Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set

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Fake Fiancé, Real Love: Fake Fiance Accidental Marriage Box Set Page 32

by Dez Burke

  “Of course I’ve had offers – and some of them not so honorable,” Kaycie finally replied as she tried not to feel offended by his words. And I won’t deny I’ve tried out the dating scene a number of times but no one has been interesting enough to tempt me.”

  “So you’re saying you’re still unattached?” Mark pressed.

  “Yes, dammit!” Kaycie snapped before she could hold back. She really was sick of repeating herself.

  “There’s no man in my life right now and there hasn’t been. Why can’t you just accept that I don’t want to be with you or marry you?”

  “But why?” Mark went on relentlessly, causing her to let out an exasperated breath as she turned away from him.

  Kaycie felt his hand on her shoulder as he added grimly, “You know what? You still love me. I can tell that you do. Why else hasn’t there been anyone else?”

  And then his tone melted like chocolate, his fingers now caressing on her bared flesh. “Kaycie, if you want me to woo you all over again, I will. Just...”

  Before he could say more, one of the hostesses for the evening appeared, her smile apologetic. “There you are, Mark. We were wondering if you’d like to make your speech now. Your aunt is thanking the guests for coming and for their generous donations to the innovative military medicine fund. Just wondering if you had a few words...”

  “Of course; thanks. I’ll be right there,” Mark said with a nod, and the beautiful woman nodded, smiled and retreated back to the party.

  When they were alone once more, he turned to Kaycie with a silky look. “Our discussion isn’t over, baby. But for now, let’s go in and I’ll make that speech. I’m honored that my aunt chose this occasion to also raise funds for my favorite charity. I feel much better about all the attention now.”

  “Hey; you’re her only nephew and she’s so proud of you,” Kaycie said with a smile. “But you go on. I just need a moment then I’ll be joining you.”

  To Kaycie’s relief, he nodded without argument and soon, she was left in blessed peace. Releasing a pent-up breath, she leaned her palms upon the balustrade and went over her present predicament as calmly as she could.

  From the moment she’d walked in she’d known the night would be an ordeal. First there’d been Mark’s aunt, as condescending as ever when Kaycie had politely greeted her. And then there’d been Trisha, who was Marilyn’s adopted daughter.

  When Mark’s parents had died five years ago in a car crash, his childless, widowed aunt Marilyn Tucker had taken him under her wing. She’d always kept her family’s name and when she’d adopted Trisha, had raised her nephew and daughter as siblings. Kaycie knew Mark saw Trisha simply as a younger, adorable sister. But Kaycie’s feminine intuition had always told her that Trisha was more than a little attached to Mark and not in a sisterly sense.

  Kaycie wondered about Trisha’s attitude when she’d arrived earlier that evening. Their meeting again had been far from cordial, and Kaycie figured the bad blood was still there between them. Was it possible Trisha could be jealous of the prospect of Mark rekindling his romance with her?

  Damn. Kaycie told herself she did not need this drama. If the other girl wanted Mark, then she was welcome to him...

  “Quite the heartbreaker, aren’t you?”

  Kaycie swiveled round in surprise at the sound of that deep, unmistakable voice. There Nick Vitale was, standing on the balcony just in front of her. His face was shadowed in the semi-darkness, the moon not bright enough to totally ward off the gloom.

  Instantly, Kaycie’s heart began to pound at his somewhat overwhelming presence. His voice, the way his clothes fit to his body, the icy rings in his deep brown eyes...they hindered her breathing as she instinctively backed away when he stepped closer.

  A sudden light breeze wafted over, lifting the flowing hem of her dress. But it wasn’t the unexpected chill that made Kaycie give off a shiver.

  “Excuse me?” she heard herself mouth somewhat stupidly as she stared up at him. He was smiling but his dark brown eyes were as cold as ever.

  “Oh, you heard me,” he drawled. He moved with long, easy strides of a panther and Kaycie had the distinct impression he might just be on the prowl. What on earth did he want with her anyway?

