Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure

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Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure Page 57

by Christian Kallias

  “Yes, that! Mind explaining? The Olympians exist?”

  Saroudis took a deep breath before responding. “They do. Look, here’s what happened. When we arrived in this area of space, we didn’t know where to go to mend our damaged ships. I wanted to go to an abandoned world.”

  “Logical choice. No surprises on an uninhabited world.”

  “Not exactly. Do you remember Chase? The one who asked you for an Omega fighter?” Admiral Thassos nodded. “Well, he was adamant that Earth was the key to our future. I had my doubts.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “His explanation was… persuasive. It certainly didn’t hurt that he had a gun to my head.”

  Her jaw dropped open. “You’re not serious?”

  “Well, he had been contacted by Aphroditis, who pretty much ordered him to do whatever it would take to make sure we went to save Earth.”


  “Yes, our jump in the area attracted unwanted attention. We believe it was the reason why Earth was about to be attacked.”

  “Let me stop you right there, Adonis. You were convinced at gunpoint, by a guy who told you he heard a goddess talk to him? That sounds really ludicrous.”

  “I know how it sounds,” Saroudis replied, “but I guess you had to be there. There was something about him that was so sincere. And I’ve always been fascinated with the tales of the Olympian divinities, even though they lost traction with our people so long ago.”

  “Legends at best.”

  “Most legends are based on some sort of truth.”

  “So you really believe the gods of Olympia exist?” she asked.

  “They do exist, yes. Well, at least Aphroditis does. We haven’t had any communications with any other Olympian. They seem to be a more advanced species. Perhaps not gods, but at this point, I don’t really care. They came through for us, and forcing Chase’s hand to go to Earth was the right call.”

  “There goes your legend. It’s debunked itself. Why should we trust these people? I don’t like the idea of being controlled. They could be setting us up; have you thought of that?”

  He nodded seriously. “The thought had crossed my mind, yes, but the results speak for themselves. If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have struck an Alliance with the humans of Earth, we wouldn’t have fended off their second attack, and we probably wouldn’t have regrouped with you.”

  “All well and good, but what if their game plan involves sacrificing us all for their own purposes later down the road?” she insisted.

  “Like I said, you had to be there. When she addressed the people of Earth, I felt her presence and I felt her intentions. Those didn’t reflect the work of a mischievous being.”

  “Or they did, and they use their superiority as a race better than you think.”

  “That sounds almost like paranoia.”

  “We couldn’t have stayed alive this long without a small dose of it, my friend.”

  “Still, I believe they are on our side.”

  “And for the sake of all of our lives, I hope you’re right. But if you ever relinquish power to me, please know that I will approach that particular subject with much more caution.”

  Saroudis held up his hands. “You can take power; I don’t have to relinquish it. In fact, it may be better for the troops if the chain of command was respected. I think you should give the order now.”

  She considered for a moment before agreeing. “I’ll do it for the sole purpose of appearances, but for the time being, I will let you decide our course of action—unless I see any reason for this to change. So sure, just report to me, and inform me of your intentions. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds great.”

  “Also, the humans are used to interacting with you, Captain Saroudis. But I would like to change one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Nothing fancy, but I believe a rank change to Commodore Saroudis is more than deserved in your case.”

  He beamed back at her. “Are you serious?”

  “You deserve it. Heck, you deserved that rank way before all of this, if you ask me.”

  “Thank you, Ally. It means a lot that you would think so.”

  She smiled at him warmly and the two continued to eat their deep-dish pizza in a comfortable silence.


  Sarah slowly opened her eyes and focused on Chase’s face. She blinked, partially because she couldn’t believe her eyes, partially to make sure she actually could, and felt every sensation in her body begin to come back to her once more. It was liberating beyond belief.

