Tempest Witch

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Tempest Witch Page 2

by Valia Lind

  "As you know, the Ancients have upped their attacks. The sickness from last month took a lot out of this town. The Ancients are no longer a distant prophecy. They're waking up and they're coming for this world. Thankfully, a spell has been found that could possibly shift the odds in our favor."

  "What would it entail?" Jefferson asks. Meredith looks at Brianna, letting her take the floor.

  "There is a cleansing ritual." The witch begins, "before a bonding spell can be cast."

  "A bond to what?"

  "To each other, to the coven."

  Everyone shifts uncomfortably in their seat at that, unable to keep the prejudice of history from entering the conversation. Bonding is such an ancient ritual, something that hasn't been done in over five hundred years. At least, that I know of.

  "It's not that farfetched," Connor speaks up, and every eye turns to him as he reaches for Harper. He places his hand on her shoulder and she covers it with her own. The look they exchange pierces me right through the heart. There's so much love and devotion there, it's blinding.

  "We all know soulmate magic exist now, and what is that but a bond between two people. In this case, a bond between a witch and a shifter."

  My eyes narrow at his proclamation, because the last I knew, soulmates were just a story. It's fairytale told to kids, much like the Ancients stories were. One to give hope, one to bring fear. But now, they're saying both of those are true?

  "You're soulmates?" I can't help but ask. Now, everyone is looking at me. But maybe they should've explained this before bringing me in. Because as I look around now, I notice the connections.

  Harper and Connor.

  Brianna and Mark.

  Krista and Nolan.

  Three couples, three witches part of the ritual. And me.

  "This is...something." I mumble, slouching in my seat. It's not that I'm jealous. I mean, maybe a little bit. Who wouldn't be? It's that I'm very intimidated. If I remember correctly, soulmate magic is extremely powerful, unlike anything any coven can do. It's the kind of magic that books are written about.

  "Between our magic, the soulmate bond, and you," Brianna says, brining my attention back to her, "I think we stand a chance."

  "How can you be sure?" I ask, a million thoughts running through my mind. Mark gave me a very quick rundown on the whole Ancients situation. I mean, I know of them. Everyone knows of them. And now that they're waking up, people are talking. But the sickness, that's a new one for me. With everything that's going on, I have more doubts than questions.

  "The spell we found, it's as old as the Ancients," Brianna continues. "We're not sure of anything, to be honest. But it's the best we've got so far. And we have to try."

  I understand that. If we do nothing, our whole world will perish. I don't need a history lesson to know that. But a part of me is so scared that I won't be enough. My whole life I've been taught that my blood is tainted. It'll take a lot for me to overcome that particular mindset. But if I'm going to, I can't imagine a more perfect coven to guide me. This is going to be quite an ordeal. I just hope we’ll make it through.


  The next morning, I'm up before the sun. The meeting ended shortly after it was discussed that I'll be going through training before any steps toward the spell are taken. I have to be ready.

  Tugging on my workout clothes, I grab my tennis shoes and tiptoe my way downstairs. Maybe going outside in the dark isn't the best idea, but I need to run. Before the need leads to something other. Like me running away.

  Outside, I put on my shoes and do a few stretches, before I set a comfortable pace towards the center of town. As far as I can tell, everyone is still asleep. Windows are dark, and there's a slight chill in the air, which makes me glad I grabbed my hoodie.

  With the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, I fall into a rhythm and let my mind drift back to everything I learned yesterday.

  Soulmates are real. Love is apparently still the most powerful of magics. Ancients have been waking up for more than half a year now, sending the supernatural world off kilter. And my mermaid shifter gene is about to be an important part of the plan.

  I can't seem to wrap my mind around that last part. My whole life I was looked down upon as someone not worthy of the full witch status. Sure, the coven had their own reasons for this, but no matter what those were, they made me feel unwanted. Not something anyone should experience.

