Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 35

by Aileen Wuornos

  Dawn!!... OK. Boy – I swear – you take me out of context to meaning when I write ya . . . just Remember, I’m smiling while I’m writting to ya. Not growlin Man. Geeeeez . . . I’m teasing you like a sister would. Commenting to you like one would. And surely just giving you my personnel opinion on something. Weather you care to hear it or not is the gift of freedom we all should be grateful we have Ā. Chuckle. Chuckle.

  So I’m gonna go ahead and close here. Dont forget ... Eat your Veggies! What.... What do you mean.. No, . . . and whats with the., finger Ha Ha Ha. Chhhhhccchhhhhccch . . .

  Love Always from

  the Old Hippie

  now stuck in

  the Mud.

  Take Care.,



  Dear Dawn,

  And . . . I’m sorry to hear about your Mom, The best thing to do now – to ease the pain – is to gather in his name. Get the Bible out, and start rappin about him all day long with prayer . . .

  And like the Lord said . . . Whats there to loose in. . . . , “Believing.”, Because its obvious – that if he’s not real – ō well.... , Buttttt if he is and all that you did in believing was true at heart, then the choice was a wise decission . . .

  Ō yeah. You asked on a tree that you’d like to plant in honor and memory of our friendship. Well . . . , if you can afford it – it’d either be a Walnut one or a Red Oak. Both are beautiful to look at once fully matured. The color, shade, branches, and all. Real pretty., besides all the furry creatures that’d park themselves underneath it. Exspecially the Walnut one. All of which then for Christmas I’d have to get ya a real cool pair of bonnoculars, with a camara. Chuckle . . . Now what kind of tree would you like for me to plant for ya up in – Heaven?. Sweety. your wish is my command . . .

  See ya Soon.,




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And I heard your coming down – July 28th. Cooool . . . I’ll be ready for ya., with arms wide open. See ya then.

  ... theres other stuff you need to remember to bring [only] and [not to Wear] in. And they are:

  “Money” you can only bring in 25 bucks. And the 25 can only be in 1s/ and 5s/ [No] 10s/or 20s/. Man . . . dont ask me why – I havent the slightest. While then a drivers license is a must for identity While car keys with the bucks and I.D. are the only 3 things [you] can bring in with you. alright.

  Then on the Cloths . . .

  No shorts

  No white shirt

  and/ No sleeveless shirts

  I Know – Unbelievable Ā !. 4-real. Geeeez So Just remember to wear – long stuff – on your arms and legs OK.

  . . . we can have our pictures taken there in the room together ... the photo’s will have to leave with you, because poloriods are no longer excepted here anymore. So . . . pretty cool Ā . I cant wait to see you either! Way to go! So I’ll see ya then sweet heart. What a Buddy. Stuck by me like glue. Ill LOVE YOU FOREVER TO FOR IT THANK YOU DAWN . . . I’ve just got to say it once more. “I cant wait to see you either!” For sure. So until then....

  Love ya Buddy


  PS. Did you get the 41 pages in Waive off Material?!.

  Love Aileen.,


  Dear Dawn.,

  This all is moving along quicker than I thought it would—With a hearing up now for next week the 20th in Volusia to Waive199 . . . Anyway, I know its a heart thumper., but again., it must be done . . . You see—I think they rigged up our rooms via Satellite—there’s one on the compound—a huge one—sam-wiched between the dorms to keep from outsiders seeing it. And through the rig up I think the F.B.i.s/ been involved . . . this has been on going against me since June 5th 1995., when they asked me if I’d participate in such a study—entitled: “Behavioral Science”. I checked off no—in the letter . . . yet apparently this meant nothing as to my say so in ... And thats why I decided to see them—recently. The F.B.i. So I could lie like a Mother FKR and hope I piss em off but good. Knowing all along its been them with purhaps even CCR and the prison that so covertly been doing this all. Anyway . . . Whatever they were hoping to accomplish its done them no good. They got zip outta me for it. So let’s take courage in this thing together, cause I’ve really no choice., its either waive or let them kill me through this tortured up—rig up., all of which would.

