His Human Nanny

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His Human Nanny Page 12

by Michele Mills

  I toss and turn and try my best to sleep without my big red Hyrrokin in bed with me, but my mind keeps flashing to images of this morning, when that woman attacked me. Aegir looked so scared. He saw the blade Kritan used to try to hurt me and dropped to his knees. He took me in his arms and cried? I swear I thought I saw tears in his eyes. A lump forms in my own throat as I remember the way Aegir held me. I love this man so much it hurts. And I love his babies too. What if Kritan had really been able to kidnap them and take them off planet?

  I lie in bed and let the tears flow as I relive the day and the past five weeks. I cry because I want this family to be mine, but I can’t have them. I cry for two babies who’ve lost their real mother. I cry for how Aegir was treated so horribly. And I cry when I remember the blade that was millimeters from my flesh.

  I cry until there are no more tears left and I fall asleep—with Aegir, Kari and Loge foremost on my mind.

  The next morning I shuffle into the cleansing unit and then get dressed. I yawn and smile at Kari and Loge as I show up in the nursery and greet my sweet babies. Life moves on. Babies need care and feeding, and I’m determined to give it to them—to not miss a beat for these two. I change their diapers and take them both downstairs so they can have breakfast with me and their daddy.

  The house smells fresh and clean. Everything in the kitchen and living room looks perfect, as if yesterday never happened. The cleaning and repair bots did an amazing job fixing everything so quickly. The broken windows and doors the peacekeepers smashed are already replaced and not an item is out of place. It’s weird, knowing that just yesterday that woman was here, in our home, and so were a shitload of peacekeepers. It was total chaos for a while, but now it’s quiet again. We’re back to our normal routine of just the four of us, and Aegir working from home. At least I think we are.

  Aegir shows up a minute later looking happy to see us. “Good morning,” he rumbles with a sexy, scratchy morning voice. He kisses me on the cheek and grabs himself some coffee.

  I place both Kari and Loge in high chairs, so they can play with finger food on their trays. And I bring my breakfast to the table and sit down next to Aegir. Then I glance over at Loge. He’s spending what seems like an eternity trying to pinch a piece of cereal between his two finger-claws and then moving it carefully into his own mouth. I watch his entire struggle and when he finally gets it between his lips and swallows, I meet his gaze. “Great job,” I praise. “You did it.”

  He gives me a triumphant, messy baby-smile and a snort of smoke. Darling.

  “I’ve been getting more business due to that Intelgram account you started,” Aegir says.

  I glance over and see he’s staring intently at his tablet. He’s clean and dressed and smelling fantastic like usual.

  “Oh really?” I say innocently, although this is no surprise to me. His Intelgram following has been exploding.

  He looks up at me. “Do you realize we have twenty-five million followers?”

  “Yes. I know.” I take a bite of my chocolate croissant and swallow. “Well, you have twenty-five million followers. I don’t have my own account. I just post stuff about you and the babies and your family. The other Hyrrokin on Tarvos really like you.”

  He swipes his claws across the screen. I can see that he’s on the account right now, checking it out. “They like me because of how you portray me,” he says.

  “Same thing. I show them what I see every day. I like sharing with others what happens around here.”

  His features soften. “This is how you view me and the twins?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Aegir tilts his tablet towards me, “Look at this.” He shows me picture after picture I’ve posted these last six weeks of him in a variety of sexy poses. Well, sexy to me and his followers, but it’s Aegir just being himself. There’s the picture I took of Aegir in profile, thinking, hard at work at his desk. I love that one, he looks so studious and in deep thought. There’s him holding his babies, playing with his babies, dancing with them, lying with them in the afternoon sun. Feeding them. Sleeping with them both on his chest. Playing firestarter with them. His mom and brother playing with him and the babies. All of them laughing together. Pictures of the Touchstone brothers together. It’s adorable. It’s everything I’ve experienced since I’ve arrived.

