The Everest Brothers: Ethan - Hutton - Bennett

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The Everest Brothers: Ethan - Hutton - Bennett Page 15

by Scott, S. L.

  I’ve been with women, plenty of them, but Singer is . . . she’s different and there’s no denying this means so much more than a quick fuck or a one-night stand. Nicolina thinks I love her. Do I?

  Exhaling slowly, I know I need to get out of my head and back to what’s right in front of me instead of thinking through everything. Touching the berry to her skin, she sucks in a breath. I smile, and in a low voice I remind her, “Breathe, Singer.”

  Her nipples are pert under the sheet, causing my breath to match hers. Why am I nervous? I’m never nervous. I’m always in control. I am in control now. I blow across her skin where the juice glistens. The strawberry moves slick, dipping in and following the contours of her collarbone. My eyes meet hers before I lower and touch my tongue to her, licking the sweetness from her skin.

  Her hips move against my cock, and I press right back. I want to sink inside her, forgetting who I am and the life I’ve created. I want a redo with this woman. I deserve it, just like I deserve the truth to unchain me.

  I’ve lost touch with that guy Singer met a year ago. The one who knew who he was and where his life was going, the one who saw a beautiful and intriguing woman and tried to kiss her on a fire escape. But when she looks at me, I see him reflected in her eyes. I can almost feel him inside me under her gaze. She makes me want to be that man for her. God, I want be that man for her.

  I want to be that man again for me.

  The taste of her skin is sticky sweet, and intoxicating, a flavor that will linger long after she’s gone. I toss the strawberry back into the bowl and start to devour her instead. I’d love to give her slow and steady, but not this time. Not possible the first time with this woman.

  The woman tempts my body to do dirty things. My soul gravitates to her blind trust in me. The press openly talks about the bad boy I’m supposed to be, and her shy, vulnerable side definitely attracts that side. With Singer, I want to take what I want instead of asking. She brings out the devil in me.

  Taking a deliciously pink nipple between my lips, I move my hand to the curve of her waist. My middle moves against her, her legs widening for me in a welcoming embrace. I’m so close to fucking her, even though I know I shouldn’t. I know she shouldn’t be here at all.




  My demise.

  I close my eyes, squeezing them tight.

  Fuck the past.

  Focus on the present.

  Nails graze against my scalp, and fingers caress my jaw, lifting it up. Looking up, even in the low light of the room, her eyes make me want to be everything for her. “Be here, Ethan. Stay right here with me.” How does she know I need those words to bring me back?

  She sees through me.

  I think she always did.

  Moving higher, I keep my body against hers and brush my fingertips over her cheek before kissing those red lips. Lowering my hand, I rub the inside of her thigh. Goose bumps rise under my fingers, her reactions an aphrodisiac, feeding my cravings for her.




  My beauty.

  “I want to make you feel so good. I want you to feel how you make me feel.”

  She smiles, her finger tracing my upper lip. “I do. Look at me. Really look at me. I’m here. The quiet that steals your thoughts and causes you to shut down on me, I need you to fight it. I don’t want to feel doubts when I’m with you, so I need to know I don’t cause them.”

  “You don’t. You make them better. When I’m with you, it’s easier to believe there’s still good in the world.” She kisses me. Her hands are strong, wrapped around my shoulders, and they bring me back against her. With my fingers finding that sweet spot between her legs, I watch as her mouth opens, and a desire to fill it emerges.

  The way she moves beneath me, the soft mewls, and her fingers pressing into my skin, I know she’s already close, but I need more, more of everything with this stunning creature. I lean down to take her breath and make it mine. “I want you so bad.”

  “Then take me, Ethan.” Her breath comes hard, her words punctuated on the tip.

  I’ve always prided myself on self-control but my limits are shredded. I rest my forehead on her shoulder and enter her softness with two fingers, her warmth spreading through my body. My hips move, trying to push my release forth. My fingers fuck, and mewls become moans, a siren’s call that sings to my core.

