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Forever Tied

Page 1

by Masters, Derek

  Forever Tied

  Derek Masters



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Ireland Forever

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  Derek’s Dirty Subs

  The Flirt Club


  As the plane descended through the clouds, I watched with giddy anticipation as Ireland came into view. It had always been my dream to visit Ireland so when my husband handed me a card with airline tickets inside, I jumped up and down with excitement.

  Chris loved making a big deal about special occasions. He never let me celebrate a birthday without a big party or an anniversary without a special dinner. This trip was big, however, even for him. He told me it was because this was a milestone. We were celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary.

  We made the most of our time in Dublin and hit all the typical tourist spots. We went shopping on Grafton Street. We fed the ducks in St. Stephens Green. We checked out The Little Museum of Dublin. We viewed art at The National Gallery of Ireland. We walked Merrion Square. We even visited the Phoenix Park and Dublin Zoo. If there was a place listed as a must-see Dublin attraction, we didn’t miss it.

  On our actual anniversary, I could tell that my husband was planning something big, and I had no idea what it could have been. What could be bigger than a trip to Ireland? I tried to ask small questions here and there, but he just smiled and remained silent. My imagination had been going wild all day, especially when I woke up and he was nowhere to be found. The flat he had rented for the week had an enormous bathtub, so I decided to relax while I waited for him to return.

  As the water was running, the sound of someone banging on the apartment door made me nearly jump out of my skin. Since my husband was forgetful, I was sure that he had left and didn’t bother to take the key with him. I debated surprising him by answering the door nude, but I thought better of it. Instead, I threw on my robe and opened the door. It was a good thing I went that route, because there was a courier waiting on the other side.

  “Rebecca Shelton?” The courier asked.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Sign here,” he said, handing over a clipboard.

  I signed next to my printed name and was handed a medium sized manilla envelope. I thanked the man, closed the door, and took the envelope to the dining room table. There was no return address, so it had to have been sent locally. I assumed my husband had sent me a card or some other type of anniversary gift. Instead, I found a magnetic key card and a handwritten note.

  Clontarf Castle

  Room 417

  7:00 pm

  Don’t be late

  A castle? I was going to get to stay in a castle? I was so excited that I was shaking, I was sure he would have wanted me to see the castle for the first time in person, but I couldn’t wait. I pulled out my laptop and looked up their website. I was amazed to see how nice everything was. It was a far cry from the typical Days Inn that we were used to staying at when we went on trips. Looking at the prices, my husband had spared no expense in getting a room for us to enjoy. I’d have to make sure to show him my appreciation later.

  I took a look at my watch and noticed that I had about four hours before I needed to be at the Castle. I decided to go ahead and take my bath. I normally took a book into the tub with me, but I didn’t even bother with one this time. There was no way I would have been able to concentrate on reading anything. My mind was focused on what my husband had in mind for me that evening and what was going to happen. It’s amazing how your imagination can run wild even when you have absolutely no idea of what was to come.

  I packed my necessities into an overnight duffel bag and called for an Uber. I hoped I had given myself enough time to make it to the castle. Once I was in the car and on my way, I started questioning why I hadn’t left earlier. There was a ton of traffic and I had no clue how I was going to make it in time. His note had told me not to be late and I didn’t want to upset him, especially on our anniversary Fortunately, I made it to the castle with about 15 minutes left to spare.


  Entering the lobby of the castle, it became painfully obvious that I was way out of my element. I tried not to make it obvious that I was a tourist, but I was sure I stood out like a sore thumb with my mouth hanging wide open as I looked around me. Although my husband always makes sure that I have an amazing anniversary, I certainly didn’t expect to be standing in a swanky castle, looking at the marble walls and paintings that looked as though the belonged in a high-end museum.

  Looking around, I realized just how underdressed I was. I was surrounded by men wearing full suits and women dressed in swanky ball gowns. I, on the other hand, was dressed as casual as could be, wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a t-shirt that my husband had bought me at a concert that we had attended together.

  I was standing in the center of the lobby, looking around and sticking out like a sore thumb. Eventually, one of the bellhops took notice and approached me.

  “Ma’am, is there something I can help you with?”

  “Oh, yes, my husband got us a room and I’m supposed to meet him here.”

  “Great, are you waiting for him or do you already have a room key?”

  “I have one. I’ll be staying in room 417.”

  “Perfect, let me grab your bag and I’ll show you to your room.”

  The gentlemen led me onto the elevator, taking me up to the fourth floor. After taking my key from me, he unlocked my door and sat my bag inside the room.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you?” he asked as he placed my key card onto a desk.

  “No, I think I’m good. Thank you so much for your help,” I replied, handing him a tip of 5 euros.

  “If you need anything at all, please come see us in the lobby.”

  As soon as the door closed, I spun around checked out the room. It was absolutely amazing. I could barely believe my own eyes. The huge space was easily half the size of my apartment. It was decorated with enough fine artwork that it could have been used in an art gallery exhibit.