  My mother was a mermaid. A full blooded creature of the sea. Her shifter powers are something that's still talked about in her community. But I don't know much about her family either, because I'm not wanted there. It's like being torn in two, at all times of my existence. It's why boxing has become such a big part of my life. The feel of a bag against my knuckles, the sweat dripping down my skin, it makes me feel in control. Like nothing else does.

  I round the corner and Main Street opens up in front of me. I'm nowhere near out of breath, so I pick up my pace just a little. But before I can take more than a dozen steps, arms reach out towards me, yanking me back. My training kicks in instantly, and I go slack in my attackers arms. The movement takes the person by surprise and they drop me. I land on all fours, before I twist swiping my leg around and knocking the other person on their back.

  There's a big "oof" and a grunt, as I jump to my feet. But the attacker doesn't stay down. He's on his feet as well, reaching for me once more, this time spinning me to face him.

  "Stop struggling, I'm trying to help!" The voice hisses and the sound goes straight through me, freezing me in my tracks. He takes that as an invitation and pulls me into the doorway of the store beside us.

  I glance up, then up some more, and find myself staring at a handsome, dark haired man. His eyes are somewhere over to my right, scanning the area. He's tense, on full alert, the grip on my upper arms strong.

  "Mind taking your hand off me?" I ask, and his eyes fly down to meet mine. They're so light, they seem to be shining in the shadows. The contrast between light and dark on him takes my breath away.

  "Mind staying quiet?" He whispers, before returning his attention to our surroundings. I'm intuitive enough that I know something is up. I don't find any malice in him, so I shrug his arms off me slowly, but I stay put.

  After what seems like an hour, while I try really hard not to react to his proximity, he takes a step back. His eyes find mine and I'm once taken back by the color and the intensity there.

  "Did no one tell you not to wander outside in the dark?" He asks, his voice a deep rumble in his chest. It sends goosebumps up my spine and I try to keep myself from fidgeting on the spot.

  "I needed a run."


  "If you must know, yes." I raise my chin, "It helps me clear my mind."

  He studies me for a long moment, before speaking up again. "And what is it that you have to worry about?"

  For some unexplainable reason, I want to tell him everything. My insecurities, my magic struggles, how this town is on the brink of destruction and it'll be partially up to me to keep it from getting there. I don't trust people easily and the need to share is as usual as the sun rising in the west.

  "Life," I answer finally, suppressing the urge to share. He continues to study me, as if trying to see inside and it's only years of training that keep me completely still. I know how to wait out my opponents, how to gleam the upper hand. But for some reason, I feel like I'll never have an upper hand with this man.

  "Well, I didn't mean to scare you, but we've had a lot of...issues lately. It would be safer for you to return to your place of residence."

  He takes a step back then, but it doesn't help me breathe any easier. There's something about him, something I'm not used to. For the first time, I want to uncover all the secrets of another person. And that scares me.

  So I take a step, moving around him. But before I leave, I give him one last look.

  "You should work on your bedside manner," I say, with a small shake of my head. "If I didn't know better, I'd assume you're
the reason for all the ...issues."

  I don't wait for his response, but pivot and take off in the direction of the Hawthorne's house. The meeting leaves me unsettled in a completely new way. Maybe I can ask Brianna later if she knows of any tall dark and handsome men grabbing people on Main Street before the sun rises. My lips curl up in a quick smile when I realize my fighting back took him by surprise. I always love when people discover just how much they underestimate me.

  After I've showered and dressed, I meet Brianna and Harper in the kitchen. The girls turn towards me as one, smiling in greeting.

  "Did you sleep well?" Harper asks, as Brianna walks over to the coffee pot.

  "And would you like some coffee?" She asks.

  "Yes and yes," I reply, coming fully into the kitchen. Brianna pours me a cup and Harper motions me toward the sugar and creme. I stir both into the cup before I take a sip. The girls continue to watch me, and after another sip, I meet their eye.