  I need her to find that place that gives her mind peace and makes her body mine, so I watch her reactions, and feed her frenzy. I kiss her again and deeper, using my tongue to taste her orgasm just as she peaks. When I release her lips, my name tumbles off her tongue, and I’m locked in a tight embrace.

  “I want you so much,” she says, her words pulsing through like her pussy is around my fingers.

  Reaching over, I pull the drawer open and grab a condom. I hate to ruin the moment, so I’m fast. Once covered, I’m over her and positioned. Wild eyes beg for more, and I lean down to kiss her as I push in. My head drops down as her heat envelops me, searing me, easing my soul from the daily burdens. My mind focuses on her—pinpointing every gyrate that elicits a moan, every scrape of her nails that urges me on. “You feel . . . you’re amazing, Singer.”

  I want to fuck. I want to thrust and pound.

  Restrain. I keep the reminder on a loop as I make love to her slowly. She deserves love. It’s easy to get lost in this woman with her intrigue and smiles. Her honesty and innocence. Her body moves with mine and then urges me for more. I give in and move on instinct to feel—God, she feels so good.

  Hands roam freely over my back and squeeze my ass. I push up higher and thrust while watching her. When she opens her eyes, a sly smile rolls across her lips, and she murmurs, “I want more.”

  I fuck her with my mind and my body, my soul bonding to her angelic being. I fuck and I fuck until she’s crying my name in completion, as if another name will never be uttered from her lips. I fuck until I lose this world and live in hers, the blackness full of stars. I reach out until I grab hold of hope again, falling back to reality.


  Opening my eyes, hers are already trained on me. “Yeah?”

  The palm of her hand presses to my cheek, and she says, “You feel so good.”

  Staring into the sun has a way of making you look inward. Her light of blinding purity penetrates the icy walls I constructed to protect my heart, and they begin to melt at her feet. Stealing one more glance, I now see. I see how she so easily accepts me. The gold flecks in her eyes shine in the dark, just like her sincerity. I tilt my head down and kiss her shoulder. “You’ve made me believe again.”

  Her nails gently scrape through the hair behind my ears. If I weren’t so caught up in awakening emotions, it would tickle.

  “Believe in what?” she whispers.

  “In living this life to the fullest. You gave that to me.”

  A gentle giggle lifts from the lips and the sweetest pink threatens to cover the light freckles on her cheeks. “That sounds like a heavenly experience.”

  “It was.” My heart thuds against my chest and I wonder if she can feel it. I discard the condom quickly and pull her close until she’s tucked against me. “I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to let you go come sunrise.”

  Squirming around until she’s comfy, she takes a deep breath and exhales, her body free from tension. “That’s okay,” she replies sleepily. “We can sleep long past sunrise. Tomorrow is Saturday.”

  I’m fading fast, peace washing over me as my eyelids grow heavy. “Good point, Singer Davis.”

  A sweet little kiss is pressed to my chest, her voice growing in distance. “Good night, Ethan Everest.”



  Life is blissful.

  But I try really hard to keep my happy sighs contained. I don’t want to scare Ethan and have him thinking I might be some crazy girl with lofty intentions. That’s the thing with him.
He’s temperamental. Not how I originally took him, but the year has changed him. I didn’t know him at all last year, but the wide smile I saw that day has faded over months. Noticeably.

  Standing in the living room of this huge apartment, I wonder who tried to extinguish the fire I saw in his eyes the first time we met. Who turned it from a flame to a flicker? From what he’s shared tonight, can I ignite him back to life?

  He has trust issues, but he seems to want to trust me. Why? How am I different?

  This castle is amazing, but even with him in the other room, I feel so alone in the expansive space. Does it affect him the same way? It seems so opposite of who he’s struggling to be around me. The walls around his heart feel impossible to climb. He’s built them to the sky. But maybe, for me, there’s something hidden, a ladder or a secret staircase that will let me climb inside.