  Next, I turned my attention to the bed. It was enormous with a pillow-top mattress. It looked as thought it was made of clouds. Once I sat down on it, I realized how right I was. The bed was so soft and fluffy that I couldn’t wait to fall asleep in it while wrapped up in my husband’s arms.

  Speaking of Chris, where in the hell was he. After receiving his note that morning, I figured he would have been in the room waiting for me but alas, I was all by myself. I was sure it was only a matter of time before he was there with me.

  While sitting on the bed, I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. There was a small, black box sitting on the desk. I wasn’t sure how I missed it at first, but I did. I opened the box to find some sexy lingerie. It was black and purple, which are my two favorite colors. There was also a very sexy bra and pair of sheer, silk panties. Under the negligee, there was a blindfold and another note that my husband had written for me. I smiled as soon as I saw the note and opened it as quickly as I could.

  Hello my love.

  If you are reading this note, you are already in the room. It’s fantastic, isn’t it? Only the best for you. I will be joining you in the room before you know it, but before I arrive, I have some very specific instructions that I’m going to need you to follow.

  First, I need you get into the bathtub immediately so you are as fresh and clean as possible. Of course, I know you so I know that you have already bathed before making your way to the castle, but I want you to take another bath anyway, so get cleaned
up again.

  When you get out of the bath, immediately put on the black lingerie I left for you. Nothing else. After that, I need you to watch the clock. As soon as the clock hits 8:00 pm, take the blindfold out of the box and put it on yourself. There will be no cheating so make sure you can’t see anything.

  We have talked about your fantasies before and you’ve always mentioned wanting to be dominated, so I’m going to show you just how dominant I can be. Once the blindfold is securely in place, you no longer have permission to speak unless a question is asked of you directly. You are also not allowed to remove the blindfold for any reason unless you are told to of you’ve been alone in the room and I call you on the phone. You have a special ringtone for me, so it won’t be necessary to look to see who is calling. If it’s not me calling, you do not answer.

  I’ll see you soon, baby.


  The note Chris had written excited me. I loved when he took control of me in the bedroom and had always been very open about my desire to be roughly dominated. My heart was beating quickly at the thought of what he had in store for me.

  I looked at the clock and saw that I had just under an hour before I had to have my blindfold on. I began to run a bath, but I decided to take a shower instead because I was afraid that I would daydream about what Chris could possibly have in store for me and lose track of time. The last thing I wanted was to ruin his plans by not being ready as he demanded.

  After the shower, I quickly toweled myself off and fetched my lotion out of my overnight bag. It was my husband’s favorite scent, although he likes to joke that the glitter in it makes him feel like he just came out of a strip club. I loved wearing it for him because I knew it drove him wild. I love it when he tells me I smell good enough to eat. I was hoping he would do exactly that.

  Once I was all lotion up, I got dressed in the black, lacy lingerie he bought for me. Right before 8:00, I sat down in a chair facing the door and put the blindfold on, securing it to make sure it stayed in place and that I couldn’t see anything at all. I was shaking with excitement that I had to do some breathing exercises to help keep my nerves at ease.

  The minutes felt like hours and I could hear the second hand of the clock ticking by slowly. Finally, I heard a loud noise at the door. Although I was waiting for him to arrive, the sound startled me enough to make me jump. I started to say something, but remembered he ordered me to remain silent unless I was spoken to once I put the blindfold on.

  I listened to his footsteps moving throughout the room. The steps were heavy and I was wondering why shoes he could have been wearing to make such a sound. I followed the sound, trying to picture where he was in the room. He was moving slowly and taking his time, no doubt doing so in an attempt to make me wait and heighten my anticipation.

  After listening to him fumble around with something, music began filling the room. It began at a very low volume, but was made louder and louder by the second. The music wasn’t loud enough so that anyone outside the room would want to complain about it to staff, but it was loud enough to ensure that any sounds made inside the room wouldn’t be heard by anyone outside the door.

  I sat there listening to the music playing and waiting impatiently for whatever was going to come next. No longer could I hear where he was in the room. The music took away the ability to follow along, which I could only assume was the point.

  From out of nowhere, I felt a sensation as something brushed across both of my nipples. I wanted to whimper with pleasure and surprise, but wasn’t sure if even that type of noise was going to be allowed.

  I could feel my bra tightening against my body and the next thing I knew, I felt fingers working on the clasp. Before I knew it, my bra was loosened and slid off my shoulders, exposing my breasts. Although I couldn’t see them, I could feel that my nipples were rock hard as the air hit them.

  Feeling extremely exposed, I felt like I should be covering my body. I knew the feeling was insane. There wasn’t a single part of my body that Chris hadn’t seen, touched, or tasted since before we were even married. I had no reason whatsoever to fee embarrassed or self-conscious.

