Fools Like Us

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Fools Like Us Page 9

by B L Morticia

  “Yes, but when I spent time with him, all of that changed. This man is going to be my Daddy, all right? The man that gives me everything I need.”

  “What the?” Rory growled and gripped my shoulders. “Daddy and husband are two different things. You guys couldn’t just stick to the role play and leave the lifetime commitment out of it?”

  “No, because it wouldn’t have meant as much, especially since we live so far apart.” I shrugged Rory’s hands off and ambled to the couch. This was why I didn’t want Chancellor to be here. I loved these guys like brothers and wouldn’t allow them to make it an us versus him deal.

  “Another reason why this move is asinine! Courtney, I get that he’s fine. I even get the daddy thing, but Jesus, Courtney. Marriage?”

  “Yeah. I’m twenty-nine and still act immature. I’m gonna be thirty soon, guys. Why not take the chance on someone that’s worth it?”

  “Because you won’t stay faithful. Hell, you’ve got so many notches on your headboard, that shits’ probably coming apart!” Rory snarled.

  I eyed him a moment, knowing he was right about my track record. I wouldn’t give him the benefit of answering because I was determined to prove him wrong.

  Gabe and Curtis both gasped at that comment.

  “Damn, man. Slut shaming isn’t cool.” Curtis said.

  “It isn’t shaming him, it’s truth. How the hell are you gonna carry on a marriage being so far from each other? This just goes to show how silly he is for even going through with it.”

  “That’s a fucking, nuff, Rory! Look, he’s not silly. He asked for my hand when I told him how much I wanted someone in my life to take care and nurture me. I want and need this man in my life, okay? No matter what you say about it, I will make this work.”

  “Yeah, right. We’ve known each other since elementary school. Every boy or girlfriend you’ve ever had doesn’t stay around more than a month. Heck, with these last few it’s even less. In fact, let’s make a bet. Did you guys discuss a reunion date?”

  “Yeah. He said within two to three months. Why?”

  “I bet you don’t last. You’ll cheat on him before then.” Rory smirked, folding his arms.


  “No way. You’re not serious, Rory.” Curtis said, sounding disgusted.

  “I am. Loser sings Karaoke at Mildred’s in costume. The winner picks the song and outfit.”

  “What?” I laughed. “Oh, my Goddess, you know I abhor, karaoke.”

  “I know, that’s why I made the bet. How about it, hot shot? Are we on?”

  “Dude don’t make that bet,” Gabe said.

  Curtis didn’t say a word, but his face pretty much translated what he was thinking.

  Don’t take this bet.

  Did they have so little faith in me? Probably, because I hadn’t been with anyone for a long period of time. But Chancellor was different. He was my Daddy and my husband. I’d stay faithful to him because I needed that stability, that care, and for Brad to stay the fuck away.

  “Well?” Rory asked.

  Still angry, I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’ll show you. I’m going to be faithful, no matter who comes walking my way.”

  “Even if Brad comes back around?” Gabe asked, sounding sarcastic.

  “Especially him.” I said without hesitation.

  “Brad’s an ass anyway,” Rory countered. “Look, babe… I…” He breathed. “I’m mad, but I’ll be happy if you win. Truth is, I don’t think you can. Be honest with yourself.” Rory plopped on the sofa next to me. “You live miles away from each other. You teach at a college, where plenty of hot looking people work and go to school. He’ll be here, faced with plenty of temptation too. Do you really think the two of you can handle staying faithful? Hmm?”

  I stared at Rory, hating how he was putting me on the spot. I swallowed hard, feeling my heart hammering. I toyed with the titanium ring again. “I…I can. I’m gonna do this.”

  “Why did you hesitate?”

  “Because, I know… me. But dammit, I’m gonna try. Daddy is worth it and more. My high roller has arrived just as I asked. And so what I married him in less than twenty-four hours, we’re gonna make this work.”

  Rory sighed, shaking his head. “You’re not, but I admire you for trying. It’ll be fun to see you dressed up as Mariah Carey because I know how much you loathe her.” Rory laughed. “Seriously though, I’ll be around to pick up the pieces during the annulment.” He got up.

