Wolfish: Curseborne

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Wolfish: Curseborne Page 9

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Well, I’m not sure how much longer I can fight them off.”

  A flash of gold eclipsed the green of his irises, and he closed the distance between us, cornering me against the wall. “You’re mine,” he growled, his voice more wolf than man. His corded arms came around me as he planted his palms on either side of my head.

  I was trapped. Between his hard body and the cold earth at my back. My breaths grew shallow as he pressed against me, and I could feel his wolf rising to the surface. We so did not need a wolf throwdown a second before the big trial. I sucked in a breath and stilled my racing heart. “If you expect my wolf to stick around, waiting for yours, stop avoiding me.”

  A flicker of green streaked through the golden abyss.

  “After today, we have three days off until the next round. Let’s use that time to work together on this curse, but you have to tell me everything.”

  A deep growl vibrated his massive chest, echoing in my own. His eyes fixed on mine and an eternity passed in a heartbeat. The storm of emotions brewing behind those blazing orbs would take a lifetime to decipher. “Okay,” he finally muttered and stepped back, freeing me from the cage of his muscled arms. “But we have to train too. I won’t let the entire time go to waste.” The green was back, and his voice had returned to its normal human pitch.

  “You really don’t think we can fix this?”

  Hunter slowly shook his head. “I don’t, but it won’t be for a lack of trying.” Entwining my fingers through his, he tugged me forward and swept his lips over mine.

  It only lasted a second, but it was enough to set my entire body ablaze. He stepped back, and I snagged my lower lip between my teeth to keep from protesting.

  “Please, be careful today.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  He squeezed my hand once more before turning on his heel and disappearing into the mass of males huddled in the main room. I leaned against the wall and drew in a slow breath. I could totally do this. Just one more trial and then we’d get three whole days off. With any luck, by the time the next round started, I’d have an alpha heir as a mate and kickass magical powers.

  A girl could dream, right?

  Chapter Eleven

  A dribble of sweat snaked down my back as I stared up at the hulking mer-wolf in front of me. His brilliant azure hair tumbled off his shoulders in lazy waves, but there was nothing chill about the expression carved into his strong jaw. How was I going to take down this overgrown goldfish?

  Triton loomed over me, a trident clenched in his fist. My palms were slick against the daggers I’d chosen for the battle. Which in retrospect had been a terrible choice. The long prongs of the trident could reach me from a few feet away, while I’d be forced to get right up into his face to use my weapons.

  Total fail.

  A buzzer rang out across the arena, and the crowd went silent. My heart slammed against my ribcage, the roar echoing across my eardrums. Oh Luna, how did I get myself into this?

  I backed up, hazarding a quick glance over my shoulder. The ring was suspended at least six feet off the ground. If Triton tossed me out, I’d survive, but it wouldn’t be pleasant.

  Stay on your toes, Sierra. Hunter’s voice sped through my mind as the male circled me. Triton’s strong, but he’s slow. Use your size as an advantage and tire him out. Just let the clock run out, and you’ll get points for a tie.

  As our connection cut off, Triton lunged. I jumped back, avoiding the sharp prongs by inches. A hiss broke through the arena as I backed toward the outer ring.

  “Come here, little witch,” Triton singsonged. He stalked toward me, his undulating gate reminding me of the rolling waves of the Manta Sea.

  I darted around him, narrowly avoiding his long arm. Another round of boos from the crowd. Screw that. They weren’t the ones down here going head-to-head with a wolf-fish beast!

  “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The roar of the crowd drowned out the mad thundering of my heart.

  My she-wolf awoke, leisurely stretching out her long legs. About time she decided to join the battle. Come on, girl. A swirl of energy streamed through my insides, and a low growl erupted from my lips.

  Triton charged.

  I staggered back and hit the taut rope that encircled the ring. I let out a yelp as barbs sliced into my flesh. Mother shifter! Triton’s weapon sailed toward me, the pointy trident zooming toward my chest. Everything slowed. I blinked quickly but still the sharp weapon and its wielder moved in slow motion. I, however, was operating in normal speed. Faster even.

