Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure

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Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure Page 43

by Christian Kallias

  Alright, she said in her mind.

  Atrak looked at her with a mixture of amusement and disdain. “Why did you try to kill me?”

  Ryonna dropped her helmet. It morphed and merged into the upper part of the torso armor.

  “You’ve taken someone I hold dear.”

  “A Droxian. That would explain how quickly you dispatched my lobby’s security. Your race are formidable warriors, I’ll grant you that, but your pride and your inability to think before you act has always been your race’s weakness.”

  Is it? Ryonna wondered. She wanted nothing more than to smash this man’s skull with her bare hands, and in that moment of rage she was, indeed, barely in control of her decisions. All she saw was the objective. Was that a weakness or a strength, she wondered.

  “Drop that field and let’s find out how weak my race is.”

  “And here comes the pride. You’re nothing if not predictable. You know that, right? What’s your name?”

  “Ryonna. Ryonna Isch’ys.”

  “Isch’ys . . . Why does that name sound familiar?”

  “Because you signed the order to kill my husband.”

  “Right, Jaxson Isch’ys, the Section Seven operative masquerading as an ambassador on Hathan Prime. Well, killing spies is part of the game. If one of my Hathan spies was caught on your planet, wouldn’t he be killed as well?”

  “You could have imprisoned him, but no, like a coward you make it look like an accident.”

  “Don’t play dumb, Ryonna. You and I both know that’s the only way to deal with such matters.”

  Jonas, I sure hope you’re recording this.

  “Nevertheless, you took him from me and now you’re gonna pay for it.”

  He approached the force field and looked into her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Ryonna, that’s how it is. Your husband went looking in places he shouldn’t have, and I was left with no choice. Someone in my position must protect his interests. If you hadn’t caused quite the commotion and destruction today, I would have gladly sent you to rejoin him, but I can think of no better punishment than your rotting in Hellstar for the rest of your days. I hear women aren’t really treated well there; gang rapes and all,” said Atrak with a sadistic smile.

  I’m not just any woman.

  “What is it he found? If I’m to be sent to Hellstar for the rest of my days, at least I have the right to know what claimed Jax’s life.”

  “Let’s just say he stumbled upon a side project of mine, involving young children taken from Droxia. You must be familiar with the concept. Your race only keeps the toughest children alive. When a child develops a weakness, is sick or simply deemed a potential waste of future resources, what happens to it?”

  This last comment hit her straight in the soul. Her own son Ronan was such a child. He had been gravely ill from the age of five, and both Ryonna and Jax had to make sure the Droxian government never found out about his condition. She knew deep in her bones this filtering the weak from the strong on a genetic level was wrong, but that’s how she had been taught. When her own child had shown signs of sickness, she and Jax were faced with the decision to either report it and have Ronan potentially deemed unfit for Droxian society, or hide it and do their best to make him better. They had chosen the latter course. How any parent could just accept that their child wasn’t worthy of living because he was either sick or weaker than the “norm” was something she had never really understood or accepted, at least not after she became a mother.

  “Any child unfit to serve Droxian society must be forfeited,” answered Ryonna coldly, trying to give Jonas more time to release the force field.

  “Yes, isn’t that barbaric? In fact, isn’t it why your people left the Alliance a long time ago? You don’t have to answer me, Ryonna. It was a rhetorical question. So you see, some of my associates here on Hathan thought that this was such a waste of resources. Sure, perhaps these kids wouldn’t perform well in the Droxian military, but perhaps they could be of some use in the entertainment business, if you catch my drift.”

  A shiver of disgust ran through Ryonna from head to toe. “You’re a disgusting monster.”

  “Well, look at it this way: at least these children didn’t die. Though I will grant you that many wished they did. The clientele that craves their company can be rough sometimes. But hey, it’s a good way to make me more money.”

  “You’d better prey this force field of yours holds, ’cause if I get free before your forces arrive, I’ll kill you where you stand.”

