The Wardens Boxed Set

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The Wardens Boxed Set Page 97

by Heather D Glidewell

  “Yeah. I would have to agree with you on that one,” he said quietly.

  “What are you watching?” I asked, cracking my eyes to look at the screen.

  “Nothing important.” He laughed and went to close the screen.

  “Is that Legion?” I asked, wanting to laugh.

  “Yeah,” he said, managing to get the top closed.

  “You doing research or something?” I quieted my giggle.

  “Ha ha.” He looked at me blankly. “It’s a good movie.”

  “I agree.” I reached for his hand and gripped it tightly.

  “Your mother doesn’t mind that I’ve been sleeping in here with you, does she?” he asked me out of the blue.

  “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t asked her. Yet since the night of those dreams I don’t think she really cares anymore.” I yawned and cuddled up to him.

  His body was like a mixture of hot and cold. One second I would get the warm blood of the were and then the cold of the vampire. It came in handy, since my body fluctuated in temperature as well. The cold part of me loved the heat while the hot relished the cold.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked softly, feeling sleep calling.

  “If you are implying what I think you are, then no. Your mother took care of me earlier.” He squeezed my hand.

  “How often does it happen?” I asked, yawning again.

  “Every few days. It doesn’t take much. No need to go changing water to blood for me anytime soon,” he teased.

  “You just think you are so funny.” My voice faded. The darkness was calling. I felt his lips on my head.

  “Get some rest, my love,” he whispered.

  “You, too.” I don’t even know if I said the last part or if I just thought it. No matter; he knew I was tired.


  I woke up the next morning alone. Stretching, I looked at the ceiling. Why it fascinated me I cannot explain. I looked at the walls and grimaced at the large amount of pink. Remembering what Wesley and I discussed the day before, I stood up, rubbed my hands together and touched the wall. Closing my eyes I thought of every color but pink. I would be happy with just about anything else, so whatever color I got I would be happy with.

  I waited a few seconds and opened my eyes, marveling at my work. My walls had indeed changed; instead of the crappy pink they were a dark blue with specks of white. In fact, they looked a lot like the stars at night. I smiled to myself, proud of what I had done. I looked around the room and closed my eyes again. Moving my hands in a circle, I thought of something different. I even added in a large TV on the wall. When I opened them I was filled with joy. All these new powers. I looked at the door. I knew just what to do with them.

  I rolled out of bed and slid on my flip-flops. Fixing my crazy hair with just my fingers and a hair tie I left my room and walked down the stairs.

  “Where’s Mom?” I asked when I saw my father sitting at the table alone eating cereal.

  “She took Adam and Rose to Midvale,” he said and my heart fell.

  “He said they were leaving in two days,” I said sadly.

  “Your mom thought it best to head back now. Rose was better but she needed a change of scenery.” My dad looked at me like he was trying to read me.

  “I didn’t get to say goodbye,” I mumbled.

  “You will see him sooner than you think, honey. Rose will be home in a few weeks and she will be rested and well received.” My father tried to smile but he was still looking at me strangely.

  “Understandable. Have you seen Wesley?” I asked, changing subjects.

  “He and Marshall left a few hours ago to get some supplies.” He pointed at a note on the table.

  “Hours? Dad, Harrisville is two minutes away,” I retorted.

  “I think they said they were going to the city. Apparently Harrisville doesn’t have what they were looking for. Shawn gave them some names and a few addresses.” He looked back at his cereal. “How do you eat this crap?”

  “With a spoon,” I replied. “I’m going to go find Helen and Krista then.”

  “They’re out back. Helen is in her field with some of her weaker troops and Krista is in hers doing something,” he said, pointing.

  “Something?” I laughed.

  “She does weird things, like making them lie on the ground and be one with the wind,” he said, mocking her.

  “Must be something that Max taught her,” I laughed.

  “Must be,” he repeated.

  “All right. I will see you in a bit,” I said, walking towards the door.

