Claiming Xana (Wildcat Graduates Book 2)

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Claiming Xana (Wildcat Graduates Book 2) Page 20

by Xana Jordan

  “I’m not so sure about that. That boy drives me insane. Being away from him was kind of nice.” I glance over at her to see her mouth drop open and her eyebrows crinkled with confusion.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Stace? I thought you two had everything all worked out? You know he adores you,” she tells me, almost too sternly.

  “I know he does, but sometimes I can’t help think he’d be better off with someone without as much baggage as I have.” I sigh and stop at the red light. “Where to? Texarkana?” I look over at her, and she is shaking her head back and forth so hard I’m almost afraid she’ll knock her brain lose.

  “No, Texarkana, Stacy. HE is there,” she responds adamantly.

  “You have to get it over with sometime, Xan. He probably won’t even be at the mall to begin with, so there’s really nothing to worry about. Don’t let his assholery dictate where you can or can not go.” Moving forward when the light turns green, I take the road that will lead us through Magnolia and to Texarkana. She’s just gonna have to get over it.

  “You’re so mean to me. And don’t try to avoid the subject. Why on Earth would you feel that way about Cade and you?” She’s crossed her arms over her chest and is staring at me until I answer her. Stopping at the last red light out of town, I answer.

  “Look at his family, Xan. His whole family is good and caring and amazing. My grandparents are wonderful, but my parents aren’t even anywhere close to his. Mom left me with her parents because she didn’t want to mess with me, and Dad...who the hell knows where he is? I know Cade doesn’t ever mention them, but I know about them. He needs someone who isn’t riddled with questions about their family and issues that result from having those two as parents.”

  Xana’s voice grows softer and she shifts in her seat so she can see me more clearly. “You know he doesn’t care about any of that, nor does that make you any less deserving of Cade. You can’t let yourself think that way,” she pleads, concern filling her face.

  Leaning back against the headrest I let out a sigh and close my eyes briefly. “I know that, really I do, but he’s just so amazing. He puts up with my bullshit and never seems to bat an eyelash at it. It’s like nothing ever phases him, and it just makes me feel a hot mess waiting to explode.”

  “You know he’s not perfect, either, right? I mean, can he ever be serious and not make so many jokes? Seriously, he needs to tone that crap down. I can’t take him sometimes,” she shakes her head and makes an angry face as she apparently thinks about Cade’s behavior. I can’t help but laugh at her.

  He only does a third of what he does to get a rise out of her. And me, I suppose. Thinking of that makes me laugh harder. Why have I just now realized that?

  “It’s not that funny,” she scolds me and faces the front of the car again.

  “Yes, it is. The look on your face is priceless! And I know you’re not mad at him, because I can see the smile you’re trying so hard not to crack,” I laugh again. “You always did suck at tricking people.” Xana’s smile breaks through and she starts laughing with me until we can’t laugh any longer.

  After a few minutes of contented silence, I decide to start my inquiry. “Tell me what the doctor said, Xana. I hate it that I wasn’t there to help,” I tell her honestly. I wait for her to answer, because I know she hates talking about that stuff and needs time to prepare herself. I’m surprised I don’t have to wait long before she decides to talk about it.

  “Not much more than they did before. Another large cyst ruptured this time, along with several slightly smaller ones, from what they could tell. That’s why it hurt so bad,” she pauses and looks out the window. “They’re hoping it didn’t do any further damage to my ovaries, and they ran some tests to check out some other things. I’m going back in a few weeks for a check up and talk about what the tests say. I’m supposed to watch my diet because it can sometimes mess all of that up and cause weight gain. Like I need anything else to worry about.” She sighs and lays her head back against the seat, her eyes closed. “When am I ever going to catch a break, Stace?”

  “It looks to me like you caught a very hunky break on New Year’s Eve,” I tell her, wiggling my eyebrows and making a funny face.

  Xana breaks out into laughter and slaps my arm. “Shut up,” she shouts at me, her face turning as red as a sunburn. “You are so awful.”

