Single-Dad Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 8)

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Single-Dad Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 8) Page 10

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond


  “Hey, it cuts both ways. Come on, Zeke. Let’s go talk about the ladies.”

  “My favorite topic.” He touched two fingers to the brim of his hat.

  After they left, Nell gestured to Val’s glass. “is that pricey?”

  “I think it might be. It’s the best I’ve ever tasted, that’s for sure. Teague suggested getting a bottle and I love champagne, so I went along with it.”

  “I don’t want this date to cost Zeke an arm and a leg.”

  “If you want my opinion, I think he knows exactly what he’s getting into and is thrilled to do something special for you. Just like you bought a new outfit to look special for him.”

  “I was inspired to go shopping.”

  “Good. He’s a sweetie.”

  “You have no idea. Did you hear the comments over there about his driving?”

  “Sorry. I was absorbed in staring into Teague’s beautiful eyes. What did I miss?”

  Nell filled her in.

  “Sounds like you found yourself an honorable man.”

  “Sure does. You seem very happy with Teague, too.”

  “I like him a lot. He makes me laugh. Right off the bat he told me about his first love, an elementary teacher coincidentally named Miss Jenson.”

  “That’s supposed to be funny? Bringing up a former—”

  “He was six at the time.”

  “Oh.” She grinned. “Okay, that’s funny.”

  “And touching. He estimates now that she was probably in her thirties. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen except in the movies. He told her he’d marry her as soon as he grew up.”


  “Especially the way he tells it. Have you noticed his dimples?”

  “No, but it’s an excellent sign that you have.”

  “That’s not all I’ve noticed. Can’t wait to find out if the guy has rhythm.”

  “On the dance floor.”

  “Yes, that, but…” Val leaned closer. “You know what they say. Dancing is foreplay with your clothes on.”

  She lifted her eyebrows. “You’re already considering—”

  “I know, I know.” She lowered her voice. “But the chemistry’s there, and…” She glanced toward the bar. “Here they come.” She straightened and picked up her champagne flute. “So I told him about the time a student proposed to me.”

  “When was this?”

  “A couple of years ago. Billy Harvey. He avoided me in the halls this year. I think he remembers, and now that’s he’s a mature eleven, he’s embarrassed.” She looked up as Teague arrived followed by Zeke. “Mission accomplished?”

  “We have glasses and a second bottle is on the way.”

  “I’m telling her about Billy Harvey.”

  Teague smiled. “Your nine-year-old admirer.”

  “One of your students had a crush on you?” Zeke set down both glasses and Teague filled them from the bottle sitting in the ice bucket.

  “Yes, poor kid.”

  “It never occurred to me that might happen,” Nell said. “How did you handle it?”

  “I told him I was honored that he’d asked. But unfortunately, I had someone special in my life who would be upset if I accepted his proposal.”

  “Did you have someone special?”

  “My dad.”

  Nell cracked up. “Good one.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t a lie! Guaranteed he’d be upset if his daughter agreed to marry a nine-year-old.”

  Nell looked over at Teague. “What did your Miss Jenson say when you proposed?”

  His dimples flashed. “That I was very handsome, but she was looking for someone slightly older.”

  “Aw. That’s good, too, but I’m gonna use Val’s line if the subject ever comes up.”

  “You’re welcome to it, girlfriend. Just make sure you don’t laugh. Don’t even chuckle.”

  “Val’s right. I was only six, but I was deadly serious. I would have been devastated if she’d laughed at me.”

  A server arrived with the second bottle of champagne, uncorked it and tucked it in the ice bucket along with the first one. “Are you folks ready to order or should I come back?”

  “We need a minute,” Teague said.

  “Take your time. Give me a signal when you’re ready.” He tipped his hat and left.

  Teague grinned. “I should come here with teachers more often. Best service ever.”

  “All I know is that the service was wonderful during the party Ben threw for the teachers.”

