Master’s Fate

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Master’s Fate Page 12

by Red Phoenix

  I’m fond of her many facets—in and out of the dungeon.

  “Hey, darlin’.”

  “Hello, handsome,” glee cries, running up to me. She stands on tiptoes to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, planting a deep kiss on those sweet lips.

  “Is that a present, I see?” she asks coyly, staring at the box in my hand.

  I look down at the wrapped gift with a red bow, and I smile. “Since I won’t be here for Christmas, I thought I would give it to you early.”

  She suddenly looks at me with a worried expression. “I didn’t think ahead. I don’t have anything for you, Master Anderson.”

  “Don’t give it a second thought, darlin’. And it’s Brad,” I remind her with a wink.

  She giggles. “Oops! Sorry.”

  “No apologies necessary,” I assure her, stealing another kiss.

  I hand her the present, anxious for her to open it. “It’s a small thing I had made for you.”

  “You had it made for me?” she squeals, tearing at the paper. When she lifts the lid of the box, she murmurs, “Oh, my goodness!”

  Picking it up, she examines the bracelet closely.

  “The craftsman who made my bullwhip used the same type of leather to create it.”

  Her eyes sparkle with joy. “Brad, this is so special.”

  I take the braided leather and put it around her small wrist, fastening it. “I wanted to give you something to remind you that I’m thinking of you.”

  Glee wraps her arms around me. “I didn’t realize you were such a romantic.”

  “I try to keep that under wraps. It kind of messes with the whole big, bad Dom image.”

  Smiling up at me, she says, “No, it doesn’t. It makes you an even better Dom, in my eyes.”

  I have a good feeling about us. Touching the bracelet around her wrist, I confess, “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too.” She stands on her tiptoes again and whispers, “Master.”

  Hearing her call me by my title has a definite effect on my libido, and that doesn’t go unnoticed by glee. Glancing down at my “growing” attraction, she murmurs, “Why don’t we find a quiet place?”

  “I would take you to my dorm room, but it’s swimming with reporters. No way could I sneak you in without them noticing.”

  “You know…I do like the thrill of public places,” she says with a flirtatious glint in her eye.

  “If you’re looking for someplace quiet, I know the perfect place, darlin’.”

  I take her hand and head to the quietest place I know—the college library.

  Twelve hours later, I’m on a plane, socking Thane in the arm as we land in Denver. “Would you look at that? Seriously, is there anything more beautiful?” I ask him, pointing at the snow-covered mountain range in the distance.

  “The peaks are impressive.”

  “You’ve got that right, buddy. Colorado has fifty-three fourteeners.”

  “I’m sorry. I have no idea what that means.”

  I chuckle, surprised he doesn’t know. “Fourteeners are peaks that are 14,000 feet or more.”

  Thane nods as if it means nothing to him.

  I chuckle at his level of ignorance. Nodding toward the mountains, I explain, “People come from all over the world to take on the challenge of scaling them all.”


  Seeing he’s still not impressed, I mention, “I’ve climbed twelve of them myself.”

  The plane rolls to a stop and the two of us stand up, waiting for people to start exiting. I elbow him in the ribs. “Hey, maybe you and I can make it an annual thing. You come to Colorado every year, and we’ll climb one. Just think, fifty-three years from now, we’ll have climbed them all.”

  Thane chuckles. “Do I look like a hiker to you?”

  “I’m telling you, buddy. There’s nothing else like it. It’s just you and the mountain. Have you ever spent a night under the stars with no one else around?”

  “Can’t say I have.”

  “It’s an incredible feeling,” I say, thinking back fondly on all the trips I’ve taken. “You can walk as far as you want, camp wherever you want. Talk about experiencing true freedom.” I nudge him as he goes to grab his luggage from the overhead. “Food never tastes as good as it does in the mountains after a day of hiking—doesn’t matter what it is.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “And fire. You can’t have an appreciation for it until it becomes your source of life.”

