The Wardens Boxed Set

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The Wardens Boxed Set Page 57

by Heather D Glidewell

  “What do you mean, up to me?” I asked, looking around the small diner. Nobody was paying any attention to us.

  “Nick already told you that he thinks that Adam needs to be the one to approach her.” My father pulled out a napkin from the dispenser and put it in his lap.

  “That’s not the point, Dad.” I groaned. “What if it doesn’t work?”

  “Then you will just have to figure out another plan.” He sighed and the waitress returned with our drinks. He smiled sweetly at the waitress and she blushed before walking away. “This is a big step up for Adam. He’s worked hard to get where he is and I will admit the boy has promise. He may wind up being selected to be a Protector.”

  The idea of Adam being like the man who married my mother made my skin crawl. I couldn’t see him marrying an angel or demon to save them in some way. Not loving them, only being there to mask their existence. As my mother said: the best way to not be Angelina Weathers was to become Angie Peterson. The thought of anyone doing that to him ripped my heart apart.

  “I figured you would be thrilled by that news,” my father said, taking a sip of his soda. “I mean, becoming a Protector is a big deal. The boy definitely has some potential. He’s become quite good with melee attack.”

  “I suppose to become Protector is some great human feat,” I said dryly.

  “Not all Protectors are like your stepfather. Your mother chose him because she needed someone quickly, not because she wanted to. He was the best of the best. You know what though, he kept her safe.” My father nodded at me and I had to take a moment to agree with him.

  “So, is this some sacred thing amongst mortals? Do they ascend?” I asked, rubbing my temples.

  “In their own way, yeah. I wouldn’t know Protectors aren’t meant for demons. We have the ability to Claim, as you have learned, which in a way is I guess the same thing. We are sort of indebted to our Claimed ones. I love Mona, just not in the way that I love your mother.” He coughed as if I wasn’t supposed to hear the last part of his sentence. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow as a smile spread across his face.

  “Mona is a good woman,” I said, taking a sip of my drink.

  “She wasn’t always a good one,” he sighed. “She has her share of skeletons.”

  “What about me?” I looked out the window at the couple sitting on a bench sharing a drink.

  “I don’t know,” he said simply. “You don’t hold a truce to either side. If you did I would suspect you would have joined the Queen’s Army.”

  “Why do you say that?” I looked at him. He appeared worried.

  “There is so much bitterness in your heart.” He tried to smile but it failed him. “Not that I blame you for it. First, Wesley is taken from you, then Aaron. It’s no surprise the pain hasn’t taken you over.”

  “I will always love Wesley, there is no question about that,” I started. “He was my first love. And to only have him for the short time that I did baffles me. Aaron started out as nothing other than a toy and he turned into so much more. I care about him but I feel a sort of ease knowing the Claim has been relinquished.” Our waitress arrived with our food. She kept staring at my father and it was making me nervous.

  “I don’t think we ever get over our first loves,” he said, smiling at the girl as she turned to walk away. “It’s good to move on, away from everything. Find something or someone new to put all our emotions into.”

  “I don’t want to Claim another soul, Daddy.” I felt a lump in my throat as I looked at my burger.

  “Sometimes you don’t get that option. Unless you want to tell each guy that you date what you are and pray that they don’t say those phrases. You cannot control the souls you Claim, all you can do is go with it.” My father grabbed the ketchup.

  “So I cannot control it?” I groaned. My food no longer looked appetizing.

  “Not really.” Why did it seem that this was not affecting his appetite? Maybe because this was everyday life for him.

  “That’s not very comforting.” I poked at the burger.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you honey. It is just something about your blood that you are going to have to accept.” He smiled at me.

  “I get that now.” He had finished his food and was eyeballing mine. He didn’t even have to ask as I scooted the plate toward him.

  “I think you and Adam make a good team.” He changed the subject on me.

  “Huh?” I looked at him, confused. Where had that come from?

