The Mystery of the Lingeshwar Temple and the Lurking Shadows

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The Mystery of the Lingeshwar Temple and the Lurking Shadows Page 3

by Laxmi Natraj

  Nakul walked in cautiously and looked around. The room was large and spacious but looked messy. On the side of the wall, there were two large windows, which were closed . An old table near the wall was loaded with a large pile of papers and books. Nakul went near the table and flipped through the papers. They were all notes, written in Sanskrit and English, about some Vedanta with its meanings, explanations, etc. He skimmed through some pages and dropped them back with disinterest. Looking around he found the large wooden closet on the other side of the wall.

  He opened it. It was filled with John’s Indian clothes and some formal suits. There was a small safe on one side. It was not locked. On opening it, he found two US passports and some travel papers. He opened John’s passport. He had an Indian Visa for one year for his research work. He flipped through the pages. John had travelled to France, Italy, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Julia’s passport, which was also placed there, mentioned her name as Julia Longman. She had also travelled to the same places and her last visit was Afghanistan. Her Visa was valid for three months and the purpose of her visit was mentioned as a tourist. Nakul looked up at Shiva and whistled.

  Shiva looked at him wide eyed as he quipped, “Sir, do you find anything odd in the passport?”

  Nakul said, “You told me Julia is John’s sister. But from her passport, I can’t find any evidence of her relation to John. Her father and mother are different and her surname is also different. Neither was she a research scholar. Who was she and why did she come to see John here? Do you have any idea?”

  Shiva looked shocked and stammered, “Sir, John told Purohitji that she was his sister and had come to meet him because John had been travelling for two years and had not met her. That is why Purohitji allowed her also to stay here with John! Oh God! If the villagers come to know that they were not siblings, they will get so upset with Purohitji!”

  Nakul said, “Don’t worry! We need not tell the villagers the truth. Even your father can be told later. But Shiva, there is not a single paper here to show something specific about John. Are you sure that someone did not come here and clean the room before we came?”

  Shiva said, “Sir, the key I bought is only the duplicate key. John had the original key with him. After he was killed someone could have come here and……” As he talked he looked around and exclaimed, “Oh God! Sir, John’s Laptop! It is not on the table. That means someone has definitely come here and cleaned the room.” One of the closed window’s doors opened in the strong breeze and banged shut again.

  Shiva said,” Oh God, this window is open. In that case someone could have come in through this and taken away John’s belongings.” As the window banged for a second time, he ran near the window and bolted it. He checked the other window to make sure that it was bolted. Nakul just stood watching his panic with mounting anger. Turning towards Nakul he said, “Sir, maybe someone could have escaped through the window of this room and left it unlocked.”

  Nakul stared at Shiva angrily for a second and then said in an irritated voice, “Ok Shiva, show me Julia’s room now. Let me see her papers also. Where are her belongings?”

  They came down the stairs and Shiva lead him to Julia’s room. It was not locked. Nakul pushed the door open and entered. Clothes were scattered on the bed. He went to the closet and examined it carefully. There was a safe in this cabinet also. But it was empty. A lot of clothes hung on hangers. Nakul put his hand through them and searched behind the hanging clothes. He found a travel bag kept behind the clothes. He yanked it out and keeping it on the chair opened it. The bag was totally empty. There was absolutely nothing there.

  He looked up at Shiva and said, “Are you sure no one opened this room and searched for things or something? She had kept a bag here which is of a type where people keep their important papers. It means she was keeping something safe in it. But now it is empty! Who will keep an empty bag safely hidden behind the clothes?”

  As he was talking a big gush of wind blew and threw open the doors of the window and some old waste papers on the bed started flying. Shiva ran to the window and closing it put the latch on. Nakul was neither interested in the window nor the explanation Shiva was giving. He was now fuming in anger and cursed himself for his own mistake of not thinking of examining the room just after seeing the body right in the morning itself.

