Gateway To Heaven

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Gateway To Heaven Page 5

by Maggy Diak


  P: Do you have any questions?

  This question was addressed to the students.

  “I do,” said an S (S being abbreviation for Student). “Do you really believe that names Karsag, Ur, Eboracum, Worms and York all mean Jerusalem?”

  P (P standing for Professor): Of course I do! Etymological research proves it. Additionally, I must say that these cities are not identical with Jerusalem only by names, they resemble it by their content as well. As I told before, each of these cities hides a Holy content in its core, having inherited it from the previous one, which was destroyed. They are the chosen cities, cities worth to give refuge to the Holy content.

  S: Is there an etymological proof for that?

  P: Yes, there is. The etymological proof is the letter r. I’ll explain it. All of the previously mentioned names have the central r, preceded by a consonant, being a permutation of some basic consonant.

  Don’t forget, we have to ignore vowels! They are of no importance.

  Let’s take a closer look at the names. Let’s find those with a letter r in the middle and a consonant before it.

  KARSAG. I see you are nodding. Correct. It contains the letter r, preceded by the consonant k. We will ignore vowel a. So, what we get is:



  WORMS: wr

  YORK: yr


  R: r

  S: But how do you know that r preceded by a consonant proves that the words are identical. That they mean the same? How do you know that you are right?

  P: Etymology is not a science, it is a hypothesis, which can be taken as truth until another hypothesis offers a better solution. I first put down my hypothesis of what I believe is true. After that, I try to back it up with more proofs. It is always possible for somebody else to annul my hypothesis, but he must first find more convincing proofs than mine are. If he does, his hypothesis will be valid and generally accepted and mine dropped. But in my case till now nobody has undermined my thesis, so I’ll go on believing that what I’ve discovered nears the truth.

  As an example that etymology is no absolute science I’ll explain the word dervish, meaning a beggar. But lately a new explanation has shown up saying that the word dervish derives from the word derga, meaning threshold. For now, both are accepted.

  S: Why were all cities of Jerusalem destroyed?

  P: For different reasons. Karsag fell in ruins after Annunaki, the Sons of God, having been unsuccessful on the Earth, returned to their planet Nibiru. The holy content then moved from Jerusalem to Ur, the birthplace of Abraham. After Abraham had left Ur and built an altar on the Temple Mount, the holy content moved into it. Where used to be the altar once, there now stands Jerusalem. But unfortunately, Jerusalem sinned too many times. Reports have been found of how each of the Chosen ones, living in Jerusalem, became corrupt in a way. Each of them except Abraham. David, for example, sinned so heavily that God told him: “You will not build a house for My name, for you are a man of battles and have shed blood. “(I Chronicles 28:33).

  When later Jesus wept over the sinful Jerusalem, the sacred content moved to Europe.

  S: I read Nostradamus’s Prophecies. He foretells the same! He says that the sanctity will take refuge in Europe.

  P: You are right. Nostradamus is moving the Son of God from Palestine to Europe. He claims that both, the Son and the Father will emerge in Europe, to be more exact, in Switzerland.

  But let me continue with traveling of the Sanctity. As I have already told, it went from Karsag to Ur and then to Jerusalem. Its next stop, according to my calculations, was Worms, the city of the German Nibelung, ruled by Kriemhild. Unfortunately, nobody knows where this city was.

  S: Switzerland, maybe?

  P: Maybe. Nevertheless, Worms was destroyed as well and the Sanctity had to find a new refuge.

  S: What sins did people commit in Worms?

  P: Kriemhild killed her uncle Hagen with a sword because he had previously killed her husband Siegfried. In the end, she herself was killed with a sword. So the Biblical threat ‘Who kills with sword will be killed with sword’, came into realization.

  In any case, Kriemhild’s city Worms was from now on infected with evil, which forced the Holy content to move on. This time to York. “

  S: British York?

  P: Exactly. To York, to Eboracum, which etymologically means Jerusalem.

  S: Does New York have any connections with York? I mean, regarding the names and the Sanctity? Is Holy content present in New York as well? Maybe because of the word York?

  P: Sorry to say, but it isn’t. If New York was named only York, maybe York 2 or if the first part of it were another word, doesn’t matter which as long as it is not New, then it could have become the refuge for the Holy content. But a fatal mistake was made. Namely, the word New is reserved for one city only – and that is Jerusalem. The Jerusalem, which will come to the Earth from Heaven after the end of the World. The use of the name New York, which in fact means New Jerusalem, means an abuse of the holy name. And that must be punished. It will bring a curse upon itself. Misfortune. Evil.

  S: Was New York attacked on the 11th of September 2001 because of the abuse of the name?”

  P: “It’s possible. Yes. What I think is that the terrorists would never get the idea of attacking New York if it was named differently.

  Or the attack would at least fail.

  S: But, Sir, New York has been carrying this name for 200 years! What’s the point of punishing it now if it wasn’t at the beginning?

  P: The point is that the events need 200 years to mature. But you are wrong if you think there weren’t indications of the events of today, I mean the event of such importance as is the 11th September 2001.

  S: Come on, Sir, that can’t be true!

  P: But it is. I’ll tell you why. Two hundred years ago, in the time of the French revolution, two significant heads fell, were cut off, the head of Ludwig XVI and of his son. The fall of the two heads repeated 200 years later as the fall of two WTC. If you don’t believe me, you can calculate yourself.

  The comparison of people and buildings might seem strange to you. However, you have to consider this: the fall of a king means the fall of many people. The death of many people. And so does the fall of two high buildings.

  S: If that were true then after 200 years somewhere in the world a new double-catastrophe will occur.

  P: You are right. And it will. But not in America. There will be no America in the world anymore.

  S: No America? That will never happen. No country in the world is strong enough to attack it. Nobody would dare to. It’s stupid to even to think of it!

  P: I’m not the only one who thinks so. Read Nostradamus and you will see that his predictions are similar. He renamed New York into Selin. He said that the republic, named brotherhood, which the USA are, would disappear. You must admit that many of Nostradamus ’predictions came true.

  My predictions differ from Nostradamus’ only in the counting of days in a year. Nostradamus made a mistake and in his year there are 360 days instead of 366.

  S: Did anything else repeat after 200 years except the fall of two heads?

  P: Much. European World Wars, for example, are a copy of the battle between the American South and North. American states united, Europe is now following their example. But the USA states will fall apart and so will the European Union.

  The next example is the death of Maximilian I of Mexico. Maximilian was the brother of the Emperor of Austria, Franz Joseph. He was proclaimed the Emperor of Mexico, but many foreign countries, including the USA, refused to recognize, accept his government. Three years later he was executed by the liberals. And what is the copy of this event after 200 years?

  Lenin’s death! Knowing the exact time of Maximilian’s execution, we can calculate the exact time of Lenin’s death.

  And finally Pr
incess Diana. Her death is a repetition, a copy of the beheading of Marie Antoinette and …


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