  I shivered at the thought of singing All I Want for Christmas because fuck, I hated that tune! “There won’t be an annulment, okay? I’m gonna do this. I will stay faithful to Chancellor.”

  “Chancellor? Oh damn, what a name. He sounds like a Daddy.” Curtis snickered, taking the place that Rory vacated.

  I smiled at Curtis and patted his knee. “He is all that, Curt. Not only is he gorgeous, sexy, and… well, he’s got a lot down there.” I laughed nervously. “He’s smart, sweet, and successful.”

  Rory harrumphed. “I’m sure, but so have many others. They’ve all been lookers and the minute you got bored, you tossed them away.”

  “Oh, come off it, Rory. Look, I’m happy for you, little bro. If you need an ass kicking to keep you in line, I’m your man.” Curtis opened his arms for me.

  “Thanks.” We hugged and I patted his back.

  “I believe in you too. I’m happy you’re ditching Brad for good, especially after all the shit he did to you.” Gabe inhaled sharply then slapped his hand over his mouth.

  “What did he do other than be an asshole?” Rory snapped.

  I let go of Curtis and muttered a curse. Now I’d have to tell Rory about Brad having me followed and being overly possessive.

  “Courtney?” Rory glared at me, stomped over and fell back on the sofa next to Curtis.

  “He was a possessive asshole, Rory. Nothing like my Daddy.” No, nothing like the man I was quickly falling for.

  Thank the goddesses!


  Being so upset, I didn’t check out in time. So, I stayed at the hotel to enjoy sleeping in the bed he’d shared with me. Although it cut like a knife that Courtney was departing Las Vegas the next day, I focused on the moments we’d spent together, ninety-six hours plus and when I’d reunite with him again.

  Instead of sulking, I went to my favorite jeweler to order the ring. I stressed how I needed it sized before his flight left at eleven a.m. and offered a larger tip if he’d have it ready. Of course, he did, calling me around nine at night to come get it. After slapping an extra couple of hundred, I thanked him profusely for getting the job done quick and right.

  Knowing I wouldn’t be able to leave my car anywhere, I called Erick and asked him to drive me to the airport. I’d need more than two minutes to get out the car to slip the ring on his finger, so instead of fighting with police about moving, I thought it best for Erick to act as chauffeur. He’d have plenty of questions, but I didn’t have the strength to fill him in.

  While listening to him ramble about the game I missed, I thumbed through web listings of floral shops close to his home. I could’ve gone with the chain, but I figured someone local would make it more special. “Yes, hello?” I held my hand up at Erick, so he’d quiet down. “I’d like to order five bouquets of roses, please. No particular color just make sure they’re fresh and can be at this address by four p.m. That’s correct.”

  As I rattled off the address, Erick eyed me strangely as if to say what the hell are you doing? I still hadn’t told him about my marriage and since I didn’t want the man to have an accident, I’d wait until we were some place away from the steering wheel.

  “Did you just order flowers for someone?”

  “Yeah.” I checked my email, thanking another client for contacting me, but I explained I was taking a leave of absence starting September. Unsure about where we’d live, I figured I’d need the rest of the time to get settled.

  Honestly, I wasn’t a fan of Chicago winters. I hoped Cour
tney would eventually feel the same and opt to move to Las Vegas.

  Surely, he could find another teaching job in Nevada that paid almost as much or better than where he was at. I wasn’t above pulling a few favors to make it easier for him either.

  Courtney may not like all that I’d done, but too bad. With him about to board the plane, my full Daddy mode had taken affect. This was when I usually lost the man I tried to date. I did things he told me not to do just to make sure he was comfortable. In less than twenty-four hours, my baby boy would realize that regardless if I was in Illinois with him or not, I was still in control.

  This wasn’t just a kink for me. It was my life. Though we played these roles part time, it didn’t mean I’d stop fulfilling it.

  When it came to my boy, or my baby boy in Courtney’s case, nothing was more important. Sure, building cars for clients was my business. It was how I’d made my fortune. The one that would take care of Courtney and me for the rest of our lives. But if it came between that and my husband, I’d drop the former.

