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Eternal Page 19

by B C Morgan

  I could tell they were canvassing the area when their eyes simultaneously locked onto me. I had two options in that moment, one was to try to be a hero for creatures I held no ties too or two, tuck my tail and run.

  I didn’t stay because I had some hidden hero complex, more the fact I would never give anyone the chance to be able to call me a coward.

  I stood up and flexed my neck from side to side as the walls begun to catch aflame and it started to spread drastically.

  I slowly moved over to the creatures that had just sent, the only place we could all converge relatively peacefully, to hell.

  “Lawson, we were hoping to find you here!” I knew by their appearance I was in fact in the presence of a fire nymph. But I knew she had not been present when I had first noticed the creatures who caused all of this chaos, though it did explain how the fire was growing so rapidly.

  “Why would a being, such as yourself, put yourself in such a position. You rarely meddle in the affairs of other beings,” I stated, trying to hide the unease that had begun to rapidly grow within myself.

  “We only interfere when we deem it necessary, the balance has been twisted solely to Hades benefit and we will not stand for it,” She replied as her cloak burst into flames and disintegrated before my very eyes.

  I could barely manage to keep my eyes on her, the fire that enshrouded her was so bright, it matched her glowing orange eyes perfectly. I couldn’t make out a single one of her features, but she reeked of power and I knew that if anyone could kill me, besides Hades, it would be her.

  I drew out my silver dagger in my left hand and my scimitar in the other, bracing myself for a fight. Of course these had to be concealed to even get them in here, but I never left myself unarmed. My dagger and been concealed by my waistband, while the other had been strapped to my back under my jacket.

  Two of the other cloaked beings stepped forward, they turned their heads ever so slightly and commanded the others to leave. I was against that idea completely but was soon pre-occupied as the smaller one flew at me with their scimitar in hand.

  It clashed roughly against my own and the noise bounced off the ever decreasing walls, before the taller one leapt through the air and landed out of my range of sight.

  I deflected every blow they made until I felt an arrow piece through my back. I let out a deep growl as I pushed the one I had been parrying with away and sent a swift kick into their chest, which sent them hurtling towards the flames.

  I span around and faced my other foe, whom had a second arrow placed and aimed straight for my heart.

  “That will not kill me,” I said, bragging and mocking at the same time.

  “This doesn’t need to kill you. You really are a stupid boy, it just needs to incapacitate you, for you see, you are far from fireproof. And this very roof is so close to coming down.”

  With that said, they released their arrow, I quickly side stepped, but somehow the arrow seemed to follow me. Realising the futility, I stood stock still and before the very second where it could pierce my skin, I took it in hand and snapped it in half. I then lifted my left hand above my head and sent the dagger flying straight for their chest.

  They managed to dodge the chest attack, but luckily for me, it still pierced them and sat lodged in their chest, only missing their heart by mere inches.

  I heard a scream from behind me but paid it no attention as my anger took control. I knew by their shiver that they were well informed of what I could do, as I narrowed my eyes at them and cut after cut began to mar their skin.

  Their clothes were ripped to shreds after a hundred deep cuts were strewn across them, they screamed in agonising pain as their organs began to stream out, resembling nothing more than confetti.

  I was so close to putting the finishing touch to my latest masterpiece when the other figure ran to their side and actually begged me to stop.

  “It would be more merciful to finish the job, they’ll die eventually anyway, if I leave it now, they’ll just be in even more agony.”

  The figure threw her hood back and fixed her beautiful blue eyes on mine, knocking the air straight from my chest.

  “Don’t do this Lawson, if he has to die, at least let him die with his own kind, this was never about you,” The creature stated.

  I slowly nodded my head in acquiescence, when she propped him up against herself and practically dragged him from the burning wreckage.

  I was still standing in that same spot when the ceiling came tumbling down on top of me. But there was nothing I could do; I was literally frozen in place as Lilianna’s face continued to stare back at me in my mind’s eye.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  One Month Later

  Three Months until Unya’s Birthday

  It had been a month since I revealed what I truly was to Addy and the month had not been kind, between training more and more with Marcus and doing no training with Lawson, I was an absolute wreck.

  I couldn’t understand why he was suddenly avoiding me, even Kat would not take my calls, except once, where she told me that neither of them could be around me right then.

  Marcus couldn’t make head nor tails of the whole situation and decided to take it upon himself to act as my distraction.

  He decided that teaching me about all the creatures that existed was the best course of action, and their many weaknesses, not that Hades had any to mention. Although Marcus refused to admit he was invincible, he viciously held to the illusion there was in fact a way to not just incapacitate Hades, like what had happened to those on Olympus, but to actually kill him.

  It was exhausting, and the constant tests did not help matters at all. I admit I didn’t have any free time to wonder about Lawson, but my mind was heavy under all the new information and I honestly felt like I was going to explode.

  After I told Marcus that, he graciously gave me a day off, though he made it very clear I was only allowed one and we had to focus on getting me ready for when my Eighteenth finally arrived.


