The Everest Brothers: Ethan - Hutton - Bennett

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The Everest Brothers: Ethan - Hutton - Bennett Page 68

by Scott, S. L.

  “How’s that?”

  “I can’t figure you out, Winter Nobleman.”

  She stiffens when the elevator door opens, so I check behind me. A couple waits for us to exit. Taking Winter’s hand, I lead her out, giving them a friendly nod when we walk by.

  She walks into my room first. The lights are on, dimmed, the food gone, but the wine is on ice with two clean glasses on a tray.

  Slipping off her jacket, she sets it on a chair. The door closes automatically, and the hard lock makes her jump.

  “You all right?” I set my wallet, key card, and phone down on the desk while watching her shut the drapes.

  “Fine.” She asks, “May I have a glass of wine?”

  “Sure. I’ll get it.”

  I pull the cork and pour the wine. “Do you mind if I use the powder room?”

  “Make yourself at home.”

  With the wineglass in hand, she disappears, closing the door behind her. Something has changed. The particles in the air have rearranged, dissipating the lightness from before. Does she regret coming here, or am I reading the vibe wrong?

  I pour another glass of wine for myself, though I’d really dig a beer instead. I consider calling room service, but if it’s going to take a while, I don’t want to interrupt our night.

  The door opens, and she flicks the light off when she walks out. She’s flipped her hair to the other side, and the wineglass is almost empty. It’s only been a few minutes. Is she trying to psych herself up or get drunk? “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Pretty okay,” she replies with what I think is a snort. Her hand covers her mouth as she cracks herself up.

  My eyebrows shoot up. This is a turn I didn’t expect. She comes to where I’m sitting in the chair and bumps my feet farther apart with the tip of her shoe. When I spread them, she sits on my lap, while setting the glass down and then wrapping her arm around my shoulders. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you.”

  Patting her hip, I ask, “Oh yeah?”

  “The first time I saw you, I could have never imagined we’d end up here a few days later.” She presses her palm to my cheek. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t wish we could.”

  “You made a wish for me to bring you back to my room? And then what?”

  Leaning down, she kisses me. With her forehead against mine, she sighs with her eyes closed, still holding my face to hers. “Do you mind if we just do this?”

  I pull back. “This, as in sex? Like get it over and done with? Or just do this to distract you since something is clearly wrong?” I sigh and look down, my hands loosening from around her. “I’m sorry, Winter. I guess I misunderstood what was happening between us. If you’re looking for something meaningless and void of emotions, you have the wrong guy.”

  “Do I?”

  In the past, I might not have given every night I spent with a woman as much thought—both of us acting on instinct and need, but I thought tonight was different. Standing, I set her on her feet and move around to see her face. “I don’t think you’re naïve when it comes to me. I’ve been with women. I’ve had one-night stands. But that’s not what I thought tonight was about. It may sound fucking ridiculous, but I guess I thought there was a shot we might see each other back in New York.”

  “New York? Bennett, I can’t plan for tomorrow, much less New York.”

  I sit on the bench when she sits in the chair, curling her legs under her. “I want to spend more time with you whether we do anything tonight or not.”

  She rubs her forehead, seemingly in debate, but then she sets her feet down and comes to sit next to me. “I’m sorry, Bennett. You’ve been nothing but kind and respectful. I didn’t give you the same courtesy. I do feel something. That’s what scares me.”

  I reach over and take her hand. “Don’t be scared. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to. We can hang out and talk, or watch movies, French TV, or gorge on room service until we fall asleep. And if you want to leave at any time, I’ll take a cab with you and see you home personally. Forget about tomorrow. I just want us to enjoy tonight. Stress free.”

  “I want that, too. How about we start with TV and room service?”

  Reading her body language, I can tell she’s genuine. Kicking off my shoes, I tug my sweater off over my head. “A woman after my own heart. Bed or bench?”

  “Bed.” She flips her shoes off, and asks, “Robe?”