  "Did you have a good run this morning?" Harper asks, a gleam of amusement in her eye.

  "How did you?"

  "We know everything," Brianna shrugs, making me chuckle. I honestly shouldn’t be surprised. "I was in the sitting room when you snuck out."

  "Sorry about that," I feel inclined to say, "Exercise is how I keep myself sane."

  "I mean, I don't understand that on a personal level," Harper comments, "But you do you."

  This time I do laugh and this whole conversation has put me in a much better mood.

  "Except for the part where you shouldn't be doing that in the dark," Brianna adds, giving Harper a quick look. "We're not exactly sure of the dark at the moment."

  The words instantly bring the image of the man to my mind and I wonder if I can ask about him. Instead, I ask about the no going outside after dark rule.

  "We should've mentioned it," Brianna says, "That's on me. This has become such a way of life for us, we don't think about it."

  "The Ancients have been sending their minions our way," Harper picks up where Brianna leaves off. "The shadow creatures have been getting through our protective wards and sucking magic from us whenever they can. Battling them has become a regular way of life."

  "I'll keep that in mind."

  Just then, the front door opens and a voice calls out a greeting.

  "We're in the kitchen," Harper shouts back and then Krista walks into the room. She greets us before handing over a bag. Brianna pulls out a few muffins, handing one to me. After we each take a few bites—this is some delicious goodness—I turn to the girls.

  "What's the plan for today?" We all know why I'm here. And no matter how much I'm enjoying spending time in their company, this is not a slumber party.

  "The plan is to go to the river," Brianna says, putting down her coffee cup, her serious eyes on me. The other girls glance at her sharply and I wonder why they seem alarmed.

  "The river is in the forest," Harper clarifies, glancing between Brianna and me. And there is the problem. The one rule I was told about is how much the forbidden forest is forbidden.

  "We don't have a choice, Har," Brianna replies, turning to her sister. "We can't exactly practice in the swimming pool. She needs the connection to nature. And what better place then the river that runs right through it."

  "And Jefferson approved it?"

  There's the other side of things. The politics of the shifter/witch relationship. Mark mentioned that the pack has rules about the forest, and a boundary set for their magic.

  "He did."

  They glance at me and I shrug. "It's not like I really have a choice," I say.

  "But you do," Brianna contradicts me. "You have a choice in all of this, please don't ever forget that."

  She's right, of course. I chose to come with them willingly. No one twisted my arm. A part of me wants to help, yes. But the other part of me wants to hold on to the promise Brianna made about helping me learn about my shifter side. No one has ever wanted to help before.

  "I know," I reassure her, because I don't want any of them to think I don't want to be here. Well, part of me doesn't, but I think that's natural for anyone who's lived their life away from any sort of meaningful relationships. I can already feel myself being pulled in by this family’s dynamic.

  "But if you think the river in the forest is the best way to go, then we don't have a choice."

  Brianna grins at that, and I answer in kind as I finish off my muffin.

  "And we won't be alone." She continues.

  "Jefferson assigned us a guide?" Harper asks.

  "Of course he did," Krista replies.

  "Let me just grab some things and then we can get going," Brianna says and the rest of us nod.

  It's weird to be here, to be part of this place, even for the little while that I am. I feel connected to these women in a way I've never connected with anyone before. It's like I've been looking for them, as much as I've been looking for a place to belong.

  Now, I'm nervous and excited to see just what we can discover about my magic.


  With a bag over her shoulder, Brianna leads us outside and to the back of the property. I can feel the darkness rising from the forest like steam. The fascination is still there, but so is the apprehension. Walking into those woods will change my life.

  "Stay close and stay quiet," Brianna instructs and we all nod in unison. The women around me are just as tense as I am.

  "And also pay attention to my instructions," the voice comes from woods. As I watch, the man from this morning steps into the light. His eyes zero in on me immediately.

  "You!" I exclaim, completely taken by surprise.

