Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure

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Universe in Flames – Ultimate 10 Book Box Set: An Epic Space Opera Adventure Page 120

by Christian Kallias

“Thank you for coming to get me. That’s all I wanted to say.”

  Chase didn’t know how to answer; his mind was racing, trying to find a solution to their current predicament. He felt as if his mind was overheating from running multiple scenarios, none of which provided even a shadow of a solution.

  “I have an idea. Turn the ship around. Face them head on.”

  “What?” exclaimed Keera. “Are you nuts? If we do that they’ll have a firing solution on us in less than ten seconds.”

  “Whether we do that or wait another minute won’t change anything, but I’d rather have a line of sight for what I’m gonna do next.”

  “Would you mind cueing us in?”

  “No time. Please turn the ship about, now.”

  “I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “We’re about to find out.”

  “Would you rather take the helm?”

  “No, that’s fine. Just plot an intercept course with the Zarlack destroyer. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Keera shot a dubious and fearful look toward Sarah, who just shrugged in response.

  The Valken’s controls beeped frantically.

  “They’ve targeted us,” said Keera, “so whatever you’re gonna do . . .”

  “Not yet.”

  Keera didn’t know what was more terrifying: the fact that they were mere seconds away from being obliterated by the incoming destroyer or the calm in Chase’s voice.

  Another set of more ominous beeps resonated in the Valken’s cockpit.

  “They’re firing plasma guns. Whatever shields we have left won’t stop this attack. Not that my full shields would have anyway. Not if these readings are correct.”

  But Chase didn’t answer. Instead he extended his hand forward.

  “Chase, what are you doing?” asked Sarah.

  Yes, what are you doing? asked Ares inside Chase’s mind.

  No choice, Ares, I’ve gotta do something, answered Chase telepathically.

  This will not end up pretty.

  That’s kind of the idea here.

  You could just as well destroy this ship with that move and you know it.

  Don’t really have any choice now, do I?

  Two gigantic red plasma shots were approaching the ship fast. The enemy had not withheld anything; they had fired the most powerful weapon at their disposal. Whoever was on that ship clearly wanted them dead with the first volley.

  But then something happened. The plasma shots compressed onto themselves and stopped advancing just a few hundred yards from the Valken, illuminating everything red in the cockpit. They kept compressing themselves, their length collapsing as they grew in size. Lightning burst around them. Soon both shots had merged into a giant plasma fireball with lightning bursting all around it.

  “What the hell?” said Keera. “Are you doing this?”

  She turned around to look at Chase when he didn’t answer and saw him engulfed in a purple aura of flowing energy. Every muscle in his body flexed and trembled, his teeth clenched and a little blood teared from one of his eyes.

  Her look turned from stunned to terrified. “Oh gods! I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Chase unleashed a terrifying, animalistic growl that made both Keera and Sarah jump off their seats, just as the rest of the crew entered the cockpit to see the scene unfold.

  “What is this?” asked Daniel, not believing or understanding what he was looking at.

  Chase’s growl intensified, his aura grew stronger and brighter and his muscles grew in size. The ship trembled so much a whole new set of alarms resounded around them. Sparks flew from the ceiling when Chase’s aura expanded to engulf almost half the cockpit.

  Chase! shouted Ares. Don’t drain all your energy or you will die!

  I need more . . .

  Stop this now, I beg you!

  I c-c-can’t. I’m almost there. Just . . . a . . . little . . . more . . .

  The now huge plasma fireball shook heavily for a second and then shot back at impossible speed toward the Zarlack’s destroyer. It created a powerful shockwave at its point of departure, which impacted the Valken’s already feeble shields and they managed to diffuse most of the energy of the wave before giving out. The now going-in-reverse plasma fireball struck the Zarlack’s destroyer, punching through its shields and plating as if they weren’t there.

  A powerful explosion exposed many of the ship’s levels to space. Flames spewed. Metal debris was thrown into space, as were many crewmen from the decompressed levels. The Zarlack destroyer didn’t explode but it was greatly damaged, most of its systems disabled on the spot.