  That does leave to question why I wouldn’t drop the client to be with Courtney.

  Why? Because I’m not foolish. Although Courtney hinted at wanting me to go back with him, it would’ve done more harm than good. Despite desiring someone to take the reins in his life, he was fiercely independent. Just look at how he shielded me from his friends? That alone showed how he still wanted to handle some things alone. I didn’t mind it, because we didn’t know each other well. We hadn’t learned the things that might annoy each other, our pet peeves, or interesting secrets, on his part not mine. Don’t think I missed that hesitation when we chatted days earlier.

  Point was, I wouldn’t be played. I was a gambler with a lot more important things than dollar bills. I had faith in Courtney being independent, faithful, and carrying on his duties as I asked. We hadn’t talked about those at length, but as things arose, we’d discuss.

  Yes, in using a bad analogy, I was giving him a longer leash. I wanted him to trust that I’d allow him to do some things without my help, but I also expected him to ask if he couldn’t handle it. I wished to pamper him even when he didn’t ask and shower him with love even from afar.

  Was this dangerous?


  Was I risking being heartbroken?


  But the way Courtney made me feel, I was willing to. The sleeping possessive part of my soul had woken up because I was falling for Courtney. Call it stupid. Call it a bad romance trope, but I wanted him. Wanted to be wrapped around him, smothered by him, and inside of him made me happy. It made me forget all my failings in the relationship department. Made me see something positive for the future with my new husband at my side.

  Courtney gave me a new reason to wake up in the morning. Taking care of someone I wanted made me happy, even better when that someone was my boy.

  “Chancellor? Did you hear a word I just said?”

  I sat up in the passenger seat and eyed Erick. “No. I zoned out a minute.”

  “We’re almost at the airport. You still didn’t tell me if I’m dropping you off or picking someone up?”

  “We’re dropping something off for someone I care about. I told you I’d explain it all over brunch, all right?”

  “Why can’t you tell me now?” Erick temporarily looked away from the road and at me.

  “Keep your eyes straight ahead, please. You need to focus on the road and not on what I say. I promise you I’ll spill it all when we’re stationary.”

  Erick chuckled and shook his head. “Man, why do I get the feeling this is going to be something fucked up?”

  “It might in your mind. I can’t tell you how to feel. Pull over so I can hop out. I’m meeting him at the American terminal in about ten minutes.”

  Without a word, Erick did as I asked. “Once he came to a complete stop, I hopped out of the car. “Keep your phone close. I’ll call you when I’m ready to be picked up.”

  “Okay. Don’t ditch me now. I’m looking forward to this news and brunch.” Erick eyed me stern.

  “Yes, sir. Be careful with my baby, okay?” I tapped the roof and jogged through the double doors of the terminal. I asked him to meet me the seats close to where he’d drop off his bags.

  Since I still had a couple of minutes to spare, I grabbed a neck pillow for him, earplugs, and chewing gum. After the clerk bagged the items, I sprinted to our meeting place. I dodged people seemingly getting out of town the same day Courtney and his friends did. McCarren was a busy airport, but I felt it was a lot busier at this time than usual.


  When Courtney called out to me, I smiled, meeting his light blue gaze. My heart ached at the sight of him, standing with his bags, ready to get on this flight.

  “Hey baby.” I lifted him into my arms and swung him around. This last eighteen hours or so had been gut wrenching, but I was determined to keep it together.

  Courtney kissed me quick and hugged me around the neck. “Put me own so I can introduce you to my friends.” He whispered in my ear.

  I did so without a word. I rubbed his shoulder and kissed his temple.

  Courtney turned to the three young men I passed in the hotel. All of them wearing expressions of confusion? Amazement? I couldn’t tell which.

  “Rory, Curtis, Gabe, this is Chancellor McNamara. My new husband. Chancellor, my best friends.”

  “Hello.” I extended my hand.

  The one named Rory stepped up first, taking my hand. “Nice to meet you… I… fu… I’m gonna keep my mouth shut for now. We don’t have time for me to curse you out.”