  I ducked before the spear hit its mark and scrambled beneath Triton’s enormous legs. Once I’d gotten to the opposite side of the arena, everything quickened. The roar of the crowd slammed into me a second before Triton did.

  His thick arms wrapped around my middle and dragged me to the floor. “No more running, little witch,” he hissed in my ear, his warm breath inciting a swell of goosebumps down my arm.

  I struggled beneath him, stomach down, but his massive weight overpowered my scrappy little wolf. His arms caged me in, trapping me to the floor. She snarled and howled in aggravation, trying to wriggle free from our captor.

  I lifted my cheek off the floor and met a pair of blazing golden orbs. Hunter stood in front of the first-row bench with Vander beside him. His best friend’s arm was across his chest, holding him back. A wave of anxiety pummeled my insides, and it wasn’t mine.

  “One minute remaining!” A voice called out.

  An entire minute? My lungs were already burning from the giant crushing my ribcage.

  Tap out! Hunter’s panicked voice rocketed through my mind. Sierra, please!

  Triton’s arms tightened around me, relentless steel bands forcing the remaining air from my lungs. Darkness seeped into the corners of my vision.

  Sierra, get out now! Hunter’s beta power slammed into me, and my lips almost spoke the words of forfeiture.

  No. Not yet. I growled back. Searching my core for that spark I’d felt earlier, I focused on my wolf. Come on, girl. I could really use that extra wolfy strength right about now. I craned my neck back and a tumble of azure hair blocked my vision. “Get off me you big, overgrown mackerel,” I snarled.

  Triton chuckled, a wicked belly laugh that pressed me harder against the floor. “Not until the timer is up, little witch.”

  Something sharp bit into my belly, and I forced back a squeal. My dagger. I squirmed my hand beneath my leg and my fingers closed around the hilt. Now if I could just… I dragged it out, the blade nicking my flesh in the process. Gritting my teeth, I freed the weapon from beneath me and reached behind. Here goes nothing.

  I jabbed blindly, unable to make out my target with my face pressed to the ground. A sharp yelp sent my heart leaping up my throat. A string of curses erupted from the man splayed on top of me, and his unyielding grip faltered.

  I pushed up with all my strength and sprang forward on all fours. Darting across the ring, a spine-tingling growl echoed behind me. Uh-oh. A sharp pain pierced my back, sinking into my flesh and a shriek erupted from my lips. Warm liquid oozed down the backside of my bodysuit. My knees buckled and I hit the floor, my head instantly swimming.

  Sierra! The pain that laced Hunter’s tone crashed into me, almost worse than the pain searing up and down my spine. A pair of golden irises floated across my vision, and I held onto them with everything I had as the black began to seep in.

  The blare of a horn snapped open my heavy lids, but everything was a blur. The commotion of approaching footsteps kept me focused as I fought the impending darkness.

  “Sierra, Sierra!” Hunter. He sounded far away, and still his honeyed voice was like a balm to my aching body. Warm arms encircled me, and I melted into a familiar firm chest. “I’ve got you,” he whispered.

  “Took you long enough,” I mumbled.

  “We need a healer now,” he roared.

  I could feel bodies around me, murmured whispers, some I recognized, others I didn’t. But I was too tired to car

  “Stay with me, Sierra. You’re going to be okay, just stay with me.”

  Despite my best efforts, my heavy lids drifted closed.

  Muffled voices swam around my foggy mind, the deep timbre of one in particular dragging me from the dark depths of oblivion.

  “She almost died, Vander.” Hunter. That pain still lingered in his voice. “I’m going to kill Triton for hurting her. Eviscerate the bastard with my bare hands, spilling his cowardly insides for all to see.”

  Whoa. I hazarded a peek through slitted lids to find Hunter pacing the length of a small white room and Vander leaning against a window. The potent smell of disinfectant lingered in the air.

  “Relax, brother.” Vander moved toward our supreme beta and squeezed his shoulder.

  Hunter shook him off, and a growl filled the air.

  Vander stiffened and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re the one that said no one can know about the imminent mate bond. Keep acting like that and there won’t be a single wolf in Moon Valley who won’t see the obvious.”

