Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set

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Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set Page 23

by Dez Burke

  Oh sure, she’d seen the subtle changes in him. He seemed far more confident now, less uptight. Even women seemed to sense it too. She remembered how he’d gotten looks from many females at the last outing they went to; saw the look of interest that was more than just curiosity or dismay at his scars.

  He carried himself with such virility that one could imagine that behind closed doors, it would be easy to forget everything else but the man and his specialty of making a woman scream with pleasure.

  Angela didn’t want to think about that, either. Didn’t want to depress herself with thinking of something that was never going to happen. Not that there was anything stopping them. They were both adults; it would be so easy to give in and then walk away when it was over. “Merrily” walk away he’d said, she kept reminding herself.

  But Angela couldn’t see that happening this time around. She’d already begun to form a connection and she was hungry to find out where it would lead. Even if she daren’t show it, she really liked him and wanted to get closer to him. It wasn’t all about the sex or romance, but her own need for a friend.

  She couldn’t exactly see herself inviting her friends over and having a nice time. Shane hadn’t expressly said her friends weren’t welcome but Angela had a sense that he wouldn’t want anything to disrupt his self-imposed isolation. Not with her type of crowd anyway.

  Those girls could be nosey as hell and they’d want to know Angela’s millionaire ‘boyfriend’ better. Thankfully, Angela didn’t have that many close pals, just girls she hung out with. There was Sasha of course, but there was no way Angela wanted her sister mixed up in this.

  Sasha had seen the papers and Angela had had to explain it was nothing serious, just a PR thing as part of a new project she was about to take on. It was at times like this Angela was glad that her father couldn’t really follow the news or gossips for now. She wouldn’t have been able to explain how come she was now dating a famous racecar driver that none of her family members could meet.

  Angela wandered into the kitchen and picked a couple of the delicious ready-made courses the chef had waiting for them in the fridge. She learned he came in a few times during the week to whip up different dishes from a menu Shane picked out.

  Shane leaned toward heart-attack-on-a-plate meals with lots of red meat and potatoes. Always watching her weight, Angela was glad to find a few healthier meals she could enjoy. She wondered how hard it would be to convince the chef to cut back on some of the fatty meals.

  It couldn’t be healthy for Shane to eat the way he did. Unfortunately she wouldn’t be around long enough to find out. Pushing that thought aside, she finished with lunch, eager to see what the rest of the day would bring.

  After taking a brief walk she returned, hoping to find Shane around. But he was nowhere to be seen so she figured he was still busy. She strolled into the entertainment room and instead of opting to watch a movie as usual, she turned on the radio connected to the hi-tech surround sound speakers. She found her favorite station and instantly her spirits rose. Nothing like some good music to ease one’s troubles.

  Angela didn’t want to worry about anything: her less than amazing career, or her lack of a love-life. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the music, swaying from side to side. The station was playing the charts and Angela recognized some of her new favorite hits. She liked to listen to most music genres and wasn’t picky so long as it made her ears and heart feel good.

  She half-way hoped the sound of music would lure Shane out. She wasn’t surprised when ten minutes later, Shane came into the room. She turned to him with a ready smile and waved her arm in a beckoning manner. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  His face showed a playful grimace. “Sorry, not much of a dancer. I’d rather just watch if it’s all right with you.” His grey eyes held a teasing light in them as he settled into a nearby couch.

  Well it wasn’t all right with Angela, but she only gave him a mock frown while she started moving to the music.

  “I love this song!” she said exuberantly over the sound from the speakers, her hips shaking to the beat.

  She couldn’t help being unselfconscious when her kind of music started playing. She’d always been good at dancing and wasn’t shy about showing off. She kind of liked the way Shane followed her movements with eyes that spoke volumes of want. She didn’t mean to tease, but...well, it was just music, wasn’t it. Not like she was dangling from a stripper pole or giving him a lap dance.

  He had a big smile on his face that all but obliterated the shadow of any of those scars. She couldn’t help wondering how lonely he must have been in this big, beautiful house before she came along.

  Just then the music switched to something less upbeat but just as good to listen to. Another favorite of hers, and she didn’t want to even think about it first before she sashayed to Shane and took both his hands in hers, urging him up. “Come on. I’m not going to let you sit this one out. This is bluesy Alicia playing; food for the soul if you ask me.”

  “I really, really don’t dance,” Shane told her with a half-warning, half-humorous expression but to her glee, he let her pull him up and then he started to move with her.

  The gusty vocals hit all the right notes in Angela’s belly and she couldn’t help thinking how apt the song was right then; it was about doing the unthinkable and falling for someone different and exciting, totally from another world from yours yet, holding the key to your heart. As Alicia crooned out, Angela hummed right along, biting on her smiling bottom lip as she looked up at Shane through her lashes.

  Okay, so she was teasing him. A little.

  There was a slight flush on his cheeks as she swayed against him that looked kind of cute. She’d never known she could make a grown man blush; especially someone so jagged-edged like Shane. He wasn’t looking for love; she knew that. And that was cool because she wasn’t, either. But there was nothing wrong with a man and woman simply enjoying the fact that they were male and female and could just indulge in each other’s presence.