  “Hey, I just tell it like I see it, hooker. You know it’s true. It’s about damn time you two finally got your shit together. Do you realize how hard it was for me to not interfere last year?” I raise my brow at her and look back at the road ahead.

  “I was actually surprised you didn’t. I know it was hard for you and Cade being in the middle like that. Thank you,” she says and crosses her legs under her.

  “No need. Now tell me all about that little pretty dangly beauty you have hanging around your neck. I know you didn’t have it before.”

  The rest of our drive to Texarkana was full of catching up and me needling details from Xana about her and Noel, and even what happened with Jeff the Douche. Gah, I can’t express just how elated I am to hear he is out of the picture. I liked him at first, but there was just something that felt off.

  Cade and Noel have gone to the batting cages with a few friends to get some practice in before we get back to school, so Xana and I take our time shopping around the mall. We end up not leaving Texarkana until almost nine because we decided to see a movie while we were in the mall. It gave our feet a break and time to recharge before finishing off our gift cards and gift money. We even had a little extra cash to spend that her dad gave us. I sometimes feel like he thinks I’m his daughter as well. I have a feeling that if Cade ever screwed up our relationship, Mr. Bradford would certainly have a few words to tell him. He’s the sweetest man I’ve ever known, other than my grandpa, but I’ve seen him get mad before, and it wasn’t pretty. That would be priceless, though.

  It’s almost ten thirty when we get back to Xana’s house. I help her carry her things inside, and her mother follows us to her room so she can see what she bought. After trying everything on for a fashion show, Xan’s mom decides she needs to let me leave, so we say goodnight and I finally head for home.

  I am pulling into my driveway when I get a text from Cade. I ignore it until I get everything out of the car and talk to my grandparents for a little while. They always wait up to make sure I get home safely, and I appreciate that. They’ve always supported me and been there whenever I needed help. I’ve been very lucky to have grandparents like them.

  By the time I’m done spending time with them and head for bed, it’s almost midnight. Cade’s texted me again since I’ve been home, and I decide to call him after I take a quick shower. Being in the mall all day always makes me feel dirty, and I can’t stand to smell like a mixture of fast food and sample cologne.

  Climbing into bed, I plug my phone into the charger and call Cade.

  “Hey, baby. How was shopping? Did you two have a good time?” He’s always so thoughtful to ask how my day was before he talks about anything else.

  “Yeah, we had a great time. It was like the old Xana was back. We haven’t had that much silly fun in a long time.” I think about everything we did today and laugh.

  “I’m glad to hear y’all had such a great time, you both needed that.”

  “Yeah, we did. It was great. Xan’s mom even made her try on everything when we got home,” I laugh, remembering how she insisted Xana show her everything right then and there.

  “I bet she just loved that,” he agrees and laughs with me. We all know how much she hates getting attention and being put on the spot.

  “Right?” When our laughter subsides, there is a very uncomfortable silence between us. We had a small fight a few days ago, and have never really talked about it. I’d like to forget it ever happened, but I know that’s not going to happen. Once Cade wants to talk about something, he won’t let it go.

  “Are we okay, Stace? You know you can talk t
o me, right?” Cade waits for me to answer, but I can’t seem to catch my breath.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry I freaked out on you. I can’t explain what happened. I’d really like to just forget it. I really don’t know, Cade. I’m just as confused as to why I freaked like that as you are. I promise.” I lower my voice and begin to twirl my hair through my fingers. I always do that when I’m nervous. He’s tried to get me to stop since we started dating, but I just can’t help it.

  “We can forget it, as long as you’re not holding out on me. If I did something to upset or scare you, I want to know. It’s important you tell me, alright?”

  “I really don’t understand it, Cade, but I promise I’ll tell you if you ever do something like that. But, I’m not scared of you. Ever.”

  “I believe you, baby. Now, go count some shoes and get some sleep,” he instructs, laughing at his own joke.

  “Just because I have a lot of shoes, doesn’t mean I dream about them,” I spit back, pretending to be offended.

  “Oh, really, now?” Cade laughs louder. “And what else do you dream about, if not shoes?”

