Gateway To Heaven

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Gateway To Heaven Page 37

by Maggy Diak

We were back in our hotel room. I was lying on my bed, Maurice was pacing the narrow passage between our beds and the wall, glowing with the enthusiasm to have been given permission to enlighten me with, as he had said, very important information about some Annunaki, of whom I had never heard before.

  “Annunaki came to the Earth because they needed metal to build some kind of a shield around their planet Nibiru to protect them against the Sun. Many scientists and scientific institutions in different parts of the world have confirmed their presence on the Earth, independently. Professor came to the same results by using his methods of etymology and other language tools. He discovered a lot more than the others. He found out what the Annunaki looked like. They had a bull’s head on a snake like body of a man, similar to the appearance of the Minotaur.”

  “Minotaur? Who the hell is he?”

  “It’s the Man with a Bull’s head. The legend says that King Minos once prayed to Poseidon the sea god to send him a snow white bull as a sign of support. He was to kill the bull to show honor to the deity, but decided to keep it instead because of its beauty. That made Poseidon angry. To punish him he made Mino’s wife fall in love with the bull. She conceived a child and the fearful Minotaur was born. Half bull half man.” (Wikipedia)

  I couldn’t help laughing. “I hope you don’t believe this legend.”

  “Shall I continue or not?” he asked reluctantly.

  “It would give me immense pleasure,” I exclaimed mockingly, which he did not notice because he was too eager to tell me more.

  “There is a proof in the Bible that Annunaki lived on the Earth even in Moses' time. Caleb and Joshua were sent by Moses ahead to reconnoiter the land of Canaan. They returned with a big cluster of grapes and with news that in the land of Canaan live giants.

  Annunaki were, in fact, giants. According to Professor, the giants, at least those mentioned in different stories, for example in Homer's Illiad, or the giant Longinus, who pierced Jesus in his side with a lance, were not made up. Moses was also very tall …”

  “Are you telling me that Moses was an Annunaki himself?”

  “Well, he did not have a bull's head but his miracles show that he possessed supernatural abilities.”

  “As much as I remember it was God who helped him with his miracles, not Annunaki!”

  As a kid I was a churchgoer and had to learn stories of Bible that later fell into oblivion, nevertheless, some fragments still managed to remain in my memory. Thus I remembered that Moses turned a rod into a serpent. The water of a river became blood. He stretched out his hand and the Red Sea parted so that the Israelites were able to escape. And there were some more which I forgot.

  “It was either God, who helped him or a 12 helix DNA,” replied Maurice. “And that brings me back to the Earthlings. The first inhabitants of the Earth possessed a 12 helix DNA, Annunaki had only a 10 helix one. Some sources, with which I disagree, are claiming that Annunaki were eager to find out what was hidden in the sixth pair of the 12 helix DNA, which they lacked. It is said that they were making experiments on the sixth pair till they did not, unable to find out what it contained, destroy it. Unfortunately, they did not destroy only the sixth pair, they destroyed all the pairs except one. The one we possess today. The DNA double helix.”

  “And why don't you agree with that?”

  “Before giving you my opinion, let me tell you more about the history of the Annunaki as others described it. The chief leader of the Annunaki was God Anu. He lived on the planet Nibiru. It was for this planet that Annunaki needed a shield, made of gold, to protect them against the Sun. Anu had two sons, Enki, also called Ea, the first born and Enlil, the second born. The two brothers hated each other. Enki was angry because his younger brother Enlil became the inheritor of Anu's throne. Namely, Enlil was the son of Anu and Anu's sister's daughter (his niece) and thus genetically closer to Anu than Enki, who was the son of Anu and his wife, the Queen. Thus, the throne belonged to Enlil. Yet, Anu made up for the wrong he had done to Enki, by endowing Enki with the knowledge of genetic science. Genetic engineering. Thus Enki had no difficulties with cloning while our scientists are progressing slowly, making their first steps. Enlil was, of course, envious and so the brothers were in constant fight.

