The Mystery of the Lingeshwar Temple and the Lurking Shadows

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The Mystery of the Lingeshwar Temple and the Lurking Shadows Page 16

by Laxmi Natraj

  Utkarsh said, “Or they may be arms dealers also. The forest is the best place for them to hide and carry on their trade.”

  Nakul looked at his wristwatch and said, “But unfortunately now our first priority is combing the village. After finishing this job, we will definitely go inside the forest and investigate. Come on, start the car before any villager happens to see us. We were supposed to be in town.”

  Utkarsh stepped on the accelerator. They travelled through the high way and found a small hotel. They checked in and helped themselves with a good shower. Utkarsh helped Nakul for fixing the false nose properly. Disguised properly, dressed in their fresh suits, they had their breakfast and drove back to the village when it was just 7:00 a.m.

  Chapter 49

  The Saplings.

  They drove straight to Acharayaji’s house. Netra welcomed them warmly saying, “Good morning Sir, I will immediately get you the best coffee...”

  Before she finished, cutting her statement halfway, Nakul said in a hurry, “I am sorry Doctor. But, today I am having a very bad sore throat. Could you please make a ginger tea for me?” His heart was drumming in fear anticipating the bitter coffee.

  Netra smiled and said, “No problem Sir. I think our cook is not well. She is sleeping a little late today. But I will make the ginger tea for you two.”

  Utkarsh looked at his watch and then looked at his boss with a question mark in his eyes. Their eyes locked for a fraction of a second. Nakul turned away. He had understood what Utkarsh was trying to convey. How could a cook sleep till seven thirty in the morning? What was she doing in the night? He decided to lengthen and extend his suspects list and include the cook also in that. Before that he had to see her. But the question was how?

  Another government car came and three officers got out of the car. They all climbed up the poorch and soon some earnest discussions were carried on. Nakul suggested that they would go the coconut farm first. The group moved towards the end of the village where a big coconut farm existed.

  A senior man well dressed in Kurta Pajama came out and welcomed them. He said, “I am so happy Sir, that you have selected our village for the planting of the modern saplings. My name is Vishwas Kakade and I own this farm.”

  Chairs were provided for both the scientist doctors, while the real government officer, who had been requested by ACP, started going around the farm asking questions to the farmers working in the field. Kakade sat with them and explained the problems in coconut farming. Nakul was vigorously nodding his head but his eyes were sweeping and scanning every person present. There were a few men who were busily working there.

  He asked, “Is there any other coconut farm here, which supplies coconuts regularly to the temple?”

  Kakade expressed surprise and said, “Sir, My farm is the only coconut farm in this village and for generations, we are the ones who supply coconuts to the temple for puja.”

  Nakul marked the statement. So he was right. The man who came to Shiva’s house in a hurry and vanished was not the owner as he was introduced. So where is hiding now? On a second thought he asked, “Is there any one here by name Ragunath Thorat here?”

  Kakade looked puzzled a bit for one second and then said, “Oh that Ragunath Thorat? He was our Shiva’s classmate in school and both are still very good friends. He actually helps me sometimes with the accounts and purchase of manure etc. But some time he still enjoys going around doing the job of distributing the coconuts to our usual customers as he was doing it during his school days. But why are you asking about him? Have you met him already?”

  Nakul gave a sheepish grin and said, “Oh, nothing special. Yes I met him in Shiva’s house the other day.” Heart in heart he was a little disappointed. If Raghunath was Shiva’s class mate and knew him from childhood there was nothing wrong in calling Shiva by name.

  The actual junior scientist men from the agricultural department were now supervising the process of digging a pit for them to plant a few saplings of the high breed coconut. Three men came from nowhere, to work and started digging earnestly. Nakul and Utkarsh got up and started walking around to see each and every man working in the farm. Utkarsh talked to each and every man, asking them casual questions about the coconut planting etc. while Nakul carefully scrutinized their faces. They could not spot the man who came to see Shiva the other day or the ones who were found in hospital.

  Away from their sight, four men were digging the pit to plant the saplings. What no one noticed is that, they were unusually covered with wet mud from head to toe. Wet mud was sort of smeared all over their face in a natural way as if they had gone into some mud pit. All of them were unusually tall and well built. They kept their heads down, busily digging the pit by actually standing inside the pit. After some time when Nakul started coming back towards the pit, they started lifting huge baskets of excavated mud in their baskets. Their face was half covered with their head gear and the remaining half by the mud filled basket on their shoulder and they walked away quickly to the other side of the farm. The junior scientists did their job and by afternoon they all returned to Acharayaji’s house for lunch.

  Nakul was happy that one point was clear. The three or four men hiding in various disguises like goat herds or patients in the hospital were all outsiders, hiding in the village for some purpose. What was their purpose and how long were they going to hide? Was there a possibility of some hidden treasure of the temple buried inside the forest which Shiva himself was not aware of and they were trying to loot it?