  I could feel him approaching me from behind, but I wasn’t about to move one single muscle. Inches from my neck, he inhaled my scent, no doubt smelling the lotion I put on for him. The feeling of his breath on my neck cause goosebumps to form all over my body. Inching closer, he eventually pressed his body against mine, reaching around, grabbing both of my breasts in hands and squeezing them.

  For the first time, I could tell that the man in the room with me was not my husband. Chris has large, soft hands. This man’s hands were rough, as if he worked construction of a similar field. I wasn’t sure what to think, but my husband and I had always discussed bringing someone else into the bedroom. This could have been his way to surprise me with it.


  The stranger was taking my nipples between his fingertips and squeezing them hard. Although I was supposed to remain silent, I couldn’t help but to gasp and arch my back at the sudden sensations. Each time he touched my nipples, I could feel my clit start to throb. Each twist and pull turned me on more and more. I was moaning and whimpering ever so softly, hoping that my sounds wouldn’t count as speaking. Almost as quickly as the touching began, his fingers were gone. I wanted to yell out for him to continue doing what he was doing, but I had my orders.

  Even though I wasn’t able to hear his footsteps over the music, I could sense that he was standing directly in front of me. I was right. He reached down between my legs with one hand. With no preparation of foreplay, he pushed a couple of his fingers inside of me. Fortunately for me, I was already dripping wet from the anticipation and the man playing with my nipples. His fingers met no resistance whatsoever.

  I was feeling a bit self-aware at the thought that this man was going to think I was a total whore since my pussy was so wet from barely any contact. I wanted to explain myself, but knew that I couldn’t say anything unless I was spoken to first.

  The man moved his fingers around inside of me. My knees buckled as I felt him curling them within me. After just a couple of minutes, he slid those fingers out of me and moved them to my lips. He caressed them for a minute or so before pushing them inside of my mouth.

  “Suck all of your juices off my fingers,” the deep, throaty growl commanded.

  I was right. This definitely wasn’t my husband, but I wasn’t about to ignore his demands. I sucked his fingers, taking note of how sweet I tasted. This turned me on even more.

  With his fingers still in my mouth, he used his other hand to push against my chest, knocking me off balance and sending me back down into the chair. I yelled out involuntarily as I fell as the blindfold left me having no idea where I was in the room in relation to the other objects in it.

  The man didn’t like the fact that I yelled out. He grabbed my arms, pulled them behind the chair and tied my wrists behind me. He repeated the same thing with my legs, attaching me to the chair by my ankles. My breathing became shallow, my body became tense, and I was starting to get nervous. I was completely helpless and had no idea who was in the room with me.

  Once he had secured me to his satisfaction, he grabbed me inside the knees and yanked my legs apart. I had been telling my husband lately about how I had fantasies of being used and taken with force and it seemed that he may have passed on the message. The man was being extremely rough and spread my legs a little further than was comfortable for me, but I adjusted quite quickly when I felt the warmth of the man’s mouth on my pussy.

  I wanted to grab the back of his head so badly while he licked and sucked on my clit. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair as he buried his tongue deep inside my hungry hole. I wanted to dig my nails into his shoulders as he used his teeth to nibble at my clit, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make me wonder how far he was going to take it.

  The feeling of his mouth and tongue all over me was more than I could take. I moaned loudly, knowing I wasn’t allowed to bu
t not being able to help myself. As soon as my lips parted to allow the sound to escape, a cock was shoved into my mouth. This was when I realized there was a third person in the room. I gagged a bit as she shoved his dick all the way into the back of my throat, but recovered nicely.

  I couldn’t believe I was tied to a chair while two men were having their way with me. Although I had no clue who was going down on me, the cock in my mouth felt familiar. It was the perfect length and thickness. It had to belong to Chris.

  The cock in my mouth was pushed into the back of my throat over and over again, causing me to gag several times. I was finding it difficult to breathe as tears began to well up inside of my blindfold. Just as I thought I wasn’t going to be able to take it anymore, he pulled his dick back to where the tip was resting on my tongue. I used this as an opportunity to suck in as much air as I could in case he shoved it back in quickly.

  When I felt like I could breathe again, I closed my lips around his thickness and started moving it in and out of my mouth. The man between my legs was still licking and sucking on my clit. He also went back to pumping his fingers in and out of my wet pussy.


  I started moving my hips as the mystery man worked his mouth on my pussy. Each moment that passed only caused my excitement to grow more and more. I was getting so close to getting off while the cock in my mouth was being shoved in and out of my throat once again. Each time I let out a moan, the dick was moved in and out even faster.

  Unable to hold it in any longer, an intense orgasm hit me. As my legs tensed up, the cock was pushed as far back into my throat as it could go. I wanted to scream out but there was no way for me to make a sound. My legs were shaking and my tight hole had a firm grip on the fingers inside it.


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