Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 1)

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Faker Boy (Alexis Secret Book 1) Page 9

by Elsie Charlotte

  A part of me wanted to live for longer, but there was a problem. It was too expensive.

  My mom arranged the money yesterday, somehow, but I didn’t want to take the money knowing she got the money by probably selling the house or her precious belongings. I couldn’t try finding a donor with that money, especially if there was no sure definite treatment.

  The only reasons for coming to these appointments now was to have a general blood transfusion. It eased the symptoms slightly, but gradually, the symptoms would come back with a roaring vengeance. And, soon enough, there would be a time when not even a blood transfusion would be able to help me.

  That was why I accepted Aaron’s favour. I wanted to do something different and exciting before my time came. I had also accepted it for his mom. She only has a little time left and so did I. I understood how she was feeling. I wanted to do this for her.

  The nurse returned with a prescription and told me to go home and rest. I nodded my head and made my way to the door.

  I only had a little time left. Why should I spend it resting?

  So, that is why I walked in the opposite direction of my house....

  Aaron’s house.


  The music was so loud, I could hear it as I walked up to the doorstep. I opened the door and looked around.

  Couples and not couples were everywhere making out. On the sofas, on the stairs, against the walls.

  Even on the floors.

  People were dancing around me. How would I find Aaron in this mess of people? I walked away from the door, pushing through the people and into the living room.

  There, I saw, Danny on a table, a whole bunch of people surrounding him, clapping and saying ‘Go Danny’, encouraging him as he stood on the table dancing away.

  I rolled my eyes and turned around to look somewhere else. My eyes caught Justin who was sitting on the sofa. His eyes on his phone and a red cup in his hand, a look of discontent on his face.

  Wherever the two idiots were, the last one was not far behind.

  I looked around the room and I suddenly saw Aaron.

  With a girl.

  She was dancing against him, moving her hands in intricate patterns in the air whilst he stood there smirking, his hands placed on her hips.

  Okay, I was angry. Half of it was because his carelessness could ruin our plan, but the rest of it was because he was so nonchalant about touching these girls intimately, but sounded so disgusted to have to sleep next to me in a platonic manner.

  Thanks for blowing up my self esteem, Aaron.

  “Are you following me?” A deep voice said from behind me.

  I turned around to find Elliot leaning on a wall, smiling at me.

  I laughed at his accusation.

  “No, I’m here for the party, Einstein!” I said between laughs.

  He stopped smiling and walked closer.

  “I should make more jokes, so I can hear that nice laugh” he said, putting a loose hair behind my ear.

  I blushed and turned my gaze to the floor.

  “Would you like to dance?” He questioned me, a hopeful hint in his voice and although I had never done so, I couldn’t deny him.

  “Well, if you insist.” I joked as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to him and started elegantly doing a waltz.

  “My my my. Someone knows their dancing” I teased, but was impressed that he could waltz. I bet Aaron wouldn’t be able to dance like this.

  Why was I comparing Elliot to Aaron?

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Elliot smiled at me.

  “I don’t know how to dance. I just know how to treat the ladies” He said with a wink, making me laugh.

  “What a gentlemen” I said, mocking a british accent like he did before.

  He laughed, snorting at the end.

  “My momma raised me with manners” He said, a smirk on his face.

  “If you had manners, you wouldn’t have snorted in your laugh” I retorted, smirking back.

  He feigned offence, his eyes going comically wide and his mouth forming an ‘o’ shape.

  “Don’t diss the snort, Alex. The ladies tend to find it cute and attractive” He said jokingly.

  I laughed in response.

  “Uh-uh whatever you say, Sir Snorters” I said tauntingly.

  He immediately pouted.

  “Not that! Give me a better nickname” He whined. I thought for a while.

  “I don’t know” I said, shrugging.

  He dimmed for a minute, but immediately brightened.

  “I know! Call me Eli” He said, excitedly.

  I smiled. Trying it out on my tongue.


  It suited him.

  “Okay, fine, Eli it is” I smiled.

  He smiled back and twirled me around and dipped me. His face turned serious

  “Gorgeous” He whispered and he started to lean in...

  I stayed still. Was he going to kiss me? The question at hand actually was...

  Did I want him to kiss me?

  His face was a few centimetres away from me now. His breath mingled with my own. It smelled like coffee beans. His lips were so close. They were nearly touching mine...

  Until his phone rang.

  He sighed in frustration and lifted me up, speaking into his phone. While he did that, I started to think.

  Why did I do that? Well, technically I didn’t start it, but I didn’t try to end it either. Maybe, it was because a part of me actually wanted to kiss him. He made me smile so much, in the short time that I had known him. But, a strange part of me felt like I was cheating on Aaron. Even though, we weren’t going out.

  Elliot hung up the phone and looked at me longingly.

  “That was my mom. She’s going to a conference, so I have to go cook dinner for my little brother” He said sadly.

  I smiled at him.

  “Don’t worry about it, that’s a really sweet and nature thing to do. I’ll see you in school?” I asked, a blush on my face from how close we were before.

