Have a Heart 1

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Have a Heart 1 Page 17

by Rachel Burns

  She nodded slightly.

  “Come here.”

  She stood and went to his right side. She still hoped that he wouldn’t do this.

  “Take your panties down and come over my lap.”

  She did, and as always he helped her into the right position. She slowly reached back with her hands. With the left, she grabbed on to the chair behind him and with the right she shyly reached back to him.

  He took her hand before he started in with her spanking. She was reduced to tears in seconds. She was crying just like yesterday. There was so much pain in her heart, and she had no one to share that with.

  Scott stopped and pulled her into his arms. The sound of her crying like that was breaking his heart. “Hush Brianna, tell me what’s wrong. Tell me.”

  “Can’t pretend anymore.” He could hardly understand her through her tears.

  “Pretend what, darling?”

  She grabbed onto his shirt with her fists and cried into his chest. Her crying was getting worse and not better

  “What are you pretending to be?”


  “What are you pretending to be brave about?” He sounded so concerned that she started right in bawling again.

  “Everything, but I’m so scared, and no one will take me seriously. Not allowed to talk about it.” She could hardly talk between her sobs.

  He was really scared now. Was she trying to say that – “Brianna, does your dad hurt you?”

  She froze for a second and then even laughed as she sobbed. “No, not what you’re thinking. He never lets me say what I’m thinking and feeling. It gets swept under the rug. But some things need to be said before it is too late. It will be too late very soon.”

  “Brianna, you are scaring the shit out of me. What are you trying to say?”

  “Exactly that. That I’m scared. Really scared. I don’t want to be a trooper anymore. Being brave has never helped me before.” She pulled away from him and wiped her tears away. “I’d like to go to sleep now.”

  Talk about hot and cold, he thought. “Tell me what you are afraid of.”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t really pinned it down myself. Maybe the pain, the unknown, or maybe what things will be like after. Most likely everything.”

  He pulled her close and held her tight. “Don’t tell me you are planning on doing what Cathy did. I will give you the licking of a lifetime if you are.”

  “No, Scott, that isn’t what I’m afraid of. You don’t ever have to worry about that. I don’t have a boyfriend, and nobody is interested in me. You are the only guy I have ever talked to, ever.”

  What did she mean? The only guy she had ever talked to, that couldn’t be right. At church they had swarmed around her. She was very pretty and usually easy to talk to.

  He held her close, but he could feel that she was just tolerating him. She didn’t want him. Tough, she was up to something, and he wouldn’t let her go.

  He had a plan. “I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes. I want you to wash up your face and change into your pajamas. I’m not going to leave you alone until I know that you won’t hurt yourself.”

  “I’ve never hurt myself. Others are always willing to do that for me. I’m not going to start now.” She looked him in the eyes to prove that she meant it.

  “Who hurts you?”

  “Everyone I know.” She slipped off his lap and went over to the sink and washed her face.

  Scott watched her, wanting to ask her if he hurt her too. He looked at his hand. He was still holding that damn hairbrush. Yes, he hurt her too.

  His name was probably up really high on her list of people who hurt her.

  Chapter 15 – A Real Life Saver

  Scott sat next to Brianna and watched her. She seemed to be growing weaker right in front of his eyes. He called the nurse over, but she was satisfied with her condition. He didn’t know what to say anymore, but on Wednesday he had to let Brianna go back to class.

  Brianna barely said a word to him at all anymore. Only the minimum to be considered polite. She wanted to be left alone. He seemed to want to move in with her. He was even doing his paperwork on her desk. The other girls were knocking on her door when they wanted to talk to him. They asked him how she was doing.

  Brianna made it through her classes just fine, but she was incredibly tired and dizzy all the time. She was eating less than usual. Scott was watching her plate. He scolded her for not taking enough, and then he scolded her when she couldn’t finish what she had taken.

  By Friday, she knew it wouldn’t be much longer. After class, she skipped lunch and went to the music room. She played and sang for an hour before she was too weak to do that. She left heartbroken, knowing that this had been the very last time she would ever play the piano.

  Brianna went to her room and took her pills. She tried to do her homework, but she kept falling asleep on her books. She left her door wide open in case she would need help.

  Would she be able to cry for help when it was time? Or should she say something now?

  Why did she feel so bad when her pulse was fine?

  The sound of someone getting a spanking woke her. She had fallen asleep again. She rubbed her eyes and then tried to shake her arms out. They were so heavy.

  She opened the drawer next to her and pulled out her pills for the evening. She twisted off the lid of her water bottle and took her pills. That exhausted her so much that she had to lay her head down on the desk again.

  “Maureen, this is for your own good. Just come to my right side, and we can get it over with.” Scott really didn’t feel like fighting with anyone, but Maureen had other ideas about that. She was putting up a good show, but in the end, he would win.

  “I’m quitting school. I’ll pack up and leave right now.” She stuck her chin out at him.

  “That’s fine. Come here. Let’s get your spanking over with so you can pack.” Outwardly, he was calm but inside, he had a bad feeling. This week had just been hell.