  It was while I was lounging on Addy’s bed as she hunted through her wardrobe, that I had a call from the other elusive person in my life, Malachi.

  “Howdy stranger, what can I possibly do for you?” I asked with way too much sarcasm, Addy actually popped her head out and gave me a strange look.

  “I thought now would be a great time to carry on our arrangement, when can I expect you?” He asked.

  “You have got to be screwing with me right, I haven’t heard a thing from you since that one kiss in the cemetery. And now you’re calling me up a month later to tell me that it’s going to happen again today? I don’t think so, screw you Malachi, I already have plans, so go and find your kicks elsewhere.”

  I didn’t give him a chance to reply, as I disconnected the call and threw the phone down on the bed. Addy stared at me with a raised eyebrow, quietly pleading for information.

  “He’s part of my other world, he can turn my emotions back on, only temporarily but for a few hours I feel normal. In return I have to kiss the idiot, it helps to heal him from an injury that was apparently done in my name. I haven’t heard from him since that first kiss and now he’s making demands, well to hell with that.”

  Addy seemed to pause for a moment, I gathered to weigh up her own opinion on the situation.

  “Unya, he can make you feel, can you really afford to turn him away, don’t get me wrong I love you flaws and all. But I must admit it would be interesting to see how you would react with everything working correctly.”

  “So, I should just let him dictate my life, when he needs this arrangement just as much, I don’t think so,” I shot back, not liking that it felt like she was taking some stranger’s side over my own.

  “Don’t be dense, of course you shouldn’t. No, we are going to go out tonight with your glorious fake I’D and paint the town red. Then tomorrow you can call that total doofus up and tell him that you are calling the shots.”

  With th
at said she threw her arm around my shoulder and dragged me into her over stuffed wardrobe, I had no say in what we were going to wear tonight and I welcomed not having to think for once.


  The night drew on and we clambered out of the taxi, tipping rather generously I might add.

  We descended into a club that had only opened up recently and thanks to Marcus was able to pick out any non-human rather quickly.

  There appeared to be an even mixture of the humans and non-humans, and as long as no one got hurt, I decided to keep my mouth shut and my nose out of other people’s business.

  Addy walked off to the bar to get some drinks while I found us some seats in an empty booth. I could see heads turning in her direction and I couldn’t blame them as she was dressed to kill in a short black dress, that hugged her curves and high black stiletto’s that made her legs look like they went on forever.

  I’ll admit that I wasn’t dressed much better thanks to her choice, in a silver shimmery dress that fell down to my knees. With a corset styled top that accentuated my cleavage and silver wedged shoes.

  I could feel eyes following me, but didn’t bother to turn around, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself then I already had. She quickly returned, finding no difficulty in catching the barman’s attention, and handed me three different kinds of shots and a beer. We said a quick toast and threw back the shots, one after another, before nursing our beers and just enjoying each other’s company.

  I was enjoying not having to do a single thing when my name was suddenly announced over the microphone and Addy shot me an innocent smile, which meant she was up to no good.

  I slowly rose to my feet and shot Addy my best, I will kill you look, and made my way over to the announcer.

  He informed me I had been recommended to sing a song and I really wanted to follow out my threat to Addy, right there and then. But that didn’t stop me from seizing the microphone and making my way up onto the stage. I chose a song about betrayal and being left in the dust and put my heart and soul into it.

  I was met with a deafening round of applause when I finished and decided to sing one more, before exacting my revenge and sang my own rendition of Adele’s Someone Like You.

  I definitely finished on a high note and received a few claps on the back as I made my way back to our booth.

  I was definitely in my own little world right then. But I soon noticed our party of two had suddenly grown, by at least three others, one of those being the very demanding Malachi.

  “That was marvellous, though I must admit to a feeling of confusion when he called for Unya and not Luna.”

  “What can I say, I have many, many secrets,” I replied as I slid in next to Addy, giving the creature next to her the death stare. I knew from my research that he was a Satyr and was not about to allow my friend to fall victim to his charms. He shot me a dazzling smile, before sliding slightly away from her, she shot me a weird look, before realisation dawned on her.

  “Oh my, you’re one of them aren’t you, oh this is fascinating, you look so human. I never would have guessed,” She rambled on, not even pausing to catch her breath.

  “Ahhh so you are in the know, that is so cute. You may definitely become my favourite human,” He replied with a wink.

  “So, what are you exactly?” She asked, and I was growing tired of her excitement, knowing she could well be in danger if he was sided with Hades.

  “He’s a Satyr and without the illusion that has been placed on him, you would be able to see a horse’s ears and tail. He’s a god of the woodlands and not to be trusted,” I stated, not giving him a chance to say anything.

  “I’ll have you know I am a lover not a fighter, and your lovely little friend has nothing to fear from me,” He stated with a knowing look to their other companion.