  “Dawn?” he asked.

  “What’s up, Dad?” I turned around and glanced at him.

  “Mona told me everything.” He put the spoon down. “We will get her back into her body as soon as we can.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Remind me to punch her for opening the link that I never knew was there,” I said dryly, turning back towards the door.

  Well that was mean. I heard Prudence in my head again.

  I’m not going to get used to this you know, I warned her.

  I’m quite used to it already, she said sternly.

  Of course you are. You’ve been in there for months just listening, I groaned in my head.

  My father was looking at me, puzzled. Then I realized I was still standing at the back door having a conversation with myself. I smiled at him awkwardly, turned the doorknob and walked outside into the warm sunshine.

  I made my way through the field, stopping for a second to gaze at the sky. I had no idea why I found it so interesting that day. Most days I was never impressed with the daylight. It was the night that consumed me.

  I made it to Krista relatively quickly, all things considered. She was working with her group on basic weather maneuvers. She looked at me and smiled. Putting her finger up, she came running towards me.

  “What’s going on?” she asked me with her sweet voice.

  “Just checking on you,” I said looking around the field. I actually had no idea why I had sought her out.

  “Doing fine. You OK?” She looked concerned.

  “Yeah,” I said and she gave me a stern look. “OK, no.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Adam went home to Midvale,” I said trying not to tear up.

  “Yeah I know. Rose went with him,” she said softly.

  “I didn’t get to say goodbye,” I pouted.

  “None of us did. I woke up this morning and went to her room. Nothing was there, everything was gone,” she said sadly.

  “He said she will be back in a few weeks. She just needs a break,” I sighed. This wasn’t making me feel any better.

  “Kim is here. She came in last night. Apparently the old farmhouse has quite a few people as well. They are coming out of the woodwork it would seem.” Krista touched my shoulder. “You know they are going to be OK. Right?”

  “Yeah. I know that they are both in good hands.” I crossed my arms like I was hugging myself.

  “You are upset. He’s your protector and yet he seems to spend more time protecting Rose.” Krista was sympathetic but she was far from the actual truth.

  “That is probably it. I will be over it soon,” I smiled weakly. “I will let you get back to it.”

  “You know, I’m surprised you aren’t with your group today. Shawn pulled everyone out of bed at the crack of dawn.” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I was told that I had to take a few more days to finish healing,” I said.

  “You seem healed to me,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah, well you tell my brother that,” I groaned.

  “I will find you after practice, OK?” she said, hugging me.

  I put my head on her shoulder. The hug was warm and something that I needed. I was sad when she pulled away and looked me in the eyes. I could tell she was concerned.

  “OK,” I said simply as I turned around and started the walk back towards the house.

/>   I should have probably spent the day doing something restful. Maybe read a book or watched a movie I hadn’t seen in a long time. I rolled my eyes. I had been doing all of that for the last week. I wanted to be in the field with my people. I wanted my sword in my hand, sparring with my brother. I wanted this other presence out of my body.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” I heard a voice ask in the shadows. I turned my head towards Edmund and growled. Today his power was going to have no control over me.

  “Your girlfriend is driving me mad,” I snapped at him.

  “I’m sure.” He laughed and stepped closer to the edge of the shadows.

  “How did she even wind up in Purgatory anyway?” I asked. Right now a conversation was better than counting the bumps on the ceiling.

  “Prudence is a very old being. Even you have said that power comes with age. She was Sheridan’s friend. When Xic left Sheridan, before Miranda was born, Prudence told her that she deserved it for the way that she was treating him.” Edmund frowned. “Sheridan sent her there. Which is why I find it odd now that Sheridan ever thought that Prudence would be on her side.”

  “What does she look like?” I asked. So this woman was as old as Miranda’s mother.

  “You’ve seen her. You don’t think that, by going undercover as her, she didn’t influence the way you looked?” He laughed at me like I was a child.

  “I don’t follow,” I said, confused.

