Captive to the Kiss of a Wicked Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

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Captive to the Kiss of a Wicked Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 22

by Scarlett Osborne

  To his surprise, the sun hung high in the sky. It was already late morning, which meant he had been sleeping for hours past the time he usually woke up. Heath sat up, rubbing the dregs of sleep from his eyes as he took in all that was around him. A slow smile stretched across his lips.

  Meredith’s influence, I’m sure. With her in my arms, it seemed I slept without dreaming.

  It had been a while since that had happened. He wasn’t plagued by nightmares—not constantly. Certainly not as often as Meredith clearly was. But he dreamt every night, seeing the face of his mother and the killer who had taken her from him. Each night, the killer bore a different face, stirring up desperate revenge in Heath by the time he woke up. But this time, the killer had clearly fled when he noticed that Heath was not alone.

  He dressed quickly eager to see her. He found her in the drawing room, nibbling lightly on a slice of toast. She didn’t notice his presence right away and so her attention was focused on spreading strawberry jam onto the edge of her toast before she bit into it again. She seemed so content in that moment, the shadows that had lurked over her gone. There was no more darkness under her eyes, no more fear in those chocolatey pools. The words she’d said to him last night came rushing back and he realized just how true they were in that moment.

  Without looking up, she said, “How long do you plan on standing over there watching me?”

  Heath blinked in surprise; his grin quick. He sauntered over to sit opposite her. She looked up with an amused smile. “Why does that sound familiar?” Heath questioned aloud.

  “I’ve heard a rather perceptive gentleman say it a few times. I could not help but pick up on it.”

  “He sounds quite interesting.”

  “He can be, when he is not being unbearably arrogant.”

  Heath barked a loud laugh at that, mixing with Meredith’s giggle. Unbelievable happiness rushed through him as he picked up his own toast and proceeded to have his breakfast. They talked for nearly two hours, until their tea grew cold. And because Heath did not care to attend to his duties as a Duke, they continued to stay within each other’s presence far past that hour. Going up to the art room where Meredith tried her hand at painting him in detail. Walking through the gardens holding hands, not caring if the servants were to see anything. The day had been perfect, his every moment filled with Meredith. And while he struggled to contain the never-ending need coursing through his body whenever he was close to her, Heath could not have been happier.

  It was hard, in those moments, to ever think they could come crashing down from their perfect contentment.

  “What do you think, My Lady?”

  Annalise took a step back, putting her fingers to her chin in thought. She twisted her mouth from side to side as she scrutinized her work, clearly thinking very hard. Meredith was more focused on her expression than the way she’d styled her hair, laughing as she said, “You did wonderfully as always, Annalise.”

  “Do you think I should not have let these curls loose?” Annalise asked. She tentatively touched the few curls she’d left loose down the center of Meredith’s back. “I had thought to try something new but now I am not sure.”

  “Does it matter what I think?” Meredith asked casually, lifting her brow at Annalise.

  The maid blinked, clearly taken aback by Meredith’s words. And why wouldn’t she be? Up until a few days ago, Meredith would not say much to her, allowing her to ramble on to herself. “A-ah, you’re right, My Lady,” Annalise said quickly, standing at attention. “If it pleases you then I am happy to be of such good service.”

  That made Meredith laugh again. She rose, faced Annalise, and put a hand on her shoulder. “I am very pleased by all your efforts thus far, Annalise. I did not doubt you for a second. But I can see that you’ve truly put your all into this hairstyle.”

  “I did,” Annalise beamed. “When you told me that you were planning on leaving the manor, I thought it was an occasion that should be celebrated. And I could tell you are excited.”

  “You can?”

  “Of course! You have not ceased smiling ever since I came into your bedchamber, My Lady.” Annalise gave her a knowing grin that, for some reason, made Meredith blush. “May I ask if His Grace is what is causing your happiness, My Lady?”

  Meredith avoided her eyes, turning back to the mirror as she touched her hair absently. She could feel Annalise’s eyes on her. “Why ask if you already know the answer?”

  “Oh, heavens! That is wonderful! Then is it that you two have already begun courting?”

  Meredith frowned slightly as she thought. “Well…I do suppose we already have been.”

  How else would she explain all that they have said and done with each other thus far? Heath might not have asked her formally, as was the custom for most English gentlemen, but Heath was not the usual English gentleman. He was ruled by his underlying hatred, driven to a life of crime, and managed to keep his Dukedom while his other life remained a secret. He was far different than any man Meredith would have met had she attended the Season like a normal lady.

  Annalise gasped, her hand flying to her lips. “Then, it could not be, could it?”

  “What do you mean?” Meredith asked without looking at her. She twirled in front of the mirror, taking in the stylish cut of her evening gown. The intricate design along the hem and sleeve was clearly French-inspired, with an intricate hem that pulled the dress down. The deep copper color of the gown brought out the darkness of her brown eyes, which Meredith could not help but admire. It was by far the most beautiful dress that had been within the manor.