  As his anger escalated he spat the words, “By the time we were busy looking at the bodies someone had already cleaned the room. His laptop could have given us very useful information and someone knew that fact. And you say even now that your villagers are innocent people.”

  Then after thinking for a few seconds, he asked again, “But Shiva you said that when you heard the scream you rushed down to the temple immediately. Any person running away from the temple could not have escaped your eyes. Then how can someone enter this room before us?”

  Shiva looked speechless and stared back at him. Nakul took the passports and the travel papers and coming out he locked the building and took the key with him. As he walked in half anger and half helplessness, in a flash he remembered the noise he heard in the bush. So he was right. There was someone, who was still at large wandering here in the village. Was he the murderer? If so, why was he still here in the village? What was his purpose? It means there was definitely something he had not still got from John’s room, and definitely, he would be lurking in the shadows till he got it. What was that thing, which was so important in this tiny village that prompted a man to murder two foreigners, one of whom was just doing some research? What was so important in John’s laptop?

  With all these questions echoing in his head, he did not notice that they had already reached the house. He heard Shiva calling him and he stopped. He noticed that he had crossed the house and was going ahead. He turned back and walked back towards the house

  The shadow behind the bush now remained very still, gun in hand as he watched Nakul intently.

  Chapter 6


  It was eight in the night. Nakul called his boss, ACP Harikrishna and briefed him about the case. He added that he would spend the night in the village, talk to some more people and then return in the morning. Finishing the call he pressed the off button and came back to the main hall. Shiva, waiting for him asked, “Sir, would you like to talk to someone from the village just now?”

  Nakul though for a few moments and said, “Yes. Let me talk to the village Panchayat head Acharyaji. Could you call him here?”

  Shiva said, “Sure Sir, He stays in the house just across our house. I will call him in a second”

  After five minutes Neelkanth Acharyaji, the Panchayat head, walked in and sat on a chair. Shiva excused himself saying that he had to go out to collect some pooja material for the Temple and that he would be back soon.

  Nakul looked at Acharyaji. He was around fifty years old and still had a good cluster of thick white hair. His face looked tired and a bit irritated. He had just bathed and tiny droplets of water were found trickling down from his wet hair. There was a pungent oil smell coming from his hair. Nakul, with a great effort refrained from squeezing his nose at the horrible smell.

  He rubbed his nose as if he had some irritation and asked, “It looks like that you had bathed just now, and you have not yet towelled your hair. But the dead bodies were removed from the temple in the afternoon itself”.

  Acharyaji wiped his forehead water with a towel on his shoulder and said, “Yes Sir, after the bodies were removed we all washed the temple, bathed and did the primary Suddhi pooja. Then we again bathed and did the second Suddhi pooja and repeated the same way a third Suddhi Pooja. When we heard about the murder immediately we had sent a message to the nearby villages for extra Pujaris for the pooja. Eight priests came for pooja from nearby villages and after completing everything we have just locked the temple. We will repeat the rituals for five more days then only the temple will be ready for worship. I came home just now and my hair is still wet”

  Nakul said, “Where are those Pujar
is staying?”

  Acharyaji replied “They are staying in different houses of village Brahmins”

  Nakul said with genuine sympathy, “I am so sorry for you people. You are put to so much of discomfort

  Acharyaji remained silent. Nakul started his questioning. He asked, “Mr Acharyaji, tell me about the foreigners John and Julia. How did they come to your village to study the scriptures? They could have gone to places like Banaras or Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu. This temple is not so big that it would attract a foreigner all the way here. Please do tell me whatever information you have about them”