  It was Enki who discovered the 12 helix DNA in the creatures on the Earth. According to the sources, he started to manipulate the genes of the Niberians and the Earthlings. He was blending the genes of Niberians with the genes of the first inhabitants of the Earth. He used Niberian mothers to bear the embryo and give birth to the child. With gene manipulation Enki supposedly created the people, animals, plants and the whole living atmosphere on the Earth in the shapes we know now. Being an extraordinary scientist Enki knew the exact composition of the DNA, he knew how to cut it into parts, take out genes, insert in new ones and then put the parts together again. Nevertheless, each experiment of blending Nibirian genes with the genes of the inhabitants of the Earth, again and again gave the same result: creatures with a DNA double helix! It is hard to imagine isn't it? How on earth can blending of a ten helix DNA with a 12 helix DNA give a DNA double helix? Well, I don't believe it happened unintentionally.”

  “What do you believe then?”

  “In my opinion he was deliberately destroying the 12 helix DNA of the Earthlings. My conclusions comply with what was happening among the Earthlings and the Annunaki. I have already told you that Anu was the god of the Annunaki and as a god probably more or less cared about justice. His sons feared exactly that. Their father's sense of justice. The reports say that the sons were not very kind to the inhabitants of the Earth. Moreover, they were lazy and haughty.

  They subjected the Earthlings to their slaves, who had to dig in mines to find metal for them. In addition, they tortured them and mocked and so the Earthlings complained to Anu. When God's sons learnt about that they took prompt actions. They scattered the first inhabitants of the Earth across the face of the entire Earth. Being far away from one another, the people began to speak their, once common language, differently and soon they were unable to understand each other. They ceased to be one people speaking one language. Not united they presented no threats any more to the sons of God. Nevertheless, the Annunaki never again trusted the Earthlings and many of them thought it would be best to destroy the earthly vermin. They brought floods on the Earth, famine, starvation. They infected the inhabitants with deadly bacteria and viruses. Thus they decimated the population on the Earth, yet they were unable to eradicate it. But finally an opportunity to finish their job cropped up. The planet Nibiru, the home of the Annunaki, which orbits the Earth, started to near the Earth. Here I must tell you something else. According to Professor's foretelling, the planet Nibiru is nearing our Earth now too and will reach its nearest point in the year 2016. This will cause enormous catastrophes on the Earth, for Nibiru has a strong magnetic power and when it comes close to the Earth, the axis of the Earth will incline which will cause immense floods. You probably remember the fatal flood described in the Bible, ordered by God himself?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Well, according to Professor, it was not God but the nearness of the Nibiru that caused it. Annunaki knew what was going to happen.

  They knew that this time the whole Earth would be under the water and all life destroyed. Enlil, the heir to the throne, who wished to get rid of the pest of humanity on the Earth, looked forward to it. Therefore, he sent out orders not to tell the Earthlings about the nearing cataclysm. Everybody obeyed him except his brother Enki. Whenever he could, he thwarted his brother's plans. Thus, he whispered to Noah to build a bark, later called Noah's ark and to bring into it two of all living creatures, male and female, along with every kind of food to be stored as food for the animals and his family while on the ark. Life was saved. But not because of good heartedness of Enki or even love towards humanity! No, it was saved just to oppose Enlil!”

  “Tell me, Maurice,” I said, “how is it possible that the Annunaki, possessing
a 10 helix DNA predominated the Earthlings, with a 12 helix DNA? Wouldn't the opposite be more logical. The human beings should be smarter and stronger.”

  “Well, it depends,” he said thoughtfully. “It depends on what the sixth pair contains. I most certainly do not agree with those scientists who are trying to prove that the sixth pair was hiding a special ability. An ability that even the Annunaki didn't have. What ability, for god’s sake? They already possessed telepathy, clairvoyance, ability to go to higher dimensions, immortality. What else could there be? I tell you, Tibor, nothing!”


  “Nothing at all! In the sixth pair, there was no new ability!”

  “Why did they then have the sixth pair? Just to make confusion? To make us wonder?”

  He stopped at the foot of my bed, his eyes shining feverishly. “No, no, Tibor. The sixth pair is an inhibitory part of the DNA!

  I frowned. “Inhibitory? What does it inhibit?”

  “This last pair prevented human beings the use of the other five or at least four pairs! The sixth pair was, to my belief, a brake! It prevented the Earthlings the use of foreseeing, telepathy, teleportation, transition in higher dimensions. For, with these supernatural powers the Earthlings would overpower the Annunaki. They would be able to foresee all Annunaki’s intentions, they would be warned of dangers and they would have many options how to avoid them. One would be through telepathy. With the power of their thoughts they would be able to influence Annunaki’s decisions, directing them away from them. The other would be the ability to escape with the help of teleportation, escape into higher dimension where the Annunaki could not follow them or at least would be unable to find them. Yet, these abilities could not be activated because of the brake! Because of the sixth pair!

