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Eternal Page 21

by B C Morgan

  Ishira strolled over to his crippled form and then wrapped the flaming chain around his neck as the hold grew tighter and tighter until his head was severed from his body and he disintegrated into a pile of ash.

  Marcus came to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist as he repeatedly begged me to forgive him for bringing him here.

  “That isn’t necessary Marcus, you are no more to blame for his actions then you are for that lovely Erinyes you chose to love. This girl still needs to be trained, but after this I do not believe we can really trust anyone who is not a part of our inner circle. That being said I have decided to take it upon myself to train her instead. She has clearly been favoured by the flame if yesterday was any indication and I am the best one suited to show her how to control it.”

  That was all said by Ishira as she looked at me, with what I could only hope were kind eyes, Marcus looked a little frazzled by the reference to Kat and Nyakesh visibly flinched. Which seemed to me, indicated that she was not over my dear friend, like he was with her.

  “I did not choose to love her Ishira, it just happened. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to stop her from ending it with me though was it. She is on a dark path and I have no idea how to help her,” He replied, sounding truly defeated.

  Nyakesh placed her hand upon his shoulder, before giving her acceptance to Ishira and her plan to train me. I realised I was not being offered the luxury of choice and was soon following her into the woods.

  I couldn’t understand why she would want to train me with so many combustible items around, but I had to put unwarranted faith into the strange being, and just hoped she knew what she was doing.


  We kept on going deeper and deeper, and she did not utter a single word to me, which didn’t seem like a very promising start.

  “So, what’s the plan fireball?” I asked, unsure whether she would be insulted by my little nickname.

  She shot me a look, through what I could only assume were narrowed eyes, before she shook her head and let out a soft chuckle. She still refused to answer but did eventually come to a stop when we reached a beautiful lake with many upturned rocks. The grass was a vibrant green and the water seemed to call to me to jump right in, but I fought the urge and stood there waiting for her to speak.

  “What do you feel as you stand there?” She asked, and I told her about the sudden impulse to dive into the beautiful water.

  “Please, be my guest,” Was all she said in reply, as I removed my shoes and clothing, until I was in nothing more than my underwear before I dove in.

  “As a fire nymph, water has never been very appealing to me, but you are not one of my kind. That is why I am so surprised by your affinity with the flame and why I chose to train you in its use. I require your full attention during this period and there will be no interference or communication with any other until we are complete. That may seem rather strict to you, but this task must not be taken lightly, there is a lot of ground to cover and it is uncertain how long it will take for you to master everything I have to teach. If you can solemnly agree to my terms, then we will begin today, if not then I will take you back and I will not offer my services again.”

  It was definitely a lot to take in, but I knew I needed help in gaining control over fire and did not want to suddenly combust if I was anywhere near Addy. So how could I possibly refuse, as I climbed out of the lake and made my way over to her?

  She used her flame to help me to dry faster before I donned my clothes and she began to inform me of everything that she would try to teach me.

  She hoped to teach me how to wear the flames, like she herself did, as well as how to make weapons out of it, as she could make a flaming sword, bow and arrows and daggers, as well as the chain, all from the flame. It was a weapon she need never carry as it was a part of her very being.

  She removed the fire from her face so I could see her more clearly. She was surprisingly pale without the flame to shroud her, with bright orange hair and her glowing orange eyes. She continued to wear the flames as her clothes, and I hoped that was a trick I could pick up.

  After the lengthy discussion of what we would soon be doing, the training began and that was how it would continue for the next month. I would not see or hear another being until she led me out of the woods and back to Marcus.


  That month passed by a lot faster than I would have guessed, but that is not to say it was an easy feat by any means. The first day was pretty straight forward as she tried to gather just how much power and control, I had with the flame. I should have gathered not every day was going to be smooth sailing, but what else did I have to compare it too as she suddenly became sergeant major on only the second day. She had me running twenty laps around the clearing we had come too, as well as fifty push ups and sits ups, in the name of stamina apparently. As well as swimming fifteen laps with only a ten-minute recuperation beforehand. She didn’t even seem concerned by the fact that water nymphs decided to join in on the fun as they sent wave after wave over me, only deciding to intercede when their friendly game seemed to turn a little sinister and they wouldn’t let me rise up for air.

  I was starting to wonder if Nyakesh had secretly wanted this maniac to kill me with exhaustion out of some misplaced jealousy over Marcus, but I later found out Ishira had her own motives, some I was sure Nyakesh had no knowledge of.

  We were sitting around a fire she made me start on the thirteenth day, with the measly rabbit I had managed to ensnare to feed myself with. Seeing as I was only allowed to eat what I could hunt or gather for myself, but I must say it was definitely a step up from the berries that had me vomiting for most of the day, on day four.

  Anyway, as I was saying we were sitting there in relatively comfortable silence when she suddenly turned to me and decided to throw a few home truths my way.