  Acharyaji cleared his throat. Maybe the repeated bathing and remaining wet for puja had a toll on his health and his voice had become a bit hoarse. He started, “Inspector, that fellow John came to our village about six months back, I think it was an around 15th January of this year. Purohitji was the first person he met and talked. Next day Purohitji called for a Panchayat meeting. He said that John was a doctor and a research scholar from the US. John wanted to study the ancient scriptures in the old temples and had been visiting various temples. Purohitji said that this man once heard some Swamiji’s discourse in the US and became totally fascinated by Hinduism. He learned Sanskrit and now wanted Purohit’s guidance. The Lingeshwar temple is said to be one among the oldest temples with very old scriptures. Purohitji wanted the permission of the village for allowing John to stay in the temple’s guest room and also to allow him to inspect only the outer corridor of our temple. The Panchayat people discussed the issue. Many of the village children had already started attending colleges in the nearby town and the western influence had caught up with our village also. Naturally, most of the people agreed. They said that since there is no doctor in our village, keeping John here could be beneficial. Finally, everyone agreed and John started living in the temple’s guest room. Personally, I did not like that American entering our village or temple. But I could not voice out my displeasure when the majority of the villagers agreed. And now this murder! This is all due to their greed for his money. Things which we could not even dream of has now happened. Two murders so close to our temple right at the steps of our pious temple.” His voice almost choked and Nakul honestly felt sorry for him and the villagers.

  Nakul asked further, “Acharyaji, you were the President of the Panchayat. When you were not happy to have John in the village, how could they overlook your opinion?”

  Acharyaji replied in a dejected voice, “Sir, what is the use of my opposing? The whole village was always ready to do whatever the Purohit asked them. He always had his own ways. He was the most powerful man in this village.”

  Nakul said, “Surprising! He is only a Purohit doing pooja in the temple. Even the temple does not look like a very rich one! So how did he become the powerful man?”

  Acharyaji did not answer and remained quiet. After one-minute wait, Nakul continued, “Ok, tell me how was the behaviour of John after he settled here?”

  Acharyaji said, “John spent most of the time sitting at the balcony of Purohitji’s house discussing and writing some Vedanta and Scriptures etc. He did not go into the temple any day. I was happy about that part. In the morning when Purohitji was busy in the temple, he remained seated in the same balcony and treated the sick people of the village. Slowly the village people developed a liking for him. He dressed like one of us and wore only Dhoti and had the Chandan and Kumkum on his forehead. In the evening when the Purohit went to the temple he taught the village children and helped them with their homework. In short, he looked like a simple and a humble man. I am really surprised that he was murdered. I think it should be connected with that lady who came to meet him.”

  Shiva walked in and said politely, “Excuse me Sir, shall I arrange for your dinner?”

  Acharyaji for no reason looked suddenly irritated and retorted, “You stupid man! Can you not see that we are talking some serious matter here?”

  Shiva replied in an apologetic voice, “Uncle I was only asking …”

  Before he finished, Acharyaji exploded again, “Stop that Uncle business of yours! How many times have I told you not to address me by that English term? Call me Acharyaji like all others do.”

  Nakul could sense the unexplained cold war brewing. He said, “It is Ok, Acharyaji. You can go home now. If I need anything I will call you again.” Acharyaji nodded, got up and once again throwing an angry look at Shiva went down the steps of the house.

  Nakul turned to Shiva and smiling asked, “Why is that man raining fire on you?” Shiva shrugged his shoulders and smiled. He said, “Only he knows the reason sir. Dinner has been served. Please come sir,” Saying that he walked inside and Nakul followed him.

  A voice from the shadow spoke over the phone, “I think we won’t be able to meet for one or two days. Looks like the police fellow is staying here for the night. Stay put in your hideouts and remain very careful.”

  Chapter 7

  The Intruder.

  After dinner, Shiva asked Nakul if he would like to sleep in Purohitji’s room or whether he would like to sleep in one of the bedrooms on the first floor. Nakul looked around the room where the Purohit was sleeping in the morning and said, “This room is fine. I can sleep here.”

  Shiva brought out some quilts, fresh bed sheets and pillow covers and prepared the bed for Nakul and said, “Sir, I generally sleep in the room next to the kitchen. If you need anything, please call me.” Nakul took his gun from his pocket and sat on the bed. Shiva switched on a small night lamp and turning the other lights off, walked out of the room.

