by Maggy Diak
Waking the twelve helix DNA would mean return to the heaven. One of the possibilities to do that is the alphabet, atbash, in fact. It consists in substituting aleph (the first letter) for tav (the last), beth (the second) for shin (one before last), and so on, reversing the alphabet. For example:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz are changed into: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
a = z; b = y; etc.
If you throw the word lama into this system you get out mala, according to the Slovenian alphabet which is a little bit different from the English. The Slovenian alphabet is: a, b, c, č, d, e f, g , h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, , r, s, š, t, u , v, z, ž. The middle consonants of both words lama and mala are l = m, or m = l. I am a hundred per cent sure that the words containing ml or lm hide the ticket to the door of heaven.
Another possibility to get to the door of heaven is by angeology. This is the sequence of letters klmn. It's known that a word with these letters is present in each Holy book. Yet nobody has found it till today. Or, if he has, he is keeping the secret to himself because he was ordered to do so.
Here are some words, which might open the door of heaven:
kelimat, salomon, klemen, lama, lemur, mel, mleko (milk). All we should do is pronounce the words, one by one in different ways, meaning with different vibrations. When we came across the correct vibration of the right word, the door would be open. Which means the twelve helix DNA would be stimulated to activity.