  But something in the music got to them. Maybe it was the breathy lyrics or just the fact that they were alone and their bodies were grinding up against each other. So when she saw Shane’s head begin to lower dangerously close to hers, Angela didn’t pull away.

  One harmless kiss wouldn’t hurt, would it? He really did have a sexy mouth and she’d never forgotten how good he kissed. Maybe just one little peck then, thought Angela as she fluttered her lashes closed, neck arched in anticipation as her mouth parted eagerly...

  Something buzzed against her thigh and she started, drawing back to look down to find out it was something in Shane’s pocket. He looked angry at the disturbance but still let her go with an apologetic look. Angela nodded and quickly reached for the remote, muting the music as Shane unearthed his phone from his pocket.

  He took one look at the screen and his frown deepened. He held up a finger at Angela to excuse himself, and then turned away to walk out of the room.

  As he left she heard him start with “Mom....,” before the door shut behind him.

  Angela sighed deeply. That was close. Saved again from doing something stupid, she thought.

  Last night it had been the glass breaking that had both her and Shane coming to their senses. And now a phone call had interrupted what would have been a kiss – one which could or could not have led to something else.

  Damn, but she was such an idiot. What could she have hoped to accomplish from kissing him? That would be starting up something she couldn’t finish.

  Time she had a reality check. Exhaling one last regretful breath, she shut down the music set and ducked out to lock herself in her room. Not exactly to keep anyone out, but to keep herself in. She’d need to shackle herself to the bed or something to keep from seeking Shane out again and begging him to have his way with her, just like she’d only ever dreamed of him doing.

  That was it; I need to get a grip, was Angela’s decisive thought. Two weeks from now, she’d be ou
t of Shane’s life. Their contract would come to an end. They had their separate worlds to return to. He had his friends and his million-dollar lifestyle while she...well, she had to get her act together, literally.

  Once this was over, she’d put her all into revamping her career. Since she couldn’t get a decent relationship she could at least make something of herself. And keep any wishful thinking about Shane Davis from her heart.

  Chapter Nine

  The weekend trip was supposed to be a kind of family get-together his mother usually threw around her birthday. When the day finally arrived to meet Mrs. Davis at last, Angela began to feel nervous like she was getting to meet her boyfriend’s mother for real.

  But none of this was real, she reminded herself for the umpteenth time as she joined Shane in the car. He’d chosen to take the Porsche since he thought the drive might be more fun in the sports car. It was a short two-hour trip to his parent’s home located in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. She intended to use that time to go over everything Shane had told her about his parents, especially his mother.

  According to Shane, Valerie Davis was a strong, loving woman; prominent in her church and the small mountain community where he grew up. From photos, she knew Shane looked nothing like her except perhaps, her steely grey eyes and strong-looking chin.

  Angela could only imagine what Valerie would think of Shane bringing his new girlfriend to the weekend family reunion. From pictures of Valerie, Angela had made her own opinion about the older woman and she sensed she was the type to want things to go her way. Anything else would be fought against tooth and nail until every facet of life could return to the status quo. Angela dreaded discovering if she was right.

  “HEY, MOM,” SHANE SAID, wrapping his mother in a big bear hug before reaching over to shake his father’s hand. “Dad.”

  “Oh, sweetheart! How are you?” Valerie Davis said, obviously thrilled to see her only son. After a moment she turned to give Angela her full attention.

  “And who do we have here?” she asked.

  Angela liked to think the woman’s smile didn’t hold any less pleasure than earlier as she fixed her eyes on Angela standing next to Shane.

  “Angela Neil; Valerie Davis, my mother,” supplied Shane. “And Lloyd Davis, my Dad.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Davis,” Angela said as she extended her hand to shake the older woman’s.

  “Now, now, I’ll have none of that Mrs. Davis stuff,” cooed Shane’s mother as she went in to hug Angela instead of accepting the handshake. Surprised, Angela embraced her in return. “I’d appreciate it if you would call me Valerie. Absolutely no need to stand on ceremony with us. We’re all country folks around here. We want you to feel at home.”

  Angela smiled and nodded. “All right; Valerie it is then.”

  “And you call me Lloyd,” Shane’s father added with a big genuine smile. “Unless you want to call me handsome, because I answer to that too.”

  “Oh Lloyd! Don’t start teasing her already, she just got here. I can see we’re all going to get along just fine,” Valerie said as she took Angela’s arm and linked it with hers, once again taking Angela by surprise. But being who she was, Angela adapted to the situation and didn’t stiffen when Valerie kept close to her side as she began to lead them up to the house.

  “No one else has really arrived yet, so I’m glad we’ll get some time to know each other better,” Valerie said. “Shane didn’t say much about you but now that we’ve met I can see why he’s so taken with you in the short time you’ve known each other. So it’s only been a month since you started dating?”

  “Yes, close to that,” Angela said, stopping just in time from slanting Shane a glance. He walked ahead of them to pull open the door for them to walk by and she caught his unreadable expression.

