Have a Heart 1

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Have a Heart 1 Page 2

by Rachel Burns

  “I decided that your best are B’s or higher. Anything lower, and I will punish you. I get regular reports from your teachers, and I won’t hesitate to spank you. I am warning you now not to step out of line. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He was surprised that a sir flowed so easily from her lips, but then she had probably heard what he had to do to get the other girl to say it.

  “If you don’t turn in an assignment, get a bad grade, or you are late for class, I will hear about it, and we will talk about it, and then I will make you bare your bottom, and I will spank you.” He looked her straight in the eyes.

  He received a very meek ‘Yes, sir’ for his efforts.

  “If you skip class, then I will use the strap on you. Again, consider yourself warned. I decide if you are too sick to go to your classes in the morning.” He gave her a look that said that she better not try to play sick with him.

  “So you have been informed.” She hung her head. She had hoped that she could keep it a secret.

  “Of course, I have. I know all about you. I won’t put up with any crap like your parents did. You are here to learn, and I will see to it that you do.”

  Brianna nodded. She tried to hold the tear back that she felt forming in her right eye. The left was following suit. She hadn’t expected him to be so mean about it.

  People were normally especially nice to her. Then again, she had said she didn’t want any special treatment.

  “I will be back in a second.” She watched him leave. He left the door open. She took the chance to wipe away her tears.

  Scott was shaking his head. Water so her blood doesn’t get full of limestone. She may not be full of lime, but she sure was full of it. He grabbed a glass from his room and went back to hers. He went right to her desk. There she had already started a bottle. He poured some in his glass while she stared at him wide-eyed. It was just water, damn.

  He turned to the mother load and picked out a bottle from the middle of her stack. He opened it and poured himself another glass. That bottle was also just water.

  He looked at her confused face. “I will keep on checking. If I ever find anything other than water in those bottles, you will be severely punished. This school has strict rules about alcohol. The legal drinking age in Texas is twenty-one.”

  “Oh, no I don’t drink, at all. You don’t have to worry.” She had finally figured out what he was doing. Alcohol wasn’t something that she would want to get anywhere near. With the medication that she was taking, it could put her into a coma.

  “Again consider yourself warned.”

  “Yes, sir.” She looked up at him.

  “Good night.” He left.

  She whispered ‘good night’ at the closed door, and then she jumped up and locked it.

  Brianna went to bed, wondering what he would accuse her of next. She didn’t drink, smoke or do drugs. Well, not the illegal ones. And she didn’t play sick.

  In fact, she had often gotten spankings for pretending to be healthy enough for school when she wasn’t.

  The thought of her cutting class to have fun was absurd.

  He probably had her pegged all wrong. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t planning on ever getting into trouble around here anyway. She would see to it that she didn’t have anything to do with him.

  Brianna fell asleep and dreamt that he was chasing her with his belt in his hands. She was so weak, and her heart hurt, and then she stumbled, and he was upon her.

  He brought his belt down, and she woke up. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

  She scolded herself for letting her feelings runaway with her.

  She got up and tipped toed across the hall to the bathroom.

  Her room was the closest to it. She was thankful for that.

  She could hear him spanking someone. The steady rhythm was brutal to listen too. She had tears in her eyes as she went back to bed.

  She hoped for better sleep once she was used to being here.

  Chapter 2 – Making Friends

  Brianna’s alarm went off early the next morning. She reached over to shut her alarm off and saw that it was five a.m.

  She dragged herself out of bed, still tired. Another couple hours of sleep would have done her good. Her first class was at eight. Breakfast was first at seven. She had a map of the campus in her book. She would highlight the way to all of her classes after she had showered.

  Brianna grabbed her robe and a couple of towels. She had her shower things ready before she tiptoed to the door to listen. Everything was quiet. She locked her room and tiptoed into the bathroom.

  She listened again at the shower door to make sure no one else was around. If she hurried, she could be all alone.

  The water was very cold at first, but it slowly got warmer. Her heart was pounding, reacting to the cold water and her fear that someone may see her. She quickly washed her hair and finished up.

  Once she was almost finished, the water finally got hot.

  Brianna wrung out her long hair and wrapped it in a towel. She dried the rest of herself very quickly. She left the towel wrapped around her body before she put her robe back on. Her heart was pounding with fear that someone could walk in on her.

  She sighed relieved. She didn’t want to have to explain to anyone. No one had seen her. Day one, check. Only two years to go.

  She smiled to herself. She would listen to hear when the next girl got up and went into shower. Maybe she could sleep a half hour later tomorrow.

  She smiled as she left the shower room. Her pajamas were slung over her arm, and she held her shampoo and soap bottles in her hands. She stepped out into the hall.

  “Shower times are from six in the morning to ten in the evening.”

  She jumped sky high when she saw Scott standing there.

  “You? I didn’t figure it would be you. Nevertheless, no exceptions.”