  “No, really. I mean we are trusting you and him to go out on your own and bring back the fourth.” My father had already devoured my onion rings.

  “Yeah, why is that?” I asked, feeling disgusted. I had never seen my father eat so much in one sitting.

  “We trust the two of you. If it was you and Wesley or you and Aaron I would be sending a chaperone.” He laughed. “We trust that Adam isn’t going to succumb to your devilish antics.”

  “That’s great to know, Dad.” I felt a ping. They trusted Adam and me. If only they knew the oddness that was happening between us at this time.

  “You excited?” He pushed the plate away. Nothing was left but a glob of ketchup.

  “For what? This trip?” I took a drink of my soda.

  “Yeah! You get to take time away from all of this. You get to go into the big city, see the lights. I bet if you called some of your old friends they would be excited to see you.” Was he seriously trying to make me call my friends from middle school?

  “I doubt that they even remember me. But yeah, the big city sounds like fun.” He waved down the waitress and asked for our check. When she returned, my father started laughing.

  “What’s up?” I leaned over, trying to see. He turned the ticket around and on the bottom of the sheet was the girl’s number and her name: Candy.

  “Looks like your ol’ man still has it.” He laughed, pulling out his credit card and putting it in the book.

  “That’s just gross, Dad.” I turned my nose up. The idea that my father could get the number of a twentysomething waitress made me feel queasy.

  “Oh, come on, Dawn.” He pushed out his bottom lip. “I would be ecstatic if some guy gave you his number.”

  “Yeah, well the last time I received a number it turned into a relationship and the guy ran off with his ex-girlfriend to New Mexico where she decided it was time to kill him.” I felt the pain in my voice but at the same time I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

  “There are other fish in the sea.” My father smiled at Candy across the diner and she walked over and took the book. She was swishing her hips from side to side; she thought she was hot shit right then.

  “Tell Mom that, not me,” I pointed out. “Every time you come around she’s like a giggly school girl.”

  “It’s in our nature. We spent so long together, it would be weird if she didn’t have some sort of emotional attraction to me. Besides, for the father of a nineteen-year-old girl I look pretty damn good.” His ego was starting to show. I rolled my eyes as the book returned and he signed the slip, leaving Candy a one-hundred-dollar tip. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Thought you would never ask.” I got up from the booth, looping my arm through my father’s, and we walked out.


  We returned to the house shortly after our meal. My mother was waiting for us on the front porch, rocking in her beautiful rocking chair. She looked at us and smiled.

  “How was it?” Six months ago, I never would have thought my mother would say this to me.

  “Great,” I said, patting my dad on the shoulder. “He’s not so bad for an old man.” My father bumped me, nearly knocking me over and we both broke out into laughter.

  “Fantastic.” She looked at me. “You need to get upstairs and start packing.” She pointed toward the front door. “I got you something—it’s on your bed.”

  I looked back at her and raised my eyebrows. What could she have possibl
y got me that I didn’t already have? I walked inside and up the stairs to my room. Sitting on my bed was a set of luggage. I had never had luggage before. Even when I lived with my father all those years ago I didn’t have this. A black leather bag on rollers and a carry-on that matched. I opened up the bag to start throwing my things in when I saw there was more than just the luggage.

  I pulled out several outfits that were designed similar to the fifties’ dresses you see on TV. One was black with white skulls, another was solid black and one totally took me by surprise. I pulled it out and felt tears in my eyes; she had purchased me a white dress. I hadn’t owned a single item in white since I was a pre-teen. I had made it a point to tell her that I needed to put other colors in my wardrobe and she purchased me this beautiful white dress. I held it up and looked at myself in the mirror.

  “I like it!” Adam said, appearing behind me.

  “Really? You don’t think it’s too much?” I put the dress down and turned around to look at him.

  He was wearing a black AC/DC t-shirt and blue jeans. I glanced in the mirror. His chest heaved and the vein in his neck began to throb. His eyes were wide and I didn’t understand why he looked amazed yet horrified at the same time.