  “And that kid was assigned to us that night,” Val said. He probably remembers Nell and me were there and knows Ben wants teachers to be treated with TLC.”

  Teague laughed. “Either that, or you have another proposal coming.”

  “I’ll just tell him I’m taken.”

  “By all means.” Teague picked up his menu. “Guess we’d better decide.”

  Nell opened her menu and chose a medium-priced meal. Despite what Val said about Zeke wanting to treat her like a queen, she wasn’t about to add an expensive meal to his tab.

  He glanced around the table. “Everybody ready?” When they all nodded, he turned toward the bar and started to lift his hand. Then he lowered it again. “He was watching for it. Teague, I’m with you. We need to bring teachers with us from now on.”

  “Works for me.” Nell sipped from her flute. Whoa. Good stuff.

  While they gave their order, she took another swallow. Very nice.

  After he left, Val lifted her glass. “We need a toast. Here’s to a memorable night.”

  Teague picked up his. “I’ll drink to that.”

  “I’ll absolutely drink to that.” Zeke winked at Nell before raising his glass.

  All four met with a soft click in the center of the table. As Nell put the glass to her lips, she met Zeke’s dark gaze. Slowly his attention lowered to her mouth. Her breath caught. How long before they could make their excuses and leave?

  Not until after dinner, for sure. And they should dance a few times. She tipped the glass and drank. They wouldn’t be going out the door any time soon.

  She’d best calm the heck down and shift her attention away from the sexy cowboy to her left. Taking another swallow, she gave Teague a smile. “This champagne tastes great. You said this was the kind your boss likes?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “What is it?”


  “Never heard of it. But I like it.”

  Zeke reached for the bottle nestled in the ice bucket. “Then let me top off your glass.”

  “By all means.” She held it out. “I’m ready to party.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Zeke had pulled out all the stops to convince Teague to share the cost of that expensive bubbly. This was his first date in years, damn it, and he wasn’t letting some other man buy his lady’s champagne.

  He’d forgotten the thrill of treating a woman to a night of dinner and dancing. Nell brought out romantic impulses that he’d kept buried for some time. Yvette’s barrage of insults and putdowns had staunched the tender feelings he’d once had for her.

  After she admitted cheating on him, his only goal had been protecting Claire, being the solid, dependable parent she desperately needed. His own sexuality had become irrelevant, a nuisance, in fact, to be contained as best he could.

  Until Nell. Until their explosive encounter a week ago. And now, flirting with her over dinner and holding her in his arms on the dance floor reawakened an instinct to be there for her, the man she turned to, her hero.

  But he wasn’t that single guy with no responsibilities he’d been ten years ago. He’d do well to keep that in mind, enjoy the moment and keep a tight rein on his tendency to dream.

  They’d just finished an energetic two-step and he’d pulled her in tight for the finish when she glanced up at him, her breathing as erratic as his. “How soon can we leave?”

  He gulped as the implications
of that questions set fire to his privates. “Whenever you want.”

  “I think…” She paused to take a breath. “I think we can go after one more dance. Then we can vamoose.”

  “Fine with me.” More than fine. He’d been keeping the heat down to a simmer because dragging her out of there right after dessert wouldn’t have been the gentlemanly thing to do. Instead he’d waited for her to decide. She just had.

  She gazed up at him. “Whaddya know? It’s my favorite song.”

  “Amarillo by Morning is your favorite song?”

  Snuggling against him, she gazed into his eyes. “It is tonight.”

  Finally. Nell was tucked into the passenger seat of Zeke’s truck and he’d switched on the engine. They’d bid everyone goodbye and suffered through the sly grins and knowing winks. It went with the territory and he didn’t mind. He didn’t mind anything at this moment. Nell’s bungalow was only minutes away.

  He put the truck in reverse and paused. “Any instructions?”

  “About what?”

  “How you want me to drive to your house?”