  “Marcus is one of the kindest creatures I have ever met which must mean your taste in companions isn’t completely off, but it does beg the question as to why you would associate yourself with an incubus and a demi-god like Lawson. I mean seeing as Mihaela did warn you off of the kind of creature that Malachi is.”

  At the mention of Nonna’s name I began to feel quite threatened as well as worried about how she could know what had been said between the two of us. My first inkling was to summon a ball of flame, but I knew it would hold no fear for her. So instead, I chose to form a solid ball of water into my palm, readying myself to douse her if it became necessary.

  She did not show any fear to what I had done, but I could sense that it had unnerved her somewhat, which I took as a good sign, especially after what she had just said.

  “Do not worry child, your secrets are perfectly safe with me, especially as I consider us kindred, what you do not understand is that when you gained will over the flame, you inadvertently opened yourself up to me. I can be wherever a flame is, be it on the tip of your finger or the fireplace in your great grandmother’s quaint cottage. The reason I have even brought this up is that you can know you have an ally in me, even more than Nyakesh does and I will not allow anyone or anything to harm you, not as long as it is within my power to prevent it.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment Ishira, truly I do, but what does any of this have to do with who I associate with.”

  “I could sense there was something off with you child, so I chose to eavesdrop, I am not ashamed of my actions, seeing as I had to know whether you were friend or foe and wherever I could not be, my cousins would take my place and relay anything they saw occur. Now I understand you are respecting Mihaela’s wishes but you need to find a way to convince her to meet Marcus. He can be trusted and with what you are planning to do, it would definitely prove beneficial if they could at least speak. I know she will not change your mind about walking the spirit realm, but she does know a great deal more than Marcus does on the subject.

  As for Malachi and Lawson you need to be careful what you reveal of yourself to both of them. Lawson has been severely mis
guided by Hades and has given him undeserved loyalty. If he should betray you in His name, then you could be lost to us all. As for Malachi he has been through a great deal in his lifetime, he is not abhorrently evil, but he does have the capacity for it as do all the creatures of the underworld. It can be hard to know who to trust especially when you are cut off from the one thing that all us earthbound creatures possess, and that is your emotions.

  If you cannot feel in yourself who you should put your faith in, then you should not do it, just keep them at arm’s length that is all I can ask of you.”

  “I appreciate your counsel Ishira and if I was to put blind faith into anyone, then I think I would like that to be you.”

  With my words spoken, I let the ball of water fall away and finally began to see this creature of fire in a whole new light.


  By the end of our time together we realised I was more adept with crossbows, standard bows and throwing knives than any weapon I actually had to maintain within my hand.

  Luckily I did eventually manage to get to grips with a sword, but it would never be my first choice of weapon, I also loved brandishing daggers as it allowed me to get up close and personal, but she warned me not to be reliant on that method as it was thoroughly more dangerous.

  By the time we emerged from the woods, Marcus was already waiting for us and I saw him take a double look, as two figures approached him, fully emerged with flames. The only thing I struggled with was maintaining the mask of fire upon my face, but it was growing easier every time I tried.

  “If it wasn’t for your ebony hair shining through, I would have had no idea that was you Unya, it’s incredible what you have managed to accomplish,” he stated, sounding completely in awe.

  “This is nothing dear Marcus, this girl has remarkable talent, we are very lucky to have her on our side,” Replied Ishira. As we all fell into step and got ready for my demonstration.

  Chapter Forty-One


  When I could finally open my eyes, I was met with utter darkness. The sin eater was gone, and I had no idea where I was or how to get out of there. I was utterly alone with no guide to show me the way.

  I was not known as one to panic, but my doubts about this all being a trap began to resurface and I did not appreciate being left in the dark, both figuratively and literally.

  I found my way to my feet and as I felt my way along the walls, I realised I couldn’t seem to find any trace of a door. I was just about to give up my search when a figure suddenly appeared before me shrouded in the blackest robe I had ever laid my eyes on, I had no idea who this mysterious person was, but I held myself high and refused to be intimidated, and then they began to talk in a musical voice that washed over me with an utter calmness I had never felt before.

  “Dearest Lawson, I cannot begin to describe how pleased I am that you chose to seek me out, after all the lies Hades had fed you with, I had started to question if my prophecy about you would ever come to fruition. I know you have things you wish to ask me, but I would prefer not to have to stay in this dank cell any longer than necessary.”

  She reached her hand out for me, and with only a few doubts in my mind I placed mine atop off hers and in moments we were standing in a luxurious living quarter. The walls were filled with many different kinds of jewels, with roman style lounges and modern-day sofas, there was a roaring fire, but with green and blue flames instead of the usual orange and red tones. There was food fit for a banquet and quartz for floors. I had no idea where I had been taken, but I had a sneaking suspicion I was no longer in either realm that I had familiarised myself with.

  She guided me over to one of the sofas that was so soft, you could almost trick yourself into thinking that you were in fact sitting among the clouds, she then seated herself on a chair that was placed before me and removed her hood.