  “What is it?” I ran toward him, grabbing him by the shoulders. “Adam what is it?” My pulse had picked up and I shook him. He wouldn’t look at me. “Adam!” I screamed.

  I heard the footsteps on the steps and suddenly Shawn was in the room. “Don’t touch him!” He pulled me away as Adam’s head shot backward.

  “What’s happening to him?” I gripped on to Shawn, just staring as Adam started to ascend into the air.

  “Adam has been chosen.” Shawn said, holding me close. “He’s been chosen by Heaven.”

  “Chosen by Heaven for what?” I breathed. I wanted so bad to run to him. There was a bright light behind us and I turned, seeing Ramiel step around my bed.

  “You should really look into hanging out in larger rooms.” Ramiel smiled at me. Shawn let me go and I ran to him, wrapping my arms around the angel’s waist. “It’s good to see you too, young one.”

  “What’s happening to him? What’s happening to my Adam?” I dragged the angel toward the boy suspended in air.

  “He’s ascending.” Ramiel smiled and grabbed my hand. “You see, when the Heavens choose a Protector he undergoes changes. He becomes faster, stronger, more agile.”

  “But he’s human,” I explained.

  “All Protectors are humans. He’s not going to start shooting sparks from his fingertips, it just means that he was chosen for a mission by someone with wondrous power and Heaven feels that he is worthy of the boost.” He walked forward and placed his hand on Adam’s chest. There was a burst of light and Adam heaved a heavy breath, his eyes shooting to me and confusion mixed with terror on his face.

  “Will he be able to feel it?” I asked Shawn, who shrugged.

  “I’m demon blooded. I do not know the ways of angels.” He rubbed my back, his eyes locked on the scene in front of us.

  “You mean the waterlily you are searching for? No, in fact the only way you would know is if he was chosen to protect you.” Ramiel helped Adam regain his stance. Adam was so in awe of the angel to his right that all I could do was stare.

  “Huh?” I didn’t understand. My mother had chosen hers.

  “Nothing dear. This boost is up to Adam. If he feels that he cannot live up to the standards of the Protector he can always give it back.” Ramiel smiled at Adam and all he could do was blink.

  “What the hell just happened?” Adam asked, looking at me. He didn’t look any different.

  “You were chosen,” I beamed. I did find it odd how my father knew this was going to happen. Then again, that could have been something him and my mother were planning. It gave Adam the edge to compete with me if it was needed.

  “You know I have lived well by the rules of not asking and I’m going to keep it that way.” He wrapped his arms around me. Ramiel rolled his eyes and looked at Shawn.

  “Demon boy. I know you,” he said as Shawn shook his head.

  “I’ve never been to Heaven so I don’t see how,” Shawn said quietly.

  “You spent some time in Purgatory.” Ramiel put his finger up as if that was supposed to answer it all.

  “I don’t talk about that much,” Shawn growled. “There is another reason you are here, isn’t there?”

  “Yes. Do you mind taking me to speak with Puriel?” Ramiel looked at me and Adam. “To my understanding these two need to get on the road soon, otherwise they are going to miss their flight.”

  “Yeah, I can do that. Just keep your wings to yourself,” Shawn said, leading the angel out of my room.

  I gripped Adam close to me and our breaths became one; our heartbeats synced and energy was all around us. “I was so scared,” I breathed, smelling him.

  “You were scared? I swear I saw Heaven,” he replied, pulling me even closer. There was no way we could be any nearer to the other. “Finish packing; I’m going to get my bags downstairs and talk to my dad.”

  “Yeah OK.” He leaned in and kissed me softly.

  “I’m looking forward to this.” His eyes burned for a second then fizzled out to their beautiful brown.

  I rushed to get my bags packed making sure to grab all the sanitary items that I was going to need. I grabbed my laptop and stuffed it in my bag along with a few other items. The question was: how was I going to get our weapons on a plane?