  “Chase, I’m so glad—”

  But then he was kissing her. She forgot herself entirely and lost herself in his arms, closing her eyes and melting against his body in sheer exhaustion and relief. All the tears Argos wouldn’t let her cry before came streaming down her face, and when she finally looked up, Chase was crying as well. They sat like that for a long time, just looking at each other, softly stroking each other’s hair.

  “I love you,” he said suddenly, causing even more tears to fall.

  The words were like a life raft, and she clung to them with every bit of strength she had.

  “I love you too.”

  Despite how many times Chase had thought the words while Sarah was away, no matter how many times she had imagined them during her brutal interrogation, it was actually the first time either one of them had said the words aloud.

  They embraced once more and Sarah shivered at his touch. She had pictured this moment happening so many times, now that she was finally in Chase’s arms, half of her was worried it wasn’t real.

  “I can’t… I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

  “Why is that?” Chase murmured against her hair. “You had to know I’d come for you.”

  “Yes, but Argos—”

  “Shh,” he soothed her, “that’s all over now. You’re safe.”

  She stifled a shudder. “Chase… is he really your brother?”

  Chase shifted uncomfortably. “I’m… not sure. We do have a few things in common—”

  “Yes, but he has incredible powers,” Sarah cut him off in a rush. “He’s absolutely ruthless and he’s gunning for you, Chase, and—”

  “Actually… we fought just a few moments back and I think I got him pretty good.” He couldn’t help but feel proud. Proud and deeply satisfied. “That being said, I wouldn’t want to risk our lives if I’m wrong. I think we need to get out of here. Somehow I seriously doubt killing him would be that easy…”

  “Where is he?” Sarah looked around in fright. “Are we still in Hellstar?”

  “Yes we are,” Ryonna interjected. “I’m sorry to interrupt this private moment of yours, but I believe if we ever want to get away from here, now’s the time.”

  “Right you are,” Chase agreed. With incredibly gentle arms, he lifted Sarah up then delicately tilted her body so she could stand. “Can you walk?”

  She tested her weight gingerly and was surprised. “Yes, I feel perfectly fine. Better than ever, in fact.”

  “Thank the gods. Hang on a second.” Chase took a small device from one of his pockets and pressed it. “Chase to Iron Fire, we’re coming in soon, but I’m not sure if we will still be cloaked. Be ready to lay cover fire if needed and make sure you avoid getting in too close. Those ion turrets could rip the ship in two.”

  Lieutenant Rathos onboard the Iron Fire answered. “Glad to hear from you, sir; we were starting to get worried here. We’ll be staying just out of range of the ion turrets and will provide cover fire if needed.”

  “Also, the minute we’re onboard, execute a jump to Earth.”

  “Understood. See you soon, Lieutenant Commander Athanatos. Rathos out.”

  Sarah looked at Chase with a surreal smile, still unable to completely believe that the ordeal was over. “Chase, what cloak? What type of vessel did you come here with?”

  “I’ll have to tell you more about it, but some new kin
d of Alliance starfighter.”

  “Will we all fit in it?”

  He hesitated. “I admit I didn’t intend on having that many passengers.” His eyes flickered to Tar’Lock. “I hope we can fit everyone in the cargo hold.”

  Tar’Lock took a step towards Chase. “I understand if you need to leave me behind. Maybe I can find my own way out.”

  “No way.” Chase shook his head quickly, keeping a constant hand on Sarah the whole time. “Without your help we would most likely all be dead. I am not leaving you behind.”

  “That’s very honorable of you. My physiology allows me to bend much more than yours, so maybe with some creativity, we’ll find something that works.”

  Chase nodded and motioned to the ship. “Alright, let’s not lose another second here. I’m sure more sentries and whatever guards they have will come back soon.”

  They went through the hole in the gate and started their run towards the landing bays. A few meters before reaching the wide double doors, some laser fire came from down the hall. Chase reacted instinctively, pushing both Sarah and Ryonna out of the way at the last moment, then started running towards the incoming fire, deflecting each new laser streak towards the walls with his hands as he did so.