  “Pardon me for asking, but did you get some kind of kick, from turning the poor guy down like that?”

  He was standing inches away from her, looking forward into the gardens beyond so that Kaycie had a clear view of his profile. She was busy admiring the aristocratic planes of his features when his words suddenly hit her.

  Kaycie spluttered for a few moments, her outrage surfacing at the evidence of this man’s sheer gall.

  “What? I can’t believe this,” Kaycie gasped. “It’s bad enough finding out you were eavesdropping on a private conversation – but then you had to come out here and hound me? Do you get some kind of kick from sticking your nose in other people’s business?”

  “Wasn’t my intention to eavesdrop,” Nick Vitale said with a careless shrug, still not looking at her. “There I was, sitting in the corner, when you both came to occupy the other couch. I really couldn’t block out the conversation now could I? But the fact remains that I really did hate to see a decent guy trampled in the dust by the woman he loves – the woman who, unfortunately, doesn’t even deserve him.”

  “Oh really?”Kaycie breathed, hand on her hip as she glared sideways at him. She dearly wanted to smack that judgmental look off his gorgeous face! Where did he get off speaking to her in such a manner?

  “Yes, really,” he said mocking, finally turning to face her fully. Kaycie felt a clap of thunder hit her chest as he speared her with his penetratingly dark gaze. Damn but he was one fine, sexy bastard, Kaycie thought, glaring into his sinfully handsome face and wondering how it was she could detest a man so much and still find him hellishly attractive at the same time.

  She must have her hormonal wires crossed or something because Nick Vitale was everything she loved to hate in a man: egotistical, too handsome and rich for his own good. Kaycie told herself she could feel his disdain and aversion for her coming through in waves.

  “I mean, that poor guy must have really been living in delusion all that time he was away, thinking he had a devoted lover waiting patiently for his return from the field. He was right; you couldn’t wait, could you? Girls like you never can,” he drawled.

  Kaycie’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Girls like me?”

  Nick Vitale laughed with derision at her tone. “You know; the cold, manipulating kind. Beautiful, but heartless. We’ve only had to connect a few times, Ms. Hayes, but I’ve been able to figure out a lot about you.”

  Kaycie was so shocked and outraged she was struck with silence as he continued in that chilling voice of his.

  “I pity the man dumb enough to fall for you. In fact, women like you repel me. You lead a guy on, and then break him up into tiny pieces when you realize you don’t want to play the game anymore.”

  His words of condemnation really hit her hard but Kaycie was nothing if not matured and confident in her own worth. Growing up in a large family, surrounded by positive influences as well as her own personal development over the years from a shy young female to an accomplished professional woman gave her a strength not so easily shaken.

  She was almost too furious to form words but she managed to let out angrily, “How dare you make such conclusions about me? You know nothing about what’s going on, least of all about the kind of woman I truly am.”

  He merely huffed and Kaycie would have clubbed him then. She’d honestly never been spoken to in such a manner that smacked of disrespect; especially not from a stranger who didn’t know a damn thing about her.

  Why Nick Vitale’s opinion even mattered was lost on her, but it hurt all the same that he thought so negatively of her. She really, really wished she could punch him in the face for saying the things he had.

  But before she could react with physical violence as she so longed to do, Kaycie’s ey
es shifted to beyond Nick Vitale’s shoulder and saw that Mark was making his way back. She could see him approaching the balcony as he weaved through the crowded room beyond the bay windows close to where she stood, heading straight for where she stood with Nick Vitale, both of them glaring at each other.

  And then out of nowhere came the craziest, wildest idea. Kaycie was almost snickering with glee as she thought of it.

  Her mind racing, Kaycie turned to Nick Vitale with a calculating, half-hooded look that had his dark brows furrowing with instant suspicion. But she merely smiled sultrily.

  “Mmmm...and what game am I playing now, Mr. Judge and Jury?” Kaycie purred, leaning close and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  She felt his solidly built frame go rigid with shock, right before she inched upwards on tiptoe and locked her lips firmly with his.