  “I’ll have you know that I dream about more interesting things when I sleep,” I say, dropping my voice a little lower in the tone he can’t resist.

  “Like what?” he asks sarcastically, truly believing I’m lying about the shoes.

  “Like my boyfriend’s light brown hair and blue eyes,” I tease him.

  “That’s kinda funny since I don’t have either of those things, baby,” he plays along.

  “Not really. I was referring to Jensen Ackles, so let me off the phone so I can get to my dreams,” I giggle and end the phone call. Everyone knows Sam is just the whiny brother.

  I immediately get a text in response.

  HOTSTUFF: Goodnight, Scarlett.

  I laugh at his reference to Scarlett Johansson. It seems every guy thinks she’s a dream.

  ME: Goodnight, Jensen.

  School started two weeks ago, and so has baseball. Cade and I have stayed busy with team meetings and ball related activities, along with practices and workouts. Xana and I have been able to spend some time together, well as much as we can, often studying together in the library. She likes the quiet and stillness it provides, even though she sometimes wears earbuds and listens to her music while we’re there. It makes me laugh at her and she pretends to be offended by my teasing.

  We manage to eat most meals with Stacy and Cade, and I’m happy to see her eating more regularly, even if it is only a small portion. I’ve even gotten her to go to the gym with me at least once a week, sometimes more if she wants to. I like having her in that part of my world. It’s something we can do together, yet have our own space while we do it. I like to watch her while she’s on the treadmill or stationary bike when she isn’t aware I’m looking at her. She seems to totally zone out and completely relax. She’s so damn gorgeous when she exercises. Hair up in a ponytail, and perspiration, not sweat, as she less than politely informed me, on her bare skin. Absolute perfection.

  It’s Friday evening, the January weather actually giving us a little sunshine, and I’m walking over to Xana’s dorm to meet her for dinner. She’s sitting on the front steps reading a book as she waits for me, her curls blowing in the slight breeze. It’s not too cold yet, since the sun is still out for the moment. I am standing in front of her before she realizes she’s not alone any longer.

  “Reading a good book, Sweetness?” I grin as her head flies up, hair flying haphazardly in the air, to look at me.

  “Holy crap, Noel! You scared me,” she admonishes me and slaps me on the side of my leg.

  “Must have been a really good part to have you that absorbed in it. I wasn’t exactly quiet,” I tease, sitting down on the step beside her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer so I can kiss her temple.

  Closing the book and putting it in her bag, she replies, “Yeah, it was getting pretty exciting. The main character was about to be rescued by her knight in shining armor. A tall, handsome baseball player,” she giggles. “Oh, wait. That’s me.” Grinning, she leans forward and nibbles on my ear before placing open an mouthed kiss just under my earlobe. Right where she knows it drives me wild.

  “Be careful, woman, or I might just have to skip taking you to dinner and finish this discussion elsewhere,” I warn her, taking her mouth in mine and kissing her thoroughly, not giving a damn who is watching.

  I break our kiss to stand up, leaving her sitting on the steps, eyes closed and flushed. I reach down, pick up her bag, tossing it over my shoulder, and take her hands so I can pull her up to stand in front of me.

  “Come on, naughty girl. Stacy and Cade are meeting us at the cafeteria, and she told me to hurry you along because she was starving.” I lace my fingers with hers and lead us across the street for the dining hall.

  Xana laughs loudly as she leans her head against my shoulder and pats my arm with her free hand. “Aww, is the big, bad Mr. Daniels scared of a tiny little thing like Stacy?” she asks, her voice full of teasing amusement.

  Laughing, I look down at her and admit, “Hell, yeah. I’ve seen her when she says she’s starving, and learned early on not to come between her and food.” Climbing the steps up the hill to the cafeteria sidewalk, Xana laughs even harder at my admission.

  “Don’t act like you aren’t scared of her, either. You’ve hidden behind me and Cade plenty of times when she’s hangry.” I laugh as her face shows she remembers what Stacy can do when someone gets in her way.

