Claiming Xana (Wildcat Graduates Book 2)

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Claiming Xana (Wildcat Graduates Book 2) Page 23

by Xana Jordan

  Not able to argue with me, Xana agrees and tells me goodnight. “I love you, Noel Daniels,” she says softly, her tears almost non-existent.

  “I love you, too, Sweetness. Always.”

  Ending the call, I decide to pull out my laptop and do a little more detailed research on PCOS. I had looked it up when she was first told about it, but didn’t do much to look into it further. I didn’t care that she had it, but I now I need to know how to help her deal with it.

  The January weather hasn’t been terribly bad so far. It seems the majority of the harsher stuff has come and gone, enabling the baseball team to have practices outdoors more often. I’ve been to a few of them with Stacy when she wasn’t working. It’s a nice day out so far, and Stacy and I have taken a little time out this afternoon to come and watch them practice for a bit. Watching Cade and Noel playing ball again was something I hadn’t realized I missed so much.

  We were both in band, and had that in common, but being there for him while he was doing something all on his own was amazing. It was like I was seeing a whole different Noel than the one I already knew. He loves what he does and takes pride in it. He knows exactly who he is, and what he wants.

  I used to know what I wanted, and where I was going. Now, I wasn’t so sure. I thought I had it all figured out in high school, and even when I started college. The past year and a half since then, has me questioning what I was doing and why I was doing it. I am stuck in a major I didn’t want, taking classes that felt as if they were sucking the life out of me. I was being forced to think about my future, in ways I wasn’t exactly ready for, because of my health, and I am starting to wonder if keeping Noel for myself was just me being selfish in not letting him find someone who was better for him that me. But damn, I need him.

  Part of me can still hear Jeff’s criticisms in my head about my hair, my career choices, my eating habits, and just my appearance in general. If he knew about my PCOS, I wonder what he’d say about it. I know Mike said he told him, but he’s never really mentioned it to me at all. Would he have finally broken up with me, or would he have kept seeing her behind my back? I know he’s not worth my agonizing over it, but I can’t help how I feel.

  Stacy breaks me from my worrying when she jabs her elbow into my ribs. “Ow,” I exclaim and rub my side. “What was that for?”

  “Who are they?” she asks, pointing to where two girls are talking to Cade outside of the dugout.

  The team hasn’t started practice yet, and it looks like he got stopped on his way into the dugout. One girl is twirling her hair around her finger, while the other is leaning as close to the fence as she can to get his attention. It’s obvious from here she is trying to get him to look at her chest with the way she has it pushed out, and he falls for it.

  “I don’t know,” I reply, not able to see their faces clearly with how they’re standing.

  Noel makes his way over to where we are sitting. Stacy doesn’t miss a beat when she immediately skips the greeting in order to get more information.

  “Who are they and why is Cade talking to them?” Stacy questions him, pointing to where they are standing. She’s unable to remove her gaze from where he is now standing, leaning one handed against the fence, looking at little Miss Peep Show.

  “Not really sure. Some sorority girls, I think.” Noel frowns and looks over at them one last time. “Maybe they have a class together or something.”

  Noel shrugs and winks at me and then Stacy, who winks back, pretending like nothing in that conversation bothered her. The coach blows his whistle to start practice, and Noel runs over to where the team has gathered. Worrying about the frown on Stacy’s face, I hope she isn’t making too much out of things. There has to be a good explanation, because Cade would never do anything to hurt her.

  The team starts its warm-ups and I start to study over a chapter in my Macroeconomics book while Stacy is watching those girls like a hawk. Coconuts, I hope those girls don’t do anything stupid. Unable to comprehend what I’m reading, even having read the same section three times in forty-five minutes, I claim distraction by the team’s yelling and cheering, and tell Stace I’m going back to the room to finish studying. Fortunately, she’s absorbed in her eye murdering of those sorority girls, and doesn’t pay too much attention to me.

  “Oh, okay. Later,” she waves, never looking away from her targets.

  “Bye,” I reply and make my way out of the seating area and back to my dorm.