  This isn’t a home. This is a place to sleep and eat, stiff like the furniture—sterile—not lived in at all. My apartment has poor lighting, but it’s cozy and comforting.

  It’s drafty here. I take a blanket draped over the couch like a designer placed it there when he moved in and it’s not been touched since, and wrap it around me. The T-shirt I stole from a shelf in the closet is not enough to keep me warm.

  “I thought we were going to sleep in?” he says across the stark light-colored wood floors.

  “Did you miss me?” I turn to look his way.

  “I did.” Standing just outside the hall, his incredible upper body is on display. Sleep pants hang low, teasing me with that V made of muscle and dirty thoughts. I lick my bottom lip, and then say, “I’m forever trained to wake up early. My body has set its own alarm clock, but I was hoping you’d get more sleep.”

  “I slept. That’s saying something.” His words say everything and mean more to me than he knows. He comes to me, cups my face, and kisses me. “Do you want to try to sleep longer or can I make you coffee?”

  “I slept soundly. Coffee please.”

  “You got it.” Taking my hand, he leads me to the kitchen.

  “I tried to figure out the coffee machine but it’s serious business.”

  That makes him chuckle. “What would you like? A latte, espresso, café mocha? It can make practically anything without letting me screw it up too much.”

  Setting the blanket over a barstool, I slide onto the large island behind him. I make sure his shirt is pulled low protecting the back of my legs from the cold marble. “Ohh. A café mocha please.”

  “You got it.” I watch as he takes milk from the fridge and adds it to the compartment before pushing a combination of different buttons. The machine is off and buzzing when he turns around with a smile on his face.


  He looks content, and content looks so good on him. Casual and relaxed, the burdens he carries not currently a weight on his shoulders. His ease comforts me. When he touches my knees and slides his fingers underneath to tickle, I laugh before I’m pulled to the edge, my legs around his middle. I lift and cross my ankles behind his back and take him by the face. “I like you, Ethan. I hope you’re okay with me telling you.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I like you too. A lot.”

  His hands warm my hips and if I’m not careful, he’s going to have me orgasming right here on his kitchen island, so I kiss him because nothing sounds more amazing than that right now. Warm hands slink under the T-shirt and around my ass. I’m bare, but he brings me closer until I’m pressed against him.

  My body wants his hands all over. I stopped worrying about what he thinks and just let him feel, allowing myself to feel everything he wants to do. When he pushed them inside me last night, he made me come so fast.

  I don’t think I’ll last long now, either. Everything about him—from his body to his lips to his words and the way he looks at me—it’s as if he was designed to be my weakness.

  I will give in to him every time.

  Damn him.

  The machine chimes and Ethan pulls back. I like that I affect him. I like watching his chest rise and fall faster than before. I like that he’s disappointed we were interrupted. “You, Ms. Davis, were saved by the bell.”

  “Saved from what?” I ask as he turns to retrieve the coffee.

  “From being ravaged right here on this cold counter.”

  “I’m not happy one bit about being saved now that I know ravaging was on the table.” Literally and figuratively.

  He sets the tall mug down next to me. “The table can be arranged.” We both look at the long dining table nearby. “If you’re into that sort of thing.”

  “I could be tempte—”

  Before I finish my sentence I’m scooped into his arms and carried to the long table. It’s wooden and appears old, but I’m sure he spent a fortune on it like everything else in this penthouse. I’m set down and the blanket is retrieved. He spreads it out and then lifts me on top of it. “We don’t want to risk splinters.”

  “That’s for sure.” Our gazes meet. Our smiles lighten. The intensity brewing between us builds as he leans forward, resting his hands on either side of me. Leaning back on my elbows, I close my eyes right before our lips touch. The pressure is light, the feel matching the morning as the sun rises outside the picturesque windows.

  My legs are spread, and his fingers gliding up the inside of my thigh. The air is thick with desire, the whole apartment feeling a few degrees hotter. “I think you might even be sexier at sunrise than you are at midnight. I might have to hold on to you for a few days just to see the variance.”