  Well, I’m gonna close up here buddy ... maybe it would be a good idea if you placed this letter in with Sound off. After all, after my death, surely everyone would like to know, just why I did waive off...

  Until next time

  Eat them Veggies!.





  Dear Dawn.,

  Well – we did it and Id like to thank you sōōōōōō much for coming down., and dear Nick in arranging it all – so you could. Man. What a beautiful soul Ā !?. And you too! . . .

  And did ya realize there was so much to say that we just kept cutting each other off !. Chuckle. It didnt bother me none., was just aware of it – is all. Chuckle, Chuckle, Chuckle. And I bet if we had of been taped and had the chance to listen back at ourselves – we’d sound as if we were on 78 instead of 45. HA. HA . . . I’m so very sorry it hurts so much my leaving ... all your tears cut like a knife., and I’m so sorry even one drop fell, buddy. . . . I just pray you keep your sights on God. Always thinking on the – NAME OF JESUS., and hopefully someday we’ll meet again ...

  And boy ō boy am I ever glad to hear about Kim and Johnny . . . There love for one another sounds like Ty and I’s was. So I surely can relate to it . . .

  Well . . . . . let me go ahead an wrap this one up . . . with the big words.... THANK


  . . . And so until next flight in.

  “Eat Meat!”


  Chuckle. . . !



  P.S. If at all I “seemed” cold like during the visit., just blame it on the prison. It’ll turn ya stone cold and callous buddy. So if at all I was. Sorry., but its just this place that’ll make ya like that. OK.


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . thank you for all your precious letters ya ever sent . . .

  Buttttt – now you should be spending more time with your Mom – then letters to me., so if they start to slack off, it’ll be well understood why . . .

  And Remember sis – When its all over – Party Down Man. Cause thats exactly what I’m going to be doin. Hopefully with a leg of lamb and a keg of wine – With Jesus..

  And then Dawn – I know I should write all of everything that literally took place between me and the guys I killed., but to be quite honest with you – It would’nt matter!. People dont care today about nothing, and it’d all get twisted around again – one way or another!. Besides the fact that I havent the energy to do such a thing., nor the time now. So let em keep lieing over everything. God will pay em all back in thee end. In the meantime, just do the best you can with what you’ve got. OK . . .

  For now.




  Dear Dawn,

  Man. . . . Do you Know what the word chill means!. Your overdoing it!. I Know it’d be nice to come back down and see me, but to spend 800, when you could state whats on your mind for 34¢ a letter – sounds otherwise “absurd” . . . The warrent should be signed “any week now!.” So – pleeeeese hold on until then. Alright!?.

  Yesterday was the hearing for clemency. What a joke!. Clemency – for a Seriel Killer . . . yeah sure., Chuckle. Chuckle. So – any way . . . Went to the hearing, and told em all to tell Bush I was going for 12., only got 7., so I’ve got 5 more to go. While I’m looking forward to a warrent being signed as soon as possible. Cause this isnt a game . . .

  While in the meantime, along the wait, I’m upbeat otherwise, full of smiles . . . my hearts full of joy on the other hand – regardless tha
t I’m up to die, and just cant wait to see him. Ahhhhhhhh . . .

  And are ya finally starting to except this now!? . . . I can handle “Alone” in the chamber – with you guys nearby. Buttttt for you to go it “Alone” in picking up my bod to ashes an all, will be to much to do – solo. So please let Nick and Linda or anybody else your comfortable with show up. I’m sure you’ll be awfully glad they did.

  . . . And dont forget the theme song. Now I lay me down to sleep by Sophia B. Hawkins. . . .

  And boy am I still very sorry to hear about your Mom . . . I pray she overcome’s all the pain. Dieing the way she is, is far worse then how I’m going, thats for sure . . .