  As he approached the source of the attack, he saw a humanoid inside a huge, armored machine, two powerful rifles at the tip of its arms. Probably a crowd-control type of defense system in case the sentries weren’t able to regain control of the facilities, Chase thought. It was beginning to be more and more difficult to advance, as the floor was layered with an increasingly thick layer of dead or dying convicts who had failed to escape. In fact, he realized as he got closer, he was soon going to lose enough speed that it was only a matter of time before he and his companions joined them.

  There was a split second’s pause, a brief moment of hesitation, then Chase let his instincts take over.

  He leapt up—up and onto the side of the wall. But he didn’t stop there. Without slowing his body for a second, he began sprinting and reverted across the ceiling.

  “Chase, what the—” he heard Daniel say, trailing behind him. But there was no time to explain. And to be perfectly frank, he didn’t understand it himself. All he knew was that time was running out and this was what he had to do.

  In no time at all, he was upon his foe. He joined both his hands together and used them as a hammer to strike the mech right in the face. It flew and crashed tens of meters away. Before it could get back on its feet, he lifted his hand and sent an ice-blue fireball flying its way. A second later, the mech had exploded. The guard crawled out from inside, still smoldering, and Chase was by his side in an instant.

  Using a bit of the same healing magic he’d conjured for his new insect friend, he revived the man just enough to get him breathing again.

  A moment later, Tar’Lock was at his side. “Is that wise?” he asked doubtfully.

  “I don’t really care,” Chase replied. “He might just get to live for another few minutes depending on how things go inside this hell hole, but I didn’t want to be the one who drew his last breath. He was only doing his job after all. We’re the intruders here.”

  Tar’Lock nodded but stared at Chase speculatively. “I must admit it was an impressive takedown.”

  “Yeah, I’m starting to get used to my powers.”

  The insect made an impressed clicking sound. “I’d hate to be on the wrong side of things, whether you master them or not.”

  Chase chuckled. “Well, I don’t know you very well, but I doubt that will happen. I really appreciate your help and hope you can stay with us when we reach Earth.”

  “Is that an official invitation?”

  “Did it sound like anything else?”

  It was Tar’Lock’s turn to laugh. “I’m sorry. After years in this place, I’m not used to acts of kindness, no matter the circumstances. Thank you, Chase. I accept your invitation.”

  “You’re welcome. Now with all due respect, let’s get the hell out of here.”

  They rushed back to the landing bays where the rest of the party was waiting near the Omega fighter. The cloak was not fully operational anymore and the silhouette of the ship blinked in and out of existence, giving it an almost creepy vibe. Chase approached and it de-cloaked fully, as it was programmed to do so.

  “I think we can fit three people in the cockpit, perhaps Tar’Lock as well,” he declared. “It won’t be a pleasant flight, but hopefully it will only last a minute tops.” He touched a panel at the back of the ship and a small ramp lowered to the ground, revealing a small cargo hold. “I’m afraid two persons will have to crawl in there.”

  Ryonna stepped forward. “My son and I should go in there.”

  “I’m not sure you’ll both fit.”

  “We’ll just have to. There’s no room for us in the cockpit. Ronan, get in.”

  While Ronan was just a young Droxian, he was still as tall as Chase, but he fit without issue in the small cargo hold. However, there was no way Ryonna could do the same—no matter how hard she tried—without at least one limb sticking out.

  Chase glanced around nervously as the shouts of oncoming sentries drifted their way. Ryonna followed his gaze and took a deep breath. The next second, she snapped her leg at an absurd angle and folded it up along beside her.

  “That’s it, Chase.” Her voice was strained with pain. “Let’s go.”

  He and Daniel stared at her in shock as Sarah covered her mouth with a gasp. “Did you just break your—”

  “We’ve got to go!” she shouted. “Step on it!”