  “She looks like you.” He laughed again. I was becoming irritated by the vampire.

  “How is that possible?” I crossed my arms and glared at him.

  “Do you really think that each soul is new? Do you truly believe that a body cannot be replicated to house another soul?” Edmund took a few more steps. I could hear Prudence purring in my mind.

  “I don’t know what I believe,” I scoffed.

  “When you were a little girl what did you call your religion?” He looked at me, his eyes narrowing.

  “The Church of Dawn,” I said, cracking a smile. “Don’t laugh at me, I was a kid.”

  “You still are in many ways. Still, the resemblance between the two of you is uncanny.” How can a simple hair color and eye color make that much of a difference? He was moving closer to me again. I couldn’t have another episode like last night. Wesley would have killed Edmund if it had been allowed.

  “I wouldn’t come too close,” I told him, putting my hand up.

  “Do I scare you now, young one?” He cocked his head to the side and looked at me curiously.

  “No, you make me nervous right now. The last thing I need is Wesley trying to be all big and bad.” I shook my head at him.

  “That little anomaly of yours isn’t going to do any damage to me. He is strong, yes, but he lacks the most important element.” Edmund chuckled to himself.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “Age. He’s just a baby.” Edmund put his hands up in surrender. “However I will agree with you about getting too close. I can sense her when I’m near you and it does all but drive me mad.”

  “What is she like?” I stretched my arms to the sky and moaned as my back popped.

  “She’s amazing. So elegant and refined. The way she speaks makes the angels sing.” He looked love-struck.

  I grumbled and stomped my feet.

  “You have five minutes.” I saw the smile spread across his lips.

  Don’t read too far into this, I told her when she squealed in my head.

  I wouldn’t look, she said as she took over my body.

  I cowered in the back of my mind with my memories. Playing through the old images that still haunted me. Adam’s face seemed to be the most dominant image. His brown eyes were always so large and innocent, like a child. The brown hair that had started out spiky now hung past his ears.

  I chose to ignore what was happening outside my mind. I found that I could be content just standing there and staring at these memories. This way there was less pain, less fear. I reached out and touched Adam’s face in the image.

  Dawn! Dawn! Prudence’s thoughts tore through my head like a bullet.

  What? I asked, perturbed that she had invaded my moment. I had never invaded hers. Well, not that I knew of at least.

  You have company. Her voice was stressed.

  Well if you were making out with Edmund it is probably Wesley again, I said sternly.

  No not Wesley. Her voice was excited.

  Then who the hell is it? I demanded, fighting for control of my body.

  My eyes focused on Edmund’s face first. His eyes were wide and his mouth was tight. It would appear he was just as irritated at the interruption as I was. I turned my head towards the intruder.

  “Hi, Dawn.” His voice was the same as it had always been before. I looked at him and choked down my saliva.

  “How is this possible?” I breathed, reaching for Edmund to steady me.

  “I had to go into hiding. To protect the two of you,” he said, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.

  “I watched her die, you son of a bitch!” Rage surged through me as I leapt for the man, my fingers spread, fire in my eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen: Lies! More Lies!

  “Dawn, calm down.” Edmund said, soothing me after Chase, my stepfather, had grabbed me around the waist.

  “She was at your funeral!” I screamed at him, fighting Edmund’s tight hold.

  “I’m sorry, Dawn,” he said apologetically.

  “She’s not here. Does she know? Does she know that you are alive?” I demanded. I felt Edmund tighten his grip.

  “No, she doesn’t.” He gave me another look and then glanced away.

  “You are a selfish bastard!” I screamed at him. The tears started to fall down my face. Edmund flipped me around and threw his arms around me.

  “If you would hear me out you might actually understand,” he pleaded.

  “Why would I want to hear you out? You left her,” I spat.

  “Because I did it to save both of you,” he said again. I didn’t care about the pained expression on his face. I hated him.

  “Sir, I would suggest getting out of her direct sight,” Edmund warned. “I am quite strong but one more thing she says about hurting someone I may just let her go.”