  He smiled back, apologetically.

  “Definitely” he said and, with one tight hug, he was gone.

  I watched him leave and turned to look at Aaron who was now dancing with another girl and I grimaced at his non-commital nature. For him, it was like girls just grew on trees.

  I smiled at the rowdy guy who passed drinks around the crowd and I smiled thankfully before grabbing a cup and downing the entire contents of the glass. It seared my throat like it was liquid fire and I felt the burning chills that ran up the length of my body and I scrunched my nose at the aftertaste.

  Feeling slightly let down by my first party, I grabbed another and then another and then, suddenly, the party was starting to look more interesting. I looked around, marvelled by all the colours that seemed to stand out now, the vibrations of the pounding music now controlled my movements. I walking with a hop in my step, high-fiving a guy with ginger spiky hair on the way.

  Who was he? I shook my head, I’m sure I’ll think of it.

  My eyes lightened when my eyes landed on Aaron, but then immediately narrowed when remembering what he said about sleeping next to me. He had some explaining to do!

  And, so I walked to him, stumbling along the way.

  22- Drunk Conversations

  Aaron’s head snapped to my direction,

  “What?” He questioned.

  Now, I was beyond nervous. I didn’t want to get him angry or make him upset, but I wanted answers.

  I sighed inwardly, gathering all my courage.

  “Well, you seemed so disgusted to sleep next to me?” I asked timidly, making sure to not look away.

  Aaron looked straight at me, his eyes were curious before they returned to normal and he shrugged lazily.

  “Well, I know, youve never been in that type of situation, so I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he explained.

  “How can you be so sure I haven’t done it before?” I said defens
ively, my nose crinkling slightly in anger.

  He scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning to me.

  “Don’t bullshit. I can tell from a mile away” He said, amusement apparent on his features.

  My eyebrows furrowed at this.

  “Tell what?” I asked, sobering up a bit and I could tell a pounding headache was waiting for me.

  He laughed, but then turned to me, looking at me earnestly.

  “The innocence” I didn’t say anything, so he continued explaining.

  “You’re so innocent, Lexi. You’re so naive compared to most girls at our school.” He said, looking away at the window. I didn’t dare to speak. I was scared I might break this connection and make him close up again like always. He smiled at the window, as if thinking of a certain memory.

  He shook his head before speaking again.

  “It’s rare quality, I guess.”

  “Okay, so laying in the same bed would ‘taint’ me?” I questioned, using the word taint for a lack of better words.

  He turned from the window to look at me again.

  “I wanted you to stay the same way. Blushing at every suggestive comment or so flustered by a wink. I didn’t want to lose that. ” He said, looking me straight in the eyes. The intensity from his eyes made me break eye contact. They looked just as they had when we first met. So electrifying. Aaron then clenched his eyes shut, his face burning with regret. He covered his face with his hands and his elbows rested on his knees.

  “I’m a fucking idiot” He groaned, more to himself than to me.

  “No, you’re not” I stated, defiantly. I didn’t know why I was defending him, but I felt like I had to make him better when he felt down. I felt like making him feel better would make me feel better.

  He removed his hands from his face and ran a hand through his hair.

  “I keep talking about keeping this innocence, but I’m the one that fucking kissed you. I did that.” He said, looking angry with himself.

  I had a sudden urge again to make him feel better, seeing as I was such a people pleaser.

  “Well, in that case you are an idiot” I said jokingly, trying to lift the mood. He chuckled slightly, but some of the anger was still there. I could see it on his face.

  “And about the kiss” I continued

  “I didn’t mind at all, so don’t beat yourself over it” I said reassuringly.

  I was telling the truth. I didn’t mind it at all. His lips were so soft, but firm and his hands burned everywhere they caressed. The images of us together, not more than two minutes ago, burned in my head, even just the thought of it made me blush.

  Aaron looked at me with a blank expression.

  “Why would you mind? You were drunk. When you’re drunk everything feels like cloud nine” he said, confidently as if that was the absolute and only possible answer as to why I liked the kiss. If only he knew how sober I was feeling right now.

  But why was he so against the drunk? I remember when he first thought I was drunk he got very angry. I still remember how his jaw clenched and how his eyes narrowed. I felt so confused on seeing him that angry.

  Surely, it wasn’t because he didn’t like drunk people in general, for I had seen him hanging around and dancing with girls who were drunk off their asses. And, even he had spoken about hangovers and the like with his friends so it wasn’t as though he had a complete aversion to the beverage.

  I coughed, which got his attention. He looked at me intently as a sign to urge me to carry on.

  “So, er why did you er” I stopped, thinking of the right words to say.

  “Why did I what?” He repeated, his face curious.

  “Why did you get so angry when you found out I was drunk?” I blurted out before clenching my hands on small fists

  He noticeably stiffened from my question, his stance going rigid. He looked at me, but it didn’t seem like he was looking at me at all. His eyes were distant and his mind was somewhere else. We both sat in silence, not saying anything. I looked around the room out of awkwardness. Aaron just stared at me distantly.

