King of the Gun Trail: A Frontier G-Man Novel

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King of the Gun Trail: A Frontier G-Man Novel Page 13

by Franklin D. Lincoln

The early morning sun glinted through the slit between where the drapes were not quite together. Jack jerked himself awake. Time to get up and be prepared for the day. He slipped to the door noiselessly and tried the knob. He grinned to himself. The door was not locked now. King didn’t want Jack to know he had been locked in. Didn’t want him to think he was suspected. He’d play along.

  Dressed, wearing his leather vest and jeans, gunbelt strapped around his waist with the holster resting low on his thigh, The G-Man entered the living room and was greeted by a cheerful Lucky King. "Well, good morning, Jack." He offered his hand in greeting. "I trust you were comfortable and had a good sleep."

  "Very much, sir." Jack grasped his hand. "Thank you. I’ve had a most pleasant stay here." Then apologetically, "But I’m afraid it’s time to get down to business."

  "Of course. Of course. Right after breakfast, Manuel will drive us up to the mine. I’m very proud of the operations." He added. "I’m sure you’ll be most impressed."

  Jack smiled. "I’m sure I will."

  Tamara joined them shortly, dressed in vest, divided riding skirt and range boots that still shined with original polish. Hardly, her usual attire. Breakfast was pleasant and conversation was routine.

  The morning still had a hint of coolness, but the rising sun was rapidly heating up the day when the surrey rolled out toward the mine. Manuel was his usual silent self and Tamara in the back seat with Lucky King and seemed to exude excitement in anticipation of seeing the mine for the first time. King acted amused.

  After an hour of travel, they topped a ridge and there in the valley below them was the scene of King’s large scale mining operations. There drilled into the wall of a huge mountain were several cavernous tunnels. Rails spewed out of the gaping mouths of the tunnels like silvery tongues, and ore cars were rolling to a spur line rail siding that wound around the mountainside. Men were busy with picks and shovels. Hydraulic equipment roared with monotonous drones. "There she is. "King gloated. "The Lucky Chance Mine."

  "Very nice, indeed. "Clayton complemented. "Very nice"

  Manuel dropped the party off at the number 2 tunnel, then whipped up the team and drove them to an area where the rest of the stock was picketed and kept away from the operations.

  "This one’s not being worked as heavily today, "King explained, indicating tunnel 2 in front of them and started to lead the way into the entrance, keeping to one side of the ore car rails.

  "Fine, "Agreed Jack, nonchalantly, following the lead. Tamara a step behind them. Both of them gazed around, examining the walls and surroundings.

  "You’ll notice that the shoring is of the finest timber and more than adequate for support, "King recited. "Safety is a top concern,"

  The light of the entranceway grew smaller and fainter as they progressed along the tunnel. King reached up and retrieved a burning torch from the wall as they passed it and traveled on to a bend in the tunnel. "Gets dark in here." King said. There were torches burning at intervals down the corridor.

  "Mister King! Mister King!" An excited voice came from behind them. All three of them turned to see a wizened workman with a gray handlebar mustache rapidly approaching.

  "What is it, Ben?" Lucky King inquired.

  "Maintenance on the hydraulics is done. The repairmen need your signature to receipt the completion."

  Lucky pursed his lips with disgruntle. "Where’s Tuttle?" Why can’t he sign?" King seemed obviously perturbed.

  "Somewhere in tunnel 3, I suppose. You were closer, I figgered it would be faster if you signed."

  Lucky sighed with annoyance, "All right." Turning to Jack and handing him the torch, "I’ll be right back." He hurried off before Jack could say anything.

  "Well. Alone at last." Tamara chuckled.

  "I wonder what this is all about." Jack said aloud, almost to himself and ignoring Tamara’s comment, as he watched King retreat around the bend and disappear. "We’d better be on guard."

  "I don’t think anything will happen with me along. I’m his girl, remember?"

  "Not unless…"Jack pondered. "Not unless he’s on to you."

  "You think anyone saw you in my room last night?"

  "I don’t know. For your sake, I hope not. I….Wait, listen what’s that?"

  Tamara held still, barely breathing, listening intently. "I don’t hear anything," she said.

  "Listen!" Jack’s eyes widened with realization. "Hissing sound! It’ a lighted fuse. Come on!" He shouted, grabbing her arm and practically dragging her as he raced around the bend for the tunnel entrance.

  As they came around the bend, they could see the opening ,looking small in the distance. On the tunnel floor, they could see the sparks of the burning fuse as it sped along ahead of them toward the opening. They could never catch it to put it out, much less get passed it and escape. King was sealing them in.

  "Quick!" The G-man ordered, dropping the torch and pulling the girl around to run back into the depths of the tunnel. Tamara Wild screamed. "What are you doing?" We’ve got to get out of here."

  Clayton kept running, his breathing and the girl’s protests ringing in ears. He could no longer hear the sputtering fuse. Keep running!

  It seemed an eternity of running, Tamara’s hand in his, stumbling behind him before that overtook an empty ore car sitting on the rail. With a swift swoop, Clayton whisked the girl into his arms, plopped her inside the ore car, released the brake, and pushed as hard as he could to get it going. Pushing and running, the ore car picked up speed rolling down a downgrade rail further into the dark cavern. When Jack could no longer keep up with the rolling speed, he lifted his feet off the ground. Hanging desperately onto the rear of the car and being swept away, he felt the impact of the explosion as the lighted fuse found its target. Flame bathed him with tremendous heat and the roar and rumble of the collapsing tunnel deafened him, with rocks and dirt and flying debris pummeling his back and shoulders. Keeping his head down, he heaved himself up and over the car wall and tumbled into the car with Tamara. Bodies twisted and entwined the two hugged each other, hanging on for dear life, shielding one another from the plummeting tunnel ceiling. Tamara screamed. Jack yelled with fury. The car rolled on, careening further and further into the bowels of the mine until the falling debris began to subside as they out rode the extent of the blast. Rumbling and crashing died in the distance behind them.

  Realizing they had escaped the falling debris, the two began to pull away from each other’s clutch. With raised heads out of the car, feeling hot air rushing past them as the car gained speed, they could see only darkness ahead. No opening. No exit to be seen. Then with sudden realization, they new they were crashing into a solid wall of rock and dirt.

  Once again they ducked down to the floor of the car holding each other tight, bracing for the impact.

  The car stuck the wall hard. Shock and vibration riveted though there bodies, feeling the hard steel of the car floor and sides as they bounced and shook in reverberation.

  Then the car upended, rolling over, half way and then all the way, sliding on the dirt floor and coming to a violent halt, dust flying and settling over the inverted car.


  Chapter Fourteen



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