  “I have no doubt this is your intention, but I’m not someone who can be killed that easily, not by a single Droxian, anyway. No matter how resourceful and powerful you are.”

  Ryonna clenched her teeth and fists. The hatred she felt for this man had reached a level she never thought possible.

  A series of explosions made the building tremble.

  Atrak went towards the nearest holo-display to check it out.

  No doubt Alix was wreaking havoc.

  “Troubles?” she said with a smile on her face.

  “Looks like your partner is really giving my security forces some trouble. What you two have managed on your own is very impressive. I’m also impressed with the technology you’ve been using. I will have to reverse engineer it once I get it off your dead or arrested bodies. It could prove useful. I do suspect, however, that you had external help. Once we’ve dealt with the two of you I’ll look into finding the ghost in the machine. A lot of things went wrong today, and I have no doubt someone is helping you remotely. He is, in fact, in our systems right now. But what he doesn’t know is that I’m allowing his presence so I can track him. He’s very good, I’ll grant you that. Data Thieves good, in fact; but once I locate his sorry ass, well, he’ll either join you on Hellstar or join your husband.”

  “No, if I fail today he will find you and finish the job.”

  “I very much doubt that, Ryonna. If he was so good and courageous, he would be here with you right now. Data Thieves are usually nothing more than frustrated geeks who prefer to act like cowards behind the cover of a remote link. In my experience, they are rarely men of action.”

  A door at the farther side of the hallway was obliterated and Ryonna heard heavy steps running towards the office.

  She wished she could turn to see who it was, but the armor and the magnetic field within the force field made it almost impossible. Perhaps if she dropped the armor she would have more freedom to move about. She thought about the HUD, and to her surprise it still appeared in front of her eyes, even with the helmet off. She selected the option to remove the liquid, metal-based armor and the armor melted away slowly.

  Then Alix stormed the office, a light-blade in one hand and a blaster in the other.

  “Ryonna! Are you okay?”

  “Be careful, Alix. Be sure to keep moving or he might trap you as well.”

  He nodded as he started running towards Atrak, who turned on his own light-blade. They engaged in a battle giving rise to sparks and crackling sounds each time their light-blades touched. They were evenly matched.

  Hurry up, Jonas, thought Ryonna.

  Meanwhile, her armor kept liquefying, but the whole process was in slow motion compared to how fast it had morphed into her shape when she initially put it on. The same force preventing her from moving around inside the force field was also affecting the morphing abilities of the armor. After another minute watching Alix and Atrak go at it, Ryonna was able to free both her arms and she started pounding on the force field. Each punch was rewarded with a strong pain feedback and electrical current. It wouldn’t come down that way.

  “Hang on, Ryonna,” said Alix, “I’ll get you out of there.”

  Atrak slashed at Alix’s shoulder while his attention was divided, but Alix grabbed his wrist and stopped the light-blade only inches from his face. He threw his own light-blade spinning towards the floating ceiling device that was casting the force field. At the same time, he disarmed Atrak and slashed
his torso with his own blade, but his personal shield absorbed the blow.

  The spinning blade hit the force field generator and sparks flew. The force field blinked but didn’t completely turn off. Ryonna resumed her pounding. The pain feedback was greatly reduced and the field blinked more and more but still wouldn’t let her free. Then the lights turned off in the room for half a second, and so did the field. She jumped away just in time, before it turned back on.

  Thank you, Jonas.

  Atrak had retreated against the farther wall as Alix advanced towards him, wielding Atrak’s own light-blade.

  “Alright, this distraction, fun as it is, needs to end now,” said Atrak. He put both palms against glass panels on the wall.

  An electrical force field engulfed both his hands and metallic glove implants materialized on them in less than a second. On each palm was a circular emitter, one blue and one red. Ryonna ran towards him at full speed, but he waved his left hand and released a blue-tinged shockwave. It threw her back and she crashed against the wall. Multiple bones cracked in the process.

  “Ryonna!” shouted Alix as he jumped towards Atrak, wielding the light-blade.