  Some say the sixth pair might have contained immortality, but if that was true the first inhabitants of the Earth would still be alive!”

  “If our abilities were blocked by the sixth pair then there was no need to be afraid of us, no need to destroy our 12 helix DNA, is it?” I asked, becoming quite interested in the story.

  “If you ask me, Enki did not trust the blocker. He was afraid that due to some vibration or substance it might give way.”

  “And so he destroyed all pairs except one? The one we possess now?”

  “In my opinion, he tried to destroy them, but was unable. That's why he was making experiments again and again. In the end he just created the blocker, but not trusting it, as I have said, he put all pairs of DNA, except the double helix, to sleep.

  After that he kind of cemented the five supernatural helixes together with the blocker with a substance, which we now call inactive substance of the DNA. In the same way as builder's coat or water something with concrete.

  After removing danger of being overcome by the Earthlings, they could proceed with exploiting them and holding them in ignorance.

  If it hadn't come to the dispute between Enlil and Enki, human beings to this day would not have known even how children are conceived and born!”

  “Oh, come on, Maurice, now you are going too far!”

  “No, I'm not! I have already mentioned that Enki was able to clone, i.e. create life. I'm sure that he aroused fear and respect. Enlil was, of course, envious and did everything to make human beings believe that he was the creator of life and not Enki. The creator of children. Being in power, he could easily take some actions. He, for example, separated the women from men. He allowed sexual intercourses among women or intercourses among men. They didn't have the slightest idea that another kind of sex, heterosex was possible. For creating the natural offspring, he chose some women and men, took them to secluded places, made them mate and bear children. He then gave children to different people; the parents were, of course, prevented to come back. There was danger they would tell how things really work. If people had found out about the original sin, Enlil would have no longer been the mighty God and Creator.

  Then one day some of these parents managed to escape. I'm sure it happened with the help of Enki. Or it might be that Enlil himself discarded them after they became useless to him. Those people then told the truth to the others. They explained vaginal sex between a man and a woman and its consequences. Children!”

  He looked at me with satisfaction on his face. I needed some time to think about what he had just told me. Well, what I had heard were tales, fairy tales, I decided. Most of them identical to biblical stories. The last part about ignorant men and women, not knowing about heterosexual sex and the pleasure it offered and that it produced children, made me laugh. But, I had to listen to all this nonsense because Maurice had promised me information that would help me find Isabelle and Otrin. Where was this information? I did not see it. I sat up.

  “Maurice, what does all this have in common with the disappearance of Isabelle and Otrin?”

  “They were probably kidnapped because they meant danger.”

  “To the Annunaki?”

  “Yes. Professor is on the way to awaken the sleeping pairs of our DNA. That is for sure danger for them.”

  “Did they kill them?”

  “No, I don’t think so, they, especially the Professor are too precious for them. He knows more than they do.”

  “Where did they take them then?”

  “I suppose, that a group of the Annunaki has its hiding place on the Earth or underground, in some tunnels. According to some legends Maitreya, the future Buddha who will reign after the destruction of this world, is already hiding in one of those tunnels.”

  I climbed out of the bed, thinking what an immense portion of stupidity I had to swallow in the last few days. It was getting unbearable. It was starting to alienate me from the case, from the reality, from the truth I was after. Instead of looking for Otrin on this earth, I was suddenly supposed to look for him in some tunnels, residences of gods, sons of gods … Oh, my, my …

  “Maurice, now I’m going to tell you what I think happened to Isabelle and Otrin. Isabelle smelled danger. She might have even noticed J.E. somewhere, or she assumed that he was following her and so she dragged Otrin to some other place.”

  “But her car is in the garage!” he protested.

  “Yes, and that’s why I think they couldn’t have gone far. I'm going out once again to see if I can find any trace. You'll stay in the room and wait for me.”

  “I'll go with you!”

  “No, you won't! Stay here and wait for me!”

  I needed peace. I had to be alone to get my thoughts in order.



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