  As we start moving down the aisle toward the exit, Thane says, “Sounds like it’s had a real impact on you.”

  “It would be the same for you. You haven’t really lived until you’ve spent a weekend in the mountains, living in harmony with nature while you take in all the beauty she has to offer.”

  “I think I’ll pass.”

  I bump against him as we walk up the jetway. “I would hate for you to go through your entire life having never lived.”

  He gives me an amused look. “It would be a tragedy, wouldn’t it?”

  I snort, promising myself that come hell or high water, I’m getting Thane back out here in the summer so he can experience the thrill of backpacking in the majestic Rockies.

  The first people I see when we get to the main terminal are my family. I’d already explained to my parents that Thane needed to remain incognito while in Colorado, so there wasn’t such a giant crowd waiting to meet us this time.

  No, this time, it was just my family.

  “Those must be your sisters,” Thane states. “They all have same dark hair and green eyes you do.”

  I smile as my sisters start waving at us enthusiastically. What looks like a small gathering to me seems to overwhelm my friend, and he slows his pace.

  “Are they all here for you?”

  “For us, buddy,” I tell him, placing my hand on his back and pushing him forward.

  My sisters break rank and run over to us, hugging me and gushing over Thane—Megan especially. I give her a discreet wink, approving of her tactics.

  I then introduce Thane to my parents. Thane nods to them. “Thank you for having me.”

  My pop huffs, “What kind of greeting is that? I’m insulted.”

  Thane looks confused and glances at me with a concerned expression, before apologizing to my father. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  Pop walks over and holds out his arms. “We’re family here.”

  Thane stammers something as my father envelops him in a hug. The look on Thane’s face is comical. I guess the poor guy isn’t used to hugs—but he will be soon!

  My mother gives him a hug next. “I can’t tell you how excited I’ve been, knowing you were coming to visit us for Christmas.”

  I see Thane flinch when she mentions the holiday, but he forces a smile. “I’m grateful for the invitation.”

  “You’re safe here with us,” she tells him.

  Thane’s eyes flash with a look I haven’t seen before, and I can tell he’s moved.

  My mother turns to my grandparents. “Let me introduce you to Grandma Kelly and Granddad Jacob.”

  Thane shakes my grandma’s hand stiffly. It seems so awkward, when hugs are the norm in our family. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  He looks to my granddad next. “I’m grateful your grandson shared your fine whiskey with me.”

  My granddad breaks out in a grin. “You enjoyed it, did you?”

  “I did, sir.”

  “Put ‘er there, boy.” When Thane goes to shake his hand, my grandfather grabs him in a hug. “Shaking hands is for strangers.”

  Thane glances over at me, clearly uncomfortable.

  He needs this trip more than he knows—and it has nothing to do with avoiding the press.

  After getting our luggage, we head out. Thane and I have the privilege of driving in Pop’s old Chevy truck while the rest of my family crowd into the minivan.

  Throwing our l
uggage in the back of the truck, I open the door for Thane and tell him to jump in.

  He hesitates when he sees the interior.

  I chuckle. “Have you ever ridden in one of these before?”


  “It’s called a bench seat. Scoot in, buddy. Things are about to get a lot more intimate. I’d take the middle seat, you being a guest and all, but you’re shorter, and Pop needs to be able to reach the gearshift.”

  Thane crawls inside and I watch with amusement as my pop reaches between Thane’s legs to put the car in reverse, telling him, “Welcome to country living.”

  As we head down the highway toward Greeley, Thane states, “I expected there to be snow.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, son. We’ve had a particularly warm winter this year. Unusually so.”

  Thane gets an odd look on his face.

  “No reason to fret,” my father laughs. “I’m sure Mother Nature will come through and give us a white Christmas.”

  I’m curious about what’s got Thane bothered and think back on what my father said. I realize he said “son.” It’s a common word my father uses when talking to any young man he respects, but I can see it has an effect on Thane.