  Once in my room, I plug earbuds into my laptop and listen to music as I work on my homework. Finally able to concentrate on the subject matter, without interruptions, I become completely unaware of the time or the music streaming into my ears. I am making a lot of progress in my studying when I hear the door slam. Yanking the earbuds out of my ears, I nearly drop my laptop to the floor.

  “Holy shit, Stace! You scared the life out of me!” I pause to catch my breath and notice the pissed off look on her face. What the hell is her problem?

  ”What are you so mad about?” I ask, fairly certain I don’t want to know.

  “We’ve been trying to call you for over an hour, Xana! Why didn’t you answer your phone?” Stacy places her hands on her hips and glares at me, clearly demanding an explanation.

  “I was studying, obviously. I didn’t hear my phone ring at all,” I tell her defensively. “What’s the big deal? I told you where I was going to be.” I can’t help but return her glare and cross my own arms across my chest.

  “Noel’s been freaking out is what. He looked for you after practice, and when you never showed up for dinner, he almost lost it. He was convinced something was wrong.”

  “Didn’t you tell him I was studying?” I ask, my face relaxing a little.

  “Of course I did, I’m not stupid,” she snaps back at me. “But you have no clue how protective he is over you. It was all Cade and I could do to convince him you were fine. I thought he was going to give me a lie detector test or something when I promised you weren’t in pain or sick when you left the ball field.” Stacy walks over to her desk and drops her book bag and purse on it.

  Thinking of Noel going all super spy and torturing Stacy has me laughing out loud. Stacy, not amused at all, turns and points at me.

  “You really haven’t seen him like that, have you? All caveman and over-protective of you.” Stacy’s face shows her disbelief.

  “He’s never been like that with me, or even around me, for that matter. You’re just exaggerating, Stace.” I shake my head and straighten my notes, while Stacy changes into sweats and a t-shirt.

  “Please call him right now, before he tries to climb in the window or something,” Stacy demands while looking for something to watch on the television. “Cade had to force him to go back to their room when he demanded I check him in and bring him in here.”

  “It’s almost seven thirty. Aren’t they in study hall right now?” I pick up my phone, and sure enough, I have numerous missed texts and calls from Noel and Stacy, and even one from Cade.

  “No, that’s not until tomorrow, remember? Coach changed it because something came up with a few of the guys.” Stacy finally decides on some SyFy movie and gets out her books to work on her research paper.

  “Oh, that’s right. I’ve gotten the date mixed up so many times today I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  I dial Noel’s number and he answers the first ring. She wasn’t kidding. He must have been holding it with his thumb on the answer button.

  “Are you alright? Where are you?” Noel demands to know, not even bothering to say hello.

  “Well, hello to you, too, Handsome,” I giggle at him. “I’m just fine. I was studying, just like Stace told you.” Stacy sticks out her tongue toward the phone.

  “Told ya so,” she yells at him, causing him to grunt in response, and me to laugh harder.

  “Why didn’t you answer your phone or come to dinner?” Noel releases a frustrated breath and says, “I was worried something had happened to you.”
  How can my heart not melt at his response? Even when he’s acting crazy, he’s still so sweet. “I’m okay, Noe. Really,” I say, softly into the receiver.

  Noel releases a hard breath and asks, “Promise?”

  “Promise. I love that you were concerned about me, but you can’t worry about me all of the time. I’m not helpless,” I tell him, hoping to calm him down.

  “I know that, but I’ll always worry about you. You’d do good to realize that,” he warns me, but I can hear the worry leave his voice.

  “I’ll try, if you do. Now, go on and let me finish what I was doing. I was on a good streak until Stace showed up and let me have it.” Looking over at her, I can see Stacy shaking her head in agreement and trying not to smile.

  “You’re staying in tonight?” he asks, slightly disappointed.

  “Yeah, I just don’t feel like leaving my room tonight. Sorry,” I apologize.

  “Alright. I’ll see you in the morning then, I guess. Don’t forget to eat tonight.” Gah, he is so bossy.

  “Yes, Sir!” I mock salute him, even though he can’t see it.

  “That’s better. Call me later,” he tells me, his voice clearly telling and not asking.