  “But it didn’t say that in the handbook? I looked,” she protested as she grabbed the front of her robe and covered herself up even more.

  “Do you want to argue with me?” He gave her a look that said he would love it if she would argue with him.

  “No, sir.” She imagined that if he spanked her right now, it would end up being in the nude. Her robe would fall away from her. That would have defeated the whole purpose of her getting up at five in the morning.

  “You were warned, see that it doesn’t happen again.” He walked slowly down the hall.

  She stepped the two paces to her door and got her key out of her pocket.

  Brianna unlocked her door and slipped in. She locked the door and leaned against it. She wasn’t sure what she had done, but she had a feeling that he hated her in particular.

  Brianna gave herself a mental shake. He was probably just marking his territory, letting everyone know how tough he was even though he was so young.

  She had to stop being so sensitive.

  Brianna quickly got dressed and combed her hair. She braided the top half of it into a French braid. Brianna looked at herself in the mirror. She looked cute.

  Brianna opened the door to her bedroom. Scott was leaning against the wall again. She could hear the shower going. She was about to close her door.

  “Brianna, what are you up to now?” he asked.

  “That’s all right, Sir. I can go to the bathroom later.” She closed and locked her door before he could say anything. She went to her map and looked for the best ways to get to her classes.

  Scott figured that Brianna would probably end up being the worst of all of them. She was so stuck up and was pretending to be polite. Just like that blond last night who had threatened to sue him.

  He had to laugh as he thought about that.

  The next one was coming out. “Shower times are from six in the morning until ten in the evening.”

  “Scott. You scared me. Why, I didn’t see you there.” Gretchen reached out and laid her hand on his arm. She even took the time to feel his muscles. She looked up into his

  He looked very mad at her. “Gretchen, what are you doing?”

  “I was just so surprised that anyone else was up at this time. You gave me a start.” She flashed him another smile.

  Gretchen was from the south like he was. She had probably been using her charm to get her through life as much as possible. It wouldn’t work with him.

  “Gretchen, go to your room and get dressed. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. I will visit your room again this evening. We will have a long talk about this. I hope it will be the last talk for this reason.” He looked at her hand on his arm, pointedly.

  She removed it, gave him a pout and left.

  Why would that girl do that, he wondered?

  Didn’t she realize that she put herself down when she just saw herself as a sex object?

  He looked at his watch. The others could get up anytime they wanted now.

  Now, all he had to do was catch the late sleepers.

  His thoughts returned to Brianna, who had been finished and dressed. She was dressed more like a teacher than a student. She was from the south too. Sirs flowed easily from her lips.

  Scott had a feeling that this year was going to be particularly bad. All the girls were difficult. He had a couple of spoiled brats, a girl who looked like she came directly from the crypt, and what looked like three sluts.

  He was starting to hate his job. Two more years of this, and he would have enough money to go to graduate school.

  He felt like he was the one being punished.

  Brianna was the first person at breakfast. She wasn’t sure what to do. She hoped that she could follow the other girls, but the others weren’t ready yet.

  Brianna looked around for someone to point the way. A group of teachers had gathered at a table. They were drinking coffee and talking about their summers. She saw someone in the kitchen and caught her eye.

  “Morning, honey. Are you new?” the woman asked Brianna.

  “Yes, ma’am.” She smiled back apologetically.

  “Well, the trays are over there, and the food for breakfast is set up over there. Help yourself, honey.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” Brianna walked over and started right in helping herself. She sat down at a table by the window.

  She watched as other started coming in. No one came to sit by her. She was used to that, even if she had hoped to maybe make some friends here. She was never at school often enough to make friends, and the other children’s parents didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of her.

  Besides, girls tended to want to be friends with someone who is likely to show up at school every day.

  There had been a group of girls that were always nice to her when she could go to school, but she never got a chance to get to know them better. She hadn’t been allowed to take part in sports after school, or musicals, or anything that would have given her a chance to get to know anyone better.

  She got up a half hour before class started and put her try away. Brianna got her map out and followed the yellow brick road that her highlighter had made for her. She looked around a bit before she went into the right building. Everything was small and homey here. She could see tennis courts and the track from where she stood. It was all very cozy. Maybe she could feel at home here.

  This was her first taste of independence, and she wanted to enjoy it.

  She went into the building and found her classroom. All of her classes would be in this building.

  Brianna had already mapped out the way to the nurse’s office and to the music rooms, which had piano rooms, her mother had told her. She would do that to let off some steam. She longed to be able to play tennis and basketball like the other girls did.

  Brianna went in and sat down with a group of other girls. They talked a little about being spanked last night; all saying it was their very first time. They all retold the same story with the student hand books.

  Brianna joined in because the girls didn’t seem to know each other. She didn’t admit that she had read the book. They gabbed until the teacher came in.

  Brianna was proud of herself because she had opened her mouth and talked to the other girls. She was getting less and less shy. She was an adult now, she thought, she could do this.