  Annalise went to stand by her side, her eyes still round as saucers. “Do you think that His Grace will…” She gasped again, a smile appearing on her lips.

  Now, she had Meredith’s full attention. “Do I think His Grace will what? Will you not finish your question?”

  “Ask for your hand in marriage, My Lady!”

  Meredith blinked. Annalise was already grinning, putting her palm to her forehead as if she couldn’t believe why that thought had not occurred to her before. Meredith was still trying to process what she’d said to think of a proper response. “My hand?”

  “It would be quite perfect, don’t you think? It is clear that His Grace fancies you and if he wants to win your heart over, then he will have to ask you such a question at a time when you don’t expect it and in a manner that takes your breath away!”

  “I do not think he will do that…”

  “Oh, you never know,” Annalise insisted. “With only one look at him and I can tell he is the crafty sort. In a good manner, of course!” Her cheeks went red at the words, but Meredith did not care to correct her on her manners. She rather liked it.

  Meredith frowned. “Do you truly think he might ask? He’s never given any indication that he will.”

  “He will wish for it to be a surprise, of course,” Annalise pressed. She wrapped Meredith’s cloak around her shoulders then took her gently by the arms and steered her towards the door. “You will not know if you stay in this room. I’m certain His Grace is already waiting on you in the foyer. It would be best not to keep him waiting for long. Who knows? Perhaps you will find yourself as the next Duchess of Castlemore.”’

  The very suggestion had Meredith’s body going hot, her mind filling with images of her as Heath’s wife. Sharing his bed. His home. His life. Bearing his children. She loved him, but not for one second had she thought of the future. Meredith had always only cared to take it one step at a time, to enjoy the time she had with him while they were blissfully alone.

  But now…she couldn’t get the thought of her head. As she made her way to the foyer, Annalise jabbering on next to her, she thought of how Heath had rejected the idea of her leaving. How he had conceded without putting up much of a fight.

  Did he plan it all beforehand? Does he truly know me that well?

  Meredith beamed at the very thought. The moment she arrived at the top of the staircase leading down into the f
oyer, she saw Heath standing by the door talking with Francis. He was too preoccupied with the conversation to notice her, giving her the chance to study him fully. Annalise slipped away, murmuring something as she did, but Meredith didn’t hear what it was. Her eyes were on Heath, on the sharp cut of his black evening jacket, the fitted trousers and boots, the way his unruly hair glowed under the harsh overhead chandeliers.

  Slowly, she descended and when she was halfway down, Heath spotted her. Whatever he had been saying to Francis stopped instantly, his mouth hanging partly open. Meredith saw nothing but him as she approached, as she smiled when his eyes ran down the length of her and back up. Then an earth-shattering grin split his face in two.

  “Please remind me why I had dared to reject your idea for this evening in the first place?” he asked as he instantly reached for her hand. It was what she loved most about him—how he always seemed to want to be in contact with her, not caring a wit about societal propriety. Meredith was more than eager to give in to his touch.

  “Because,” she said, stepping closer to him. Vaguely, she noticed that Francis had taken a few steps away from them. “You have become quite enamored with the idea of countering me every step I take.”

  “Are you certain it’s not just you I am enamored with?”

  Even though her entire body nearly went up in flames at those words, Meredith held her sultry smile, not caring at all that they were in front of an audience—even if that audience was only Francis. “It may be that as well,” she purred. “You are certainly a man of many talents.”

  Heath laughed at that, then he looked up at his butler. “We will be returning home within a few hours. You do not need to stay up.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Francis said, bowing.

  Home? Her heart fluttered as Heath gestured for her to go ahead of him through the front door. Brisk air wrapped around them the moment they were outdoors and he led her gently down the steps and toward the waiting carriage. After helping her inside, Heath climbed in with a broad grin.

  The ride, though slow, was not boring in the slightest. Filled with laughter and unending conversation, Meredith found herself quite entertained as they made their way to Haymarket Theatre. She didn’t think about the fact that she would be showing her face amongst others again, but only about the things Annalise had said before she left. It constantly lingered in the back of her mind—up until they finally arrived.

  Meredith looked out the window of the carriage and her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. The entrance was already teeming with people.

  “Is something the matter?” came Heath’s gentle voice.

  She shook her head without thinking, even though her palms were beginning to sweat. Her earlier confidence, the one that had lasted for days, was steadily beginning to slip. Perhaps I had been too hasty. Perhaps I truly was not ready for this.

  Meredith watched as other ladies and gentlemen poured out of their own carriages, all bright smiles and happy faces as they made their way into the well-lit theatre. Those same faces that had whispered behind her back. The rumors she’d worked so hard to put to the back of her mind came rushing forward, clogging her throat. Meredith swallowed, tried to breathe, but she was quickly losing her grip.

