The Rancher’s Beloved Bride

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The Rancher’s Beloved Bride Page 4

by Maya Stirling

  Kyle nodded and flicked the reins, moving the carriage up the trail toward the house. The dappled light from the trees above their heads cast soft shadows across his handsome features. "He is your father, after all," he agreed. "It's only natural he'd be worried about you wandering off like that."

  Veronica furrowed her brows. "Who said I wandered off?" she snapped.

  Taken aback by her sudden reaction, Kyle hesitated. "Didn't you say you got lost?"

  Veronica shrugged, realizing he was right. "Well, I did," she admitted. "But, I'm a newcomer here." She frowned good-naturedly. "I'm allowed to get lost once in a while."

  Realizing she was joking with him, Kyle smiled. She liked it when he did that. There was a warmth about his smile. A genuine quality to it that made something soften deep inside her. Turning her attention away from him, she pointed toward a figure standing on the long porch beneath the colonnades of the house. "There's my mother." Veronica sighed. "I hope she wasn't too worried."

  Augusta Flint, dressed elegantly in a gray gown and with her silver hair swept back in a neat bun, glanced across at the stable where her husband, Dominick and Vogel were dismounting their horses. Kyle drove the carriage to a halt in front of the tall open front doors of the house. She saw him run his gaze along the elegant, many-windowed exterior of the building. Veronica could tell he was impressed. The house was probably three times larger than Baxter ranch house. But, maybe what the Baxter place lacked in size it more than made up for when it came to possessing a warm and welcoming feeling. Veronica had only been in the Baxter place barely an hour, but she'd been left with an impression of calmness and simple joy.

  Kyle leaped down from the carriage seat and came around to Veronica's side. She allowed him to help her down from the carriage. Molly followed, bounding around the carriage and straight into the outstretched arms of her grandmother. Augusta laughed quietly and kissed Molly. Veronica started to make her way toward her mother, but halted the instant she felt the twinge of pain in her ankle. Veronica saw her mother peer concernedly at her.

  Augusta wrapped her arm around Molly's shoulder and made her way toward Veronica. "What's wrong with your leg?" she asked. Her mother's voice was soft with concern.

  "Nothing," Veronica said dismissively. She briefly recounted what had happened on the Baxter spread. As she did so, Veronica saw her mother's eyes widen with alarm. "A steer?" she gasped. "Are you hurt?" she asked bending down and starting to fuss with Veronica's ankle.

  "It'll be fine in a day or two," Veronica said casually. She glanced at Kyle. "Thanks to this gentleman, everything worked out fine." Augusta stood and faced Kyle, running her gaze down the length of his tall-broad-shouldered physique and then into his hesitant eyes. Augusta nodded approvingly and glanced expectantly at Veronica. Introducing Kyle, Veronica briefly explaining how he lived and worked on a nearby ranch with his family.

  Obviously impressed, Augusta shook Kyle's hand. "It looks like I owe you a debt of gratitude for saving my daughter." Glancing down at Molly who was smiling up at her, Augusta added quickly. "And, of course, my lovely grand-daughter."

  "I was only doing my duty, ma'am," Kyle admitted. He sounded like he really meant it. Modesty was certainly one of his virtues, Veronica said to herself.

  Augusta looked at Veronica. "I told you to get someone to teach you how to ride properly in these parts," she said. "This isn't like riding in the city park back in Chicago. This is real country. It can be dangerous." Augusta glanced at Kyle. "Isn't that right, Mr Baxter," she added.

  Kyle's eyes flickered hesitantly at Veronica as if he was worried about what he might say next. "It can take some getting used to, ma'am," he said diplomatically.

  Veronica heard footsteps behind her and turned. Her father was striding toward them. "What takes getting used to?" he asked brusquely.

  Dominick came to Augusta's side. His wife slid her arm around his waist. "We were just saying that Veronica needs to be careful when she's out riding." Glancing down at Molly, she added: "Especially if she's got company."

  "My daughter can take care of herself," Dominick announced proudly.

  Augusta frowned. "That may be the case. But, if she's planning on riding around this territory, she might benefit from some instruction."

  Dominick thought for a moment and then nodded. "I can arrange that. I'm sure one of the men we employ can find the time."

  Veronica felt her cheeks flush with indignation. Did her parents think she was still a child? That she couldn't manage important matters on her own? "Now hold on there," she exclaimed. "I think I can handle a horse quite well. The last thing I need is one of your workers taking time off to show me how to do what I already know." Even at the best of times, Veronica struggled to maintain her independence, in the face of her father's authority and wealth. Now that she and Molly had finally come out here to stay, maybe this was the time to establish some ground rules. She turned to Kyle. "What do you think, Mr Baxter?" she asked.

  Kyle's brows shot up in a line. His mouth opened and he glanced nervously at Dominick and Augusta. Kyle cleared his throat and kicked his heels on the loose earth at his feet. "I don't know what I can say," he murmured. He glanced quickly at Veronica. "Maybe Mr and Mrs Flint are right. Riding this territory takes time to get used to."

