The Wardens Boxed Set

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The Wardens Boxed Set Page 94

by Heather D Glidewell

  “Where’s your father and sister?” I asked.

  “My sister is preparing meals with several of the blessed and cursed ones. My father is engaged in a conversation with several leaders of the Fairy Council.” He laughed. “I don’t think my father believed them at first. However, they became quick friends.”

  “That’s good,” I said. “And your mother?”

  “She stayed as long as she could.” He looked sad. “She had to go back though. I will forever be in your mother’s debt for what she did for me today.”

  “My mother is awesome, what can I say.” I smiled at him again.

  “That she is.”

  “Wesley?” I stammered.


  “I wish she could have stayed longer,” I said, seeing the tears in his eyes.

  “So do I, but you know what? I am grateful for the time I had with her today. She said that she will return soon. Whatever that means.” He sniffed.

  “Who knows? I have learned not to question,” I said, glancing back towards the ceiling.

  “I love you,” he said, squeezing my hand.

  “And I you.” My heart fluttered.

  Adam said he felt nothing. Why hold on to something that will never be? I had something right in front of me. I had said my farewells to Aaron, it was time to move on. So much for not being codependent.


  I woke up to screaming. My adrenaline pumping, I jumped out of bed and winced as the pain shot through me for a second. I took off at a sprint, not caring if I ripped my stitches open. I tore through the door at the end of the hall and into Rose’s room. She was hunched over on the floor, blood pooling below her. I raced to her side, grabbing anything and everything I could find to be absorbent and placing it into the open gash.

  “What happened?” I asked as she gripped on to me. I held the items to her wound tightly.

  “I needed to use the bathroom,” she huffed. “I didn’t have any issues before now but when I woke up and moved there was blood everywhere.”

  I looked around the room. The only blood that I saw was the puddle at her knees. Mona rushed in with Shawn at her heels.

  “Get her in bed,” Shawn demanded as Mona and I helped the girl up and back on the mattress.

  He pulled up her shirt and growled at the torn stitching.

  “Bathroom, huh,” he said, motioning to Mona. “Get me some sutures and a catheter. Dawn, what are you doing out of bed?”

  “I heard her screaming,” I said, looking at my brother. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

  “Then help me.” He said, grabbing my hands. “Hold her hand. This is going to hurt; she tore the stitching.”

  I grabbed onto her hand and Rose looked at me with pleading eyes. She winced as he pressed on the wound to slow the bleeding. Mona returned with the sutures and assisted Shawn in re-stitching her open wound. Tears were streaming down her face.

  “Do you know where Adam is?” she asked me.

  “They had a meeting. Wesley is there too,” I told her and she nodded at me, understanding.

  “Looks like Purgatory taught Krista some survival skills,” she said, making conversation.

  “You’re telling me. She’s the only one of us that didn’t wind up hurt,” I laughed as Rose’s eyes brightened.

  “Mom says you died.” She winced.

  “Mom, huh.” I glanced at Mona and she smiled.

  “I’m glad she brought you back,” Rose said, breathless.

  “I am, too,” I replied as she squeezed my hand tightly.

  “All right, I’m going to insert a catheter to avoid this happening again. You are going to feel some pressure but it shouldn’t hurt,” Shawn said.

  Rose winced again and then sighed in relief.

  “No moving until you heal,” he demanded and she nodded at him. “Dawn, let’s get you back in bed, too.”

  Shawn’s strong arms lifted me like I was nothing and carried me down the hall and back to my room. He lay me down on my bed, covered me up and sat down next to me.

  “Battles have hit every state. Hundreds if not thousands are dead,” he said, running his hands through his hair.

  “Dear God,” I moaned.

  “No news has come from the incubi. They seem to be on radio silence.” He looked at me, eyes wide.

  “What about the reapers?” I asked.

  “We did hear from Peter. They split their forces, at least one reaper is at each compound,” he said, pursing his lips.

  “That’s a plus then,” I sighed and put my hands on my face.

  “She’s retaliating,” he growled.

  “It’s her mother. Miranda would have come here herself but her mother sent her somewhere else. All I was given was a warning. Too bad I decapitated her before she could return to say she had given it to me.” I felt a prickle in my toe and I tried to move it.

  “You are relentless.” Shawn shook his head at me.

  “I couldn’t let her get away, not that easily.” I turned my head to the side.

  “Get some rest,” he said, patting my leg.

  “I will sleep better when Wesley gets here.” I glanced towards the door.

  “If you say so.” Shawn got up and walked towards the door. “They are pretty busy so I’m not sure how long it will be till they get here.”

  Chapter Fifteen: Misfortune

  “What time did you come to bed last night?” I asked the next morning.

  Wesley looked at me and smiled.

  “Well good morning to you, too.” He grabbed a t-shirt and threw it over his head.

  “Sorry.” I shook my head. “Good morning.”

  “It was after four when your mother released us. You were sleeping soundly when I came into the room.” He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

  “Where are you going now?” I asked. I was restless. My wounds still had not healed enough to allow me movement and I was getting stir crazy in my room.

  “Another meeting.” He hurried towards the door.