  “What was that?” asked Daniel, not believing his eyes.

  Chase’s aura vanished all at once.

  “Wow, good job, Chase!” Daniel cheered.

  Chase stood still, his arm still in front of him, but he didn’t answer.

  “Are you alright?” inquired Ryonna.

  Chase fell to his knees, a blank stare in his eyes as more blood flowed from them. He collapsed to the ground face first.

  “Oh my god, no! Chase!” shouted Sarah, who jumped out of her chair and reached his side. She turned him over and shook him, trying to wake him up, but he had lost all color.

  “Please, anyone, help! I don’t think he’s breathing.”

  Daniel jumped next to Sarah. He couldn’t feel a pulse on Chase’s jugular. His eyes filled with fear.

  Keera went to the back of the cockpit and looked through her stuff, throwing everything from each drawer and cupboard she opened at a mad pace. “Keep him breathing while I look for my resuscitation kit.”

  Sarah gave Chase mouth to mouth while Daniel applied heart compressions. Tar’Lock clicked nervously and passed out. Ryonna and Fillio joined Keera in her search for the medical device.

  “Dammit! Where is it?”

  Sarah kept giving Chase mouth to mouth while her eyes filled with tears.

  “Stay with us, buddy,” said Daniel as he continued his cardiac compressions.

  Then Sarah felt something burn inside her. Her round belly felt hot and the warmth expanded all over her body.

  “Sarah!” shouted Ryonna, her eyes wide. “What’s happening in your belly?”

  She looked down and saw a shining, bright, golden aura bursting out of her. A bright, golden energy expanded from her belly and went toward Chase’s inanimate body. It looked like a bright and shining golden umbilical cord. After a few seconds it detached from Sarah’s body and was absorbed by Chase’s.

  Chase’s eyes shot open and he gasped for air. Everyone exhaled heavily, relieved to see their friend come back to life.

  Sarah grabbed Chase and held him tightly against her still trembling body, her tears flowing like rivers on her delicate cheeks.

  “You scared the shit out of me. Don’t ever do that again!”

  “Sorry, I . . . I had to do something.”

  She took his face in her hands and kissed him.

  Ryonna let herself fall against the nearest bulkhead, while Fillio attended to Tar’Lock, slapping him gently awake.

  Daniel’s mouth was open and he was breathing rapidly, still shaken.

  “Anyone have any explanation for what happened here?”

  No one answered.

  Then a golden sphere of energy appeared in the middle of the group and took human shape.

  “Ares. I should have known,” said Chase. “Thank you.”

  “That wasn’t my doing. I was about to take control of Tar’Lock’s body again to try to infuse some much needed life energy into you, but it looks like Chris beat me to it.”

  Chase’s eyes grew. “How is that possible?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never heard of anything like this before. Especially from an unborn baby.”

  Sarah stayed silent and put her arms around her slightly bulging belly. “But I’m only a few months pregnant. How is that even possible? And how do you know the name of my baby?”

  “Chase told me you would name your c
hild Chris.”

  “We didn’t even have that conversation . . .” She looked at Chase, her face still streaming with tears.

  “I saw him in a vision, and that was his name.”

  “This is just too much. So . . . we’re having a boy then?”

  “Looks that way.”

  “I’m exhausted.” She turned toward Ares’ golden aura. “Why is that?”

  “I think Chris channeled some of your own energy as well. You should probably rest now.”

  “I’ll rest when we’re out of this. That ship isn’t destroyed. We may want to finish the job first, and I don’t mean you,” said Sarah, pointing an accusing finger at Chase.

  “I couldn’t do anything at the moment even if I wanted to.”


  Ares took a step forward. “You may want to resume your posts and get the jump engine back online, because the shit is about to hit the fan,” said Ares, pointing toward the cockpit.

  Keera jumped back to her seat and Daniel joined her on the co-pilot seat.