  Take Care.,

  I Love ya with all my heart


  P.S. I need 4 pic’s of myself sent. Send over the dark blue shots with a soft smile not a snickering one. OK? Thank U.

  Comments on Jackys Depo,


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I see here your reading Jacky’s Depo. I told ya she was off her Rocker . . .

  It was to cover her ass in connection with the Cops. And the Cops, in allowing me to Kill (on)., as she helped then throughout the depo to keep the “focus” off of “Hitchhiking” and instead – act as if I went / Crazy / after being sexually abused by my family “in their words of make believe” so that (25 years later) and as I’d reach 33 I’d suddenly flip out . . . and kill 7 guys for all the rape and agony my father gave me “Under their Make believe.” When the “Real Deal” as to why these guys died “comes from.”, The road of 16 to 34., and all my hooken days and living off, I faced out there in . . .

  And on a visit . . . and the pizza . . . What kind of you usually like!? Are ya into Anchovies!?. Curious. If not, I’ll make sure there’s none put on it then. They have a salty taste. I usually get one with Onions, peperoni, and Mushrooms. Nothing like a real gas getter. But then there’s, bacon, olives, ham . . . . . . so let me know how you’d like it. Cause I’d perferr to eat it – the way you’d like it to be too . . . Then out the door I go! Weeeeeee hooooo! Jesus . . . . . . . . here I come!. Home Sweet Home. Ahhhhh . . .

  Has Nick called at all about an interview being cleared!? . . .

  By the way buddy———you never looked three crying. You just looked like a pile of tears coming out of your eye’s. It didnt look foolish or anything!. If thats what your Wondering!. Yet———if you’ve got to cry when were together. Man . . . go ahead!. I’ll cry with ya! . . . if you dont mind, neither do I. . . .

  And dont worry how ya dress or act, just, be there! OK?!. . . . I dont care if your dressed in rags, smokin like a fish, and cussin up a storm. Just Thank You for being there, and being such a good friend as you are. One Beautiful Soul, indeed.

  And if ya wanna be at the X———Good. I know it’ll be “hard” on ya . . . butttt it’ll also be the best thing to make sure all went as———it was suppose to., and I was actually killed. Not some comatose, just to suffer in other ways. Besides the fact that you need to find out if Arlene slipped through the cracks and somehow got in . . .

  Well let me go ahead an close er up here . . .

  From the ol’ Hippy stuck now on the Row

  Love., Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy Say., I found out a few things about a visit, and when a warrents signed. So here’s the scoop with a short kite on.

  First – to ease your mind on a visit. We are by law allowed to visit with each other – one or two hours – before execution As to how long I dont know – so if you really want to find out, then call up starke and ask . . .

  And I also found out – that once I reach starke – (Florida’s State Prison) – they’ll ask if I’d like anyone put on a list to wit my execution – who I know. All of which 6 can be put on it. So – if Dave wants to, besides you, let me know. And if Nick does with Joan – then please call Nick up and find out Joan’s full name for me. That is if even she Wants to be there!. So let me know, and soon, will ya?

  Then I also found out – that once a warrents signed there’s 30 days before an X occurrs. During it . . . “I’ll be on death Watch.” Which means I’ll be dressed in blue’s or P.J.s/ to hang around in – but the rest of this state property I’ve got left will be stored in a cell next door. Then if ever I need something, like, ink, paper, envelopes, etc, I’ve just got to ask for it. Its no biggie . . .

  So I’m gearing up, and getting ready to go. Rearin an Willin! . . .

  ō yeah – just before an X – the last 2 hours before one., theres no contact with anyone allowed. So expect the visit to be before one., 5 A.M. An X occurrs at 7. So I just hope its not like 1 or 3 in the Morn when ones granted . . .

  Well – I’ll close er up here. Hoping you remember this stuff, so left it short. OK.

  Until next time See ya soon,




  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy. I thought to send this pic that I got outta the N.G., hopin you’d then stick it in the Bible I just sent your way . . . there’s a little story behind it . . .