  When Dr Reddy and his partners were having a good lunch in Acharayaji’s house the man was again standing in the shadow and watching. His cell phone vibrated. He picked up the call, his eyes still glued to Acharayaji’s house and whispered, “Yes, tell me. Is everything OK?” The other side answered, “Good boss, you informed us in time that the government officers may come to the coconut farm. So we are saved. Do you think these officers are connected to that Inspector?” He said, “For so many years, no government officer had ever turned up in our village. Our village is too tiny for investment by the agricultural department. I have a strange feeling that these officers have been sent by Nakul to see the number of workers working in various fields. So be careful. We don’t know where they will pop up next.”

  Chapter 50

  Mystery about the Goats

  The grand lunch at Acharayaji’s place arranged for all the officers was in progress now. Two boys from Purohitji’s house came in and talked to Acharyaji about the puja materials. Acharyaji turned to the officers and said, “Sir these two boys have come newly from Banaras. Purohitji had specially got them from the Matt as he wants more boys to help him in the puja.”

  Nakul looked at the boys. They were about eighteen years old. Both of them were very thin built boys and looked like proper Purohits. The front half of their hair was shaved and in the back of their hair, they had a small tuft of hair like a ponytail. Nakul was satisfied that at least these boys were not some disguised men as he thought first.

  As the lunch was just coming to an end a villager came to the steps of Acharayaji’s house and said, “Sarpanchji, I have a problem.”

  Acharyaji turned and looked at the man standing at his door and said,” Yes, Dande, what is your problem?”

  The man addressed as Dande replied, “Sir again the same problem. My goats are missing once again.”

  Nakul’s ears stood up as he heard the word, “Goat” and he started listening to their conversation with attention.

  Acharyaji said,” Dande, this is very funny. Last time you said that ten of your goats are missing. No one in our village does this type of stealing and no one eats goat’s meat. Now you say again your goats are missing!”

  Dande said, “Sir there is one more strange thing. All the goats which went missing last time have come back quietly into their shed. They all seem to be healthy and normal.”

  Acharyaji noticed that Dr Reddy was looking at them. So he dropped his voice and said, “Dande we can talk about
this later. I have guest to attend. So come back later.”

  Nakul had heard every word spoken. Goats were lost. On that day itself, same day evening, he had seen the two men driving the goats into the forest. Today goats are again missing. What is the part played by these goats in the mystery? Did those men hiding in the forest have some connection with this goat business of disappearing and again appearing story?

  Chapter 51

  Collar Marks

  After lunch, Acharyaji was asking them as to which were the other fields which they would like to visit. Dr Anna gave a look at his boss and said, “Acharyaji in fact we want to see almost all type of crops grown in your village. We don’t have any time constraint. But we will select our next visit according to Dr Reddy’s decision. Sir, where shall we go next?”

  Dr Reddy closed his eyes for one second as if he was trying hard to make a decision. Then he said, “We will go to the Mango farms next. But before that, I just now heard a man talking about goats. Acharyaji, could you tell me as to roughly how many goats he might be keeping?”

  Acharyaji was a bit surprised at this change of topic and said, “Oh that Dande? He has about eighty to hundred goats. He basically breeds them and sells them in the town. No one in the village uses goat’s milk or meat.”

  The doctor asked, “Have you got any idea as to what he does with all that excreta waste of the goats?”

  Not only Acharyaji, but his own assistants were also taken aback by this unexpected, unique question. Utkarsh thought, “‘Now what is our boss planning to do by asking about the goat’s excreta?”

  Acharyaji stammered a little and said, “Well sir, none of us paid any attention to this goat’s excreta business. Maybe he disposes them in the fields”.

  Dr Reddy now talked with at most seriousness, “Acharyaji, according to one of our latest research, Goat’s excreta contain some very good and rare bacteria which prevents new plants from getting some specific fungal infection. Is it not Dr Anna?”

  He looked at Utkarsh with a straight face and Utkarsh catching the signal in a fraction of a second said in a most honest voice, “Oh Yes Sir, I nearly forgot about that research. Yes, Sir! Goat’s excreta is now considered as a most valuable manure. We should visit the goat farm and have a look as to what has been done with the excreta so long?”

  The government official also understood that Nakul was pulling up a fast one, with some motive known only to him. But on their part, they all played the second fiddle and said in unison, “Yes Sir, very good idea. We should visit the goat farm.”

  So the group of two officers, two doctors, and Acharyaji got into the government car and reached Dande’s house. The goat owner was pleased as punch that so many officers were visiting him. They all sat on the porch and Dr Anna asked dozens of questions to Dande about his up keeping of the goats and how he disposes of the excreta. He even asked him if he was aware of the weight of excreta produced every day. The two government officers earnestly noted down all information in their notebook. He finally advised him to make a manure pit and convert the excreta into manure.

  Just when they entered a man with a bundle of grass on his shoulder hurriedly vanished, without anyone noticing him behind the goat’s shed. Having finished all drama, Nakul asked Dande, “You said the goats looked well fed when they came back after they went missing. You think there is any particular reason for this?”