  He then broke away from his thoughts and looked at his watch.

  “It’s late. Go to sleep” he said simply, not giving me an answer to my question. I decided not to push it any further. I mean, he could talk about it when he wants. We were obviously not that close that he would go around telling me everything. I mean, I didn’t tell him everything.

  I stood up from my seat and made my way into the blanket.

  “Yeah. Night” I said, smiling.

  He smiled at me before making his way to the door. Where was he going?

  “Wait! Don’t leave me” I whined, sounding like a child.

  He laughed before coming up to me and pulling up the blanket further.

  “I have a party going on downstairs, Lexi. I can’t just leave it.” he said, a look amusement on his face. I blushed, feeling stupid. How could I forget about the party? I could still hear the music and cheering.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “You’re tired. Go to sleep” he ordered.

  I smiled at his controlling attitude and inwardly rolled my eyes.

  “Night” I chirped before closing my eyes.

  I felt a hand touch my temple, caressing down to my jaw, making me shiver.

  “Night, princess” he muttered before getting up and making his way to the door.

  I couldn’t be bothered to open my eyes or even change in to any other clothes. I was so tired, but I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

  He called princess.

  23- Avalon

  I woke up, dazed and almost had a heart attack from waking up in an unfamiliar room. I sighed in relie, clutching my lurching heart when I remembered I had fallen asleep in Aaron’s bed. The memories from the conversation we had last night came to mind.

  He called me princess.

  I smiled goofily. No one else had called me something as nice. Well, Elliot had called me pretty, but it didn’t feel the same.

  I looked at the time and squealed loudly. It was a school day and I was already running late. In fear of messing up my early streak, I jumped out the bed and looked toward the sofa. Sure enough, Aaron was lying down on the sofa on his stomach, his face practically submerged in the pillow.

  I laughed inwardly at the cute boy before me but cursed again realising that he was also going to get late and, regardless of if he cared or not, I made my way over to him. I almost felt mindful that I was in a wrinkled dress from last night and my brown hair probably looking like a bird’s nest, but I had more important things to worry about.

  I walked up to the sofa and nudged his bare back. He groaned a little bit, but didn’t wake up. I rolled my eyes and slapped him upside the head, laughing quietly at the sound it made.

  “Aaron! Get up, we’re going to be late!” I shouted in his ear purposefully, laughing loudly this time when he groaned again and turned around to sleep on his back, putting the pillow on his face.

  “Aaarrrooon!” I shouted again, but no answer.

  “Fine” I muttered, jumping up and landing all my weight on his stomach.

  “Try falling asleep with 100 pounds of fat on you” I shouted, trying to put all my weight on him. He opened his eyes, looking around sleepily before his baby blue eyes landed on me. He smirked slightly and a large hand on my back, making me shiver.

  “Sorry, Lexi, but we have school. So, whatever you’re thinking is not an option” he said, looking at me in mock sadness.

  I rolled my eyes. Obviously, he would say something dirty about the position we were in. I put on a mock sad face before sighing deeply.

  “Aw! And, why can’t it be an option? Besides, with you, I suppose we’d be finished in 5 seconds flat” I countered, trying to get up.

  Aaron gripped my hips tightly, so I couldn’t go and smiled, impressed at my words.

  “Impressive, but wrong. But, if you want to challenge me, you can always put me to the test” he said, pulling me
closer until I was lying on top of him, our bodies pressed together.

  I was about to answer, but was cut off by the sound of a door opening. I turned around to see Sam looking at us, a look of shock and fear on her face.

  “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.. I’ll.. sorry!” She all but screamed, covering her face with her hands.

  “We were not-” I started, but was cut off by Sam.

  “I’m really sorry. I came here to say breakfast is ready” she said before making her way to the door and shutting it.

  I hit Aaron and tried to get up, but he had a death grip on my hips.

  “Why did you do that? Why didn’t you tell her we weren’t doing anything!” I shouted.

  He looked at me blankly.

  “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want her interrupting our ‘5 second session’ he said flatly, sarcasm dripping from his tone. A slight smirk was forming at his lips.

  I gasped and hit his chest again.

  “You did that to get back at what I said to you? What would your mum think of me now?!” I shouted, covering my face.

  I heard a laugh and peeked out my arms to find Aaron looking at me in amusement.

  “Are you always this dramatic?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

  I huffed and folded my arms across my chest. This made him laugh, the grip on my hips loosening. I took this as an opportunity to get up. I stood up and grabbed a pillow and slapped it in Aaron’s face, who was still laughing.

  “We need to go school” I screamed. I stopped hitting him when a sudden thought dawned on me and I looked around frantically.

  “What clothes am I going to wear?” I asked.

  He stopped and a look of thought crossed his face. He got up and went into his closet. He then came out with a casual red dress.

  “Wear this” he ordered, throwing it to me and getting his own clothes from his closet.

  What was this doing in his closet?

  “I like your taste, Walker, but red doesn’t match your skin tone” I mused, holding the dress up to his body.


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