  His sister was finally pressing charges, which was good, but it would mean that she would have to talk about what happened. It hurt her to do that. He was so worried about her. She had made a mistake, and she was paying the price for that tenfold.

  Brianna had apparently gone crazy, and now Maureen was pushing his buttons too.

  “No, forget it. I’ve thought this through. I really have. I’m not as smart as the other girls are. This isn’t my path in life. I’m leaving.”

  “Your parents paid a lot of non-refundable money for this school. They believe, with the right motivation that you could go far. You just have to believe in yourself too and study a lot more than what you do. Things will turn out fine if you do. But first, we have to get this spanking out of the way.”

  “It’s not going to happen. Forget it.” She went to her closet and started packing.

  “Maureen, if you don’t come here right now, then this spanking is going to be public.”

  “Scott, the thing is –”

  “During a spanking you will address me as, sir.”

  “Well then, sir, the thing is I’m eighteen years old, and I have the right to say no. I’m leaving, now.” Her red hair flew as she turned back to her closet.

  “This is your last chance. Think about Paris. Come here Maureen.”

  “Nope, I’m out of here.”

  Scott got up and left. Of course this would have to happen this week. The only thing missing would be for Jenny to show up in army boots with a swastika on her arm, trying to recruit Brianna again.

  He knocked on Rachel and Hannah’s doors. “Make sure Maureen stays here.” He went down to get help. Dan and him had a partnership going. They always helped each other out, in such cases.

  Dan raised an eyebrow when he saw Scott standing at his door.

  “I can’t believe it either.” Scott shook his head as he looked at his colleague. “I guess seeing isn’t believing.”

  Dan went with him. He had made his rounds for the evening.
Everything that needed to be done he had already taken care of.

  Dan was slightly chuckling because Scott looked just terrible. His girls were putting him through hell.

  Rachel and Hannah nodded at them and then went back into their rooms. Scott guessed that meant that she was still in there. He knocked and a very mad Maureen opened the door. She had her jacket on and her shoes, and she had a suitcase in her hand.

  Scott could hear Dan laughing, who turned his head away from the scene in front of him. Scott wished that he could think of this as funny too, but he couldn’t.

  “Maureen, you remember Dan.”

  “Scott, you remember that I told you that I was leaving.”

  “After your spanking, you can go.”

  She took a step back. “No,” she whispered.

  “Oh yes,” he grabbed her and pulled her along with him. “Floor meeting. Everyone out.”

  Maureen tried to pull away from him. He held her tightly while they waited for everyone to come out. The girls quickly took their seats.

  Brianna woke as she heard Scott calling out. No, not tonight, she thought. She just wanted to go to bed. The thought of getting up brought tears to her eyes. She couldn’t, she just couldn’t imagine it, but she had to go.

  She placed her palms flat on her desk and pulled herself up with all of her strength. Her arms shook as she did. She did the same with her feet until she was standing. She would go to the meeting and afterwards straight to bed.

  Brianna turned to the door. She took a step, and an uncomfortable heat rose to her face. Her heart was beating loudly in her ears.

  The room took a spin.

  No, not the room, she was spinning downwards. Her eyes were closing again. They were too heavy to keep open.

  Scott had a feeling that someone was missing. He counted heads. He counted nine. “Who’s missing?” he barked.

  “Brianna is, but she hasn’t been feeling well,” Melissa defended her.

  “Go get her.” Scott was so tired of all of these games.

  Melissa rose and slowly went to her door.

  They all heard the scream. Everyone turned to look. Even Maureen forgot about her own predicament. “Scott, she’s dead,” Melissa screamed out.

  Scott let go of Maureen and raced to her. She was lying on the floor, and she wasn’t breathing. He tried to find a pulse and couldn’t. He listened for a heart beat and then looked inside of her mouth.

  His CPR training kicked in, and he ripped her blouse open. The sight of her scarred chest made him pause for a split second before he started pumping and then breathing into her mouth.

  “Brianna, wake up. Tell me which pill will help you. Please, wake up, Brianna.” Melissa knelt down next to Brianna like she was showing her the pills. Scott saw all the pills and was shocked.

  A whole drawer full of pills. Scars all around her heart. A big long one in the middle, doubled lined like it had been open twice. Another double line under her left breast.

  “Brianna, stay with me. Stay with me, Brianna.” He pumped and breathed. She was a corpse, but he wasn’t about to give up.

  He heard Dan on the phone calling an ambulance, and then he called the nurse and then the Dean.

  Scott kept up the pace hoping to bring her back to life. He heard Dan asking Melissa to leave. He still continued.

  His arms were starting to get tired, and he was getting very dizzy. It seemed like he had been doing this for hours already, but at the same time, it felt like he had just started, and there was a good chance that she could make it.

  Brianna had been afraid to die. She had confided that in him without saying the words. He wouldn’t let her die. He would be there for her. She needed him.

  The nurse came in and took over the breathing. The dizziness was drifting away, and he could better concentrate on pumping her heart back to life.

  What seemed like hours later, but could have only been a few minutes, the paramedics arrived. They took over.