  But Atrak was faster and used his right hand to shoot a red beam of light towards Alix. It stopped him in his tracks and he dropped his light-blade. Atrak smiled as he approached him. He intensified the red beam and Alix fell to his knees, his face distorted with pain.

  Ryonna tried to get up but was rewarded with a jolt of intense pain.

  Atrak was now standing above Alix and intensified the beam further. Alix screamed as blood flowed from his ears.

  “Let him go!” shouted Ryonna.

  “Sure thing, Ryonna. I will soon be done with him.”

  Atrak released the beam of energy and Alix put his hand on the floor, panting heavily. Blood droplets fell from his mouth.

  “I’ll let you live if you kill her for me. Do we have a deal?”

  Alix had to muster all the energy left in him, but he took a knife from behind his back and thrust it into Atrak’s stomach, using the super-speed feature of his armor. It passed Atrak’s personal shield and sliced a couple of inches of flesh before being repelled by the shield.

  Atrak’s teeth clenched as his pain receptors registered the wound. He kneed Alix in the chin, sending his head flying backwards, but Atrak caught him by the hair, holding his augmented hand mere inches from Alix’s face.

  “Have it your way. I don’t actually need your compliance, as you’ll soon discover.”

  The emitter in his hand lit up bright red, and a much thinner and more focused beam shot through Alix’s forehead and into his skull. Soon his eyes were devoid of emotion. After a few seconds of this treatment they turned gray.

  Ryonna fought through the pain and managed to get back up, but she stumbled to her knees. She injected herself with the dose of stimulant the doc had given her. She saw her blaster on the floor, not far from her. With renewed energy coursing through her veins, she jumped towards it, hoping to reach it before it was too late for Alix.

  But Atrak released his beam and let Alix’s hair go.

  “Get up,” Atrak said.

  Alix stood, not saying a word.

  Atrak pointed towards Ryonna, who had just recovered her blaster.

  “Kill her, now!”

  Alix looked towards Ryonna and their gazes met. His eyes had the look of a dead person. She didn’t recognize the man who had helped her these past few days. He looked like an android, devoid of life and human emotions.

  Alix, no! She understood there and then why she would need to claim his life. He was no longer himself.

  “What have you done to him?”

  “Nanobots took control of his mind, and he will only obey me now. Let’s see how well you fare against your friend. You might still join your husband after all, Ryonna.”

  Then the cylindrical force field turned off completely and a new force field was erected around Atrak’s office. By erecting this, Jonas would prevent the incoming forces from gaining access to Ryonna until she was done with Atrak.

  Ryonna jumped towards the pool of liquid metal and put her hand in it. The armor came to life and reintegrated into its original shape around her body. The HUD came back to life and displayed a status report.

  “Subject damaged. Using nanotechnology to effect bone and tissue repair.”

  Alix was walking towards her, his light-blade in his hand. He turned it on and the bright, white blade came to life.

  “Alix!” she shouted. “Fight this. I don’t want to have to kill you.”

  “No need, Ryonna,” said Atrak. “He can’t hear you anymore.”

  Alix jumped towards Ryonna and swept his light-blade in a vertical motion. She used the suit’s super speed to get out of the way and disarm Alix by kicking his light-blade-wielding hand. His reaction was instantaneous. He threw a powerful kick towards her but she blocked it with her left forearm, and swiftly counter attacked with a straight kick to his torso that sent him flying and crashing onto Atrak’s desk, destroying it in the process.

  When she came about for her next attack, Atrak used his shockwave contraption and sent Ryonna flying backward and crashing onto the floor. The armor took most of the blast, and already she could feel the nanobots healing her internal wounds. She had to do something about Atrak, but she didn’t have time to think of her next move before Alix was upon her again. He kicked her in the stomach and she flew upward. She used the momentum to stabilize herself, spun in the air and landed on her feet. Alix was already running towards her, unleashing a series of punches and kicks that Ryonna blocked one by one. In the middle of his next combo she landed a perfectly timed uppercut that sent him flying backwards, but he recouped in midair, somersaulted and landed with one knee down, not losing his balance.