  “I shouldn’t be stuck here,” I moaned.

  “Well next time don’t get hurt,” he teased me. Then he was gone.

  “I wouldn’t sweat it too much. I think he enjoys it,” Krista said, appearing in the door.

  “Why hello there, stranger,” I said, smiling. Krista was the only warden not on bed rest so she was extremely busy.

  “Hey. Sorry I haven’t come to see you. With the three of you down we’ve had quite an interesting turn of events.” She walked into the room and sat down in the chair next to my bed.

  “It’s OK, I have just been lying here counting the bumps on my ceiling. I think I’ve counted several of them multiple times. I never get the same number.” She let out a laugh and I retorted with a huff.

  “I know it’s boring. Rose is about to rip Adam’s head off if he doesn’t stop leaving her. Helen is so incredibly pissed because she still can’t take the neck brace off.” Krista sighed. “You want your computer? I’m sure several hours of Candy Crush will make the day go by quicker.”

  “I hate that game. Can’t get past the ninety eighth level,” I groaned.

  “There are always movies. I can have Marshall bring you up several of your favorite horror DVDs.” She wagged her eyebrows at me. She knew my weakness.

  “Yeah that sounds like fun,” I said and she patted my leg. “You know, I saw you taking out the enemy. You were like a blur, I didn’t even know you knew how to wield your sword so quickly.”

  “I think I was lost in the moment. All I could think about was ending it. Seeing Helen torn at the neck sparked something in me,” I sighed.

  “Still, you are a hero in the eyes of the town,” she said.

  “I am far from that,” I said modestly.

  “To that little girl’s parents you are.” She gave me a smile before leaving the room.

  I had forgotten about the little girl I had saved. That shivering,
disheveled little girl, so scared. I could still see her face with those wide eyes. Krista left me thinking and the minutes passed quickly.

  “Hey, pretty lady,” Marshall said, lugging a stack of movies in his arms.

  “Hey there.” I smiled at him as he came to my bed and put the stack down on the end.

  “So Krista said that you like horror. Well, I grabbed a few of my favorites as well. Figured we could make a day of it.” He looked well. His face was healed. Around his neck I saw the amulet of protection. He had finally been accepted.

  “You don’t have any meetings?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No. Krista has everything under control and Kelly is working with the remaining firebearers in the field. I’m free till about five,” he said, grabbing my computer and plopping down beside me.

  “What happens at five?” I questioned.

  “Dinner,” he grinned.

  We laid in my bed all day watching movie after movie and talking about anything and everything under the sun. He asked my advice on how to ask a girl out and I obliged with my horrible experiences of dating. I think I scared him celibate for the rest of his life.

  I wasn’t shocked to find out that he was interested in Kelly. There was a connection there, that was for sure. The two of them would not go anywhere without the other, except when duty called; she was in the field that day doing drills. Outside of work, it appeared they were inseparable.

  Five came way too quickly. Wesley still had not returned and I was growing concerned. I could hear Rose yelling for Adam, though I knew he was at the same meeting. What were my parents doing to keep them so long? At seven, Wesley finally entered the room covered in dirt.

  “Did you have to dig your way out of a hole?” I asked as he started to strip off his clothing.

  “No, we started building a hospital floor under the second barn. Figured we needed somewhere to keep the people if something like this happened again.” I watched him as he grabbed a clean pile of clothes and walked out into the hall in just his boxers.

  “You have no shame!” I called after him.

  “I don’t have anything they haven’t already seen some time, somehow,” he said and I broke out into laughter.

  I watched another half hour of a movie that I wasn’t even paying attention to. When Wesley returned to the room, he looked refreshed. I glanced at the scars that outlined his neck, shoulders, and back. I still had not mustered the nerve to ask him what each bite was. I wasn’t even sure if he knew what they were anyway.

  “Feel better?” I asked, following him as he walked around the room.

  “Much.” He sighed and laid down on the bed, taking my hand in his he lifted it to his lips, kissing it briefly.

  “So a hospital, huh,” I said, glancing at him.

  “Yeah. After what happened here and all over the country we wanted to be ready.” He squeezed my hand.

  “So they think this will happen again?” I asked.

  “Most definitely. We talked to the other compounds that were hit, not a single one of them said that the attacking forces were led by a redhead.” He looked exhausted.

  “So Miranda wasn’t at any of the attacks,” I groaned.

  “No she wasn’t. Neither was John.” He yawned.

  “So Sheridan is keeping her key players alive. What is she waiting for?” I asked, knowing full well he was going to pass out in a few moments.

  “Confirmation,” he said.

  “Of what?”

  “That an attack would end in the death of all four of you.” The words flowed out of his mouth smoothly.

  “How can she get that if she doesn’t have you?” My head was spinning.

  “Because she has Nick.” He yawned again.

  “How can she have Nick if the council took him?” I felt like I was going to be sick.

  “They found an empty car about twenty miles outside of Tucson.” He looked at me with heavy eyes.

  “Someone sprang him then,” I groaned.

  “That is what it looks like. All three council members with him were found dead in the desert.” He fluttered his eyes. “There’s more but I am so tired.”