  Scott scooted back into the corner and watched as they worked on her.

  “She has a pulse,” one of them called out.

  The nurse was filling them in on her medical history. She told them she had undergone several heart surgeries.

  Several, and Scott hadn’t known. He thought about the paper she had written, and his mind jumped forward to what Cathy had said about scars and then back to what the other girls had said about the man who’d love her wouldn’t mind.

  All along she had been sick and dying. Why hadn’t anyone told him? She was so easily out of breath. Her eyes as she said she had never skipped a day of class in her life. This was the reason why she couldn’t drive a car. All the water bottles. Her father spanking her for working out in the sun. They had been trying to keep her alive.

  He saw her juggling. Clowns came to the hospital once a week, she had said. He had even asked her if she had been a Candy Striper.

  Why hadn’t he drilled her with more questions? He would have insisted that she go to the hospital.

  All this time, he hadn’t known. He would have treated her differently if he had known. He would never have hurt her.

  Scott thought back to everything he had done to her, even recently. She had just wanted him to leave her alone so she could play the piano, and he had said, no. She knew that it was the last time that she ever would, and he took that from her too. He wiped the tears from his eyes.

  He watched the paramedics. They sounded hopeful, but she looked so dead, so pale. The paramedics brought in a stretcher and lifted her onto it. They were breathing for her and pumping her heart. He stood as they took her out. She was gone. Was she gone forever?

  He looked at the nurse. She was crying too. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know?” she answered him.

  “Will she live?” Scott dared to ask, wanting to know if there was hope.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know. Call the girls together. I’ll explain this as best I can.”

  Scott nodded. He wanted to hear the explanation too. He went out to Dan who grabbed him by his elbow and sat him down in the lounge. “Are you all right?”

  Scott nodded. He was having trouble trying to focus.

  “If she pulls through, it will be because of you. You were amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  “Call the girls together. I have to call her parents.”

  “Stay sitting, Scott. The Dean already did. He went with her. Remember, he is her godfather? You did everything you could. We just have to wait and see now.” Dan left his side and called the girls together.

  The girls were all surprised when they saw how drained Scott looked. They assumed the worst from the look on his face. They began crying and hugging each other.

  The nurse called them to order. “As you all know, Brianna has suffered from lifelong heart problems. This evening she passed out, and her heart stopped beating. Scott was able to save her. She is alive at the moment. We don’t know how this will progress. We will keep in close contact with the hospital, and we will keep you informed. Of course, we understand that she is your friend, and that you are worried about her. Does anyone have any questions?”

  The crying continued, and no one said anything.

  “I want to see her medical file,” Scott said.

  “Of course, Scott. I’ll go get it for you, but you really need to rest now. What you just did was more taxing than running in a 10k. You have to think of yourself right now. By my orders, you have to go to bed and sleep in tomorrow.”

  “First, I want that file.” Scott needed to understand what had happened. Maybe if he understood, he would be able to find out if she would live.

  The nurse nodded back at him. She was so impressed with him, and she had seen it in his eyes that he hadn’t known.

  “I’ll take care of the girls for you this evening.” Dan looked at Maureen. “Go to your rooms, all of you. You got really lucky this evening. I’ll take care of you in your room.” He looked at Maureen.

nbsp; Maureen sniffled as she moved, but she did move back to her room.

  Scott went to his room too. He dialed Cathy’s number. He was in tears by the time she picked up the phone. Scott told her what had happened and which hospital she was in. Cathy was screaming in her pain. He calmed her down as best as her could.

  He called his parents and told them too. They were really hard hit too, but they congratulated him for what he had done. His father told him how proud of him he was.

  Scott asked his mom what her chances were for living, and if she lived, would she be normal? She said that she couldn’t say, but that Brianna definitely wouldn’t be coming back to school anytime soon. She also figured that she would be transferred to the biggest hospital around maybe even the Mayo clinic again.

  They were all surprised that he hadn’t known.

  Jenny was sitting at her desk doing her homework with the door opened. It was always open.

  Today was Friday, and that usually meant a spanking. The Dean expected her to get straight A’s in all of her classes. This week she had met her goal.

  The phone rang. She stopped what she was doing to listen.

  The Dean hung up and took off running.

  Jenny quietly stood and went to her door. She peeked out and looked around. He was gone. She tiptoed to the door of his office. It wasn’t locked.

  She took a deep breath and slowly opened it. She was afraid that this was some sort of test. Would he end up birching her again tonight? She thought about the terrible whippings she had already received over his stupid birching chair. No, if there was any way she could, then she would leave her prison.

  She slipped out into the hall and down the stairs.

  There was shouting going on at the front gate. She listened; they wanted the gate to be wide open because an ambulance was coming. She couldn’t believe her luck. The guards were outside of the gate and looking away.

  She slipped out and stayed out of their view.

  Jennifer walked for a couple of hours until she hit the highway. She stuck out her thumb, and a truck quickly stopped. She looked sweet and feminine now with her hair a little longer. The dress she was wearing had probably helped too.


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