  Without another word, Chase pressed the panel again and it closed, pressing and pushing both bodies even further into the tiny space. Then Sarah went into the cockpit followed by Daniel, squeezing together onto one seat, while Chase took the main seat and Tar’Lock used his extreme bending abilities to manage himself a position somehow on top of them, all limbs extended against the canopy windows.

  As Chase turned the engines on and lifted the fighter from the landing bay, the four of them gazed down at Argos’ ship.

  “Should we destroy it?” inquired Sarah.

  “I was thinking about the same thing myself.”

  “Take it down, Chase!” Daniel agreed.


  Without hesitation, he acquired a target lock on the ship and squeezed the trigger. A volley of laser fire made direct impact, but Argos’ shields must have been still up as they were instantly deflected in all directions. One even hit their own fighter on the port wing. Chase immediately stopped firing and carefully avoided another two shots, not easy to do inside a landing bay with not much room to maneuver.

  “Forget about it, Chase, we need to go,” said Daniel.

  “Agreed. Engaging cloak.”

  The onboard computer spoke.

  “Not enough power to engage cloak.”

  “Dammit!” Chase keyed a few functions on the ship’s touch pad, redistributing shield power to the cloak systems. The ship’s engine made a higher frequency roar and the cloaked engaged. “We maybe have thirty seconds of cloak… if we’re lucky.”

  “Punch it then,” Daniel urged, impatient to get out of there. He didn’t like closed spaces, and while he had gotten used to cockpits over the years, being squeezed against both the walls and Sarah with a smelly insectoid so near his face… It was a little too close for comfort.

  Chase took the fighter out of the bay and hit the afterburners as soon as they were out of Hellstar.

  “How did you get the cloak back?” asked Sarah.

  “I transferred any ounce of juice from the shields.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “We’re about to find out.” Chase opened a channel to the Iron Fire. “We’re coming in hot. Cloak should fail any second and we have no shields.”

  “Understood, Lieutenant Commander.”

  Some systems lights on the ship started to blink orange then red. The cloak was failing.

  “Will we make it?�
� Tar’Lock asked anxiously.

  Chase frowned. “I don’t know. We need another five seconds to get out of range of these turrets.”

  Right on cue, the onboard computer sounded off. “Target lock!”

  “Oh crap. Hang on guys.”

  Chase entered into a spin as some extremely powerful green ion shot illuminated the canopy and grazed it.

  “I never thought I’d say it,” Tar’Lock whimpered, “and I’m really sorry about the timing too, but there is a slight possibility I might soil myself here.”

  Both Daniel and Sarah instinctively looked up, Tar’Lock being only a few centimeters over their heads. He gave them a constipated smile.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Sarah warned. She’d been through a lot these past few days. She was in no mood to add this to her list.

  “Not exactly the optimum position for me to control every one of my bodily functions right now. I promise I will do my best to avoid any leak.”

  Daniel groaned as Sarah glared upwards. “And I promise I will kick your ass otherwise.”

  Another flash of green light illuminated the cockpit.

  “That was too close for comfort,” Daniel muttered.

  “I know.” Chase turned sharply. “We’re almost out of range.”

  Just then, the Iron Fire started firing a volley of torpedoes towards the Hellstar turrets. They didn’t destroy them, but it gave Chase the necessary time to exit firing range.

  “My god!” exclaimed Sarah, putting both her hands in front of her nose. “What’s that smell?”

  “I don’t smel—” Daniel couldn’t finish his sentence before gagging dramatically.

  Tar’Lock dropped his gaze. “I am really sorry.”

  “Chase, get us on board Iron Fire on the double, I beg you!”

  They touched down on the ship’s landing bay a moment later. Sarah and Daniel were the first to jump out, followed by Tar’Lock, who looked ashamed. Chase followed shortly behind and was quick to open up the panel to release the Droxians.

  As the door dropped on the ground, Ronan called out, “She must have passed out from the pain. Please help her.”

  “Don’t worry, Ronan,” Chase assured him, “it will be alright.”


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