  Her face was as pure and pale as porcelain, with platinum blonde hair that seemed to shimmer in the light. Her eyes were the colour of the brightest violet I had ever seen, and her voice never seemed to lose that musical tone it held. She retook my hand and held it clasped in between her much smaller ones and all I could do was continue to stare at the marvellous creature before me. She had a crystal blue gown on that started as a bodice and came out at the hips as it flowed down the rest of her body and seemed to shimmer just like the rest of her.

  “My sweet Lawson, you have become so lost and have wandered from the path that had been set before you, but now I wonder if you had to go through all of those ordeals just so you could be led here. If you are willing to humour me for just a little while I will try to answer your questions, it has been so long since I have seen anyone else except for Maurice and he can only save me from loneliness so much.”

  “I’m not sure what you expect me to do, but it seems a fair trade to me,” I replied as I tried to clear my mind of thoughts I should not have been thinking and reminded myself of why I was really there.

  “All I ask is you share dinner with me, once we have finished you may ask all that is troubling you.”

  How could I really argue with that, especially if she was as lonely as she led me to believe? So, I sat with her as we ate and tried to describe the earth that she had not seen in centuries and told her stories from my past when the times had seemed so much simpler than what they had become.

  After we finished a meal fit for a king, we returned to our previous positions and she sat there and stared at me intently, obviously waiting for me to begin.

  “What is the true prophecy regarding the ebony child? Is it really Unya? What will become of her? And finally, what really happened to Lilianna?”

  She showed no signs of affect by my questions, except for her eyes dilating slightly and her breathing seemed to hitch for a moment.

  “You have asked questions that cannot be answered in any simple way, as there is no conclusive answer except for those that have already passed. When I originally gave that prophecy to Hades, it had been against my will and because he forced my hand, I withheld certain pieces of information that could have been vital to him. To repeat the accurate words of my prophecy may confuse you and we do not have the time for me to explain what I have already said, so I will try and put it the best way I can.

  Unya was always destined to be the chosen, if Hades had succeeded with his original plan with Mihaela then it could have been Arianna, but it was never meant to be that poor child. When the shadows took control of her, I was able to intercede, you see the shadow power had to be awakened, it was my doing but I could not prevent it. It had to be done, but when I offered her an out, she gladly took it. Her selfless actions paved the way for Unya to become what she needed to be. Unfortunately she was destined to always lead a hard and painful life until her eighteenth took, but I did not want Hades to corrupt her so I hid her identity from him, saying that I only knew it would happen and forfeiting I knew when that exact moment would come.

  I did however tell him someone with your power would be the only one who could deliver her. Knowing he would choose you and I hoped you would not be too far gone to realise what it was you had to do and endure to make sure Hades would never be successful.

  Unya will have great abilities that could destroy all of the gods, from those in Olympus to Hades himself. But she will lose her way and when that day comes, she could either end up dead from the hands of those above or a slave to Hades who will only use her for what she can do until she is no longer useful and then he too will end her life.

  Unya could never be allowed to survive, especially once she proves just how capable she truly is. The only way to ensure her safety is to guarantee that she wipes the entire line out, of course others will take their place, that is unavoidable, but new blood needs to step in before this entire world is chewed up and destroyed.

  As for your final question, I was able to get Maurice to let a few friends know of her near demise, if they had even been ten seconds late she never would have come back, after she did she was too weak
to go too you, by the time she was healed. Well you had already ended numerous lives and destroyed any hope in her heart she could still be with you. It took her a long time to move on from you Lawson, but eventually she found love again, only to have him nearly destroyed by yourself that night in Venom. I know you can reverse what you did to him so the healers would have a better chance at rejuvenating his poor devastated body. This must be done, if he dies, she will seek you out and will be your enemy for life. He was her husband Lawson and he is the one she was always supposed to be with. I know you loved her, and she loved you too, but it was never supposed to happen. You killed because you were hurting, but you took it out on the wrong ones. I will tell you who was responsible, but not until I have your word that you will not seek revenge.

  I have an important job for you, that will take many great sacrifices on your part, but if you follow my instructions to the letter, then we may just have a fighting chance of ending Hades reign for good.

  I know you have developed feelings for Unya as well and I will not tell you to ignore them, I honestly believe you should embrace what you feel, but you must also understand that you were not put on this earth to love, you are here for a purpose and maybe that in itself is greater than any love could ever be.”

  I was utterly gobsmacked, and I think she appreciated it was a lot to take in, but I knew I had come too far to turn back now, and I gave my word that I would do as she asked of me.

  “We must seal our deal on a kiss, do not break your vow Lawson, it would hold dire consequences if you did.”

  I stood up from my position as she did the same, we moved closer until ours bodies were perfectly aligned and then our lips collided.

  It took my breath away in an instant, but we stayed locked together in a tight embrace before she pulled away with tears shining in her eyes.

  “Hades ordered Lilianna’s death, he wanted your devoted loyalty and he found the perfect way to secure it.”

  It felt like a dagger had been plunged in my back and then she stepped closer once more and revealed her plan to me, which chilled me to my very core and filled my heart with ice.


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