  The teacher entered the room, and then he laid the rules down straight away. He had a pointer in his hands that he moved around as he talked. He informed them very clearly that he would not tolerate tardiness. Be it in form of late assignments or lateness to class. He expected them all to be prepared. And, he then stared the girls down; he would under no circumstance tolerate backtalk. The teacher informed them that he demanded respect, and he would get it.

  Brianna had read that only Scott was allowed to punish the girls from their floor. The teacher was putting on a show for the masses, she thought.

  She let her eyes dart around. It was working too. Most of the girls were sitting there scared stiff.

  He then handed out an itinerary. He went over it point for point. It took all hour. In the last minute, he told them what their homework was and then sent them on their way.

  A whole herd of girls moved the same way she did. She recognized Jennifer from her floor. Brianna moved to go stand next to her.

  Jennifer looked her up and down and then rolled her eyes.

  Brianna’s feelings were hurt again. She gave herself another scolding about being entirely too sensitive.

  Jennifer was obviously her opposite. She looked like what her father would call a punk. Dyed jet black hair, cut short and formed into spikes. She had make-up on that made her look pale white and black lipstick and eye make-up. She wore all black clothes with chains on them.

  Jennifer was also studying Brianna. She noted that Brianna had long brown hair that reached the middle of her back. She wore no make-up, but her green eyes stood out anyway. She was wearing a soft pink blouse, which was buttoned all the way to the top. To top off the soccer mom look, she had a light brown sweater thrown over her shoulders, and she was wearing a light brown skirt that went to her calves. Light brown suede shoes finished off the outfit.

  Only a string of pearls was missing, and Brianna would look like a Stepford wife, Jennifer thought to herself.

  Brianna made it through the day. It was lunchtime. Stephanie from her floor had been in her last class with her. She gave herself an inner push and walked with Stephanie to lunch. Stephanie griped to her about her bad day.

  Brianna listened and sympathized. She was thrilled that one of the girls was talking to her. Others joined them at their table.

  Brianna smiled and enjoyed being in the middle of things and not an outsider who only watched. Only Jennifer was missing.

  The girls all quieted down when Scott walked by and scanned their table. They all sighed loudly once he was gone. They giggled because they had all sighed.

  “Say, why are you afraid of him?” Maureen asked her. “You didn’t get spanked.” Her words were loud, and girls from the other tables looked over at them.

  “Umm – He doesn’t seem to like me. I think he is out to get me. I had another encounter with him this morning as I came out of the bathroom.”

  “I didn’t see you at all this morning. I thought that you had overslept.” Paris looked at her cocky.

  “I didn’t sleep much last night, so I gave up at five and showered. He pounced on me when I came out. I almost had a heart attack. He said that showering times were from six in the morning to ten in the evening. He waited for me to sass back, but I didn’t.”

  “He scared me by the showers too. I get another visit this evening,” Gretchen admitted. “I did sass back.” The girls laughed lightly at that.

  All the girls got up together.

  Brianna told them that she would come along later; she had an appointment that she had to go to now. They said goodbye, and Brianna got out her map again.

  She found her way to the nurse’s office. She was embarrassed, but this would make her mom happy.

  Brianna sat
down on a plastic chair and waited for her turn. She got her history book out and read about the Renaissance. She reread the chapter too.

  Brianna could hear a girl begging the nurse to let her go home. Brianna’s heart went out to her.

  Scott came in through the door. He gave her a mean look. Brianna pushed herself up against the wall as he stared her down.

  The nurse came out and got him. He went in, and everything got very quiet.

  Brianna answered the questions at the end of the chapter, exactly like the teacher assigned them to do. She got out her next book and continued to work. She finished her math homework. It was pretty easy. She was happy to be over half way finished with homework.

  In her advanced German class, they were going to read a book. Brianna spoke perfect German. Her mom was from there. They were reading a book that they had at home. She had read it a couple of times before. She figured the nurse and Scott would get things settled up soon, so she reread the children’s book for German class instead of starting something new.

  Brianna figured that she could easily stop off and play piano for a couple of hours before she returned to the dorms.

  She was getting more and more stressed here. The environment reminded her too much of the hospital. Playing the piano would relieve that stress.

  What was taking them so long? Scott wouldn’t spank her for wanting to go home, would he?

  Scott came out with a sobbing Jennifer. He gave Brianna a very mean look as he passed her by. He would probably have to come right back to get her, he thought. Damn, this would be his worst year ever. The one he had in his arms wanted to go back to her cult. He was being spared nothing this year.

  “You can come in now, Miss,” the nurse called out to Brianna.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Brianna walked into the room and pulled out her file and gave it to the nurse. “Hello, ma’am. I’m Brianna Banks. You were informed about me.” She sat down and waited for the nurse to finish reading her file.

  The nurse put the file down and looked at Brianna. “Well, how are you feeling today?”


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