  “Rory!” Courtney snapped.

  “It’s okay. When I get to Illinois, I’ll give you the chance to holler at me. And Curtis? Gabe?”

  Both men didn’t have much more to say other than congratulations. We exchanged handshakes, then they all stepped back.

  “Say your goodbyes, Court. We got a plane to catch.” Rory said.

  Courtney spun around to face me. His eyes were glassy, already welling with tears.

  “You’re not gonna cry, baby boy. Cut that out, okay?”

  Courtney sniffed and leaned his forehead into my chin. “I know. I’m trying but this is so damn hard. I’ve missed you so much already.”

  “Me too. Oh.” I handed him the bag.

  Courtney took it and looked inside. “What’s this? Chancellor…”

  “Only a neck pillow, some earplugs, and gum. That isn’t all that important, but this is.” I plucked the velvet box from my pocket and opened it.

  Courtney gasped and shook his head. His face was already wet with moisture. “Oh Goddess, Chancellor, I told you don’t worry about the ring.”

  I removed it from the box. “I know, but I’m not good at following directions.” I gently grasped his hand, taking the titanium ring off. After I dropped it into his jacket pocket, I lifted his finger to my mouth and sucked it, still staring at him. If his plane wasn’t less than an hour from takeover, I would’ve taken more time.

  “Chancellor… I…” Courtney’s face flushed. Mouth agape.

  Instead of saying anything, I slipped the diamond on, then kissed it. “Just a little something to remember me by, all right? The moment you land, call me, okay?”

  Courtney stood stiff, eyes bulged, mouth agape. “I… yes, yes I will.”

  When he inched in close, I stopped him. “No. If I kiss you again, I’ll carry you away.” I picked up his hand again and kissed his knuckles. “I’ll see you next weekend, baby boy.” I stepped back, then tilted my head, saluting his friends.

  They all waved, apparently stunned at what I’d done.

  “Bye… Daddy.” Courtney’s voice almost sounded like a whimper.

  “Don’t say bye, love. Bye is too final.” Before uttering another word, I spun on my heel, walking away as quick as I could. I fought the emotions welling up inside of me. The punch to the throat pain of letting Courtney go back to Illinois.

  If I stay
ed there any longer, I would’ve done as I had threatened.

  Now to focus on getting this job done for Kao to join Courtney in the Midwest.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Courtney? Dammit, man, you are the luckiest fuck on the planet.” Gabe ran up behind me, patting my back.

  “Sure is.” Rory added. “I might be wrong about this after all. If I had someone lick my finger before putting a ring on it, I’d be theirs for life too.”

  Although I’d heard my friend’s initial comments, any others meshed in with the noisy machines as well as other people chatting. Not to mention the spell I was under which left me breathless. Watching Chancellor disappear into the crowd, I was at a loss for words. All of my fingers tingled from the one that received the most attention. In all my years, I’ve never been so completely dumbfounded by someone. He’d placed who knows what kind of ring on my finger to remember him by,


  That was more than a fucking token to remember. That was, “you’re mine and keep your shit in gear until we reunite,” thing.

  The minute his warm mouth slurped it in, my dick strained against my zipper. It was the defining moment in a romantic book or movie showing the hero leaving his girl, or in my case boy, behind for the important business he needed to attend to. A test for both of us to show we could be faithful even when apart.

  Chancellor hadn’t been gone two minutes and my body and mind, already missed him.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  While my heart raced and skin prickled, I’d almost forgotten my flight was leaving in less than an hour. Wasn’t until my friends ushered me to TSA that I finally woke from my lust filled haze.

  Damn that man is lethal.

  No way would I potentially ruin the beginning of the exact situation I’d wanted my entire adult life.

  After we got through, all of them crowded around to look at the ring. I hadn’t given it too much thought. I was more focused on the tongue bath I got before he slipped it on.

  “That rock is huge, Court. Maybe you’re right about him being a good man, and not just because he knows how to pick out the bling.” Rory said. “And then when he sucked your finger. Shhh.” Rory shook his head. “I fucking got the shivers.”


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