  Dande said, “Sir, when the goats were here in my shed I gave them grass or fodder and fed them. Since they are a very large herd I don’t take them to graze outside. But if the goats get a chance to graze in the open grassland, they would eat much more than what I feed them and become healthier. So I think whosoever stole the goats took them in the open grassland to graze and hence they had become healthier. But, I don’t know why any men would steal the goats and allow them to graze in pasture, when they are to be later returned.”

  Nakul thought for a moment and said, “Could you identify those specific goats which were stolen? Could you differentiate those ones which came back from the other normal goats you had here with you all the time in the farm? Is it possible at all?”

  Dande said, “We are rearing goats for generations, Sir. Though I had not given names to my goat, I can still differentiate between each and every goat!”

  Nakul said, “Then it is fine Dande! Now could you show me the ten goats, which were once lost and then found again?”

  Dande promptly went inside his shed and searching through the herd and examining them carefully dragged ten of them out, and brought them in front of them to see. Nakul knelt near one of the goats and carefully scrutinized every inch of its coat, as his companion stood amazed. He discovered a one inch broad mild white patch running all around the neck. He also found on the top portion of the neck a 4 x4 square inch white part and they looked a little deeper. He looked at the remaining nine goats. All of them had the same marks. There was a prominent mark around the neck of the goat as if a collar was tied tightly round the neck.

  He looked up and showing the mark to Dande asked, “Do you put a collar around the neck of your goats any time?”

  Dande gave a confused look and said, “No Sir, we don’t put any collar. We tie them with ropes around the neck but the rope is tied loose.”

  Nakul showed the mark and said, “Could you then tell me what these marks are Dande?”

  Dande looked really confused. He answered, “Sir, I am equally amazed! I don’t know! Before the goats were lost they did not have any such mark on their neck. It is possible that the ones who stole them put a collar and numbered them or something?”

  Nakul said, “Yes, of course, that must be the reason.”

  After some more casual statement they all left Dande’s house and moved towards the mango yard. Three hours were spent in the yard but nothing important turned up. So, as usual, they all packed and left the village.

  The voice from the shadow of mango tree spoke on the cell phone. “How did the agricultural officers think of visiting a goat farmer? Why were they so critically examining the goat?”

  The voice replied, “Neither we have any idea nor have any time left with us. All we now understand is that we are being watched and we have to be very careful. The ring around us is tightening. I am not sure but the Inspector could be behind this agricultural activity also. Before the noose tightens we should finish our project and vanish into thin air. That is all.”

  He slammed the cell phone shut showing his fuming anger and his own inability to do anything against the systematic attack closing in on them from some unknown person.

  Chapter 52

  The Code

  Both the doctors started going out of the village. All the agricultural officers moved back to town in their own car. Nakul and Utkarsh moved in their car, as usual taking the winding road and parked at a distance from the forest. It was just getting dark and the forest was looking pitch dark. Nakul took out his laptop and searched the internet for the geo-map of the forest. He zoomed and started studying it seriously.

  Utkarsh stood beside him quietly watching his moves without disturbing him. Nakul zoomed in to the Google map further and studied the history and geography of the village and its forest. Then turning to Utkarsh he said, “Utkarsh, when we come by road from the town, we cover a distance of approx. 210 kilometres. At the top speed of 80 kmph and with no traffic, it takes nearly two and half to three hours for us to reach the village. But, just look at this. The forest seemed to be placed in a strategic position. The village itself is elliptical in shape and its axis is tilted by 65 degrees towards the North end. This tilted top region is occupied by the forest. So, if someone could manage to creep and crawl through the forest, the town would be just at a four or five kilometres distance from the village. So incredible! Does this make any sense to you?”

  Utkarsh said, “So if the Government could construct a road through the forest then the traffic time and fuel would be cut off to a minimum?”

  Nakul said, “Yes. But, why just the G
overnment should think of this? Even the village had not thought for such a long time about making a road through the forest. This could be so useful for them for their children to attend college and for any emergencies like hospitalization etc. Even the social worker John did not think of it. Why was it?”

  Utkarsh looked at the dark forest thinking for some time and said, “Sir, this is a very hilly region, maybe made up of volcanic rocks. Remember Sir, the temple is carved out of a cave. Hence it is possible that making a road through this forest could be very difficult. Or, the forest may be lined with very thick very old, dense bushes. There could be also wild animals in the forest. So making a road through the forest might be opposed by the Environmentalist as it will be disturbing the ecosystem. If the wild animals are disturbed they would come into the village and attack them. That could also be one of the reasons for not making a road through the forest.”

  Nakul remained silent and kept looking at the forest for quite some time. Breaking his silence he said, “Utkarsh, there is something very strange about this forest and that is troubling my mind. Tomorrow we will come fully equipped to search the forest by the night. We will get some black dress and Laser vision goggles to help us to see. We will enter the forest and study, if it is really very thick and if there are wild animals in it.”

  Utkarsh said, “Ok Sir, but shall we move now?”

  Nakul closed his PC and said, “Just for today we have to go back. If so much activity is going on in the forest, there is definitely some serious matter there inside the forest. I feel although Shiva is saying that the temple is a Sanyasi temple, there is a real treasure of the temple and it is hidden inside the forest. I am dead sure that was what those people were looking for.”


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