  “Give it up, Ryonna,” said Atrak with a smirk on his face. “I could kill you right now but I have to admit I enjoy the spectacle. As skilled a fighter as you are, you stand no chance against an enemy who doesn’t fear death or feel any injury. Whether he kills you in the next two minutes or my forces manage to access the office, you’re done. There’s no win for you, no matter what.”

  With fire and hatred in her eyes she shot a murderous look at Atrak. “That’s where you’re wrong, Atrak!”

  Alix performed a circular kick at floor level and took Ryonna by surprise. She lost her balance, but before her head could hit the carpeted floor Alix kicked it full force, sending her rolling madly on the floor until the nearest piece of furniture ended her momentum.

  Ryonna! she heard in her mind.

  Jonas, I’m in trouble, she answered in her thoughts.

  I know. I recovered access to the camera feeds. I have put multiple force fields inside the building that should give you the time you need to kill Atrak, but why is Alix attacking you?

  He’s been infected with nanobots. They’re in control. Alix is no more.

  I’ll try to hack his suit and give you the opportunity to bring him down.

  Can’t you find a way to disable his nanobots?

  Not in the time we have. I’m sorry. Look for an opening on his neck. I’ll create a chink in his armor.

  Thank you, Jonas.

  Watch out, he’s coming at you!

  Alix was in the air, his foot extended in order to crush Ryonna’s head while she was still on the ground. She rolled at the last second and landed her elbow on his shin, making him lose balance.

  They got up at the same time.

  “Be careful, sister. I suggest you let him think he’s got the upper hand. Then surprise him.”

  “Got it.”

  Ryonna launched the next attack, going with a circular kick to Alix’s neck. She didn’t put all her strength in the attack and he grabbed her leg. He punched her in the stomach and used his open palm to strike her torso, sending her down once more. Just as Jonas had suggested, she let him approach for the kill.

  He grabbed her by the neck and tried crushing her throat. The armor held b
ut the enhanced circuitry of Alix’s own armor, in better shape than hers, was working and she could feel pressure against her windpipe.

  “Alix, please stop. I beg you.”

  “I . . . must . . . kill . . . you.”

  Alix spoke like a robot. Not a shred of emotion could be detected in his voice.

  “Think of your son, Alix. What would he think of you now?”

  “I . . . must . . .” he repeated.

  Ryonna used one hand to remove Alix’s hand from around her throat and with the other she reached for a knife. Thanks to Jonas, she saw the opening and planted the knife deep within Alix’s neck. As she removed the knife in one swift motion, blood sprayed from Alix’s sectioned jugular.

  Then a flash of color returned to his eyes for just a moment, and a tear formed in the corner of one.

  “I’m sorry, Alix.”

  “Ryonna . . .” A little emotion returned to his voice while a large quantity of blood spilled onto Ryonna’s armor and face. “Use the EMP.”

  Of course! Even if it would disable her own armor it would disable Atrak’s contraptions as well. She had no doubt she could defeat the weasel then.

  “Thank you, Alix,” she said as she kicked him off her. He fell on his back, blood spilling from the wound, but he had already lost consciousness. She rolled three times as Atrak fired his shockwave weapon at her, but she managed to grab her blaster. She jumped behind a table for cover and installed the EMP add-on, making sure she installed it counterclockwise. She rolled out of cover when Atrak’s latest attack exploded the glass table she was under. Pieces of glass flew around the office, many shards ricocheting off her armor. When she finished her roll, she had Atrak dead to rights in her sights.

  He moved his hand in her direction, but she had already squeezed the trigger.

  The blue-light EMP hit him on the torso and engulfed his body and half the office, touching her own armor as well. The holographic HUD was garbled for half a second and then disappeared. Electrical lightning ran over Atrak’s hand augments. He kept thrusting his open palm towards Ryonna but nothing happened.

  “What the hell!” he exclaimed.


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