The Blood of Dragons

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The Blood of Dragons Page 4

by Victoria Mercier


  “That’s not unheard of, though in the last years there were no reported cases,” warlock possessed some impressive knowledge, I had to acknowledge.

  “It doesn’t explain why the Holy Seal reacted this way,” Nix noted soberly.

  As they debated me, my consciousness rooted in my body with the last string, and I knew it won’t be long before it snapped. I needed to warn Dramer that Selene can’t be trusted. She’d done something to me and now behaved as everything was alright.

  “This, I can’t explain. I don’t know why it happened.”

  If that was the case, then a spark of light in the tunnel still shined. Selene struck me as a person who hated not to know. She’d do anything to figure me out. What then has she done to me?

  “Can you dispel the shield?”

  “With your help, yes.”

  Chapter 7

  A soft bed welcomed me. My dizzy head refused to cooperate. Where was I? What happened? Only fragments of memory swirled at the back of my head.

  A helicopter.

  A shield.

  Demi-dragons and… a demi-unicorn?

  It pained to think, but I needed to get my shit together. I got a general idea of the events; Dragon Soldiers had taken me to the Great York City and then everything went to shit.

  When I issued a command to my arms and legs, my muscles only twitched. The paralysis was receding, but the process seemed slow. I had no time to spare. I needed to get away from this place, though laying in such a comfortable bed beckoned to me. I’ve never slept in such a luxury. Usually, it’s been a pallet or a blanket on a ground.

  “You’re awake,” a familiar voice said.


  “Yes, Flare.”



  “…fucking asshole.”

  A laugh roared from him roiling with a power that his body gave off on its own. It still felt good to know that he was nearby, though he was a complete stranger. I wanted to see my friends, too. Rust and Simona. Where they were? Unwittingly, I put them in danger again. A part of my nature rebelled at the notion of following anyone’s command. Despite Simona being our leader, I’ve done only what I felt was alright. The second Simona would overstep her boundaries, I’d give her a friendly smack to her head. She was stronger, but I was crazier.

  “I’m god!” Dramer exclaimed excitedly.

  “You’re a demi-dragon, brother,” Nix said.

  So, he was here, too? Why couldn’t I sense him? I extended my senses as I’d done it on the roof, but they met an invisible barrier. Nix must stand beyond it.

  “Shut up, Nix,” Dramer growled. “There is no point for you to be here. You’re captain of the guards. Flare doesn’t bother you anymore. She’s under my protection, now.”

  “Why can’t I move?” I asked.

  “The shield you’d sheathed yourself in, turned out to be more powerful than we expected. We had to claw through it. Now your body is recovering,” Selene said.

  The bitch was here as well. Why?

  “Where are my friends?”

  “Safe and sound in the Dragon Academy.” Oh, yes, warlock said the same, didn’t he?

  Simona and Rust, I’m sorry. I failed you, I thought sourly. I needed to meet them. We had to figure out a way to get out of here. This city spelled disaster. The Dragon Academy wasn’t a place for us. We belonged to the Wasteland. Why these fucking demi-dragons couldn’t comprehend it?

  My muscles twitched violently as my mind roared a command. There were no free meals. If three powerful figures took a keen interest in me, then it meant they were going to use me sooner or later. I’d make sure they’d regret any thoughts of crossing me.

  Finally, I managed my body to shiver.

  “What’s going on?” Dramer asked. His gaze darted all over me.

  “She’s pushing herself. It seems that your little pet cannot stand being idle,” Selene said, her voice brimming with a heartless acid. She was my second enemy after Rox. Her boyfriend’s sudden interest in me stung her painfully. I wished I could tell her that I didn’t want Dramer, but such words wouldn’t pass through my throat. Thinking of the demi-dragon in her arms caused the anger inside me to reach the unexplored heights. I craved his touch. Even his nearness soothed my frayed nerves. Only if she wasn’t here.

  I can hear you, Selene’s voice appeared in my head.

  Get out of me, bitch, I snapped.

  I’m not inside you, her cold amusement descended on me. She was toying with me. Was I really Dramer’s pet? Was this how he saw me?