  It was in 81——when I was given 3 years for armed Robbery . . . that I decided – perfect chance, with all the time on my hands to read the Bible . . . I came acrost a book entitled “The shroud of turin” . . . I became intrigued and kept reading on.

  . . . they beat him up so bad it looked as though he was hit by a swarm of bees. Besides the fact that teeth were knocked out, along with his hair and beard pulled out, as his right eye lay out of socket. Then the thorns . . . Besides the fact of being whipped over and over . . . Man . . . he must of looked utterly hadious . . . You ought to get the book sis, and read it. For sure . . .

  Reading is one of the ways I learned how to spell, and get into bigger words. Exspecially when I was studying Archeology, the Brain, the Nervous System, Gyne-gology, Psychology, Anatomy, and all kinds of other stuff., even Algerbra . . .

  Flowers in the Attic – is – a good book. Its about kids hid away in an Attic to die, and how they survive it. There’s a couple of sexy parts in the series., and ō boy – When ya read it, its like.... Whip out the vibrator man!. Chhhccchhhhc-cchhhh.

  . . . If I were you I’d take my word for it———and get the books I read . . . You’ll love em all————if you can keep yourself awake. Chuckle. Just read out-loud——trust———me it works.

  Well, let me go ahead an close here . . .

  So until next time

  Love ya sis, an

  Take Care



  P.S. Enclosed is also a yellow page copy of a letter I recently sent to Judge Hall



  Dear Dawn,

  I appreciate the trouble you went through so that a hearing was held there in Volusia County., and the outcome that it caused in my favor to end all appeals, and fire CCRC from any further representation to file any further jabberwocky on these case’s. Yet . . . I’ve seen nothing but one delay after another . . . I Killed 7. I was going after 12. So I’ve 5 more left to get. What more do I need to say, so that everyone understands this isnt a game . . . I think the Ts/ have been crossed enough, as well as the is/ dotted. How about passing on the envelope to the Govenor and lets get on with it. Tax payers money has been squandered enough!....

  Thank you for Your Time

  Aileen C. Wuornos

  Death Row

  Copy of what was sent to the clerk here of the Supreme Court


  Dear Dawn,

  And so . . . WOW Ā !. On the World Trade Center, and The Pentagon!. Well . . . I felt it was coming ... America thinks themselves “Above-All” as if their soooo powerful, and Almighty from the rest. So I could see the rage and desires to retaliate . . .

  America claims itself a Bible Country!. And if so – why dont you listen to God’s word then! It says – to – Keep Countries “Segregate
d” and, “no intermarrying” . . .

  The Towers, which were – the heart of the worlds “Finnancial Market” were like wise captioned as, “One World” trade center. And I’m just thinking thats probably another reason “why” it was hit, besides others in reasons for . . .

  Another interesting thing, was the day they picked to Attack. Being September 11th. Like 911.

  And so I’ve been watching the news for days now and been jotten down info off of too, so let me share some of the info with ya. ok.

  Both towers were, 110 feet high Built in the 70s/ and were then some 25 years old . . .

  Each tower had at least 10,000 employed to each one, and that by the time it was hit., both towers were full. While 50,000 visit every day . . .

  Total dead 266 out of all 4 jets.

  People jumped off in pairs and three’s holding hands.

  Some 150 jumped.

  After the hits – War Declared – by America.

  There’s a 5 million dollar bounty on Asama Ben Laden’s head. He lives in Afga-nastan under hiding ... And is “Very Popular” over-sea’s So he’ll be hard to find.

  Rescue efforts cost the lives of 202 firefighters and 57 police officers in New York.

  Dogs used to search for humans are called “Cadaver dogs” . . .

  Billions spent on intellegience – yet look at the failure regardless ...

  And have ya heard some of the Miraculous one’s. Such as riding down with the crumble only to come out alive – untouched. WOW! Or another . . . , Who was standing on a 7th floor slab of cement near the flight stairs, only to ride the fall, and come out untouched and Alive as well . . .


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