  His mouth stayed pursed beneath hers and still they felt as soft as silk yet deliciously manly. Kaycie’s heart pounded with excitement as she shut her eyes to the dazed look on his face, tightening her hold around his neck. She was faintly conscious of Mark now standing in the open entrance of the balcony where she heard him come to an abrupt stop.

  Meanwhile, Kaycie continued to kiss Nick Vitale with all the passion she could fake.


  Well...maybe she wasn’t being totally honest. Because just at that moment, he’d let his lips finally thaw against hers, opening up to her probing tongue which he now incited with his while his hands clamped heavily on her waist.

  Kaycie kept chanting to herself that this was just a ploy; to put this damnably arrogant man in his place – as well as to show Mark that she truly, honestly did not love him anymore.

  And yet all of a sudden, the tables turned and Kaycie realized she wasn’t proving anything – not to Mark. Maybe to herself though.

  Because now she knew that all those smoldering tingles she felt whenever she was near this handsome, undeniably sexy man called Nick Vitale wasn’t dislike as she’d believed, but an earth-shattering attraction she could no longer deny.

  Chapter Three

  At the same time Kaycie came to that startling revelation, Nick Vitale seemed to suddenly return to his senses and gripped her shoulders, wrenching her from him.

  His expression was glazed with a mixture of desire, shock and fury. “What the hell...?”


  They both turned around at the sound of that shrill voice, and Kaycie noticed for the first time that it wasn’t just Mark who’d appeared on the balcony. Behind the staring Mark stood a young and beautiful woman, her skin glowing with a rich deep tone much like Nick Vitale’s own. She was very slim, her model-like figure sheathed in a fabulous white floor-length dress.

  Kaycie’s eyes widened, struck by how lovely the woman was, though she looked no more than twenty-three. She had dark blue eyes and long blonde hair falling straight from her perfectly curved face. Her red-coated lips were hanging open, her expression a mirror of Mark’s who at last found his voice.

  “Kaycie! How could you even...?”

  Kaycie face creased in a grimace at Mark’s blustering tone, just as Nick Vitale shoved her aside, going quickly to the sexy looking beauty.

  “Rachel, I can explain,” he began, but the young woman was already turning to stomp away.

  “Spare me,” the blonde said coldly, her back to him as she stalked off, throwing over her shoulder, “Just you wait until I tell Daddy about this.”

  Nick Vitale made to go after her, but Kaycie saw him stop in his tracks as he heard Mark say accusingly to Kaycie, “So this is the other guy, Kaycie. I just knew you were lying.”

  Before Kaycie could even think of a reply, Nick Vitale turned his gaze on Mark and said calmly, “No, I definitely am not the “other guy”. But a word of advice my friend; give it up. She’s obviously more than you can handle. Trust me I know what I’m saying.”

  And with that, he disappeared through the French doors after the woman he’d called Rachel.

  Mark stared dazedly after the departed Nick Vitale before facing Kaycie once more.

  “Don’t say another word,” Kaycie cut in swiftly, holding up a palm the second his lips parted. “If I still haven’t managed to convince you that it’s over between us, then there’s nothing else I can do or say. I’m leaving.”

  He didn’t try to stop her, thankfully, and Kaycie brushed past him into the crowded ballroom where the party was still in full swing, people filling the dance floor while the lively band played popular tunes.

  Kaycie felt some relief in the fact that everyone else was blissfully oblivious to the little drama that had taken place just outside on the balcony. Glad too that neither Nick Vitale nor his woman friend were anywhere to be seen, Kaycie hustled for the exit.

  She was still shuddering as her mind played over the whole cringe-worthy evening. Finding her purse and coat she headed straight out of the house. Once in the cool night air, she heaved a deep sigh of relief and swore that this would be the last time she’d venture into the walls of the Tucker home.

  And hopefully, the last time she set eyes on that tempting devil, Nick Vitale...

  Kaycie made her way out of the open wrought iron gates and began to stride quickly down the tree-lined sidewalk while trying to punch out a number for a cab on her cellphone. She suddenly became conscious of a sleek automobile grinding to halt next to her.