  “Well, that’s nice. I’m so glad. Now don’t you worry about anything this weekend; I’ll do all I can to make sure you enjoy your stay. Shane knows I’ll take good care of you, don’t you honey?” she asked as she sent Shane a wide smile.

  “Yes, she will,” was Shane’s dutiful reply. “Mom is known around here for being the perfect hostess.”

  “Five minutes in the door and already he’s flattering me,” laughed Mrs. Davis as she patted Angela’s hand. “Well, he’s right. Why don’t you get some rest and freshen up, Angela after the drive up from Nashville.”

  “The trip wasn’t bad but...I guess you’re right. I do need to freshen up,” Angela said with an agreeable smile. “Shane insisted on driving with the top down on the Porsche and my hair must be quite a fright.”

  “Well then, I’ll let Shane show you to your room,” Valerie said promptly. “And we’ll talk in a little bit.”

  Later, as Shane led Angela up to the west wing of the house, Angela commented on how beautiful the country style farmhouse was.

  “When I told Mom I wanted to give her the money to build a new house she came up with an idea to build her own version of Blackberry Farm. It’s a lovely luxury hotel not too far from here. Maybe we’ll have a chance to visit it one day. You would love it.”

  Angela stopped herself in time from asking if she’d be with him long enough to accompany him anywhere. Maybe it was a slip of tongue on his part. There were just a couple of weeks left on the contract. Or did he intend to prolong their arrangement?

  Angela had no time to dwell on those thoughts. Shane pulled one door open and she walked in to find the most comfortable looking room she could imagine with lovely hardwood floors, a massive bed draped in warm, deep colors and large bay windows that overlooked a green pasture filled with Appaloosa horses.

  At one end of the room was a large oversized sofa with a handmade quilt lying across the back. She advanced in the room to find an en-suite bathroom and was awed by how large and warm-feeling it was.

  She turned to Shane smiling. “Well I guess this is my room.”

  “Our room,” he corrected briskly. “I’ll bring our luggage up in a few minutes.”

  Angela frowned. “Our room? I don’t understand – why would we share a room?”

  Shane stared at her a couple of moments. “We’re here as a couple, remember? I think it would look strange if we had separate rooms. The last thing I’d want is my mother suspecting we aren’t for real.”

  Angela swallowed drily. “Well. It’s a surprise to me. My parents would never have allowed me sleep in the same room with a man under their roof unless we were married. No way under any circumstances.”

  Shane smiled thinly. “I understand your reservations, Angela. But my mother doesn’t see things that way. She knows how modern relationships work and besides I’m hardly a child and neither are you. She obviously expected us to share a room and that’s why she chose this one for us. It’s the biggest in the house and also located in a private wing with hardly any other guest rooms so we have privacy.”

  “I see,” Angela added with that same dry throat.

  He watched her expression with a shrewd look. “However, we don’t have to share a bed if the thought makes you uncomfortable. While we’re here, I’ll be fine sleeping on the couch. It’s only for the weekend anyway.”

  Angela nodded way too quickly and hoped Shane wouldn’t be offended. She glanced at the large couch set adjacent to the bed and thought, well, that looked like one hell of a comfy couch and she was sure Shane would be fine in it for a few nights. But she didn’t say it out loud of course.

  She found herself wringing her hands. “Well, good. Because you know...it would be really...I mean it’s just better this way.”

  They stared at each other for a few moments. “You’re right,” Shane said at last. “Get some rest. There’ll be dinner tonight with my parents and perhaps a handful of guests. I need to see to a few things so you’ll be left to enjoy your nap in peace. It’s gone well this far, so well done. I’m sure she bought it.”

  “Yeah,” Angela said slowly. “She seems really nice. Your dad too.”

  Shane s
miled ironically. “I said she bought it; I didn’t say she’ll give up about the planned intervention. She’s just giving herself time to think up a plan B. I’m not in the clear yet, trust me.”

  Angela nodded and chewed on her bottom lip.

  The situation she was in took a turn for the surreal by the time evening came. Angela had already showered and dressed for dinner when Shane finally returned to the room to freshen up and change as well.

  Thankfully there was a large dressing room so Angela was spared the intimacy of watching him dress. Once he was ready he walked back into the room and Angela rose from the chair, brushing her hands down to straighten her dress.

  “I hope I look okay,” she said lightly.

  “Stunning, as always,” he told her with unconcealed appreciation. There was a solemn look that crossed his eyes as he added, “I have to warn you that other guests have arrived. I’m not sure how many will be staying overnight at the house. I was able to speak to most of them while you napped so they know you’re here.”

  “Thank you for the warning. Don’t worry though. I’ll do whatever it takes to convince everyone that you’re my man,” Angela said with calm assurance.

  A light flickered in Shane’s eyes and Angela couldn’t be sure it if it was humor or something darker, hotter. “And how would you do that?”

  Angela shrugged, her cheeks warming. “Oh, different stuff. You know, things that show intimacy and trust between my man and me.”

  “You mean like that kiss we shared that first night after the dinner party?” Shane asked deeply. His hands cupped her face and he was staring down at her mouth. Oh dear, thought Angela. His next words had her knees wobbling. “That reminds me...I think we’re a little out of practice.”


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