  The weather was quite cool in the village. The ceiling fan made a continuous moaning noise as it rotated. Nakul pushed his gun under his pillow and flopped himself on the bed. The fresh bed sheets and pillow cover had a mild lavender smell. He mused that though Shiva was the son of a Purohit, and was brought up in a Hindu Matt, still he had learned very good manners and etiquette. He seemed highly cultured for a priest boy and knew very well how to attend on a guest.

  He could not fall asleep immediately and was tossing and turning for a long time. A double murder in such a peaceful village was extremely odd and that too just outside the temple. This small phrase, “just outside the temple” was pounding at his brain continuously! Why did the murder have to happen specifically outside the temple? Why not at any other quiet place in the village? What were John and the lady doing at the temple steps, in the mid of the night that led to them being murdered? How did John get entry into the temple? Why didn’t anyone in the quiet village hear the gunshots? Three shots in the dead of night should have woken the whole village up! And who dared to commit a double murder? Slowly, by midnight, his tired eyes closed and he fell into a disturbed sleep.

  Abruptly, his eyes opened as some sixth sense woke him up. There was some faint noise, hardly audible. Without moving an atom of his body he tried to concentrate on the source from where the noise originated. The dim light of the night lamp, which Shiva had earlier left switched on, was now put off and the room was drenched in pitch darkness. That means someone had switched off the light! There was a very soft rustling movement, which he could sense rather than hear. He slowly slid his hand under his pillow and drew out his gun. He sprang up from the bed and shouted, “Freeze, otherwise I will shoot.” In a flash, something was hurled on his face. Then, there was the sound of footsteps.

  As he tried to free himself from the blanket thrown on him, he heard Shiva’s approaching footsteps and his voice from the next room, “Inspector Sir, what happened?” The room was flooded with light from the torch that he held in his hand. Seeing Nakul with the gun in his hand he stood shocked.

  Nakul ordered between his clenched teeth, “Shiva, first switch on the lights.” Shiva switched on the lights and stood still staring at him. Nakul burst out, angered by his inability to catch the intruder, “Shiva, there was someone here just now. I heard him. When I asked him to freeze, he threw the blanket on me and ran away.”

  Shiva said, “O God. I should have sl
ept here in this room with you, Sir. This means someone connected with the murder is at large and is still going around our house searching for something.”

  He quickly ran towards the kitchen and peeping inside said, “Sir, the kitchen door is open! The intruder could have run away through that.”

  Nakul was wide awake now and he looked at his watch. It was 4:30 a.m. At the same time Shiva also looked at the wall clock and said, “Sir, it is morning already. Wait, I will get you a cup of fresh coffee.”

  Nakul went to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. He was getting some strange feeling that there was something very familiar when the intruder was around. What was it? As he just woke up from his sleep, he could not pin point the memory as to what it was. Some half memory flash was dancing and toying in his mind, irritating him beyond his tolerance level. He felt that it must have been someone familiar. Who was it? He was disturbed and his head ached. He came back to the hall and found that Shiva was ready with coffee.

  Nakul finished the coffee. He decided to go back to his town. He looked at Shiva and said, “Ok Shiva, thanks for everything. I think I will make a move back to town.” He handed over the temple room key back to Shiva. As he was above to pick up his bag, Shiva rushed and took that bag from his hand. On the previous day the car was left parked in the front of the house. Shiva followed Nakul and opened the side door and placed the bag inside the car.

  He said, “Sir, anytime, if there is anything you want, please feel free to call me. I will do my best Sir. I don’t have a cell phone. But you can call on our land line. The number is …...”

  Nakul smiled and said, “Thank you, Shiva. You were a great help.” He got into the driving seat. He nodded his head to Shiva and inserted the ignition key into the engine and turned the key. The car groaned but did not start. He turned the ignition again but the car again just grunted.


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