  “Hey I have no problem with the wine drinking, and the fornicating with the slutty nymphs that Malachi was associating with the first time we met, but I do know you can become quite obsessed in your desires of a pretty little thing if she takes your fancy, my friend will not become your obsession.”

  Addy stood up and slammed her hands down upon the table, she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips, but quickly shook it off as she tried to compose herself, amidst all the alcohol that was swimming through her system.

  “Unya I love you to bits, but you are not the boss of me, I understand I might not be one of you, but if I want to talk to a rather devilishly good-looking half man half horse, I damn well will.”

  She then physically pushed me out of my seat and stormed off onto the dance floor, the Satyr began to move and with one look from me decided to explain himself, before following after her.

  “You obviously know there are very different kinds in attendance this evening, and she would be much safer in my presence then theirs. I vow to you that no harm will come to her.” He performed a very dramatic bow, and then with a quick kiss to my hand sped off after her.

  “You most certainly aren’t known for your diplomacy are you dear,” Said Malachi with a laugh. I childishly told him where to go, but with a few more expletives, before making my way to the bar and choosing a lonesome stool to perch myself upon.


  I took to some harmless flirting with the barman, as he kindly kept refilling my shot glass, before I decided it was a perfect time to get my dancing shoes on, even if I did stumble a little, and walking in a straight line seemed to have removed itself from my list of abilities.

  I had no trouble in finding some willing dancing partners before one started to get a little two friendly, I was just removing his hands for the third and final time when he was quickly pulled away from me and a fist connected with his nose. I heard the crunch and could see the bone sticking out from one side, as he screamed in pain and was quickly dragged away from some very hungry looking creatures.

  “Oh how lucky I am, to have such a fine gentleman come to my rescue,” I said in a fake southern drawl, laced with too much sweetness.

  “The sarcasm doesn’t become you, and with the state you were in I think I was actually saving that rather foolish human,” He replied rather simply, before moving closer to me and sliding his hands onto my hips and moving them and himself in time with the music.

  “I never meant to be so demanding Unya and I am sorry, I just don’t think straight when it comes to you.”

  “If that was the case, then why did you leave it so long to get in contact. It’s not like there’s any expectations between us, we’re just doing each other a favour, so why the disappearing act. I swear there must be something in the water.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean by that, but something happened during that kiss we shared, I had to get my head figured out before I did something stupid. I wanted to make arrangements after the first week, but knew it wouldn’t be wise.”

  “Look, don’t bother with an explanation it’s just been a very shitty month and I kind of needed a distraction, hence tonight. And then you show up with your friends and it’s just too much. I don’t want Addy to get hurt and I’m not going to kid myself into believing I can trust either you or those two. Let’s just get on with this arrangement so I can fix what that moron did to you and then we can go our separate ways.”

  I could tell he wanted to say something else on the matter, and I just didn’t have the energy, so I made my second idiotic choice of the night, the first what I had said to the Satyr about Addy, and crashed my lips against his.

  I knew I had taken him by surprise as his eyes widened before they drifted closed. He snaked one hand through the back of my hair, angling my head so he could take the kiss deeper, while his other hand moved up to my waist and squeezed much more gently than I would have anticipated.

  I couldn’t feel a rush of emotions or a sudden lack of energy, so I knew he wasn’t getting anything more than a kiss, but that didn’t stop me from slowly losing myself in the action.

  It was only when a slight cough reverberated through my ea
rs that I slowly pulled away to Addy’s smirking face.

  I stepped away from Malachi until we were no longer embracing and was dragged away by Addy, we both decided we would be better off grabbing a taxi back to hers, with neither of us mentioning anything that had happened since she had stormed off. And I could tell that we were both happy about that decision, let the curiosity kill the cat another day.


  The following day I was taken over by a grounding headache, but Marcus would not relent as he droned on and on about the various steps we still had to take.

  “For the love of the gods, have a little mercy man,” I practically begged him, which only put a glint to his eyes.

  “This is self-inflicted my friend, so it does not warrant special attention or for me to go easy on you. Although you are soon going to be wishing you went a little easier last night. You see I’ve been so focused on enhancing your knowledge and abilities that I forgot to teach you how to fight with magic. I can tell from the way you just sat up a little straighter that I have finally caught your interest. Now while I was thinking of fighting, it made me wonder about all the training you are missing out on with Lawson and I have come up with a solution. Now I know you are good with keeping secrets, so I know I can trust you with one of the greatest secrets I hold close to me.”

  “Of course you can Marcus, I just wish I could return the same courtesy, there is so much I want to tell you, I just can’t,” I stated resting my chin on my knees.

  “Don’t worry yourself, I know you would if it was solely down to you. Anyway, I know someone who could train you, they may not be to the same standard as Lawson, but they are not far behind him. And if you could fight with your body, weapons and magic, you really would be a force to be reckoned with.”

  Marcus gave me a little time to get ready, before taking me by the hands and sending us off to the greenest grass I had even seen, surrounded by a huge wall that seemed to never end.


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