  I can’t imagine losing Pop at fifteen—can’t even allow myself to think about it. Thane carries burdens that never leave him. I hope, somehow, this month with my family will help ease the weight of those burdens.

  Christmas in Colorado

  That night, we gather around the kitchen table for our first meal, and I feel a sense of pride as I look over the spread my mother has set out. The table is loaded with our family favorites—thick, succulent steak, creamy mashed potatoes, buttery corn on the cob, steamed green beans, and Ma’s killer homemade rolls. A veritable feast, by any man’s standards!

  Thane sits beside me and smiles at my sisters across the table. Megan blushes and then giggles, then sneaks another peak across the table and giggles some more.

  Damn, she’s doing a good job playing the flirtatious sister.

  Thane’s not sure what to do with that and looks at me uncomfortably. Little does he know, she’s just getting started.

  Pop starts the meal by passing around the platter of steak. Soon, all of our plates are full but I see Thane hasn’t completely filled his. The guy doesn’t have nearly enough mashed potatoes, so I add an extra spoonful to his plate and throw on another roll. “No need to be shy around here, buddy. Ma always makes enough for seconds.”

  Thane holds up one of the rolls, admiring its perfect shape and color. He then nods to my mother. “Thank you, Mrs. Anderson. This looks delicious.”

  Her green eyes sparkle. “It’s made with love. Please enjoy.”

  Before Thane can take a bite, my father clears his throat and my family takes one another’s hands.

  Thane looks around the table and quickly sets down his roll, taking my hand and that of my father’s before bowing his head.

  Pop looks at Thane and smiles before bowing his own to say the blessing. “Dear Lord, we are grateful for your bounty. May every bite fill and nourish our family so we can go out and honor You with our deeds. Thank you for bringing Brad’s friend Thane home to us. We pray this is a time of renewal for both of the boys. Bless our family, bless this ranch, and all who live here, animal or human. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

  “Amen,” we all echo.

  “Dig in boys,” Pop announces as he takes a mouthful of potatoes and lets out a groan of pleasure.

  “Perfect as always, my dear,” he says to my mother.

  To Thane, he states with pride, “You won’t find a better cook. My wife understands food better than anyone I know.”

  “Except for your son,” my mother interjects. “He surpasses me.”

  My sisters elbow each other and giggle. They think it’s hilarious that I’m the only one who inherited Ma’s cooking gene, since all three of them hate to cook.

  Pop looks over at me. “You are going to make a wife very happy one day.”

  “You certainly will,” Ma agrees, winking at me before she takes a forkful of green beans.

  Thane cuts into his meat and takes his first bite. His eyes grow wide and he smiles while he chews. After swallowing, he looks at my father in amazement. “It’s so tender and unbelievably juicy. This is honestly the best steak I’ve ever eaten.”

  Pop smiles proudly, nodding. “That’s what open pastures, Colorado sunshine, and humane treatment can do. You won’t find better meat anywhere.”

  “If I wasn’t a believer in your methods before, I am now,” Thane states, cutting himself another portion.

  “Eat up, son. It does my heart good, seeing you enjoy it.”

  I sit back in my chair, overwhelmed with a sense of pride for this family I’ve been born into.

  I know Thane was concerned about coming to live with a family of strangers for a month, but I hope he can already tell that he belongs here.

  Damn, I love how my father thinks when it comes to pranks!

  Due to the unusually warm weather Greeley has been experiencing, he decides to introduce Thane to a “unique” tradition in our family. The very next day, as we’re sitting down to breakfast, Pop announces, “The horse stalls need a thorough cleaning. I want you boys to join me later to help.”

  “Sure thing, Pop,” I answer, having already been told what he has in mind.

  “I’d be happy to,” Thane replies.

  “Good. We’re a working ranch. Doesn’t matter what time of year it is, there’s always work to be done.”

  “Understood, Mr. Anderson.”

  My sisters throw glances at each other during the exchange between Thane and my father.