  He dragged a hand through his dark hair, anguish carved into his handsome face. “I can’t control it. Don’t you understand that? I don’t want to act this way, but my wolf’s instincts are too strong. It’s taking every scrap of willpower not to go down the hall to Triton’s room and rip him to shreds.”

  “I understand.”

  Hunter’s eyes snapped up to meet Vander’s. “No, you don’t. Until you’ve felt the mate bond, you have no idea. I’d raze the entire valley in a fiery inferno for her, take on every alpha in Marlwoods, betray my own father... There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect her. Nothing.” Blue dragon flames flickered across his fingertips, reflecting in his smoldering golden irises.

  My breath hitched. Both at the intensity of his words and his fire power. It was easy for me to forget that within Hunter’s striking form, a wolf and a dragon hid beneath the surface.

  Hunter swirled toward me, and I squeezed my eyes shut. Shift. Did he hear me? Soft footsteps moved toward me, and my pulse quickened. The bed dipped as Hunter sat on the end and exhaled a long breath. “Sierra? Are you awake?”

  My lids fluttered, and I slowly pried my eyes open. I didn’t want him knowing I’d been eavesdropping on their conversation. “Hey,” I muttered, my voice raspier than I’d expected.

  A megawatt smile brightened Hunter’s grim expression. “Thank the gods you’re okay.”

  I tried to push myself up to sit, but a streak of pain lanced across my back. I chomped down on my lower lip to keep from squealing.

  “Stay down, Sierra.” Hunter’s beta power laced his words. They skimmed over my skin, waking my wolf. I could’ve easily fought him on it, but it hurt too much.

  Vander moved closer, a relieved smile on his face. “I’m glad you’re okay. You had us worried for a second.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered as a tumble of blurred images flashed through my mind. “Did that fishy bastard try to kill me?” My thoughts swirled back to the combat ring. I’d almost gotten away when the coward launched his trident at my back.

  Hunter’s jaw ground together. “Triton claims he was not. He says that when you stabbed him in the arm, it threw his aim off. He insists he was only trying to trip you up, not skewer you with that thing.”

  I scoffed. “What do you guys think?”

  “I think he’s going to pay for what he did,” Hunter hissed, and a streak of gold flashed across his emerald irises.

  “I thought this was supposed to be a friendly display. Ransom said it was just to entertain the audience.” I did not want to know what was coming next.

  “There aren’t many hard and fast rules to the trials, unfortunately. Though most take the first round as a joke, there’s nothing that says you have to.”

  I huffed out a breath. “At least it’s over for now.” Three days of R&R was exactly what I needed. Wait a second… “When can I get out of here? We’re supposed to figure out a way to break the curse before the second round—”

  Hunter pressed his finger to my lips, and I had to suppress the overwhelming urge to bite it. He turned to Vander and ticked his head at the door. “Can you give us a minute?”

  He nodded and waggled his finger at me. “Take it easy. You make things more interesting around here, Sierra. I would’ve hated to lose you.”

  “Thanks, Vander.”

  As soon as the door closed behind him, Hunter turned to me. “He’s right. You have to take it easy. You need to use these days off to recover from your wounds, otherwise you’ll never make it in the next round.”

  “But the curse—”

  He shook his head. “Sierra, I’ve been living with it looming over my head for almost twenty years now. A few more weeks isn’t going to change anything.”

  “But we could be together—” I cut myself off because I didn’t want to sound totally pathetic. “We could be stronger with the bond completed.”

  “We could be… But the deal was that first we find a way out of the curse.”

  I narrowed my gaze at the infuriating male. “You’re being a stubborn idiot. You might be the future alpha and used to everyone bowing down to your commands, but that’s not how it’s going to work with me. I’m in this as much as you are, and I should have a say in my own fate.”

  A slow grin pulled at his lips, and my heart flip-flopped. Gods, it was unfair how gorgeous he was. “I know very well you don’t like to bow down to me. That’s probably why my wolf chose you. He likes a little challenge.”

  “Well, get ready buddy.”

  He chuckled, the warm sound filling my insides with happiness. His eyes locked on mine, and a swirl of hunger ignited in my core. Not for food. My wolf whined, and Hunter’s chuffed in response. He leaned closer and took my hands, entwining his fingers through mine. “For a terrible moment, I thought I was going to lose you today,” he whispered. “Something broke inside me. My wolf, he wouldn’t survive if anything happened to you.”