  “No need to worry about that darling.” My father entered the room with style and grace. “Your mother is indisposed with Heavenly duties.” He waved his hands in the air and rolled his eyes. “I didn’t get you first class tickets on American Airlines. I have my ‘copter coming in to take you to the airport and from there you are flying in my private jet.”

  “When did you get a private jet, Dad?” I asked, pulling my suitcase toward the door.

  “Yesterday. I sent an email to Mona and she went and picked one out. She is so excited to see you again.” My father smiled and grabbed the handle of my bag.

  “You never cease to amaze me, Dad,” I laughed.

  “And you never cease to amaze me, honey.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. “I never thought that I would be so proud of you.”

  We got the bags downstairs as my mother and Ramiel emerged from the study. They were laughing like old times. He gave my mother a hug and smiled at me before he walked out the back door and into the backyard compound.

  She approached cautiously, a huge smile on her face. “Darling are you ready?” She sounded happy.

  “Yeah. I think we are good to go.” I heard the sound of the helicopter landing outside and searched for Adam. He came running from the other room, his face bright.

  “Do you see what is outside?” he said, pointing.

  My father and I broke out into laughter.

  Chapter Seven: Her

  My father spared no expense on his lavish personal jet. We were seated in the lap of luxury. It included not only a pilot with a British accent but a flight attendant that did just about everything we asked of her with a smile on her face. We flew hand-in-hand to Dallas which was a nice feeling. When we landed at a private airfield I was shocked when the huge black limo approached. I thought that Adam’s eyes were going to pop out of his head.

  “How loaded is your dad?” he asked as the chauffeur took our bags and opened the door for us. We got into the back of the limo and I had to do a double take. Sitting across from us was Mona, and Mitch—my personal butler from childhood.

  “Oh my goodness,” Mona squeaked. Her face had aged but all in all she looked the same.

  “I do agree, Miss,” Mitch said, looking at me and smiling. “Our little Dawn has returned.”

  I blushed. I’m sure I looked a fright to them. The last time they saw me I was a cute little blonde girl with big eyes and big dreams.

  “Mona. Yo
u look the same,” I gushed as she leaned between our seats and wrapped her arms around me.

  “I couldn’t believe your father when he said you were coming. This must be your boyfriend.” She let me go and instantly wrapped her arms around Adam.

  “Not boyfriend,” he checked. “But you know what? I might as well be.” They both laughed.

  “Your father had me pick out the most beautiful apartment for you two. It’s off Houston Street and it’s gorgeous. It’s over one thousand square feet and has a huge patio outside. I had all the furniture delivered today. I am so happy you two chose to start your lives in Dallas. Oh, we have to go shopping tomorrow.” She looked at me; I could tell she did not approve of my attire.

  “I would love that.” I said, remembering all the things we used to do when I was a kid.

  “Oh darling, how I have missed you.” She smiled brightly. “I was so happy when your father said that he had found you.”

  The conversation was rather awkward after that. She told me that she had kept in contact with most of my friends’ parents in hopes that one day I would return. They were all so happy to know I was coming that she had set up a gathering where we would all be reunited. I sneaked glances at Adam, who looked extremely uncomfortable in his skin right about then.

  When we arrived at the apartments I was amazed. Yet again my father had spared no expense in finding us a place to live while we were here. The chauffeur got out and opened the trunk, pulling out our bags and setting them on the curb for us. Mona got out of the limo and stood next to us, grinning.

  “I would come up with you but I have a feeling you are going to love it. I will call you in the morning and see how you slept.” She reached out and touched my hair, making a sour face she added, “I will also make an appointment with a stylist and we will have a girls’ day, OK?” She hugged me and then Adam.

  “That sounds like a plan.” I attempted to sound excited. The last thing I really wanted was some unknown person running their fingers through my hair.


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