  Clearly disabled and unable to fire any of its main weapons, the Zarlack destroyer had sent a squadron of starfighters to intercept the Valken.

  “Shit, we’re in no shape to take on a squadron of ships,” said Keera, while trying in vain to restore the shields. “Dammit, they’ll be in firing range in less than a minute.”

  Ryonna pointed toward where Chase had blocked the plasma fire. “What’s happening there?”

  A dark sphere blacked out the stars. Purple lightning burst around the sphere as it grew.

  “We should get the fuck out of here,” said Ares. “This is a tear in space and time. It will most likely destroy this system within minutes.”

  Chase’s face grew somber, but he didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. He knew there was a good chance this would happen when he used his powers this way.

  “We’re out of here, then. I’m redirecting any ounce of juice to the sub-light engines,” said Keera.

  The Valken turned around and flew away from both the growing anomaly and the incoming wave of fighters.

  The anomaly grew in size exponentially, and then it exploded on itself, creating a black hole that started sucking in everything around it. The incoming starfighters were the first to be affected by the gravitational pull, and for a moment it looked as though they were stuck in place. But then they started spinning uncontrollably and were sucked in toward the center of the still-growing black hole.

  The Valken, which had traveled a sizeable distance away, started shaking and losing speed. Its engines moaned as the gravitational pull grew stronger.

  “This is not good!” shouted Keera.

  “No shit,” answered Daniel. “What’s that?” He pointed at a newly blinking control.

  “That’s an incoming communication. Patching it through.”

  “Starship Valken, this is the EAD Destiny, do you require assistance?”

  “Commodore! Boy it’s good to hear your voice, sir,” answered Daniel.

  “We’ve tried locating the Iron Fire, but its beacon stopped transmitting. We were scanning the surrounding systems when our long-range sensors detected the Valken’s signature. What’s your status, Commander?”

  “We need a lift, ASAP. We’re about to get sucked into a black hole.”

  “On our way. We’ll micro-jump near your coordinates.”

  “No!” interjected Chase. “Commodore, don’t jump here.”

  “Chase, it’s good to hear your voice. I’m listening.”

  “From the force of the gravitational pull I’d say it’s too dangerous for the Destiny to approach within tractor-beam distance.”

  Keera keyed in commands on her terminal at impressive speed.

  “Chase is correct, sir, the Destiny’s mass is way too big. You’d be sucked in before you had time to approach us. Looks like the Zarlack destroyer is already drifting toward the black hole, even though it’s farther from it than we are.”

  “Options anyone?” asked the commodore.

  Chase’s mind raced to find a solution. He was too weak to use his powers to push the ship away. Not to mention that that could create a second anomaly. He approached the co-pilot seat.

  “Do you mind?” he asked Daniel.

  “Sure, go ahead, buddy.” Daniel gave him his chair.

  “Gimme a sec, Commodore.” He entered calculations on his console at lightning speed. “Alright. I’m sending you jumping coordinates now. That’s a few thousand clicks from the Destiny’s point of no return. Whatever you do, don’t advance beyond that point, and make sure the jump engines are ready to engage at a second’s notice. However, there’s no way we can reach these coordinates on our own at our current velocity. Soon the gravitational force will be too strong for the Valken’s engines.”

  “Then what good will it do? How do we get all of you home, son?”

  “I’ve got an idea about that, but one thing at a time. Have a dozen StarFuries ready to launch. I’ll remote control them.”

  “Roger that, Lieutenant Commander. Destiny jumping now. ETA is two minutes.”

  “Thank you, Commodore.”

  The communication ended.

  Sarah looked worried. “Chase, is that wise? Your energy levels are low.”

  “I’ll be fine. Chris gave me more than enough juice to do this.”

  “To do what exactly?” asked Ryonna.

  “You’ll have to trust me. It would take too much time to explain.”