  Then, she felt a hand on top of hers. She looked down at it, then up at Heath’s face. There was no smile, but quiet determination shining in his dark blue eyes.

  No pity. No understanding. No question. Without saying a word, Meredith knew exactly what he as trying to say. You are strong. You can do this.

  Without stopping to think, without considering the truth in those words, she nodded. If she could not place her trust in herself, she knew she could at least place it in Heath.

  As if on cue, the door opened and Meredith shuddered at the gust of wind that came in to invade the small space. She allowed herself to be led out, taking a deep breath. No one had taken notice of her yet, and hopefully no one would. She did not want word getting back to her father. But in case someone did recognize her, Meredith hoped she was strong enough to withstand the scrutiny.

  “Do you want to know a fun fact?” Heath asked as he took her side. He didn’t wait for her to be ready. He simply led her towards the door, taking the lead.

  “I am hit with the impression that it will not be very fun,” she mumbled, hoping humor would settle her heart and failing.

  Heath leaned closer to her. “Only a few days before I met you again, I stole a carriage from a poor gentleman and his wife right in this spot.”

  Meredith gasped, looking up at him. “You cannot be serious!”

  “I am as serious as a judge.” His face was neither filled with humor nor contrition. His steps were slow, remaining behind the other attendees. Meredith doubted anyone had noticed that they were there, much to her relief.

  “Surely you are not proud of it?”

  “I would not say that I am proud,” he admitted. “Though I cannot say I completely regret it, either. However, one good thing seemed to have come from such an occurrence.”

  “What could that possibly be?” She dropped her voice to a whisper as they entered the auditorium. Because of how well-lit it was, Meredith was happy they were in their own box seat. Hopefully, no one would care to look their way.

  “It has taken your mind off other things.” He settled in with ease, looking far too handsome. Meredith didn’t know whether to be upset or to smile. “I would say that is more than enough reason to lose any regrets I had.”

  “You are only creating things in your mind, at this point.”

  “That is not so bad, is it?” Heath flashed her a playful grin and Meredith reluctantly gave in to her laugh. At that moment, the play started. She glanced around the auditorium, noticing that everyone’s attention had now been diverted from their partner and toward the stage. Meredith could breathe a little better now.

  But an uneasy feeling lingered. No matter how hard she tried to focus on the play, on the tale that spoke of unfortunate brothers and their search for love, Meredith could not shake the feeling that she was being watched.

  No matter how hard she searched, she could not find the lingering eyes. That feeling didn’t disappear, however. If anything, it only grew, making it more and more difficult for her to focus on the play before her. She wanted to mention it to Heath, but she could not completely write off the idea that it was simply a suspicious lady or her own delusions.

  The apprehensiveness lingered well until the play was over. Meredith blinked in surprise when a round of applause rang through the air.

  “What is it?” Heath asked her. He sat up in his chair, turning his body toward her. “I could tell you were not focusing at all. Has something happened? Do you feel too overwhelmed?”

  Meredith instantly smiled at his obvious concern. “It is not that, thankfully. It, well…it only feels as if someone is watching me.”

  “Watching you?” He frowned, looking over his shoulder. “And you do not think it is simply someone who is curious and might recognize you?”

  Meredith shook her head, her unease deepening. “I am not sure. The thought did occur to me but I still cannot let go of the feeling that it might be something else.”

  Without warning, he took her hand, getting to his feet. “Let us return to the manor, then.”


  “I cannot help but wonder if this might be the same person who sent you that threatening letter. And, if that is the case, I do not want to risk having you out too late. It should be best if we return to the manor as soon as we can.” He was already pulling her out of her seat and towards the door. Others milled around the exit of the auditorium but with a crowd this thick, Meredith didn’t worry about being seen. She was more concerned about the anxiety rolling off Heath in waves.

  He didn’t stop until they made it back to his carriage. Meredith let out a breath of relief when she was finally inside and the carriage started off, but the feeling didn’t go away. If anything, her body jerking from side to side
as the carriage fell into rut after rut, she felt even more wary. She couldn’t help wondering if whoever had been watching her would dare to follow her straight back to Castlemore Manor. The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

  Heath noticed it and instantly began to shrug out of his coat. Meredith smiled when he wrapped it around her own cloak, the carriage jerking as it took off.

  “My, you are certainly attentive today, aren’t you?” she teased.

  Heath’s eyes shimmered with humor, but she didn’t miss the agitation lingering underneath. “It is time you have given me credit where it is due, Meredith,” he said. “I have always been attentive. Ever since you came to the manor.”

  “Ah, yes. Though, then, you were attentive through simply watching my every move for nefarious reasons.”

  “Nefarious?” He shook his head. “I am hurt.”


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