Have a Heart 1

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Have a Heart 1 Page 10

by Rachel Burns

  Hannah had a cooling cream that helped relieve the pain from the spanking and help speed up the healing.

  Scott watched Gretchen walk back to Brianna’s room with a tube of cream. He nodded at her, and then he turned in time to see that the Dean was arriving with another Disciplinarian. Gretchen hurried into Brianna’s room.

  The three men talked about what had happened. The Dean was livid that Brianna had lied and taken a punishment that wasn’t her due. He wanted to scold her, hug her, tell her how brave she had been and spank her for doing such nonsense, all at the same time.

  Brianna didn’t know it, but he had played a big role in her life until he and his wife had moved out here to start a new life. Brianna had been eight at the time.

  “I called Jennifer’s parents. They want us to keep her here. If we send her home, she will go running back to her boyfriend. We have permission to punish her in any way we see fit. They want her to stay here over Christmas and summer break. They first want her back after graduation. Perhaps they will visit her, but she can’t leave the campus without an escort.” The Dean told them this and that. Her parents had left out a lot when they had filled out the forms.

  Scott doubted that Jennifer could be saved. He told the others that too. To, so coldheartedly let someone else take her punishment that was cruel. He remembered how Brianna had cried as she stood next to him. Who could look her in her face and not help her?

  The Dean wanted to speak with Brianna. Scott pointed out which room was hers. The Dean knocked, and another girl opened up. “Hello, my dear, I am here to speak with Brianna.”

  She opened up the door, and he could see her sitting in bed taking her tablets. “I would like to speak to her alone.”

  “Yes, sir.” Melissa grabbed Gretchen and pulled her out. She figured that Gretchen had no idea who he was.

  The Dean looked at the drawer filled with all the pills she needed. He closed it, not wanting anything to happen to the pills that were keeping his godchild alive. “I’m afraid that you are getting a very bad impression of my school.”

  He pulled out the desk chair and sat down. “Brianna, do you know why your father felt that he was within his rights to come into my office and yell at me and stomp around?”

  Tears were forming in her eyes. She had caused a lot of trouble here. “I don’t know, sir.”

  “No need to cry, my dear. The truth of the matter is that I have known your father longer than you have. We were roommates in college. We even chased after the same girl. As you know, your dad won.” He smiled at her, and she managed a little smile back.

  “Well, from what I hear you have had a very taxing day. A friend who isn’t really a friend?”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. She nodded.

  “Tell me what she told you and then what happened.”

  Brianna relived her terrible day. He asked lots of questions. He even asked questions about Scott. Brianna didn’t point any fingers at him. He had held her hand. That had meant a lot to her.

  The Dean asked her what a proper punishment would be for Jennifer.

  Brianna didn’t care, and she didn’t want to see it. Then she said in a small voice that she should be taken out of German class because she was learning the language for all the wrong reasons.

  “I understand, a bit of let the punishment fit the crime. That is actually a very good idea.” He took out his phone and dialed. “Hello Eva.”

  He was calling her mother. He had pronounced her name correctly. No one ever did.

  “Your daughter wants to talk to you.” He handed the phone to Brianna. “Take your time.”

  “Mama.” Brianna told her mother everything that had happened in German. She hoped that the Dean couldn’t speak German. Her father could but not all that well. He understood everything, but he answered in English.

  After Brianna had poured out her soul, she handed the phone back to the Dean.

  He spoke with her mother in English. She insisted that making Brianna watch the girl get punished would only upset her all the more. The Dean agreed.

  Her mother was going to fly out in the morning. He was going to pick her up at the airport himself.

  “Get some rest, Brianna.” He left, and one of the girls from before went back in to sit with Brianna. All the others were already gone.

  The dean went to the two other men. “Brianna certainly doesn’t want revenge, but I do. I haven’t told anyone this, but Brianna is my godchild. She doesn’t even know it herself. I haven’t seen her since she was eight, but I do care for that child. Let’s go get the beast and take her to my office. The nurse has already been informed.”

  “The nurse?” Dan, the Disciplinarian from the other floor, asked.

  “Yes, with the type of punishment I’m planning a nurse has to be present.”

  Scott was a little scared what that meant, but he was all for teaching that brat a lesson she would never forget. He pointed to which door it was. Again the Dean knocked on her door personally. He was shocked to see the girl that opened the door. Brianna had said that she was a little odd, but this was just scary. The girl had headphones over her ears. She pushed them back and said ‘yeah’ very rudely.

  “Are you Jennifer Stratham?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  The Dean smiled at her. He loved it when they just piled up the reasons for their punishment. It gave him more to list off as he punished.

  “I am the Dean of this school. I want you to come with me to my office.”

  “What for?”

  “Well, my dear, that is a surprise. I will tell you once you get there.” He made a motion with his arm graciously inviting her to go with him.

  She shrugged her shoulders and put on her shoes. She wanted to lock her door, but he said that wouldn’t be necessary, and that she should leave her headphones here too. Dan was already in her room looking around.

  “What? No, that is illegal!”

  “I assure you, it is.” The Dean answered her. “In cases where a crime is suspected, we have to enter.”