  “I’ll try. Bye.” I end the phone call and get back to my studying.

  I didn’t call Noel back that night. Stacy and I studied for a while, and then became engrossed in the current mega shark movie that was playing. She can never turn those down, and I have to admit I’m starting to love them, too. We had fun, just the two of us. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve hung out without Cade and Noel. We caught up on a lot of things, and Mallory even came over and finished the movie with us. Well, with Stacy. I fell asleep about two thirds of the way through it, and didn’t wake up until my alarm went off the following morning. I slept like a dream.

  The girls and I are enjoying movie night when I notice Xana has fallen asleep. “Look,” I say pointing to Xana all twisted in her comforter. Mallory laughs and she doesn’t even flinch at the loud noise Mal makes.

  “And she was all talk about staying up late and having a girls night.” We laugh more and shake our heads in amusement, only to be interrupted by the ringing of Xan’s phone.

  Realizing she doesn’t even hear it ringing, nor is she going to answer, Mal reaches over and removes the phone from her desk, and checks the caller ID before answering.

  “Hello, Xana’s Boudoir and Massage Palace. How can I help you tonight, Sir?” she asks, her voice seductive and a little breathless. I swear I almost choked on the tea I was drinking, trying not to laugh my ass off. I’m not sure who is on the phone, but with that crazed look in her eye I’m almost afraid for them.

  Mallory walks closer to me and continues her conversation in a sexy voice. “Yes, this is the right number, Sir,” she pauses to listen before saying more. “I’m sorry, but she’s already worked her shift for the night. May I tell her you called, or can I help you?” she questions and I slap my hand over my mouth to silence the giggles that are sneaking through.

  “Blain? Oh, yes. Blain,” she says, drawing out his name. The smile on her face is so big, I’m not sure how she isn’t dying of laughter. I’m having to bury my face into the pillow. “She’s mentioned you. No, I can’t bother her, Sir. Yes, I will give her the message myself. I like to do things...personally.”

  Mallory’s body is beginning to shake with suppressed laughter as she ends the call. “Later, Sugar.” She places the phone on Xana’s desk and falls back on my bed, face down and laughing into the comforter. Once we stop our laughter for long enough, I am finally able to maintain my cool just enough to speak.

  “Oh. My. Coconuts, Mallory! That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, but not seen!” We laugh again, a little louder and I wipe the tears from my face. “Lawd, how I’d have loved to have been a fly on his wall while you talked to him like that! Do you think he’ll ever recover?”

  She rolls onto her side and is still laughing to herself. “I’m not exactly sure. He didn’t say much,” she giggles and sits up.

  “He did sound really sexy, though. I’d like to hear him talk dirty to me.”

  “You did NOT just say that,” I scold her. I could never think about Blain Garrett that way. Ever.

  Apparently, the horror on my face amuses her, and she only laughs more. I throw my pillow at her and get up to put my phone, along with Xana’s, on their chargers for the night. Mallory finally calms down and says goodnight before heading back to her room.

  I’m gathering up my things to take a shower when Xana’s phone rings again. Looking at the clock I see it’s nearly eleven, and immediately know it has to be Noel calling her. Her parents would never call her this late.

  “She’s asleep, Daniels,” I answer, propping the phone between my shoulder and ear so I can shuffle the toiletries I’m holding. “She fell asleep while we were watching a movie with Mal,” I tell him, and check my alarm sitting on the desk beside hers.

  “Is she alright?” he questions, worry instantly saturating his tone. He really needs to chill the hell out.

  “Yes, she is fine. She just fell asleep, and no I’m not waking her up. She slept through a phone call from Blain where Mallory and I were uncontrollably laughing. I’d say she’s out for the count.” Noel laughs, his mood seeming to lighten.

  “She really can sleep hard sometimes. Did she eat anything?”

  “Not really, but you can make sure she does in the morning, just like you always do,” I tease him. “Now let me go so I can go to sleep, too.” Noel laughs and tells me goodnight, so I end the call and head for the shower.

  I’ve just gotten in bed when my phone dings with a text message. Rolling over to pick up my phone off of the desk, I see it’s Cade.