  “Get her out of here!” I shouted. “She’s messing with my head!”

  Dramer spun on the heel. His muscular shirtless torso immediately began steaming. For the first time, I recognized the flavor of his power. I’d known before that it was draconic, but now, I understood the flavor.

  “What have you done to her?” Dramer bellowed. “I warned you to not mess with me, Selene.”

  “Dramer, it isn’t a way to speak to your fiancée!” Nix stepped between them. He no longer wore the armor. A silver cape clipped by his shoulder, of which one was intricately armored. The rest of his wardrobe made no sense to me. Black and silver robe that looked extremely expensive and slick. Selene looked even more sophisticated in a thigh-length black dress and generous cleavage. If not for Dramer, I’d have a hard time taking my eyes from her.

  Wait. Did he say… fiancée?

  A power similar to Dramer’s in flavor tumbled in my veins. It purged the fire inside them. It was so potent that I feared I’d burst asunder. My body…

  “This power,” Nix whispered. “She’s one of us, but I can’t detect her strength.”

  Suddenly, control of my arms and legs returned. I was no longer immobilized. I turned in time to see Selene’s image blurring and the next moment the spot she stood was empty. She must have teleported herself out. A neat trick. Could dragons do the same? Didn’t Dramer do just that in the Wasteland? Of course they could.


  “I’ll kill her,” I hissed. She did something to me on the roof.

  “I can’t let you do that,” Nix said but the expected warning didn’t appear in his voice. He almost sounded exhausted. “By attacking a demi-unicorn you’d cause a serious political scandal. Mirenne wouldn’t let it pass.”

  “I don’t care,” I snapped. My nature taking advantage of me, again. Though my fire didn’t appear, I brimmed with power. I felt like a goddess, myself. I could do anything. Let them try to stop me.

  “I’m going to break off with her.”

  “What?” Nix and I asked at the same time.

  Dramer slowly turned to me. He extended arms, his wide embrace ready to swallow me. I didn’t stop him. He smelled of raw iron and fire. My favorite scents. Well, it was a bit more complicated than that, but as his arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me, my thoughts jumbled. I was ready to lose myself.

  “Brother, you can’t,” Nix’s dark voice sounded from a periphery. It weaved a beautiful vision, too. Did captain of the guards know how deliciously he sounded?

  “I’ll defend you, Flare,” Dramer whispered. His lips touched mine and the world trembled. My heart fluttered. I’ve never felt so… free. I licked the taste of embers from his lips. Extasy filled my body and mixed with raging power. Immediately, my sex awoke with a hot need to mate. Never before such a thing has occurred. Even if I’ve found someone attractive, none of these sensations surfaced. Was this our draconic blood causing it? More urgent cravings assaulted me. A part of my nature demanded to satiate it.

  Nix gasped as the light filled the room. Ethereal fires bloomed between me and Dramer. Our draconic blood sang. Two beasts ready to feast on each other. Power tumbled all around us. His naked chest was harder than steel and yet delicate in touch. My fingers traced intricately sculpted muscles of his torso. Maybe… he was a god?

  Our tongues began a dance. The world outside us began fading. Only bli
ss existed and its power drenched every cell of my body. I felt it all. Dramer didn’t remain passive. His hands advanced in taking off my sleeping gown. Someone had changed my clothes when they transferred me here… I didn’t care. Even, Nix’s presence in the room made no difference to me. Who was I? Flare?

  Dramer’s hands grabbed my small ass and once more he lifted me. It seemed I wore no panties. I was ready to lose my maidenhead. My blood agreed with my choice. This man was the best choice.

  Suddenly, his trousers set ablaze. The fire that licked my thighs felt ecstatic to me. My senses screamed for more. He was about to spear me with his cock when the gargantuan strength pulled us apart.

  “What the fuck?!” me and Dramer roared. Waves of energy crashing everything around us. Voices yelled something, but I paid them no heed. I couldn’t. My world stood before me… or, actually, was pulled away by someone.

  “STOP IT!” a chilling voice imploded in my head. Another demi-unicorn?