  “It’s fine. Get some rest.” I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled.

  “It’s so funny,” he said, closing his eyes.

  “What is?”

  “If you asked me six weeks ago if I was going to be back in your arms I would have laughed.” He rolled on his side facing me as his face relaxed.

  I watched as his breathing slowed. He was asleep. I leaned back further into my pillow, thinking of the information that he had just given me. Miranda and John were nowhere on the battlefield when each compound was attacked. What was Sheridan up to?

  It didn’t make any sense to me. Miranda would want to be with her people. She wouldn’t want to sit back and let them die. I had seen her, she cared about the individuals in her camp. They were what gave her life. John made sense. He stayed wherever Miranda was. He couldn’t care less if any died; all he cared about was his meal ticket.


  I felt great the next morning. My body was no longer in pain and my wound had pretty much healed the rest of the way overnight. I was even able to pull a few flames into my palms without wearing myself out.

  “Looks like you are feeling better,” Wesley said, walking into the bedroom at noon.

  “Yeah. I think I’m good enough to get out of this prison.” I gave him a smile.

  “You want to see the hospital?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Of course!” I exclaimed, crawling out of bed and looking at my feet. I had been in the same clothes for several days and I didn’t smell too pleasant. “But first, a shower and a fresh outfit. How could you lay next to me? I smell like roadkill!”

  “Didn’t notice,” he said, lifting an eyebrow. “Do you need any help?”

  “No, I got this.” I walked uncomfortably across the room and pulled clothes from my dresser. I glanced at him and sighed. “Give me an hour.”

  “An hour?” He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

  “Yeah. It’s going to take me twenty minutes just to get to the bathroom. Good Lord, I’m stiff,” I laughed, padding out of the room and down the hall.

  I turned on the hot water and let the room fill with steam before crawling inside the ceramic tub and letting it pelt against my skin. The water felt amazing. I lathered my hair with my lilac-scented shampoo and rinsed it thoroughly. Scrubbing my body with my luffa, I felt rejuvenated. I stood there a few more minutes before deciding to turn the water off. I grabbed the towel I had so nicely laid on the toilet seat and wrapped it around my body. I pulled my toothbrush out of the drawer and placed the toothpaste on it.

  I barely had the brush in my mouth when I looked up. The brush fell. Staring back at me was Prudence. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a gaping hole in the side of her head. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. This had to be a hallucination. When I opened them, I was staring at myself but written across the mirror was ‘I’m watching you.’ That did it for me. I screamed.

  “Dawn!” Wesley yelled, banging on the bathroom door. I cursed under my breath and wiped my hand across the mirror. The message disappeared.

  My hands were shaking when I opened the door. Wesley pushed past me, looking for someone or something in the room with me, only to find that I was alone.

  “I’m fine,” I stammered, hoping that I had left no proof of what had just happened.

  “You sure?” He put his hands on my bare shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

  I nodded. “Yeah,” I said again and forced a smile. I grabbed my clothes and left the bathroom in a rush.

  “You are not acting like you are OK,” Wesley said, following me with long strides.

  “I saw a spider,” I lied.

  “Since when are you scared of spiders?” he asked. As I rounded the corner into my room, he was hot on my heels.

sp; “It smiled at me.” I closed my eyes tight and mumbled to myself.

  “I think you just need some fresh air. Get dressed,” he said, taking a seat on the bed.

  I turned to look at him and frowned.

  “What do you think you are doing?” I asked him.

  “What? It’s not like you don’t have anything that I haven’t already seen,” he teased me.

  I gave him an irritated scowl.

  “Please,” I stated.

  My heart was still pounding. All I could see was Prudence staring back at me with that hole in her head.

  “Fine.” He gave in. “You have ten minutes.”

  “That’s all I need,” I smiled as he got up from the bed and left the room, looking over his shoulder twice before shutting the door.

  I collapsed on the bed, trying to steady my breathing. Why was I seeing things? I pulled on my clothes and brushed my wet hair, putting it in a loop on the top of my head to keep the wet strands from leaving water marks on my clothing. My jeans were looser than usual which amazed me. I had never been a large girl but the size sevens I was wearing used to fit tight on my hips.

  “You done in there?” Wesley said from outside the door. I cracked a smile and turned the knob.

  “Sure,” I said as he looked at me.

  “I have to admit I think I like what you were sleeping in better.” He teased me and I reached over and smacked him on the arm.

  “Do I look thinner?” I asked, pulling on the waist of my jeans.

  “A bit. Don’t worry, we will put some weight on you.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me down the stairs.

  “I think you need it more than me.” I put my hand on his stomach and he rolled his eyes.

  “Unlike you, no matter what I eat I will gain absolutely nothing.” We stopped in the entryway. “Call it the curse of my mother.”

  “Why did we stop?” I asked.

  “You aren’t the only one that miraculously got well overnight. Helen was able to have her neck brace taken off today. Your brother offered her the same deal that I offered you. He told me to wait here for them.” Wesley grinned and looked around the room.

  “I find it odd that you know this place so well,” I laughed.

  “Of course, when I came here your room still had a crib in it. Your parents really had a thing for pink,” he shivered.


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