  Nick Vitale was behind the wheel. He pushed open the passenger door for her. Kaycie stopped dead, staring at him.

  “Get in,” he ordered curtly, leaning across the front passenger seat so she could look into his cold, dark eyes. “Right now.”

  “You must be out of your mind,” she told him coldly, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she continued walking. She refused to look his way even as the powerfully sleek car began to slowly roll along after her.

  “Don’t make me come out and bodily make you, Kaycie,” he said gruffly, and at the sound of her name on his lips, Kaycie paused in her stride and then swiveled to face him.

  “I’m sure you’ve figured out by now that I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Nick Vitale,” she bit out with a scornful smile while meeting his icy glare. And then she sighed deeply. “You know, I’m getting more and more surprised at you. I mean, haven’t I embarrassed you – and myself, enough for one night?”


  Throwing her hands up at the growl in his tone, Kaycie finally let out a sound of capitulation. Not like anything worse could happen. For what it was worth, Kaycie felt a deep remorse.

  What she did had been unthinkable – uncalled for and downright stupid. One way or another, he may deserve some sort of apology. So okay, he’d been an annoying, interfering beast, but she really should have thought it through before kissing him. She’d never, ever done something so reckless in her life and now that the high had crashed down, she felt like a total idiot.

  Without a word, she stepped into the luxurious confines of what happened to be a state-of-the-art Audi. The windows closed, sealing them within an atmosphere that both chilled her blood and warmed her toes.

  She felt Nick Vitale’s gaze sweep over her for a few moments in silence but she looked straight ahead. She let out a shaky breath as he then turned back to focus on his driving, shooting them off with a squeal of tires.

  “ADDRESS?” NICK VITALE quipped the moment they were out of the private road.

  Kaycie pushed her fingers through her hair in exasperation. “Look, there’s absolutely no cause for you to drop me home. I much prefer to get a cab.”

  “Save my time and your effort,” the infernal man said calmly yet with that hint of steel in his tone. His hand was poised over the GPS.

  Quelling the urge to bestow him with her most catty eye roll, she blurted out her home address and then said a silent prayer that she could keep her cool the short drive to her place. Thankfully she didn’t live that far away and was virtually counting down the minutes until she would be free from Nicholas Vitale’s disturbing

  He drove smoothly and with total precision, and as the silence drew on Kaycie couldn’t help stealing a glance at his profile. She couldn’t read a thing from that darkly brooding face; he looked as forbidding as he always did. But soon, Kaycie felt the need to break the ominous silence so she took the bold step.

  “Okay, Nick, why don’t you let it all out,” she said calmly, taking the liberty of calling him by his first name since he’d done the same with her. “Go on; tell me what else you think of me after that little stunt I pulled back there. I’ve come to discover you’re hardly the type to mince words.”

  Was it her imagination, or was there an upward quirk to his tantalizing lush mouth? Kaycie wanted to kick herself for noticing how nicely curved his lips were for a man and how it had tasted damn good to kiss him. She could still feel the texture of those warm, lightly savoury lips with just a hint of bourbon.

  “You’re a brave woman, Kaycie,” Nick told her somewhat thoughtfully. He spared her a narrow glance before facing the road again. “A little crazy, but I can see you’ve got guts. Unfortunately, all that does nothing to lessen the feelings of utter rage I have for you right now.”

  Uh oh. Kaycie swallowed inaudibly. She should have known that underneath his cool exterior, the man was fuming. Hiding a flinch, she turned to view him as he continued to speak in that deceptively conversational tone.

  “And do you know I’m engaged? No; I doubt that you do. You see, you’ve just managed to ruin my engagement to Rachel Conte. She definitely will not marry me now.”

  Kaycie shrugged. “Too bad,” she said without any attempt to sound sorry for him. She’d forgotten nothing about the things he’d said to her and in fact, his accusations were drawing up her wounded feelings all over again. He was mean, hard and appalling and deserved whatever was coming for him.


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