  “Now who’s scared?” I ask as we turn the corner for the front doors. Xana grips my fingers tighter and starts walking faster toward the doors.

  “Shut up and walk faster. If she sent you after me, she’s already one step closer to snapping!” Xana is on a mission as we approach the entrance, and I can only laugh as she opens the door and flies through it, dragging me behind her.

  Cade and Stacy have already gone through the line when we get inside the dining hall and have saved us a seat at the table in our regular area. We’re almost to the table with our trays when Stacy looks up from her plate and notices us.

  “About time you got here. I wasn’t waiting, so when I saw you across the street, we came on in,” Stacy tells us as she takes a drink of her lemonade. “Didn’t Daniels tell you to hurry your butt up like I told him?” she asks, looking at Noel instead of me.

  I set down our tray and raise my hands in supplication, clearly trying to avoid her wrath. “Don’t look at me,” I begins, but Xan interrupts.

  “Of course he did, Hangry. Now, shut up and eat so Good Stacy can come out to play,” Xana retorts, staring back at her.

  Cade and I, along with Stacy, are quite dumbfounded, and it takes a minute to come up with a response.

  “Awesome,” Cade mutters in awe of Xana’s come back. Stacy, unphased, continues to glare at Xana, and I can only grin like a proud father at what my woman just said. That’s my girl.

  Stacy stares at Xana, unmoving, long enough to make Xana second guess what she said. Her face pales slightly, her random freckles disappearing from her face, and I am uncertain how Stacy is going to react to being talked to like that.

  Finally, Stacy’s lips begin to form a small, devious smirk. She tilts her head to the side and bursts into laughter, confusing everyone.

  “Oh, I’ve taught you well, young padawan. Well played, indeed, Xana.” Stacy looks at her in approval, and I can see Xana release the breath I didn’t realize she was holding. She looks at me, then Cade, in relief while Stacy continues eating her chicken and rice stir fry. The three of us are waiting for Stacy to change moods again when Mallory and Dillon walk over to our table and sit down. Stacy, having eaten enough by this point, is her usual chatty, sassy self and we all continue on with our meal, telling jokes and laughing, the Hangry monster forgotten.

  As we are about finished with our dinner, the conversation shifts to what everyone has planned for the weekend.

  “What is everyone doing this weeke
nd?” Mal asks, then takes the last bite of her burger.

  Nichole, one of Xana’s friends and study partners from her math class, speaks up. “I’ve got a paper to work on for Lit two, so I’ll be doing that all weekend.” She gathers up her used napkins and places them on her empty tray.

  “You guys have ball practices this weekend, right, Dillon?” Mallory asks, turning to him.

  “Yeah, Cade, Noel, Gavin, and I have practice after school tomorrow and again on Saturday morning,” he says, looking at me and Cade, and we nod in agreement.

  Stacy chimes in as she stacks her plates onto Cade’s tray, “Xana and I are headed home after lunch tomorrow. We’ll either be back Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Depends on how much work I get done on my paper tonight.” Surprised to hear this, I look over at Xana, and she avoids my gaze by busying herself with gathering up trash from our side of the table.

  Cade, arm draped behind Stacy over the back of her chair, leans back and says, “Yeah, and with her gone, I can finally get my homework and laundry finished.” He laughs when Stacy jabs him in the ribs and frowns at him.

  “You mean you’ll have to actually do your own laundry without me there to help you.” She hits his side one last time before leaning away from him and crossing her arms in front of her.

  “Hey, I do my own laundry. You’re the one who takes it from me and does it on your own. I can’t help it if my way isn’t your way,” he grins, his hands out in front of him, palms up, and his head tilted to the side.

  Stacy closes her eyes, and we can all see she is counting to ten because her lips are moving. She does this often. Cade pulls her to his side and whispers in her ear. Whatever it is, it seems to do the trick and she smiles as he kisses her cheeks. Those two can change direction faster than the Flash.

  Xana looks at her watch and frowns. “What time do you guys have to be at practice?” Everyone starts gathering up their trash and trays to take them to the return window, while Xana and I continue to sit at the table.


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