  So, they’ve been informed about what’s happening, too.


  Pop’s prank gives me an idea, and I see no reason not to take advantage of this unexpected opportunity. “Hey, Megan, can I talk to you after breakfast?” I casually ask just before I shove a huge bite of Ma’s buttery pancakes, dripping with maple syrup, into my mouth.

  She gives me a half-smile. “Of course, big brother.”

  I tell Thane he needs to dress in something he doesn’t mind getting dirty. Once he leaves to change, I take Megan aside and explain what I’m thinking. Thankfully, my sis is totally on board and gives me a high five.

  Truly, the Anderson family is a dangerous force to unsuspecting people like Thane.

  When he comes out of his bedroom, I give Thane a disapproving look. “Is that the best you can do?”

  He looks down at his clothes. “What? Not good enough?”

  “Too good, buddy. We’re cleaning shit, you know. Those jeans are new, aren’t they?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t have anything else. Besides, a little dirt won’t hurt them.”

  “Well, okay. It’s your clothes…”

  As we head down to the barn, I gesture to the vast amounts of yellow grass. “Normally, all this would be covered in pristine white. It’s truly magical to behold.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it, because it all looks pretty dead to me.”

  “Just you wait. It will be a sight you won’t forget.”

  I open the barn door and tell Thane to head in first.

  “You’re just in time, boys!” my father calls out to us.

  I see Thane squint as his eyes adjust to the darkness. Then his jaw slackens, as my father comes into focus.

  Yep, there my pop stands in all his naked glory, holding a rake in his hand.

  “Don’t just stand there, son,” he tells Thane. “Grab a rake and get to work.”

  I grin as I whip off my clothes, even though it’s a tad chilly, and head over to Hot Chocolate’s stall to start clearing it out.

  Glancing back, I see Thane hasn’t moved from his spot, his eyes still taking in my father’s well-endowed frame, which happens to match mine.

  “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of, buddy,” I assure Thane. “Remember, I’ve seen you n
aked before.”

  “Why do this naked?” Thane asks, looking bewildered.

  “Why not?” my pop answers for me. “It’s incredibly empowering to wear only what the good Lord has given you.”

  “Go on, buddy. Give it a try,” I encourage him.

  When Thane doesn’t budge, I have to keep from laughing.

  I walk into Hot Chocolate’s stall and lead her out, wrapping her lead around the handle of the next stall as if mucking out dirty stalls in the nude is completely normal.

  A few minutes later, Thane joins me in the stall—naked.

  I struggle to keep my composure and manage not to blink an eye when I hand him the rake. “Let me get the shovel while you start raking it into a pile.”

  I look at my pop as I leave the stall, my facial muscles contorting as I fight with everything in me not to burst out laughing. Of all his pranks to date, this one definitely tops the list.

  But, I’m not done with Thane yet…

  When we’re almost done shoveling out all the stalls, I tell him. “There’s a large gray hose outside just left of the barn. Could you get that?”

  He hesitates for a moment, but heads to the barn door. As soon as he leaves, I move over to the left side of the barn to listen in.

  First, I hear Thane clear his throat uncomfortably. “I didn’t realize you would be out here.”

  Megan giggles. “I was just chasing one of our chickens that got loose.”

  He clears his throat again. “I was told to get a hose, but I can’t find it.”

  “Oh, I think I know where it is. Let me go get it.”

  “That’s quite all right. I can—”

  I snicker when I hear Megan dragging the hose to him a few minutes later.

  “Well…I was told it was a gray hose, but I’m sure this will do…thank you.”

  “Gee,” she says in a flirtatiously innocent voice, “it sure looks like my dad’s been working you awfully hard.”

  “I…ah…really should get this back to your father.”

  “Okay. Back to it, then.”

  As he’s walking away, Megan calls out. “Don’t worry, Thane. That’s a really nice hose you’ve got there.”

  I clamp my hands over my mouth, muffling my fits of laughter.


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