  “Closet.” And just like that, we’re back to easy. I know there’s something beneath the surface that Winter isn’t telling me, and that’s fine. For now. But in moments like these, when she and I can so easily work a miscommunication out, I feel positive we can be more. She’s strong and knows her mind but isn’t manipulative in achieving what she wants. That’s rare. And welcome.

  She grabs the hotel robe from the closet and disappears into the bathroom again. I strip off my clothes, leaving on my boxer briefs. Dropping to the floor, I do ten quick pushups and a few sit-ups before popping to my feet and running my hand over my stomach. But I realize I can’t stand here like an idiot no matter how sick my abs look.

  I dive for the bed, and when the door opens, I’m kicked back under the covers with my hands behind my head. Basically killin’ the stud pose. She tries to keep a straight face, but she can’t. Her laughter fills the room as she tugs the belt on the robe tight around her waist. “Just hanging out there, huh, movie star?”

  Just as she can’t hide her smile, I can’t hide mine. I flip the covers over as an invitation. “Climb on in.” Reaching for the remote, I offer it to her.

  “The water’s fine.”

  I chuckle, looking her over. “It sure is.”

  Climbing onto the bed, she tucks her feet under and pulls up the covers. “Are you going to scoot over or hog the entire center of the bed?”

  “I have to say, I’m quite comfortable right where I am.”

  She snuggles against me, one hand resting on my chest, the other under her. Clicking on the TV, she asks, “Do you always sleep in the middle?”

  “I do.”

  “That’s the sign of a man who sleeps alone.”

  “I’m not seeing the problem.”

  “Neither am I,” she whispers with a gentle grin, and then places a kiss on my shoulder. The volume is turned up.

  “I’m still full from dinner, but if you’re hungry—”

  “No. I’m not. I’m comfortable.”

  Wrapping my arm around her, I kiss the top of her head. “Me too.”

  * * *

  “I’m missing my donkey shaved pencil. It has to be here somewhere.”

  “No. No, I got it. My ass is cold so give me a pen to fumigate the apartment.” She bursts out laughing. We’ve been watching TV with the volume off for two hours and filling in with our own dialogue to soap style shows.

  I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard hanging out with a woman. She may have some high walls built to protect herself, but lying here, they’ve all but disappeared.

  I thought her looking me up online would taint things, but it’s not been like that at all. With her, I’m not a millionaire or the brother of a famous billionaire. I’m not the ladies’ man or a high school football star. None of that seems to matter to Winter.

  I have plenty of friends back home and in Manhattan, my brothers being two of my best, but Winter feels too good to be around not to consider pursuing a friendship. Or more . . .

  The bottle of wine is empty, a pitcher of OJ half full, and a plate that has only cookie crumbs remain. With the robe hanging off one smooth shoulder, she points at the TV with a lollipop. “I think you won that round.”

  “You managed to use ass and apartment fumigation in yours without a thought. I’m saying you won.”

  “I’ll take it,” she says, and then pops the lollipop into her mouth. “Who knew a fancy hotel would deliver candy? I think I’m sugared up. Want to go for a run?”

  “It’s three in the morning. And you don’t have running clothes or shoes. Th
at’s the candy talking.”

  Rolling her eyes, she falls back on the pillow. “Where’d your sense of adventure go, Monsieur Everest?”

  “You’re definitely drunk on sugar. I think you’ve had too much.” I reach for the stick, but she smacks my hand and laughs.

  “Maybe.” Pulling the lollipop from her mouth, she points it at me. “You know what I think?”

  Slipping lower on the bed, I angle her way. “What do you think?”

  Her smiles fades, and her lips part as she takes a breath. “I think I’m ready for you to kiss me again.”

  “You know what I think?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I’d like that.” I maneuver closer and lower my voice. “How do you want me to kiss you?”

  She’s very still like a statue. “I’m good like this.” Interesting.

  I try really fucking hard not to laugh. She’s adorable. “Okay.”