  She tried to go into her room again, but the Dean had her by her ear in a matter of seconds. He pulled her down the hall.

  Jennifer kicked at Brianna’s door as she passed it. It made an extremely loud thud. “Stupid bitch, you told them.”

  The Dean twisted her around so she was facing him. “You are going to pay for that very dearly. If it were up to me, you would be punished outside for all to see. A proper caning, every day for a week or longer if you hadn’t learned your lesson by then. But she saved you from that. She didn’t want public punishments. She was a much better friend to you today than what you were to her.” He yanked her by her ear behind him.

  Scott followed them as they made their way across campus. He was glad that it was after curfew so no one could see them, for the girl’s sake. Scott watched her as she tried to kick at the Dean. What a dumb girl. Whatever did Brianna see in her?

  What did she mean that she was too old to ever learn how to make friends? She had said that this was her one and only chance, and she blew it. Didn’t she learn how at school?

  They arrived at his office. He let go of Jennifer’s ear. She started right in rubbing. She wasn’t even crying. Jennifer just looked pissed off.

  “If anything is missing later on then –” She let an unsaid threat hang in the air. Scott just stared at her, waiting for the Dean to say what he wanted done.

  The Dean was waiting for the girl to get herself into even more trouble. She probably would say something if he stared her down. He had been doing this job a lot longer than Scott. He let his experience guide him.

  “She deserved to be punished. It was her own fault. She lied one way or the other. That will teach her.”

  “Brianna took the punishment so no one else would have to. She was a good friend to everyone on that floor. And you just let that happen even though you knew that she was innocent.” Scott scolded her.

  “Innocent? Her? She isn’t innocent. She turned
her back on her own roots. For that alone she should have been punished.”

  “What did Brianna do? Tell me if she is in the wrong, she will be punished.” The Dean pretended to be interested.

  “I won’t say with him present.” Jennifer lifted her chin to point at Scott.

  “Scott, you understand that I have to take her accusation seriously. Would you be so kind as to step out for a moment?” The Dean politely asked him.

  “Of course.” Scott quickly left, but he felt he should warn the Dean not to fall for any of her tricks. He didn’t. That would be too rude, telling his boss how to do his job.

  “Good, he is gone now. Tell me.”

  “The thing is – I have noticed that there aren’t any black girls at this school. There aren’t any, shall we say minorities here at all. The point is I believe, no I know, that whites are above all others. Brianna doesn’t. Her own mother is German, and she doesn’t even care. You understand right?”

  “Completely.” He walked around his desk and sat behind it. He was acting like he was worried.

  “She is just so childish. Maybe she could be taught. She’s been practically locked up in hospitals all of her life. Perhaps, if we talked to her again and again, then she could use her skills to our benefit.”

  “So you admit that you knew that she has a very delicate condition? And still you let her take a very severe punishment?”

  “It was no less than she deserved.”

  “Scott, you can come in.” He called out. “Miss Stratham was kind enough to confessed to everything. I think I’ll let you finish your business with her first. I think that she should start out with the same punishment that Brianna had.”

  Scott felt a little uncomfortable about showing the Dean exactly what he had done to his godchild.

  “What do you need, Scott? I have everything here.”

  “The paddle and a hairbrush.” He wasn’t sure what Brianna had told him.

  The Dean rose from his chair and went to a cabinet behind him. He unlocked the door with a key. He pulled out what Scott needed and gave it to him.

  Scott located a chair in the corner that was just like the ones the girls had in their rooms. He placed it in the middle of the room. “Come on, Jennifer. You know the routine.”


  “Now Jennifer, a good Nazi wouldn’t show fear and act like a baby, now would she.” The Dean came around his desk and stood next to her.

  She gave him a look full of hate.

  “Do it, or I will.” The Dean told her with a clenched jaw.

  Jennifer opened her jeans and pulled them down and then her panties. She looked at them defiantly as she moved behind the chair.

  Scott positioned her just like he had Brianna except that he hated touching her. She had always been weird to look at, but now he knew that her personality was as dark as her clothes.

  “Put your hands on the chair and leave them there.” He brought the paddle down with the same force he had with Brianna.

  Jennifer jumped up and danced around with her hands on her bottom.

  “Resume the position. That one doesn’t count. You still have fifteen to go. That’s what liars get.” Scott forgot about the Dean as he punished Jennifer. He often had to repeat blows. By the time he was finished, he had given her twenty-two blows. He couldn’t resist rubbing it in that Brianna hadn’t needed any extras.

  Jennifer was beside herself with sobbing.

  Scott laid down the paddle and exchanged it for the hairbrush. He sat down on the chair and called her over. When she didn’t come, he looked over his shoulder. “Brianna came without a fuss, but then again she expected you to show up and save her. I guess she is a lot braver than you are.”

  Jennifer stomped over to him, which would have been funny to see because of her jeans and underwear, which were around her ankles, but no one felt like laughing at the moment.

  “Over my knees, now.” He helped position her and started right in at her.

  After a minute, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. She said how she hated Brianna, and how she wished that her heart would explode, and that she would die.

