Witch Happens

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by A. M. King

  Witch Happens

  (The Summer Sisters Witch Cozy Mystery, Book 1)

  Copyright 2017 A.M. King (S. A. Richards)

  All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN: 9781386751595

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Witch Happens (The Summer Sisters Witch Cozy Mystery, #1)

  Witch Happens (The Summer Sisters Witch Cozy Mystery, Book 1)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Thanks to my Father above for every blessing. Thank you to my wonderful family and readers for your support.

  Witch Happens (The Summer Sisters Witch Cozy Mystery, Book 1)

  Some people come from a long family line of lawyers, doctors, teachers and cops. Febe just found out she comes from a long line of...witches!

  Febe Summer is not having a good day. Or a good year, for that matter. She lost her fiancé, her job, and her apartment all in one day—on her 25th birthday! Talk about the worst. Birthday. Ever!

  She’s jobless, penniless and soon to be...homeless.

  Will she be able to rebound and pick herself up again?

  Oh, and she just found out, thanks to a dark family secret, that she’s not who she thought she was. She’s a witch! And she’s not allowed to practice magic—yet.

  When she moves back to her small hometown of Blackshore Bay, there’s more family drama than she can handle. Her aunties are out of control, her sister is being secretive and someone has murdered the malicious town gossip. Will she be able to find out who did it, before it’s too late?

  The Summer Sisters Witch Cozy Mystery series:

  Witch Happens (Book 1)

  Life’s a Witch (Book 2)

  Witch You Were Here (Book 3)

  Chapter 1

  “Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly—on a broomstick. We’re flexible like that.” –Author Unknown

  -Febe’s Favorite Quote of the Day

  Febe Summer made her way up the steps of the subway station to the street level. Her pulse pounded hard in her throat. She needed to make it to the Frutenac Comic store by 8:30 a.m.

  It was an overcast day with cloudy grey skies and the promise of rain to come. The gusts of wind blew her brunette curly hair into her face as orange and yellow leaves swirled around on the pavement on the ground.

  She felt a tear in her stocking, but she would have to fix that later. She clutched her fall coat around her and her nametag slipped out of her pocket.

  She picked it up and glanced at it. She hated the spelling of her full name, February. Her late mother had a thing about months and meanings. She was named after the Roman festival of purification called Februa where people were ritually washed. There was a Roman god called Februus. Her mom told her the month symbolized humility and sincerity.

  But everybody called her Febe, pronounced Feebee. Thank the universe for that. Her sister was named after January, but in French: Janvier, meaning determined—and man did she live up to her name. And her other sister who was estranged from the family was named Marsha, a variation of March from Mars, the Roman god of war. Well, she was certainly at war with the family right now. Hadn’t spoken to anyone since forever—or a few years to be precise.

  Everybody used to poke fun at the Summer sisters in school because of that. She was used to being an outcast. Even at the ad agency. Some of the office bullies, and you know office bullies were everywhere these days, liked to point her name out. Jonathan was different, though. He would sit with her through lunch and they would go over ad campaigns together. In fact, he loved her creative ideas. She helped him out on a few of his campaigns, too.

  It was 8:29 in the morning and she knew the store had to have opened. She'd made arrangements to meet the store owner, but she hoped her order would be ready. She had to zip back to the office pronto because she had a presentation at ten o'clock.

  When she finally arrived outside the storefront on Acme Street near Yonge Street, she noticed Halloween decorations pasted up on the store windows: orange pumpkins, tall black hats, black cats, and a witch on her broomstick.

  It was close to that time of the year again. Halloween. Everyone got their decorations up and merchandise out ready for spook fest and corporate costume parties. In fact, the office was having its own party next week.

  Thankfully, the store had just opened and there wasn’t a line. The last thing she needed was a line that would ruin her plans for the day.

  Her mission had to be accomplished. She didn’t have much time.

  When she went up to the door her heart sank. It was closed.


  What’s going on? He told me to be here at 8:30. I’m here. He’s not.

  She knew the store owner because being a bit of a comic nerd herself, she always collected the latest editions. Her boyfriend Jonathan was the same way. They had so much in common. She really lucked out meeting him. He was hot. He was everything she’d wanted in a guy. Caring and popular.

  She meant to go the store as soon as it opened, grab the merchandise after she paid the balance, hop back on the subway, and bring it to Jonathan’s apartment at the next subway stop at nine o’clock. Thankfully his condo building was right next to the Bay subway station.

  Then back on the subway to make it to the office by 9:30. It was a good thing she had her metro pass so she wouldn’t have to pay again. The plan was perfect. Only life was not. Things got into the way. Like a storeowner opening up his comic shop minutes late.