  “Understood,” he said, walking away from us.

  “Who was that?” Edmund demanded as he let me go.

  “That was my mother’s husband, Nick’s uncle. We were told he was dead!” I felt the tears swelling my eyes and I fought to regain composure but all I did was sob onto Edmund’s shoulder, gripping on to the back of his black shirt tightly as the vampire consoled me.


  I had wept on Edmund’s shirt for quite some time before he put his hands on my shoulders and forced me back to arms’ distance. I heard glass shatter from the direction of the house. Edmund and I looked at each other, confused, and then headed off towards the manor at full speed.

  I was still not as fast as a vampire but I did have enough speed at least to keep up with one for a short time. Edmund threw me out of the way just as my stepfather was thrown through a second-story window. I picked myself up off the ground and dusted off my butt. I made sure to give Edmund a nice pissed smile.

  Wesley jumped out the exposed hole to the ground below. His eyes were red as fire; his fangs were extended. Sometimes I forgot he wasn’t human. This, though, this was not one of those times. He looked pissed as he came at my stepfather again.

  “Why are you here?” Wesley demanded, grabbing the man by the throat and holding him six inches off the ground.

  “Damn it, Wesley,” my stepfather choked.

  Wesley dropped him to the ground and started pacing, growling under his breath.

  “How do you know him?” I glared at my stepfather.

  “Pay no mind to that.” I looked at Wesley, awaiting an answer.

  “He’s a Peterson.” Wesley wouldn’t stop moving; it almost looked li
ke he was stalking his prey.

  “So is my mother by marriage, but you haven’t tried to rip her throat out?” I yelled at him.

  “Ask him who he works for.” Wesley looked at me. “Ask him!”

  I jumped. The anger in Wesley’s voice was more than I could handle. I heatedly looked back at my stepdad.

  “Who do you work for?” I demanded.

  He looked at me, dumbfounded. There was pain in his eyes. He didn’t speak.

  “Yeah, Chase, who are you working for these days?” my father asked, walking out of the house in his signature suit and a cigar in his mouth.

  “Shit!” My stepfather’s voice faltered. “I should have known that you would be here, Damien.”

  “Yes, you should have.” My father smiled at him cruelly.

  “I was protecting my family,” he said, glancing at Wesley.

  “Correction. You were protecting my family,” my father bit at him.

  “Dawn.” His face turned to me. “I didn’t know what was happening. I was following orders.”

  “So tell me Chase, how is Sheridan these days?” my father asked. His eyes were turning black.

  “Sheridan!” I screamed, lunging for him again. This time nobody stopped me as my body flew into his.

  I had him down on the ground, my fists furiously pounding into his face. Tears were streaming down mine. How could he hurt my mother? How could he let her fall apart? I thought he loved her. It only felt like seconds but could have been minutes before I felt a set of strong arms pulling me from my stepfather’s body. I looked down at him, fighting the hands that held me. I didn’t care who they belonged to, I just wanted to beat the hell out of him. If he wasn’t dead after all, I was going to make sure he wished he was.

  “Dawn, calm down,” I heard my father’s voice in my ear.

  “How can I calm down?” I screamed.

  “How did you find us, Chase?” my father asked, holding on to me tightly as I fought.

  “When I heard about the attacks in the States I left Iraq. I made my way home to the house in El Paso to find that it was empty. The neighbor told me that they had moved to Midvale so I drove to Missouri. I stopped at the local gas station and asked about Dawn and her mother. I figured that Angie would go back to Weathers but I also knew that Dawn was the most recognizable out of the two. The lady pointed me outside of town where I found the house with Dawn’s car parked in the driveway. Nobody was home. I remembered Angie telling me that if anything ever happened and she had to get out of town with Dawn, she would come to Harrisville. So I got in my car and came here.” My stepdad was rubbing his face. I was amazed, after all that wailing not even a single welt burned his skin.


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