  "Me," he replies, grinning. The girls glance between the two of us, before Harper speaks up.

  "You guys know each other?"

  "Oh yes. He," I point, even though I know that's not a nice thing to do, "Attacked me on Main Street today."

  "I wouldn't say attack."

  "Oh yeah? What would you call it?"

  "Pulled you into safety?"

  "More like grabbed me through the darkness. That’s what kidnappers do.”

  He laughs then, and the sound travels up my skin and into my very soul. The girls continue watching us silently, their eyes shifting from him to me.

  “Well, now I know you weren’t in much danger. You can more than take care of yourself." He comments.

  "Don't you forget it."

  "I wouldn't dare."

  And just like that, we're staring at each other as if we haven't seen each other before. That awareness creeps over body, igniting emotions within me I am not used to. This time, I do fidget. Brianna must notice my discomfort because she takes a step forward.

  "Skylar, this is Mason. He's part of Jefferson's pack. He's been assigned to escort us today."

  I nod, but suddenly don't trust my voice. I'm too aware of him and of the way he watches me. After a small pause, he flashes me a grin, before turning back towards the woods.

  "The walk is about thirty minutes long and we'll be right on the border. If you feel anything, and I mean anything, let me know." That last bit is directed at Krista and she nods.

  Mason takes the lead with Brianna behind him, then me, then Harper and Krista. I almost ask where Mark is, or the rest of their boyfriends, but I stay quiet instead. It's not like we need them for this. This one, it's on us.

  The moment I step in between the trees, the temperature drops. There's a heaviness in the air, and it's so thick, I think I might be able to touch it if I reached out. We walk at a moderate pace, completely attuned to our surroundings. The fact that we're allowed here, it's a big deal. I know it even without being from this town. I also don't have to be a Reader to feel the evil seeping through the ground. If this is how the rest of the world will be if the Ancients get through....it's not a place I'll want to live.

  I feel the river before I see it. The rumble of the waves rushing over the rocks, the freshness of the water. I can smell it in the air. When we fi
nally break through the trees, the river greets us with a blinding sparkle. I'm instantly drawn to it. My feet move towards it before I can think too much of it and I'm almost to it when Mason's hand reaches out and stops me. The contact shocks me and I freeze, my heart beating fast.

  "We should tread carefully," he says, his eyes on me. I feel myself being pulled into him as well, so I shrug off his touch gently, but don't move away. Brianna comes up to stand beside me, reaching inside her bag and handing me a pendant.

  "Just extra protection," she comments, running a hand over the ones she already wears. I glance at Harper and Krista and notice they have a few on as well. I nod, before tugging the chain over my head.

  "What's next?" I ask.

  "Next, you get into the water."

  It's what I expected, but I'm still nervous.

  It's a good thing I changed into another pair of leggings and a loose shirt. My favorite are shorts and baggy t-shirts, with a bit of bohemian flavor, but it's a bit cold for that at the moment. Shedding my shoes and my sweater, I stand on the bank of the river, unable to take my eyes off it. There's something about this place that reaches me on a primal level.

  "It'll be cold," Mason comments, and I realize he's standing right next to me.

  "I won't have a problem," I reply, because I'm not sure how to explain to him that my mermaid side keeps me warm. No matter the temperature of the water, it's always perfect to me. That part of the magic I've never been able to suppress.

  "Whenever you're ready," Brianna comments, and I turn to glance behind me. The girls are fanned out around me, standing guard in case anything were to happen. I'm not sure how I'm so calm in trusting my life into their hands, but I am. Maybe it's because of Mark's trust in them, or maybe it's because of my own connection. I can't explain it, but I feel it.

  Tentatively, I dip my foot into the water and it instantly reaches out to me. The river shifts, as if answering a call and my body sways towards it. Sure, I've had reactions to water before, but not like this. It feels way more powerful. This magic is older than anything I've ever felt and it's wrapping itself around my essence like a snake.


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