  “Like the hours, it’s not about the minutes that make them up, but the moments that make them memorable.” Sitting up, I kiss him. I kiss him because this man is almost too handsome to look at, and his sweet words are arrows of beauty straight to my heart.

  When our lips part, he inhales and I think he takes a piece of me with him. “You make me want to experience every second of your day.” The heat of his hand moves to press on my most sensitive area and his fingers begin to circle. My breath is jagged on the tail end of a sharp intake. I lie all the way back, but keep my eyes open, staring at the way he bites his lip as he watches his hands move over me.

  When his gaze lifts to mine, I can’t find the normal troubles in his expressive eyes. I suck in a breath. He allows me room to feel instead of think. He allows me to be the woman he believes me to be. Pliable to his touch, but reacting to every coax and caress, I whisper, “I want you inside me.”

  “Say it again, Singer. Just for me.”

  “It’s only for you.” I push my hair back, feeling restless from the cravings he’s awakening. I repeat it, quieter and heavier this time, just for him again. “I want you inside me, Ethan.”

  He pulls the blanket toward him until my knees near the edge, and then kneels before me. “Can you stay still for me?”

  I shake my head well aware of my limitations when it comes to this man. “No.”

  His laugh is deep, buried in his chest. “Well, try. All right?” This time I nod. “Just lie there and enjoy.”

  “What about—”

  “Shh.” A large hand takes ownership of my stomach. “I want to do this for you. Will you trust me?”

  “I do trust you,” I whisper, but it’s so quiet I doubt he heard. Closing my eyes, I want to silence my racing thoughts.

  With his mouth between my legs, my body feels combustible. I’ve never felt more vulnerable than I do right now. This is new.

  The vulnerability.

  The position.

  The man.

  The relationship.

  I rest my arm over my eyes, hoping to block out my fears. What if he finds out that he’s the first? Should I be doing something? Oh my God. My eyelids close as my back begins to arch. I reach for his head and grasp at his hair, needing something to hold on to, but I need something solid, so I reach to the sides and hold the edge of the table with both hands before I float away.

  Ethan secures me to the blanketed surface, but my hips buck i
nvoluntarily to the swift swirling of his tongue. As soon as his fingers slide inside, I’m lost to the same oblivion, my body tensing, my voice not my own when I cry his name in ecstasy.

  I release the table and let my lifeless body lie in recovery while he kisses up my stomach to my chest, tenting the shirt. When he kisses and licks, naughty man, between my breasts, I laugh. “You are positively great for me, but let me be great for you. Make love to me.”

  “Making love isn’t for tabletops.” An eyebrow is cocked. “But fucking is.”

  His warm breath sticks to my already dewy skin, and I know the words I chose don’t mean the same thing as what I want. I may not have been with many guys, but I’m not inexperienced. I know what I like and what I want, and with him I welcome the sexual onslaught. My guard is down, so I whisper, “Fuck me, Ethan.”

  Not two minutes later, his arms have caged me as he leans above me, thrusting. That bottom lip is still trapped beneath his teeth. His eyes are closed and his muscles strained with tension. There’s so much beauty in the pain written on his handsome face. That I cause this man to fall to his knees turns me on even more.

  I close my eyes and my back lifts to lower my hips as he gets a better grip, using my body to drain away his burdens. His release comes fast and is punctuated with a groan of pure ecstasy.

  The weight of his body presses down on me and he relaxes. “So good,” he mumbles. “So damn good.”

  He doesn’t stay long enough. When he stands, I lift back up on my elbows and ask, “Is it wrong that I don’t feel any guilt about this?”

  “Fuck, no. You shouldn’t feel any guilt. What’s the fun in having sex if you can’t enjoy the pleasure of it?”

  I close my eyes and lie back down. “Good, because I feel so damn amazing right now.”

  “Do you normally feel guilty?” Coming back to the table, he sits on a chair and runs his hand over my breasts and lower.

  “Kind of.”


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