  Perhaps naively expecting that he would have supported her, Veronica stared at Kyle disbelievingly. Was he on his parents' side? The last thing Veronica wanted was to be stuck on the Flint estate learning how to ride safely. An idea flared into life in her mind. "You told me you run an instruction group down at the town livery for ladies who want to learn how to ride."

  Kyle's mouth opened and he nodded. "Sure. But that's more like a social gathering. It's not just about riding. It gives everyone a chance to catch up on local gossip."

  "That's even better," Veronica exclaimed. Glancing down at Molly, she smiled. "We can get to know folks in town. And learn more about this territory." Veronica looked at her parents. Augusta looked interested in the proposition. By contrast, her father's eyes were dark with concern. The idea of catching up on local gossip would be horrifying to her father.

  "I don't need you going into town for something like that," Dominick ordered. "We have everything you need here, on this estate." Dominick peered at Kyle and lifted his chin, gazing down his nose at Kyle. "We can take care of ourselves here. We don't need help from anyone." Pride filled Dominick's voice. It was a sound Veronica had grown up hearing.

  She knew her father really believed in self-sufficiency. Of course he would, she reflected. As far as he was concerned, his wealth made anything possible. In the year since he'd moved to Inspiration, she was sure he hadn't made more than a few visits to the town. And even those would have been connected with him taking ownership of the house and lands. All other ongoing necessities had been handled by Augusta or Vogel. Since the day he'd arrived, Dominick Flint had held Inspiration at arms length. And now he wanted his daughter and grand-daughter to do the same. Well, Veronica had already decided she had different ideas.

  "You said the riding group meet on Wednesdays?" she asked Kyle.

  Apparently taken aback, Kyle's eyes widened. He nodded. "Eleven o'clock at the livery in town," he confirmed.

  "We'll be there," Veronica stated emphatically. She saw her father's eyes widen and his mouth open as if he was about to object. Veronica quickly took Molly's hand. "Let's go inside, Molly." She turned to Kyle. "Would you like to come in? Perhaps we can offer you some coffee."

  Kyle glanced at Augusta's approving grin and then at Dominick's furrowed brows. Veronica saw Kyle swallow. "I have some work to do back at the ranch. Thank you for the invitation, anyway." He rapidly took his place on the carriage seat and lifted the reins. Touching the brim of his Stetson, he smiled at her parents. "It's been nice meeting you both." Then he looked at Veronica and Molly. "You folks take care now," he said quickly. Then he flicked the reins, turned the carriage and headed down the trail beneath the trees.

  "What a lov
ely young man," Augusta said cheerily. "And so helpful." She glanced up at Dominick's darkened visage. "Isn't he, dearest?"

  Giving Veronica one last look and a shake of his head, Dominick sighed heavily, turned and made his way toward the front door of the Flint mansion. Veronica reflected that she might have won a small but important victory. But at what cost?


  "Are you expecting someone?" Curt asked Kyle on Wednesday morning as they both stood outside the livery in town. Curt, standing near the high curve of the open doors of his livery, was busy getting horses ready for the arrival of the three women who'd make up the riding lesson on this fine, sunny Wednesday morning in Inspiration.

  "Maybe," was all Kyle said in reply. He gazed up the length of Main Street. Boardwalks on both sides of the street were crowded with the usual late-morning folks going about their daily business. It was a warm June morning. The sky was clear blue, the air fresh and it all promised a fine day. Curt's livery was at the northern part of town. The tall wooden doors were open wide and inside Kyle could see all the fixings of Curt's regular means of making a living. Some horses were tucked away in their stalls. Curt dealt in horse flesh on the side and usually had extra horses available for short-term needs, including teaching folks how to ride. Kyle and Curt had been friends ever since Kyle and his family had moved to Inspiration. Being the only livery in town, Curt had decent business most of the time. However, last year Curt had had the bright idea of offering riding lessons to some of the ladies of town. It was a modest supplement to Curt's living and Kyle had been glad to help out by acting as the instructor.

  Curt busied himself preparing the horses they'd need for today's gathering of Inspiration's finest riding ladies. Kyle wondered how he'd deal with the attentions of one of them. A certain Miss Lucille Brochard, all of twenty years of age, and perfectly pretty, had developed the unfortunate idea that Kyle had an interest in her. Particularly in the area of matrimony. However, Kyle had done all he could to discourage Miss Brochard from entertaining those foolish notions. Thinking back to last week's lesson, when Miss Brochard had made her inclinations toward Kyle clearer than he'd liked, Kyle reminded himself that today might be a good day to make his lack of interest in Miss Brochard perfectly obvious.

  Kyle saw a carriage rolling up from the southern part of Main Street. Recognizing who was driving, Kyle drew in a deep breath and prepared himself for the arrival of the one person he was really looking forward to seeing today. Veronica Flint. Or was it Veronica Callahan? Kyle hadn't stopped thinking about how Veronica still hadn't told him what had happened to Mr Callahan, the father of Molly. Tact and just plain good manners dictated that Kyle restrain his curiosity about that matter. Right now, it was none of his business. And that was the way it was going to stay. Maybe the time would come when Veronica would feel willing and comfortable to tell him.