  A sliver of consciousness returned to me and then I was myself again. My ragged breath meant serious exhaustion that I wasn’t aware of. What exactly happened? Dramer kneeled catching a breath, too. Beside him stood Nix. His eyes hooded by the shadows. He looked battle-ready.

  “You two, have no self-control,” Nix said. “You almost shattered the spell that protected you from the Holy Seal. One more push and this building would collapse.”

  He was right. Everything within the barrier was pulverized. Did we do it? How?

  “There is a reason, why dragons don’t mate dragons on the Earth,” Nix replied as he if read my mind. “During sex, the power contained within draconic blood react violently to another dragon. It doesn’t happen with other races, though.”

  And yet, I couldn’t wait to repeat it. The world returned to its gray form. My sharpened senses dulled. My gaze didn’t leave Dramer for a second. Even if I agreed with Nix, my body didn’t care a whit about his reasoning. Residues of desire still burned inside me.

  “Nix,” Dramer said in a low voice. “Did anyone detect it?”

  “Almost. The spell held, but barely. You gave off so much power I had to shield myself.”

  A cold fear filled me. Was Dramer regretting this? Would he turn away from me now?

  “I’ll inform father immediately about the breakup with Selene. He can take it from there.”

  As Dramer stood up in full majesty, the sight of his naked body began pulling me toward him. I’d never share him with anyone. He belonged to me. Whoever I was. God almighty, but I don’t recognize myself. Who am I?

  Was it doing of the draconic blood or the pony-bitch? Whatever happened to me I couldn’t remain like this for long. My friends would have a hard time accepting me like this. A sex-driven whore. I must get away from here.

  To the Wasteland.

  Still, my feet refused to run. Why?

  “Will it pass?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?” Nix inquired.

  “My strange behavior. In the Wasteland, under no circumstances I’d let myself do this,” I gave Nix a suspicious stare. “Did you do something to me?”

  “Your draconic blood, finally, overpowered your other half,” Dramer explained. He shimmered and tendrils of materials started weaving around him. “You’re powerful, but you can’t be a demi-dragon like us.”

  “Why?” a part of me sighed relieved, but the other one didn’t like the conclusions. I wasn’t his equal. I would never be able to come to terms with this. Being inferior to Dramer, indeed, felt as being his pet.

  “Because it’d mean that you’re our sister. Our human part wouldn’t accept it.”

  “In this case, I’m going to return to the Wasteland.”


  “No,” I snapped, and it pained as hell to see the anguish on Dramer’s face, but there was no other way. I would never be his toy. “I’m not a demi-anything. I’m not in your league, guys.”

  “We can’t let you go, Flare,” Dramer said sadly. “You’d perish outside the walls.”

  “I’d lived a good life there before you showed up, Dramer. I’ll be just fine.”

  Dramer’s face filled with shame. A spell he’d used to create new clothes, finished. He remained shirtless, wearing only military trousers and heavy boots.

  “If you go to the Wasteland, then I’m going with you, Flare. I’ve never felt…”

  “Brother!” Nix snapped, but even he found himself at the loss of words.

  “Here you are,” a new voice came from behind me.

  I spun ready to fight. The Wasteland’s instincts would never die easy. A lean man in a slick suit with a mysterious symbol on the chest walked in. His green spiky hair and red eyes watched me with amusement. Immediately, a flavor of his power reached my senses, but it was a flavor of nothing. The fucker masked his power.


  “Slacker, Iron Head,” he smiled with the intensity of a collapsing star. “You’re dismissed.”

  Chapter 8

  Dramer’s fists clenched. A sort of precognition warned me that if Dramer’s explosive emotions would take over, at this moment, everyone would be in a danger. I had to do something to soothe the giant. And there was Nix who didn’t look much thrilled to see this Saaron here.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m the Head of the Dragon House at the Dragon’s Academy,” Saaron explained. “And because you possess draconic genes and didn’t graduate from the academy, you automatically fall under my jurisdiction. Isn’t that right, brothers?”

  Brothers? Oh, shit. Another one? How many demi-dragons run around? And why they all seemed to be of the same age?