  The depth of emotion in his words stole the air from my lungs. I could do nothing but nod with his eyes searing into mine.

  “You smell so good.” Heat unraveled in my lower half at his rough tone. I inched closer, tilting my head to mirror his pose. His nostrils flared, and a swell of desire crashed over me. His and mine combined, battled, rattling my ribcage.

  My tongue darted out, wetting my lower lip, and a sexy growl erupted from Hunter’s clenched jaw. “Stop that,” he warned.

  “Stop what?” I batted my lashes at him and swept my lips against his.

  “Sierra…” His tone was deadly, but he hadn’t moved away an inch. “After almost losing you today, I don’t know what my wolf’s capable of…”

  I kissed him again, lingering a few seconds longer this time.

  “We can’t,” he mumbled against my lips, but still made no move to back away. “You’re wounded and—”

  I cut him off, sneaking my tongue into his mouth. It was all the incentive he needed. One hand wrapped around the back of my neck and the other cinched around my waist, dragging me onto his lap. Raising the oversized shirt that reached to my mid-thigh, he parted my legs and positioned me over his lower half. Fire erupted in my core at the feel of him beneath me.

  Gingerly, he swept his hands over my lower back, avoiding the wound across my shoulder blades. His warm fingertips kneaded my flesh, each touch a promise of more. Our tongues entwined in a heated dance, stroking, caressing. He tasted like… mine.

  My wolf rose to the surface, her presence just under my skin. I could feel her longing to break out, to be free to be with Hunter.

  Mate. Mate. Mate. The now familiar chant sped up my erratic heartbeats.

  Hunter rocked beneath me, his movements echoing the voice bouncing around our linked minds. My body moved with his, unable to ignore the call.

  “Oh gods, Sierra,” he groaned against my mouth. “I want you to be mine. Forever.”

  My wolf whined in response, and my fangs lengthened. What th
e…? I nipped at his lower lip, and the sharp metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. Hunter’s tongue continued its maddening strokes, and the frenzy took over me.

  I reached between us and yanked his zipper down. He exhaled a sharp breath through clenched teeth. But didn’t stop me. Emboldened, I reached into his shorts and closed my hand around his hard length.

  Holy werewolf!

  He shuddered and bucked beneath me as I stroked, up and down. Up and down. His head dipped, and his haggard breaths brushed the shell of my ear. “Please, Sierra. Please, stop. I—I can’t control myself.” His words iced the fire building in my core. His wolf was near, and Hunter’s humanity was drifting, but he still fought. Fought for what he thought was right for me. To not be mated to a man who could never love me.

  I released my hold on him, despite every bone in my body screaming at me not to and sat back.

  His hands closed around my hips, and he tugged me forward once more, positioning me over his arousal. His eyes locked on mine, the gold completely eclipsing the deep green. “Mine,” he growled, his voice all wolf.

  Mine. My she-wolf answered his call and I rocked against him, unable to control my animal instincts.

  A splash of guilt surged through my gut as Hunter’s words echoed in my mind. He didn’t want this for me. But it was all I wanted. To be his mate, to finally belong somewhere.

  His hand slipped up my thigh, and his fingers grazed my panties. My core clenched in anticipation, my heart thundering against my ribcage. I wanted him so badly, but something felt wrong.

  I stopped and sat back, putting some much-needed space between our heated bodies. I framed Hunter’s face with my hands and met his concerned gaze. “I want this more than anything, but I want to make sure you want it too. You, Hunter, not just your wolf.” Because I love you. I couldn’t say the words aloud because I knew he wouldn’t say them back and despite understanding why he couldn’t, it would wreck me, nonetheless.

  Deep green slowly bled into his irises as he regarded me. His lips slowly twisted into a frown. He blinked rapidly, and the wolf was gone. I could feel it the moment he retreated, and Hunter took over. “Damn it, Sierra, I’m so sorry.” He gently lifted me off his lap and lay me back in the bed. “I totally lost myself, I couldn’t control him. I never should have—”


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