  “There isn’t a single picture of you,” he says.

  I’m aghast. “Of course there isn’t. This is your account, not mine. I don’t even have my own account. I admit I sent one picture of you and the twins to my friend Chloe at the beginning, but other than that I’ve been totally confidential. I love taking pictures of you and the twins, so I post them on your social media. You said it was okay. I gave you the password for your account, so I assumed you were checking it to make sure I was posting stuff you found appropriate.”

  “I don’t like it that I’m on there with Kari and Loge and my mother and brother, but not with you too. The Hyrrokin think I’m a single father without a bound.”

  “But you are a male without a bound.”

  His chest expands and a puff of smoke floats from of his nostrils. He opens his mouth to say something else, but then his tablet starts blinking red. He curses under his breath. “I have to go to the courthouse.”

  “You’re leaving again?” My nose starts to sting. Yesterday could’ve gone really, really bad. An inch to the left and I’d be in the med bay. I’m actually surprised I’m doing so well, considering I was almost killed and the babies were nearly kidnapped.

  He reaches forward and engulfs my hand with his giant claw. “Don’t worry, Riley, this house is so fortified with security now, it’s safer than the Presidential Palace.”

  I bite my lip. “Thank you.”

  He stands and kisses the top of my head and then kisses both babies goodbye. “This is the end, I promise. This time I really will be back soon.”

  My first hint that something is up is when Bestla and Bergelmir arrive at the house to pick up Kari and Loge.

  Bestla gives the babies messy grandma kisses. “They’re coming with me overnight,” she announces and gives me a wink, “so you can have a break. In fact, I might keep them for more than one night, so let’s pack for two days at least.”

  Two nights? I blink with surprise, but I don’t question a gift of this magnitude. I work as fast as I can, but it takes an hour to get both babies dressed, fed and packed. I give their schedule to Bestla and show her when the last feeding and naps were. And then next thing I know Bergelmir is transferring their car seats into Bestla’s large vehicle and then the four of them are pulling out of the bay and I wave goodbye to my babies with a weird combination of sadness and elation. I haven’t been apart from them since I arrived.

  Thirty minutes later I hear the door to the vehicle bay open and I know Aegir is home.

  I’m bouncing with eagerness.

  The door connecting the house to the bay opens and closes. “Riley?” he shouts.

  “I’m in here.”

  He appears in the kitchen, his huge body taking up all the available space, staring at me with a heated gaze that promises long nights and kinky positions. My mouth waters at the sight of naked red male chest and the sound of his harsh breaths. His claws twitch at his sides, like he can barely control himself from touching me.

  “The court declared today that Kritan Softstone is no longer the legal mother or guardian of Kari and Loge Touchstone. She is no longer able to claim me as her bound. I am now legally free to find a new mate.”

  My eyes immediately water. “Really?”


  My nose is stinging again, and I might be crying already.

  He’s stalking me, his barbed tail spiked in the air behind him. He growls low in his throat. Smoke puffs out of his nostrils.

  Who is this beast?

  “There’s no one in this domicile except the two of us. Kari and Loge are with my mother and Methone. Bergelmir isn’t allowed over. I’ve ordered the guards at the fron
t gate to not let anyone disturb us.”

  “What if the President needs you?”

  “Not even him. Only an apocalypse would be an appropriate reason to disturb me right now.”

  “Well, when the babies come back tomorrow—”

  “The babies are staying with my mother this weekend.”

  I can’t believe this. “The whole weekend?”

  “Yes. Take off your clothes.”

  I glance around the kitchen. “Here?”

  “You’re right. Not here.”

  And then he sweeps me off my feet and carries me across the room and up the stairs with those powerful arms and legs, as if I’m light as air. I giggle and wrap my arms around his corded neck. In minutes we’re at his bedroom.

