting him know that he can keep pumping into me, filling me deeper and deeper until he gives me everything he’s got. I want it all. I want his essence to flow through my blood. I’d give anything to be one-tenth of the strong, amazing person Erik is.

  Living with Erik gets better with every day that passes. He leaves me notes on the bathroom mirror daily, he fixes things around the condo, and he takes my car to get washed every single week. I don’t need those things, but it’s really sweet that he does them. He’s always thinking of me. It’s only been a month, so maybe we’re still in the honeymoon stage, but from everything I know about him, it’s just more ways that show how thoughtful he is.

  After the crazy, stressful day I had, I don’t want to have to think about anything. All I want to do is change into super-comfy clothes and binge something mundane on Netflix until he gets home. Then have a ton of sex.

  Ramos greets me at the door, tail wagging and tongue hanging out of his mouth. Before I do anything else, I latch a leash onto his collar and take him outside to do his business. Settler’s Cemetery, Charlotte’s oldest, is across the street from my building. It’s a well-kept, beautiful park-like space, which may seem weird, but I think it’s wonderful. Walking amongst the final resting spot for people, who were in the city from the beginning, gives me a rush of pride for how far we’ve come.

  The entire lobby smells like garlic wafting in from the upscale Thai-food restaurant next door. It’s not a bad smell, but it gets overwhelming at certain parts of the night. Before heading back up to my condo, I stop to check my mail.

  Once we’re back inside, I remove his leash and hang it up on the hook next to the door, then I kick off my shoes and round the counter to the kitchen. After grabbing a glass out of the cabinet and placing it on the counter, I open the fridge and pray there’s a bottle of wine chilling in there. If there’s not, I need to hit the market down the road. Today was the kind of day where I need to chill out with wine and hibachi takeout. Thankfully, a bottle of Pinot Grigio waits for me on the top shelf. There’s a yellow Post-it note taped to the bottle.

  Hope you had a great day, beautiful! Pour yourself a drink and relax! Can’t wait to get home to see you.

  My lips turn up in a smile and butterflies zoom inside my belly, as I think about how sweet it is that Erik thought of me. I grab the bottle and move to the drawer where I keep the opener.

  Trent never left notes for me—sweet or otherwise. There’s no comparison between Trent and Erik, so I’m not sure why I need constant reinforcement for my decision to leave.

  With a glass of wine in one hand and my cell phone already opened up to a food-delivery app in the other, I shuffle to the couch. As soon as I sit down, Ramos joins me, curling up next to me and resting his head on my thigh. Erik gets annoyed when the dog jumps on my furniture, but I don’t mind. I’ve never had a pet. Mama is allergic to cats and she never wanted the responsibility and hassle of having a dog. I totally understand. Between all the long hours Daddy worked, the countless activities Mama had us girls in, and vacations, having a dog didn’t fit into our lifestyle.

  I set my wine glass on the coffee table and run my hand across Ramos’s soft fur. Erik’s concerns are out of respect for my home. He thinks muddy dog paws will ruin my furniture. But, hell, Erik comes home muddy and grimy from work every day and I let him on the furniture. I want him here—in my home and in my life. Having Ramos with us makes me feel like we’re a family.

  I stop petting the dog to send a quick thank you text to Erik.

  Me: Thanks for the wine. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

  Because he’s still working, I don’t expect him to text back right away, but seeing the tiny dots on my screen, that tell me he’s typing, makes my heart flutter.

  Erik: I’ve been thinking about you all day. Can we snuggle on the couch with a movie tonight?

  Me: Sure, after you ravish me.

  Erik: Well, that’s a given. I can’t focus on a movie with my dick pressed against your back. ;)

  Me: Hurry home.

  Erik: I’ll be there as soon as I can, love.

  Letting Erik move in was a no-brainer. Our relationship is legitimate, and we need to be just as diligent in documenting the steps to show that. I’m still holding out hope that something changes and a marriage will keep him here.

  How can a hard-working man with an impeccable reputation and no criminal record be deported? I highly doubt the Department of Homeland Security is out there cracking down on illegal immigrants like him. Wouldn’t they focus on the real criminals? He’s not a bad person just because he’s here illegally.

  I like having him here. It’s funny because the thought of moving in with Trent never once crossed my mind—which is ridiculous since marriage was supposed to be the long-term plan. But offering to share my condo with Erik popped into my head immediately and without hesitation.

  Everything is easy and fun with him, whether we’re strolling around the city hand in hand, with Ramos in tow, or snuggling on the couch after a long day of work. Life with him is exactly what I dreamed of when I thought about a happy, loving relationship.

  Being with him makes me see how unhappy I was in my last relationship. Trent was rigid and busy. He made me schedule time with his paralegal who runs his calendar at the law firm. We never had cute, fun dates, like mural-hunting in Plaza Midwood or bowling with Austin and Liz. And Trent would never set foot in a nursing home, let alone be there for one of his grandma’s meals every single day. Trent and I were all for show. We attended formal events, threw diner parties, and met colleagues and friends for dinner at the trendiest establishments.

  Over the last few months with Erik, I’ve realized how much I missed being in a loving, trusting relationship. Having the complete freedom to go out with friends or with my sisters, and not have to explain or justify my choices is priceless.

  Then there’s the passion. I barely wanted to kiss Trent, but I can’t keep my hands off Erik. I want him all the time—on the furniture, the bed, the kitchen, the shower. I can’t resist him.

  I’m lost in my thoughts when Erik’s face lights up my screen. I slide my thumb over it to answer.

  “Hey!” I greet him, unable to keep the silly grin off my face. This is what relationships are supposed to be like. Always smiling when you’re thinking about the person. Getting excited about every call or text, even if you saw the person earlier in the day.

  “Hey, Mads! My truck won’t start. I’m gonna call a Lyft to get me and Hugo home. Just wanted to let you know I’d be a little late tonight.”

  “Don’t call Lyft. I can pick you up.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know I don’t have to, but I want to,” I tell him, getting off the couch and placing my wineglass in the fridge. “Hold tight. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Thanks, babe. See you soon.”

  After all the li
ttle fix-it jobs Erik has taken care of at my condo, the least I can do is help him out. I like having the relationship we do. Always being there for each other. Being able to count on someone. Not having to walk on eggshells when asking for a favor. Not being worried about anything.

  When I get to the address Erik gave me, they’re in the road, standing next to his trailer. But his truck is nowhere to be seen.

  “Where’s your truck?” I ask through an open window as I pull up next to them.

  “Tow truck just hauled her off.” Erik leans in and pecks my lips quickly. “Thanks so much for doing this.”

  “I’m here for you, always.”

  Erik hops in the backseat, which is probably a good thing. Hugo is a very large man—he’s over six feet and probably close to three hundred pounds. I don’t know if he could squeeze into the tiny backseat of my sports car.

  “Thanks, Miss Commons,” Hugo says as he stands next to the open passenger door. He hesitates before getting in.

  “Come on in, Hugo.”

  He bites his bottom lip as his eyes scan the seat. “I’m all dirty, Miss.”

  I pat the seat. “You sit right down. You know darn well I’ve never been afraid of a little dirt.”

  He smiles and squeezes into the car. Once I input his address into my navigation system, we’re off.

  We’ve been driving less than five minutes when I notice a cop pull out behind me. My shoulders tense, and I immediately drop my gaze to the dash to check my speed. Relieved I’m actually going a few miles per hour under the limit, I relax a bit and continue.

  “How’s Anna?” I ask Hugo. Anna, his wife, works for my parents. Housecleaning mostly, but she does a ton of odd jobs for them. She’s been with our family for over twenty years, so we trust her with everything.


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