  CADE: You still awake?

  Smiling to myself I call him back, needing to hear his voice. “Hey,” I say when he answers my call. “I’m just getting into bed. You?”

  “Yeah, I’m glad you’re still awake. Noel said you let him have it,” he laughs, and I smile at the obvious displeasure Noel had when I refused to wake Xana up.

  “Hahaha, yeah, That was priceless,” I grin and look over at her asleep in bed. How she can still be asleep is beyond me.

  “Did you girls have fun? I know I had my hands full over here,” he teases and I can just imagine how it was to handle Daniels.

  “Yeah, Mal even came over and we watched a SyFy movie until Xana fell asleep. She didn’t even hear her phone ringing when Blain called,” I say, laughing as I remember Mallory’s conversation with him. Cade is even laughing about it when I tell him what she did. “It was priceless.”

  “I’m glad y’all had fun. It was all I could do to keep cranky pants occupied so he wouldn’t come over there. I think he’s finally lost it.” Confusion is evident in his voice, and I have to agree.

  “I never thought he’d ever act like this with her. Granted, he was very much in charge when they dated in high school, but this is more than that. He’s lucky she seems to like that about him.” I sigh, shaking my head over Noel’s caveman like tendencies with her. I think it’s all very sweet, but I couldn’t handle all of that testosterone. Don’t get me wrong, Cade is very alpha-ish at times, but he knows when to hold it back. Lord knows I test his patience at every turn.

  “No kidding, but I think she brings that out in him. I know she’s not helpless, but after what happened last time, he’s not about to let anything get in his way with her again. I can’t say I blame him. That was just a great big mess before.”

  Silence invades our conversation as we both remember the hell Noel and Xana went through with that bitch, Mercedes, and her friends. They really did a number on her, and I’m thankful she hasn’t let that keep them apart any longer than they were.

  “Yeah, it was. I hope we never have to go through anything like that,” I say on a sigh. “Where is he, anyway?” I ask, trying to change direction of this discussion.

  “He’s in the shower, finally.” He sighs an
d then continues, “We’re not them, but we just have to keep talking. That, and you need to quit riling me up,” he chuckles teasingly, going along with my topic change. I roll my eyes to myself and scoff at that statement.

  “Whatever, you know you’re the one who aggravates me. On purpose, I might add.”

  Cade laughs harder this time and says, “If you say so. I’ll let you go to sleep, now. I heard you yawn.”

  “Okay. Breakfast?” I hear his door slam shut and guess Noel is back from the showers.

  “Yep, ‘Night, Scarlet.”

  “Goodnight, Jensen.” I place my phone back on the desk, and lean back into my pillow, closing my eyes. Thoughts of my relationship with Cade and Xana’s recent health issues fill my mind as I try to drift to sleep.

  “I’m afraid the outcome doesn’t look good, Alexandra. The scarring on the left side is pretty severe, and the right side, while not as damaged, will be eventually when the remaining cysts burst. It’s all just nasty. The odds of having to remove both ovaries are pretty high. Girl, we’ll have to go in and yank everything out.”

  The doctor gives me a sympathetic smile, which is no comfort at all, and proceeds to tell me my options, but I don’t hear them. All I can see is the nurses standing in the corner laughing at me. The young one whispers to the older one while pointing at me, causing the latter to laugh hysterically.

  I can’t hear the rest of what the doctor says, as I sit on the exam table staring at the beige wall, trying to keep the room from spinning like a merry-go-round. Severely damaged. Nasty. Yank it out. No children. No choice.

  “No! Don’t. Please.” Stacy? How did she get here in the room with me? I look around the room and realize I’m all alone. “STOP!”

  Suddenly, I’m sitting up in bed, dripping in sweat as I try to figure out what is happening. It’s still dark, and I look at my alarm clock to see it’s three in the morning.

  “I don’t want to!” Stacy’s voice echos in the room. I get out of bed and walk over to see what she is talking about, turning on my lamp as I pass by. She’s thrashing around in her bed, and moaning something I can’t understand. Leaning over her, I reach out and grab hold of her arm.


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