  “Scott stop,” the Dean called out. “I will take over from here.” The thought of anyone wishing her more pain, and her death had him livid. He unbuttoned his shirt sleeve and rolled it up.

  Scott set Jennifer on her feet. He was glad to leave.

  Scott went back to check on Brianna. He stood in front of her door and knocked lightly. He heard voices inside. The door opened, and Melissa stood in front of him.

  He peeked in and saw that the room was filled with girls. They had all brought their mattresses over. They were obviously having a slumber party. The rules didn’t allow this sort of thing, but he couldn’t hide his smile.

  “Brianna is sleeping. The nurse was here. She gave her something, but she felt that it was important that she be watched. Everyone volunteered.” Melissa shrugged her shoulders.

  “May I see her?” Scott smirked at her.

  She opened the door wider, and Scott made his way to Brianna, stepping over the mattresses that seemed to cover the entire floor. Brianna was tucked in and was sleeping adorably. He nodded at them. “If this slumber party thing doesn’t work, you will all be in a lot of trouble.”

  “Yes, Scott,” they all answered in unison.

  He smiled and shook his head and left them. She seemed to be in good hands.

  “Scott, Brianna is up, and she insists on going to church this morning.” Melissa charged into Scott’s open room.

  “Tell her if she even tries, I will come in there with my hairbrush.”

  Melissa ran out again. “He said, no. He was really clear about it. Get back into bed.”

  Scott laughed to himself. He got up and slowly walked down the hall. He stopped in front of Brianna’s door. She was up and dressed for church. He was glad to see that her room was back to normal. All the evidence of a slumber party was gone.

  “No,” he said very calmly.

  “But I go every week.” Brianna protested.

  “Still no.”

  “But a spanking isn’t an excuse to miss church,” she whispered red faced.

  “But fever and vomiting is. Change and get back into bed.” His voice remained calm.

  “You don’t understand. Where I come from, people go to church regularly. The pastor of my church will ask.”

  “Do you want me to write him a note?” Scott asked her, sarcastically.

  “Of course not. I’m not a two year old.”

  “Great, then feel free to stop acting like one and get back into bed.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but he raised his finger up to stop her. “You know the punishment for disobedience. Do I need to get my hairbrush?”

  “No, sir.” Her shoulders fell in defeat.

  Scott turned to Melissa. “Tattle if she gives you any trouble.” He left and went back into his room.

  He thought about all the stuff that Dan had found in Jennifer’s room. It wasn’t just her boyfriend that was a Neo-Nazi. She was really into it, and she had tried to recruit Brianna.

  The Dean had called last night and informed him that Jennifer would be spending a week with him at least.

  He also told him that Brianna’s mother was coming. Scott was curious about her. She would be here before lunch.

  He wasn’t sure what to expect.

  Chapter 9 – Last Chance

  Jennifer woke up in a room just off of the Dean’s office. He told her that this was her new room. The room was a lot like her dorm room only that it was smaller. It had a desk, a chair, a bed, a toilet and a sink. It was a cell.

  She had to go to the bathroom so badly, but she was so scared to sit down. She decided that she could hover over the toilet and go.

  Jennifer thought about what had happened after Scott had left. First, the Dean had finished the over the knee spanking that Scott had started. He had scolded her for wishing that Brianna would die. He told her a
bout Brianna’s childhood. Brianna was always in bed and usually in the hospital, never allowed to play with the other children, missing out on everything that the others got to do.

  Jennifer didn’t care about Brianna she had a cause, and she would be true to it no matter what they said or did to her. She would survive this, and then she would return to her boyfriend Ben. He wanted to have strong, white children with her. He loved her, and he would wait for her.

  There was nothing they could do to her. Not even the terrible birching could change her mind. She thought back to the Dean pulling her outside half naked. He had her cut her own birches. Then he had pulled her back inside and stood her in front of an odd looking upside down chair thing.

  He had made her lie down on it, and then he had birched her while the nurse watched and shook her head saying that she deserved what she was getting. That had hurt beyond words. The whipping noise had even sounded like it had broken her.

  That was how she felt now, broken.

  The nurse had treated the wounds afterwards with rubbing alcohol on all the cuts. She had screamed out again in pain as the nurse did that.

  If she could have stood up, she would have run for it.

  Nobody understood her. Not her parents, who stuck her in here, and not this damn school. She would be gone the first chance she got.

  She wasn’t going to read any of the books the Dean had told her to read. They were all from Jews. What did that have to do with her?

  Were they going to feed her? She was hungry now. She grabbed the door handle and tried to open the door.

  The door opened in, and she stepped back as the Dean opened the door. He stared at her. She was still half naked. Would he hurt her again?

  “Have you done any of your reading?” the Dean asked her.

  “I just woke up,” Jennifer told him.

  He nodded and went back to his desk. He picked up the phone and called the nurse to come and to bring Jenny’s breakfast.

  “Don’t call me that. My name is Jennifer.” She stood in the doorway of her new room. She felt like his toy.

  “Jenny, no back talk,” he warned her. “You are behaving like a little girl. Jenny just suits you better. The nurse will take care of you. We are going to make several changes in your appearance. We have tolerated this black look long enough.”


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