  Her laughter was soft, enticing. “I trust you won’t do eighty through the streets of Apple Grove.”

  “No, ma’am. Might feel like it, but I won’t.” He checked for traffic, non-existent this time on a Friday night, and backed out. “You have to watch on summer nights. Could be a raccoon or a skunk crossing the road.”

  “Good to know.” She glanced over at him. “I was touched that you kept your speed at fifty-five all the way into town tonight.”

  “Wasn’t easy.”

  “But you’re a stickler for keeping your word?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “It’s an admirable trait. Clearly it’s important to the Brotherhood, too.”

  “It is, and I appreciate that.”

  “I could be wrong, but…” She hesitated. “Jake’s comment made it sound like truthfulness has extra significance for you two.”

  Not surprising she’d lock onto Jake’s statement. His big brother had been focused on supporting him. He loved Jake for stepping up like that. But Nell was like Claire, sensitive to the undercurrents.

  He didn’t want to discuss his dad tonight. His father’s shameful behavior sickened him. And he’d have to make Nell promise to keep it to herself. The Buckskin gang knew everything since he and Jake had both been affected by it. But Claire was still oblivious, and they’d all agreed to keep it that way.

  “You don’t want to talk about it.”

  He glanced at her. “Not now.”


  The mood change was subtle. A little of the warmth was gone from her voice. He didn’t like it. “It’s not a pretty story.”

  “I get it, Zeke. I didn’t mean to pry into your private business.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. You pick up on things. Nothing wrong with that. I’d just rather not go into it, at least not now, when we’re—”

  “Seriously, it’s fine.” She reached over and squeezed his arm. “I like you. A lot. And I gather you’ve been put through the grinder. Sometimes it helps to talk about it and I’m a very good listener. But clearly this isn’t the right time.”

  The tightness in his chest loosened. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not pushing. For not getting upset because I won’t… I don’t know… open up.” He parked in front of her bungalow, switched off the engine and unbuckled his seat belt. He turned to her. “You’re a good friend, Nell.”

  She smiled as she unfastened her seatbelt, too. “Don’t forget I’m a friend with benefits.”

  He reached across the console and cupped her face in both hands. “There’s zero chance I’ll forget that.” Leaning toward her, he nibbled at her mouth. “You taste delicious.” He ran his tongue over her bottom lip. “Is that stuff you put on flavored?”

  “Mm-hm.” She slid her hand behind his head and pulled him closer. “Cherry.”

  “I like it.” He outlined her top lip with the tip of his tongue.

  “Then you’ll like the body oil, too.”

  He drew back, a surge of lust stealing his breath. “Body oil?”

  “It’s on my bedside table.”

  He let go of her and reached for the door handle. “Then time’s a-wastin’, pretty lady.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Nell quivered in anticipation as a magnificently naked Zeke straddled her hips and unscrewed the cap from a small bottle of cherry-flavored oil.

  Pressing his finger to the top of the bottle, he tipped it over, righted it again and tasted the oil on his finger. “That’ll do.”

  “Glad you…” She cleared the huskiness from her throat. “Glad you like it.”

  “I like this whole program.” His hot gaze swept over her bare breasts. “Done this before, have you?”


  His dark eyebrows arched. “But you had everything ready, right down to the beach towel spread over the sheet.”

  “In case you get a little wild with the oil.”

  “I intend to get very wild with the oil. Starting now.” He dribbled it in a circle on her left breast.

  She gasped as the cool liquid touched her warm skin.

  “Oh, look at that. It’s starting to drip. Can’t have that.” He set the bottle on the nightstand and cupped her breast. “Playtime.” Leaning over her, he began the slow process of driving her out of her mind.

  By the time he’d worked his way down to her hips, the combo of fragrant oil and his talented mouth had destroyed her inhibitions. She opened her thighs in a blatant invitation.

  His low chuckle was the sexiest sound in the world. “Are you trying to tell me something?”