  Time was everything. Every second counted, just like the person waiting for the bus. Each minute mattered. And like the Olympian sprinter, seconds counted. Well, right now, she timed herself to be back at the office and at her desk at precisely 9:30 a.m.. Jonathan’s birthday was today and he worked at the same office as an account executive. Only he had to fly out to Vancouver for a conference, then fly back tonight. She wanted to surprise him before he flew out. He’d be leaving his condo to head to the airport at nine. She didn’t want to miss him, but it looked as if she would.

  Things were getting pretty serious between them. In fact, he’d unofficially proposed to her. He had a mountain of student debt and said when he cleared things up a bit, he’d buy her a ring she deserved. Still, it was the thought that counted.

  She was still on probation at Harlington Advertising where she worked as a trainee account coordinator—the pay wasn’t that fantastic but it helped cover the cost of studio apartment just west of Toronto on the subway line, the interest on her student debts, and food for her little kitty, Ebony, a black Bombay short-haired rescue cat with a muscular body and friendly temperament.

  According to the animal shelter, black cats had the lowest adoption rate, yet
they were known to be the gentlest and smartest. There was no member of the cat family that was so maligned like the black cat. For some reason, black cats carried the stigma of being revered, feared, witchy, or bad luck. Mostly in North America. In Europe it was good luck to have one, just as long as one never crossed your path, or so she’d heard.

  Well, her baby crossed her path with a limp and mangled fur one day.

  Ebony had apparently been badly abused by her previous owner, so Febe took her into her arms and took her home. She’d never looked back. Her kitty guarded her tiny apartment while she was out during the day, working long, politics-driven, caffeinated hours at the office.

  She nervously glanced at her watch and the large red sign marked “Closed” in white block texts.

  He’d promised that he would be there on time. She had to make it across town to the Agency. She couldn't afford to be late. Her boss, Amanda Harlington would kill her. Like, literally.

  Amanda was not one to be trifled with. Her 88 year-old grandfather was the founder of the entire boutique agency which opened in the 1950 and had offices in Japan, Milan and New York. And Amanda was—well, she could be overbearing sometimes. Actually, all the time.

  Still, Febe wanted to pick up the surprise for her boyfriend’s birthday. They both shared the same birthday. She was stoked about how much they had in common. Even the same birthday. Imagine that!

  When she’d first met him at work she knew it was her destiny. He’d started at Harlington just a year before she did. So he knew what it was like to be a newbie.

  She was so thrilled to be going out with one of the up and coming executives—and to work with him. She’d been assigned on some tough campaigns with him.

  She wondered what he saw in her. She was just an ordinary girl next door who liked to work extremely hard and who was far from perfect. Okay, like totally far from perfect, but had a knack for solving puzzles for clients.

  She’d only been at the agency for five and half months out of her six month probation. She had a degree in liberal arts but could not for the life of her find work after graduation and the interest on her student loan wasn’t going away soon. But things looked very hopeful—in her job and her love life. Yay.

  Jonathan said that he wanted to start an agency of his own. Talk about ambition. And he wanted her to handle his client accounts for him.

  Just then she saw something through the glass door. She saw a shadow move, then a man appeared. He had a Tim Horton’s coffee in his hand and he walked up to the door, yawning, and flipped the red sign to “Open.”

  A sigh of relief escaped Febe’s lips.

  He then unlocked the door and opened it. The door chime sounded with a Count Dracula theme.

  “Oh, thank God," she said to him.

  He took a slurp of his coffee. "You’re Febe right? Febe Summers?"

  "Yes, I am. Sorry to sound rushy but I have to drop it off then head to work and you know, with rush hour and everything.” She pulled out her purse and got her credit card ready to make the transaction.

  "Oh, right.” He sauntered behind the counter. “You ordered that first edition Somicani comic."

  She walked in, her heels tapping on the hardwood floor of the store. “Yep, that’s it. Please tell me it’s here.”

  He yawned and took another loud slurp of his coffee. "I know you have to get to work, so I had everything prepared. It just came in late last night.”


  “Now let me see.” He pulled it out of its package and laid it on the table.

  "Wow! Thank you so much. It’s...beautiful." Well, in a vintage sort of way. It smelled of old paper and was yellowy but it was in a special display package from its previous collector.

  "I hope your husband—”

  "My fiancé," Febe corrected him.

  But the sound of husband sounded so dreamy.

  "Well, I hope your fiancé really appreciated what you went through to get this thing. It’s one of a kind. Can’t get it anywhere else.”

  Febe observed the wonderful artwork and the vintage feel of the comic book.

  "This is going to cost you quite a fortune."

  "I know. I'll put it on my credit card"

  She knew that when she became a full-time staff member at Harlington, she’d more than cover the cost. This was so worth it.