  Her gaze darts to me. “I thought you were going for great?”

  Taking her candy, I drop it in a glass of water, and smirk. “Always.” I kiss her, not continuing a conversation I know neither of us intends to finish.



  Soft and welcoming. I love her mouth.

  Her hands wrap around my bicep and then slide up over my neck. There’s an insistence in the way she moves against me as if she can’t get close enough. I give her what she wants and do what feels good, moving forward until her back is flat, and then separate her knees with mine.

  As I press my body down, a little moan escapes her, making me harder than I was already. Fuck.

  She holds me close as our tongues embrace, and our bodies begin a slow dance. One hand disappears from my ass that she was appreciating and tugs the robe open, revealing herself to me. Lowering to kiss her neck and then her shoulder, I whisper, “You’re so fucking incredible, Winter.” While she tries to slink out of the robe, her leg wraps over mine, holding me there. I finally sit up, so she can. “Let’s take this off.”

  As soon as I give her space, she slips her arms from the robe and lays it on the bed under her. She lies back down before me in a light pink bra and matching thong. The pale color of the lace highlights a sheen as if the sun kissed her skin, and I can’t stop myself. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” The smile I receive in return is magnificent. Her surprise at my compliment shocks me, though.

  A whispered, “You’re so hot,” leaves her lips. Her hands on my sides urge me back on top, so I move, kissing her again and appreciating the taste of her mouth, her skin, and the way she moves under me. Her body begs for more, and I start to memorize what makes her moan.

  A kiss to the lips.

  The spot behind her ear.

  My hands on her waist.

  Fingertips dipping under the lace and teasing.

  Her breasts are firm and a good handful. I’d venture to guess a cup size, but it doesn’t matter.




  The thought races through my veins, and I start to digest it. The size of a woman’s tits has always been something I catalogued for entertainment, out of curiosity, and to engage my brain and not just my body. It’s the same as every woman staring below the abs I work so hard to maintain to check out what the good Lord gave me.

  But with Winter, it’s different.

  Like our time together, this just feels good. She feels good. With her, it’s not a race to the finish. She’s savoring my kisses to her neck and taking the time to kiss mine. She doesn’t want a quick fuck before she ducks to catch a cab home. No, this is different.



  I don’t want this feeling to end although I don’t think I can wait much longer before I explode. I ache to be inside her, so I whisper against the round of her breasts, “Do you want to—”

  “Yes. God, yes. Please.”

  Lifting my head up to see her face, I smile. “I like you begging for me.”

  “I’d like you between my legs.”

  “I thought that’s what we were talking about?”

  “Your mouth first.”

  “First, huh?” She drives me fucking wild. As if I couldn’t get harder, she opens that sexy mouth of hers and makes a request. Confidence is a turn-on. “I can arrange that.” I slip under the covers and tug her legs until she’s flat on her back.

  Through laughter, she says, “You’re so bad, Bennett.”

  “But I’ll make you feel so good.”

  She takes a jagged breath when I pull her panties down. I admire the beauty before me. Soft and so wet already.

  I spread her legs, and fingers weave into my hair, nails scraping lightly along my scalp. While I kiss the inside of her thigh, she gently nudges my head for more. I move to the apex of her legs and kiss her gently before I realize she’s still, like a statue. Again. “Breathe, Winter.”

  Once I hear a loud exhale, I dip my tongue, tasting the forbidden—her salty-sweet essence. Her legs buck, and I hear a whimper. Checking on her, I look up, but she pushes my head right back down, causing me to chuckle against her softness.



  Sexy as fuck.

  Winter Nobleman has captivated me in every way—mentally, physically, emotionally. And when she moans again, I’m a goner.

  I enjoy this late-night snack, leaving her breathless and wet as she clamps her legs around me. Trusting me with her body and pleasure, I take it all from her as she trembles beneath me.