  Aboard the damaged Zarlack destroyer, Miseo looked at the growing black hole as everyone from the bridge floated in the vacuum of space and was slowly sucked out of the bridge. Miseo had erected a force field around himself and stayed there, pensive, looking and reflecting upon what had just happened.

  Impressive. This is no ordinary Fury.

  He felt the gravitational pull exerted by the black hole slowly taking hold of the disabled destroyer. After a few moments observing the bodies of countless dead Zarlack’s being slowly sucked toward the black hole, he turned around and flew toward the launching bays. He had to fly through the levels that had been obliterated by the plasma fireball. The damage was extensive, decks upon decks exposed to space, bodies and debris everywhere around him. The sheer scale of the damage was enough to send a shiver down his spine.

  We’re going to have to tread carefully when we next attack this particular foe.

  He landed on one of the decks that was exposed to space on the other side of the ship. He entered his Fury starfighter and launched it into space. The sub-light engines moaned and his ship had trouble breaking free of the gravitational pull. He punched them at maximum and soon the pull lowered in intensity. When he was far enough from the black hole he keyed in the coordinates for Erevos and jumped into hyperspace.

  When the Destiny jumped out of hyperspace, Chase closed his eyes and took mental control of the dozen StarFuries. The first StarFury tractor beamed the nearest fighter, which in turn tractored the next, until each StarFury was a link in a chain. Chase extended their formation toward the Valken, approaching from the side in a pendulum trajectory, while the ships farthest away from the lead ship all faced backward at different angles, pushing their sub-light engines at the maximum in a coordinated effort to counter the gravitational pull of the black hole.

  “I see what he’s doing,” said Keera.

  “We all see,” added Daniel, “and it’s insane to think he can remote control all these ships with the required precision to carry out such a complicated and ingenious maneuver with only his mind.”

  “How do you feel, Chase?” inquired Sarah, putting her hand on his shoulder.

  He flashed her a thumbs up as an answer.

  Soon the nearest and last StarFury in the chain approached from the Valken’s aft side and tractored the Valken, which had positioned itself to be able to add its own engine power to the current swinging momentum of the starfighter chain. Once they were through half the maneuver, each StarFury reoriented its trajectory to h
elp gain more velocity and augment the momentum and burst from the black hole’s gravitational hold.

  A minute later, at the end of the maneuver, every ship was far enough away from the black hole and already on its way back to the Destiny.

  Once they were on the ship, Commodore Saroudis jumped the Destiny out of the system, as instructed by Chase.

  Daniel had stood outside Fillio’s quarters for minutes now. His heart was beating fast and he still didn’t know if he could ring the doorbell.

  Why am I feeling this way? I’m not an adolescent anymore.

  But when a crew member shot him a look from the other side of the hall, he felt compelled to act. He rang the bell.

  “Come in,” said Fillio as the door slid open.

  Daniel walked in and found Fillio wrapped in a towel. He looked away.

  “If it’s not a good time I can come back later.”

  “Don’t be silly. I just took a shower. I really needed one.”

  Daniel blushed a little.

  “Anything you wanted to talk about?” she added.

  “I . . . I just wanted to see how you were doing. I got the feeling you weren’t yourself back on board the Valken.”

  She looked at him for a few seconds before answering. “That’s sweet of you. Between you and me, I haven’t been myself for a while now.”

  “Anything I can do about that?”

  “That depends. What did you have in mind?”

  Daniel’s heart pounded in his chest.

  “When we get back to Earth, I thought, you know . . . perhaps we could go for a bite, just the two of us?”

  She smiled. “You took your sweet time to ask me out. You know that, right?”

  Daniel scratched his head. “Yeah, not exactly comfortable in these situations.”


  “I mean, I . . .”

  She laughed like a little girl. “I’m sorry, Daniel, and yes I would definitely love to go on a date with you.”

  That filled him with renewed confidence. “Cool. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “So am I. Anything else you’d like to talk about.”

  “Just checking up on you. I was worried.”

  “You said that already.”


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