  "He said he's always dreamed of having the first edition of this comic. It's his favorite. He talked nonstop about how much his father tried to get it for him when he was younger, but they couldn't afford it at the time."

  "Sweet. Well, I sure hope that he appreciates you and what you've done. It's quite expensive, not to mention the amount of time it took to get this."

  "It is worth it. He's really a good guy."

  The man scratched his head and sighed deeply. "I guess nice guys don't finish last after all."

  "It's his birthday today. Actually, it’s both of our birthdays."

  "Sweet. Happy birthday."

  "Thanks." Febe had just turned 25 today and Jonathan, 27.

  They were supposed to celebrate their birthday together, but at least she would see him later that night.

  "So here it is." He told her the price and Febe's jaw dropped open.

  "Wow, that's a lot."

  "Yeah, I know. But it also includes the overseas shipping charges."

  "Of course."

  Febe swiped her credit card and entered her PIN number.

  “There you go ma'am." He handed her the carefully wrapped merchandise.

  "Thank you so much."

  Febe then looked at her watch and panicked.

  She had to stop by Jonathan’s condo and then zip across town back to the office to do her presentation. He would probably be gone by the time she got there, but she wanted him to see the comic as soon as he got back home. She was going to have to let herself in with the key he’d given her and place it on the counter by the doorway.

  She didn't want him to miss his surprise. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face.

  * * *

  When she finally got up to his apartment, Febe drew in a deep sigh.

  He had given her the key to his apartment in case of emergency and she never used until today. But she really wanted to surprise him.

  She was going to place the comic on the countertop, since he'd probably already left for the airport. That way, when he came back home he would see his birthday surprise and she’d explain to him that she was able to get the first edition of his favorite comic after all.

  She loved to surprise people close to her. It was one of her things. She’d done the same thing when her mother was alive. She’d wanted to see a baseball player, so when she was very ill, Febe had asked his agent if it was possible and they’d made arrangements since he was in the area anyway. It had brought to tears of joys to her mother’s eyes. She really missed her mom and could not believe she was really gone.

  Febe turned the key in the lock and opened Jonathan’s door.

  She froze when she thought she heard the sound of someone struggling.

  Her pulse pounded hard in her throat again.

  My God, what’s happening?

  She reached into her pocket to call 9-1-1, but stopped. She slid the phone back in her satchel and grabbed a metal frame off the counter to arm herself against burglars.

  He sounded as if he was in pain.

  Was he in trouble?

  She went to the room with the metal frame held firmly in her hand to strike whoever was attacking her fiancé.

  But when she opened the door to his bedroom, her jaw fell open just as wide.

  In bed was Febe’s fiancé—with their boss, Amanda!

  Chapter 2

  Under the sheets, there he was. Jonathan, her fiancé with her boss, Amanda Harlington.

  She kept playing the words over in her mind, still not processing it.

  Seeing was not believing. Because what she saw, she did not believe. She had to be dreaming. No, she was having a freaki
ng nightmare.

  Her lungs squeezed tight, trying to suck in air. Dizziness and nausea swept through her body.

  Talk about the wool over her eyes. She was blinded. By disappointment.

  There she was, clutching a valuable historical comic for her boyfriend for his birthday.

  “Febe! What are you doing here?”

  “I came to surprise you...but instead, you surprised me!”

  She looked helplessly from her boss to her boyfriend, back to her boss again.

  He didn't even seem disappointed, or fearful, or embarrassed.

  Damn it! Show me some remorse.

  Jonathan just lay there under the cover as he rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here?" he asked again.

  Oh my goodness he isn’t even sorry?

  “I'm here for your birthday? I thought you were already at the airport so I let myself in.”

  “Who the hell gave you the key?"

  “You did."

  “I'm sorry, Amanda,” he said, turning to his boss, their boss, who still wore that dreadfully enormous diamond necklace around her neck. Did that woman ever take off that diamond necklace? It was as if she had to always rub her bling in everyone’s face to let everyone know how super rich she was.

  “I can explain everything,” he said to Amanda.

  “I can't believe you. I...” Febe was just too stunned to speak.

  He then got up out of the bed. Their boss seemed to look inconvenienced and rolled her eyes.

  Thankfully, he wasn’t nude. He had his boxer shorts on. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

  “Listen, Febe,” he sighed, “I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I was going to break it off with you.

  Her heart stopped beating.

  "Break it off with me—today?” Not that she wanted to be with that creepy cheat now. But the audacity to plan to break off with her today. After all she’d done for him.

  “You do realize this is my birthday, right? And yours." She held the comic book in her hand.

  “What's that?” he said and grabbed it from her. “Oh, man! This is the first edition. You got this for me? You shouldn’t have!"


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