  He kicks open the door and tosses me onto the bed. “This is your room now. You’re moving in here with me. I’m tired of sleeping without you.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  His knees are on the bed and his body covers me and his black lips descend on mine. Dear gods, I love the scrape of his fangs. I’m sucking on his forked tongue. I press my body close, feeling the poke of his thick shaft between two layers of clothing. I need him inside of me, desperately. Only he can relieve the pressure that’s been building inside for over two months now.

  He throws up my short skirt and tears off my panties.

  He’s still kissing me. And it’s epic.

  Sure, I’ve been kissed before. I might be a virgin, but this doesn’t mean I haven’t been with men before. I’ve just never gone all the way. I haven’t been kissed in ages though. And this is certainly the kiss to end all other kisses. No, no, wait. The kiss Aegir gave me in the kitchen—that was the kiss to end all other kisses!

  He tugs up my tube top and I wiggle out the rest of the way. And then he’s staring at my breasts like he’s found the holy grail. “I’ve wanted this for the last six weeks,” he rasps. He sucks my nipples, one at a time, and I’m dying from pleasure.

  I greedily run my hands over his arms and his back and down the front of his chest, mapping out those hard, hard abs.

  He lifts his head. “This time is going to be fast because I can’t wait. Next time we’ll go slow.”

  Then he stands up and unfastens his trousers and pushes his pants down past his hips and his luscious red cock springs to life. A mini orgasm rushes across my female parts. All that slick hard length, just for me? Cum is already leaking from a slit at the top. He kicks his pants away and now he’s standing naked before me.

  I study him like it’s my life’s work. From the top of his black horns to the tips of his huge, clawed red feet. “You’re beautiful,” I tell him.

  He barks out a laugh. “You didn’t think that when you first met me.”

  I can’t help the blush that spreads across his cheeks. “That was before I got to know you.” I lick my lips as I continue to stare at the enormous erection that juts out in front of him. “Is it going to fit?”

  He palms his shaft and gives it a few rough strokes. “I’ll make sure you can take it.”

  I swear he’s right; my pussy is already embarrassingly wet. I take my skirt off so there’s nothing between us. I’m naked now and spread out on the bed and suddenly every worry I’ve ever had—that I’m not pretty enough, or too heavy, or thick, or my boobs are too messy. It all comes rushing back and I start to try and cover myself.

  He grabs my hand. “Stop. Do not hide any part of yourself. I want to see everything. Do not deny me this pleasure.”

  I sigh with delight, but my fears cannot be pushed away so easily, not after they’ve been ingrained since childhood, when I was the heaviest girl in my class. “I’m considered large and too big on New Earth.”

  “You’ve said that before and I don’t understand. You’re small and strong and your teats and ass are utter perfection. You’re the sexiest female I’ve ever seen. You’re gorgeous.”

  Tears form in my eyes. This is what Aegir has always seen when he looks at me.

  “Are you upset?”

  “No. I’m just happy. Very happy.”

  “I am, too, because my female is here, in my bed. Exactly where she belongs.”

  Then he’s spreading my legs and he licks me with that wicked tongue.

  Can a girl die from pleasure?

  His red face between my thighs is so freaking erotic I might pass out. I grab his horns again, like I did last time, holding on for dear life. His forked tongue is working my clit like it’s his job. He did this too, in the kitchen, but this time we don’t have to worry about anyone walking in on us. I grind my hips against his mouth, seeking more and more.

  But then he lifts his head, cutting the session short, leaving me panting for more. “I want you coming around my cock,” he says and gently fingers my pussy with his claw. I can hear the sound of my own juices. “You’re ready.”

  Oh yeah, I’m ready.

  He lifts my knee and moves forward and notches the head of his magnificent cock at the seam of my entrance.

  I grab his biceps. “I’m happy you’re going to be my first.”

  “I will be your first and your last.” I can’t mistake the tenderness in his dark eyes as he bends down, covers me with his huge body and presses his lips against mine. “No other male is going to touch this but me. Forever. I am going to fill you with my seed and watch you grow large with my offspring.”