  “You got it all wrong,” I said before Dramer or Nix could open their mouths. “I’m about to leave this city.”

  “Flare…” Nix’s voice made my heart aches, but I couldn’t stay. They must understand it.

  “Is that so?” Saaron didn’t seem fazed by my statement. Either, he was dumb or too smart for his own good. “If I remember correctly, the academy admitted two supernaturals yesterday that are close to you, Flare.”

  His tone gave me chills. Saaron didn’t look strong, but my instincts couldn’t be fooled so easily. He could appear harmless all he liked.

  “Careful, Flare,” Nix warned. “This one is a cold-hearted bastard.”

  “Why are you still here?” Saaron asked, his fingers clicked and the spell that masked my presence disappeared. “You should return to your respective duties. Of course, if you possess them.”

  “I’ll kill you, Saaron,” Dramer growled, his power level began raising and his body steamed furiously. I have to do something. Dramer is about to go all out. But then why should I stop him? This fucker veiled a threat toward my friends. Maybe a little beating would make him nicer? No, it won’t work. What should I do?

  My gaze darted between three demi-dragons. Dramer; distorted by heat, rage and power; Nix; serious and neutral; and Saaron; showing off a wicked grin. What would Nix do if Dramer attack Saaron? Would he follow his duties as captain or his allegiance?

  As Dramer made a move, I stepped in his path, “wait.”

  He stopped.

  “I’ll stay under one condition, Dramer.”

  “Everything you wish, Flare.”

  “You must behave.”

  A laugh roared from his massive lungs, and his power winked out. Nix exhaled, and his hand left a hilt of a sword, which I hadn’t seen earlier. It didn’t answer my doubt. Who would Nix side with here?


  “Shut the fuck up,” I snapped. “Cross me again, dragon, and you’ll regret it.”

  “Flare,” Nix whispered concerned.

  “That’s my girl!” Dramer grinned. “Show this scrawny bastard a glimpse of your fire.”

  Despite myself, I smiled at Dramer’s encouragement. He was on my side. This gave me the confidence to push forward. No one would bend me, neither Saaron nor the academy. And if this shithead Saaron would try threatening my friends agai
n, then it wouldn’t end on words.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Dramer, Nix,” I said ignoring Saaron. Perhaps, I made a mistake of showing him an open hostility, but I wouldn’t stoop to his level. “Can you escort me to the academy?”

  “With pleasure,” both answered.

  I half-expected a reaction from Saaron, but his self-control prevailed, though he insisted on leading the way. I was ready to deny him even this honor, but Nix discouraged me in the last moment. Captain turned out to be a voice of reason in my head. It was a shocking discovery to find out that he actually could sway me from my favorite path.

  Without a backward glance, we left the devastated room. At first, I’d thought we were in a hospital, then in a hotel. But turned out that demi-dragons possessed their private medical clinic. The staff moved around us like ants between feet of elephants. Not before I’d reached an elevator, I remembered that I was still in a gown or I should be. I looked down and found a sparkling green dress, knee-long. Though, I was still shoeless. In fact, I didn’t mind that.

  Dramer and Nix, two massive pillars on each side of me, waited until I walked into the elevator. They were gentlemen. I didn’t give a chance to Saaron to prove his good manners. The elevator was spacious. Demi-dragons were larger than pure humans. Though, it didn’t apply to females or was I the only exception? Even Saaron, despite his lean silhouette, was taller than any man they passed on their way to the elevator.

  It took us ten seconds to reach the basement. Three cars waited there. I was surprised that demi-dragons had cars, at all, if they could teleport. I wondered where lay the limit of their power. It could be handy to learn how to fly.

  “I presume you take the ride with them,” Saaron said. It wasn’t a question. I didn’t feel obliged to answer. Besides, a bit of silent treatment would purge his expectations. I didn’t want him to get his hopes high. He could be gorgeous and had feminine face features that somehow made him so much hotter, but for me, Saaron was an enemy number three. His beauty meant nothing to me. He didn’t look like the type craving women after all.


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