  I did that. I’m the one who gave her every fucking thing she needed, and in return, she lies there, pulling me to her, kissing me, and through hitched breaths, she whispers in my ear, “That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”

  “More to come,” I reply, “including me, ma chérie.” I get out of bed, my briefs tenting. “Condom.”

  “I’m glad you came prepared,” she says.

  “I haven’t come yet, but it won’t take long with you looking that good.” Grabbing a condom from my toiletry bag, I take my sweet time meandering back.

  Winter’s lying on the bed, arms wide, staring at the ceiling. “That felt so good.”

  Standing next to the bed, I ask, “Not great?”

  “You and your ‘great.’ I already gave you the best orgasm award.” Propping up on her elbow, she says, “If you must know, it felt amazing. You do not disappoint.” Her gaze dips to my briefs. “Do not disappoint at all.”

  Now that I have her attention, I am not inclined to lose it. “I want you to undress me, Winter.”

  “With my eyes? I did that the first time I saw you.”

  I’d blame the wine, but her eyes are clear. “You’re a bad girl.”

  “That’s why I’m in Paris, but that’s a story for another day.”

  “I like when you talk about other days we’ll have together.”

  She sits up and runs her fingers under the top of the elastic waistband of my underwear. “It’s tomorrow already.”

  “How about staying until daylight?”

  A smile forms as she starts to take my briefs down. Peeking up at me, she says, “I’d like that.”

  “I like you,” I reply, lifting her chin with my finger.

  “Do you want me to . . .?” She leaves the question unfinished and looks down while running her hand along my erection instead.

  “Only if you want to.”

  “I do.” She slides my briefs down and licks her lips. Leaning forward, she touches the tip of her tongue to my hardness, making my stomach muscles clench in reaction. When she flattens her tongue and slides back up . . . Fuck if that’s not the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  She takes me into her mouth, sliding down and back up several times, before I stop her. When her eyes connect with mine, I say, “I want to be inside you. I want to make love to you.” I want to make this last all night yet race to the finish line. I take her bra straps and peel them over her shoulders. “I’ve tasted you. Now I want to see
all of you.”

  Reaching behind her back, she unclasps her bra, and then slides the straps down her arms. She drops it on the floor, not embarrassed and not hiding herself from me, but shyness colors her face. Bending down, I kiss her, wanting to erase anything she feels that’s less than spectacular.

  She pulls me down onto the bed with her, and we move to the middle. Just as she’s about to tuck under the covers, I lay my hand on her leg. “I want to see you the entire time.”

  Glancing at the nightstand, she asks, “Are we leaving the lights on, too?”


  She sighs, not in disappointment but more adapting to the idea.

  I start kissing her neck and moving to cover the spots that make her moan again. “Are you sure?”


  Taking a second, I slip on the condom and then move between her legs. Hovering above her, I realize I’m sort of nervous again. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Winter runs her hands up my chest and to the back of my neck. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. I’m more than okay and that’s what’s wrong with me. I more than like her. Lowering down, I kiss her to settle my racing heart and find the peace I’m seeking. I move my hips forward, connecting us.

  My breath escapes me as the heat of her body embraces mine. We move together, our eyes fixed on each other. The warmth of her sweet body feels so good that I start moving faster. I steal kisses but then rest my head down and let my body run off instinct.

  She whispers in my ear, “So great, Bennett,” making me smile. She’s great for the heart.

  I start kissing her again and then stop to push up enough to see her face. “You feel . . . so amazing.”

  Reaching up, she kisses me. The right side of her mouth slips up. “You feel incredible.”

  Her hips gyrate against mine, and we move, making love, and beginning to fuck because sex with her doesn’t just feel good. Seeing her eyes bright with happiness, her body blushing across her chest, and sweat dusted across her skin. Steady becomes erratic, and we lose ourselves to the sounds of our bodies bonding.

  Her voice builds with each yes she utters. When her head digs into the pillow, her back arches, and I help her chase the sensation. Winter’s body tightens around mine, and her nails sink into my back as my name comes out on a moan.


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