  “Say it.”

  She gulped. Maybe not all her inhibitions were gone.

  The bottle in one hand, he slid up her slick body and made love to her mouth, thrusting his tongue deep, kissing her with abandon, stoking the flames. Then he lifted his head. “Say it,” he murmured, his gaze locked with hers. “Tell me what you want.”

  And she did, using words she’d never spoken to a man, words that tightened her core and quickened his breathing.

  His eyes turned almost black and his voice was thick with desire. “My pleasure.”

  Easing back down, he tipped the bottle, using generous amounts of the fragrant oil as he stroked and massaged her aching pleasure center. Then he laid the empty bottle on the towel, pushed his hands under her hips and dipped his head.

  When his mouth made contact, she cried out. And the cries kept coming as he settled in and took her to heights unknown until… Zeke. Zeke. Zeke…. She called his name until she was hoarse. The powerful waves of her climax left her gasping and shaking. He held her, his big hands steady, his murmured words coaxing her back to shore.

  Slowly he lowered her hips and planted soft kisses along her inner thigh as he moved off the bed. The empty bottle landed on the nightstand with a soft click. Foil ripped and latex snapped. Then he was back, rising over her, seeking entrance, gliding his firm cock into her trembling channel.

  Wrapping her arms around his muscular back, she lifted her gaze, certain she’d find desperation in his eyes, intense passion fueled by days of waiting, a jaw tight with the effort to restrain himself.

  But no. Instead… tenderness. Her heart stalled. Caring, tenderness and… something more. Something life-changing. Did he know?

  Maybe not.

  She tightened her grip. “Make love to me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He began to move, but the crazy, untethered sexual adventure they’d shared a week ago had become richer. Every breath, every soft murmur resonated with new meaning.

  The light that flared in his eyes as he pushed deep hadn’t been there before. He was taking his time, savoring the connection.

  And so was she. Every gentle stroke, every precious moment of intimacy—such treasures. She reveled in the sweet friction. Gloried in the subtle rise
of tension.

  His movements were fluid, relaxed… joyful. The gradual increase in pace flowed naturally. His gaze never left hers.

  Her core muscles tightened and his mouth curved in a slow smile. “There you go.”

  That knowing smile sent liquid heat rushing to greet his next thrust. “Are you… close?”

  “Yes.” His breathing had roughened, but not by much. “When you come, I’ll come.”

  Dragging in more air, she moved her hands lower, cupping his glutes, pushing her fingertips into the rippling muscles. “Good.”

  The light in his eyes brightened. “Sure is.” He bore down a bit more. And more yet.

  Another thrust and she’d be… there. She arched her back. “Now!”

  “Ah, Nell.” With a low groan, he drove home and shuddered, gasping her name as the pulses of his climax blended with the rolling rhythm of hers.


  As the aftershocks lessened, he rested his forehead on her shoulder and gulped for air. She stroked his damp hair, yearning to prolong the wonder of what they’d just experienced. They’d transcended bodily pleasure to create lovemaking that was… irresistible. She wanted more of it.

  At last he stirred, lifted his head and gazed down at her. He opened his mouth as if to say something, closed it again and shook his head. “I don’t… that was…”


  He nodded. “Yes.” He took a shaky breath. “I’m getting up. Do you want anything?”

  “Just you.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  She watched him leave, marveling at the beauty of his broad shoulders, narrow hips and strong thighs. She was a lucky woman.

  He wasn’t gone long, and when he returned, he carried a damp washcloth. “I thought you might feel a little sticky.”

  “I do.” She grinned. “I can’t for the life of me figure out why.”

  “It’s a mystery.” He lifted the washcloth. “May I?”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “I’m not trying to seduce you.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, he carefully wiped her breasts.

  “Are you sure?”

  “No. But full disclosure, I’m a normal guy with normal recovery time. So even if I get you hot, I won’t be party ready yet.”


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