  Curt came to Kyle's side and squinted along the length of Main Street. "Is that Mrs Flint and her daughter?" he asked.

  Kyle nodded. "Sure is." He didn't want to sound too pleased, but it was hard not to.

  "You said you weren't waiting on someone," Curt replied, glancing at Kyle.

  Kyle grinned. "I figured I'd hang on until I was sure they were coming. We have some new customers today."

  "The Flints?" Curt stared at the advancing carriage.

  Kyle nodded. "You're not telling me you're going to turn down their business."

  Curt ran his hand through his blonde hair. "You mean that Dominick Flint is letting his daughter and his wife come to my livery for riding lessons?"

  Kyle rested a hand on Curt's shoulder. "Things are looking up when the richest man in these parts lets his nearest and dearest come to your humble establishment."

  Curt still looked disbelievingly at Kyle. "A man with Flint's money can sure afford to get anyone he wants to do that."

  "Not when he has a daughter with the spirit of a wild mustang," Kyle announced. He still hadn't told Curt about how Veronica had faced down her father and made it plain and clear she would have her way in the ordinary things in life. Like choosing how she spent her time. And just how friendly she wanted to be with the townsfolk.

  The carriage drew to a halt in front of the livery. With the carriage being so far away, Kyle hadn't noticed Molly sitting between Veronica and Augusta. All three were dressed in elegant gowns. Green for Veronica, powder blue for Molly and modest brown for Augusta. Kyle figured they all looked mighty fine. They were probably overdressed for something as humble as riding lessons. Nevertheless, Kyle took a simple delight in watching them as they stepped down off the carriage.

  He lifted his Stetson and smiled. "Good morning, ladies. I see you've all decided to come to this fine establishment and take advantage of the finest tuition this side of the territory," Kyle said brightly.

  Molly's eyes widened with delight when she saw inside the livery. Kyle figured she'd never been inside one. Maybe there'd be time to show her later, he told himself. Right now, it was taking all his energy to keep from staring at Veronica. She was beautiful, and no mistake. Veronica and Augusta looked expectantly at Kyle and Curt. Introductions were attended to and then Curt went back to getting the horses ready.

  Kyle glanced at Veronica. "How is your ankle today?" he asked.

  She moved her foot cautiously. "It's fine, today. As you said. Your mother knows how to heal ranch injuries."

  Two more carriages arrived bringing the other riders. Miss Lucille Brochard was accompanied by her mother, Annie. In the other carriage were Miss Natalie Rushton and her elder sister, Courtney. Both sisters, in their twenties, dark-haired, modestly dressed and with serious demeanor, were active members of the church. In fact, Kyle had come to suspect that the presence of the Rushton sisters might have something to do with the need to maintain some propriety about the whole business of one solitary rancher taking some of Inspiration's finest ladies out horse riding on a beautiful summer day. Kyle knew how it might look to some folks. But, two months ago, when his brother Gabe had been courting Lauren Munro, Kyle had been brought to a renewal of his faith in God. Since then, Kyle had attended church regularly. He was just as anxious as the Rushton sisters to make sure that appearances were acceptable.

  Kyle couldn't help noticing that, as she stepped down from her carriage, Lucille's eyes narrowed as she gave Veronica a curious look. Introductions were exchanged while Kyle helped Curt ready the horses which were brought from the large stable which occupied space behind the livery. A small pinto pony was chosen for Molly. The little girl cooed with delight when she saw the horse. Kyle took extra pleasure when he saw the smile on Veronica's face.

  Soon, everyone was mounted on their horses and it was time for Kyle to lead his party of riders away from the livery, down a westbound side street and out along a narrow trail which wove its way through groves of trees before emerging out onto a wide valley. The pace was leisurely and sedate. After all, the purpose of this outing was not only for the practical improvements in their riding skills, but also a chance to socialize. Throughout the slow ride, Kyle checked every one of the riders, making sure they were happy with their mounts, and with their progress through the Montana countryside.

  As was always the case, Lucille and her mother chatted amiably with the Rushton sisters. It wasn't long before Kyle overheard some of the latest gossip about the goings-on in town. It seemed Sophie Cameron was up to her usual matchmaking activities. Kyle's brother Gabe wasn't the only man in town facing an upcoming marriage, it seemed.

  For the early part of the journey Kyle led the way. From time to time Lucille found her way to the front of the group and tried to engage Kyle in conversation. He maintained a polite facade as Lucille breathlessly spoke about this or that, seeking Kyle's opinion on matters which Lucille clearly believed were of great significance. But the truth was Kyle's mind was elsewhere. Specifically, it was occupied with thoughts of Veronica and Molly. He knew this was a new experience for them. Veronica's mother, Augusta seemed more at home on h
orseback. Kyle was determined Veronica and her daughter would get as much as possible out of the one hour ride through the surroundings of Inspiration. With that in mind, he waited until the party of riders were slowly wending their way through an extensive thicket of trees before excusing himself, yet again, from Lucille's attentions and let the others move past him.


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