  “Okay,” I whimper. I want this too. It’s my dream. I want to spend my future with Aegir.

  He slides the crown of his cock inside and groans my name.

  I suck in a sharp breath.

  He stops and stares down at me. “You alright?”

  “It hurts,” I admit.

  Aegir goes slow then, carefully pushing that monster cock in farther and farther. It takes awhile for him to feed that length into me with care. He’s trembling with the effort to make this good for me.

  Finally, it starts to feel better. So, so much better. Like, “throw out the vibrator” better. I kiss him hard and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips, trying to squirm around to get more of that cock. I know he understands I’m ready because with one last thrust he’s fully seated inside.

  The breath blows right out of me and I swear I see stars. “Oh gods,” I groan against his lips and dig my fingernails into his shoulders. “Move,” I plead. “Move.”

  He’s plowing inside of me, in and out. His hard shaft is buried deep, hitting places inside that I didn’t even know existed. I make desperate, keening sounds and I ride this like it’s the best gift I’ve ever received.

  And then my new husband braces on one arm and reaches down and fingers my clit as he’s fucking me.

  Oh dear gods. That’s all it takes. I explode into a million pieces.

  I scream through the harshest orgasm of my life. Hard, clenching contractions sweep out across my stomach and all the way down to my toes. My core clamps down hard around his cock. It goes on and on and I’m basically stunned with the amount of concentrated pleasure rushing through me.

  Aegir gives one last hard thrust and stills above me. He’s going over the edge too. He throws his head back and lets out a mighty roar. I stare up at the glory of his corded neck and the flash of his sharp fangs. Then I close my eyes and smile with delight at the warm rush of his seed filling me up. There’s so much. He just keeps coming, seeming to ride out wave after wave of his own orgasm. Then he finally collapses next to me in a sweaty mess.

  He licks my neck, wraps me in a tight embrace and I smile with satisfied exhaustion.



  I wake up at dawn and roll over and place my claw between my bound’s legs and find that she’s still wet and ready for me. Perfect, because I’m ready for her too. I place my claws on her and put myself between her thighs and slide my hard cock into her slick heat. Hell, I never want to leave. I could stay buried inside of her for my entire lifetime and it wouldn’t be enough. She wakes up as I start moving, wraps her arms arou
nd me and holds on tight. Her huge breasts are pressed against my chest and I reach down and suck one nipple at a time. I love having her soft body under mine. She’s perfect. Riley wraps her legs around me and digs her heels into my ass and the next thing I know we’re both coming at the same time. I kiss her hard and moan against her lips as I jet my seed into her pussy.

  We’re both hot and sweaty. “Let’s go to get cleaned up,” I say.

  I can’t believe she’s finally mine. What did I do to deserve this?

  I get her into the cleansing unit and attack her again because I can’t get enough. I drop to my knees and lick her pussy until she’s gasping out another orgasm. Then I push my female to her knees and cum on her perfect teats. I’ve turned into a raging beast of old, like the ancient Hyrrokin who roamed the outlands blasting flash flames and plundering villages, mating on the whims of instinct and pheromones alone. I’m far removed from my ancestors, but barely.

  I place her in a warm tub of bathwater to rest and relax. I’ve used her and she’s sore. She needs a break. I planted my seed in her many times last night and this morning. She smells of me, inside and out. And I hope that I’ve started our new offspring.

  Eventually I pull her out of the water, dry her off, and toss her in bed with me and wrap my arms around her and we fall back asleep. I wake up later to find her putting her pajamas on and sneaking out of our bed. I place my claw on her hip, “Where are you going?”

  “I’m getting my stuff out of my room because I’m moving in here, today. I don’t want to bother with going back and forth.”

  I agree with this statement, so I get up too to help her bring her personal items into our room. “This is our bedroom now,” I tell her. “Your old room is the guest room.”

  “Or it can be a room for future babies.”


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