Unraveling the Truth About Love (Sweet with Heat

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Unraveling the Truth About Love (Sweet with Heat Page 7

by Addison Cole

  “Is it working?”

  “Better than I’d imagined,” she said. When she opened her eyes, the last person was stepping off the train. “This is the Brooklyn Bridge stop. Isn’t that the last stop?” She rose to her feet. “Don’t we have to get off?” Why are you still sitting down?

  “Everyone thinks this is the last stop.” Josh rose to his feet and put one strong arm around her waist, pulling her against him. “We’re all alone. No eyes, no ears.”

  He lowered his mouth, and Riley nervously rose on her tiptoes to meet him. Last stop? Where are we heading? The minute their lips touched, her anxiety fell away. She’d trust him to take her anywhere. When he deepened the kiss, she couldn’t imagine how her legs were still holding her up. The train lurched to the side, and they drew apart. Josh held the metal pole with his free hand, stabilizing them, clutching her close with the other.

  “See, there’s no reason to be afraid of the subway,” he said. “Just be smart. Were you nervous?”

  Only about being so close to you. “Not really.”

  “Good. Everyone’s got someplace to be, and you’ll be taking the train to and from work. That’s safe, Ri. I don’t want you worrying about going places. The subway is a must in New York.”

  “I know. I feel much better about it. I might not ride it alone at night for a while, but I think I can do the morning commute without worrying too much. It’ll just take a little getting used to.” She couldn’t believe he had remembered her comment about needing to master the subway. His thoughtfulness tugged at her heart. “Thank you,” she said.

  “Here. Sit with me. The train’s going to make a sharp turn, and when it does, you’re going to see the most beautiful, forgotten subway station in New York.”


  The train slowed, screeching against the rails as it made its way around the loop. Riley and Josh shaded their eyes and peered through the windows.

  “Oh my gosh. What is that? It’s so ornate. Josh, it’s glorious.” And just as fast as it had appeared, it faded back to concrete. Riley came away from the window with her mouth agape.

  “It’s built below City Hall. They renovated the station a few years ago, but they never opened it to the public. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s dark, so I know it was difficult to see,” Josh said.

  “It was incredible. Does everyone in New York know it’s here?”

  Josh shook his head.

  “How did you know? Wait. Don’t tell me if you found it with some other woman.” She cringed at the thought. She’d seen the magazine pictures of Josh with beautiful models on his arm and she tried not to think about it. Stop it. Everyone has a past.

  “You’re so cute.” He put his arm around her. “My real estate agent.” He kissed her cheek. “He told me about it.” He kissed her neck, and Riley closed her eyes, relishing in the motion of the train and the feel of Josh’s lips. “At least in here we don’t have to hide.” He took her in another kiss, and his hand gripped her rib cage.

  Heat rushed through her, and as the train slowed at the next station, Riley had only one thought. I’m already sick of sneaking around.

  Chapter Ten

  THIS IS A dream. It has to be. Riley stood at the entrance of Savannah’s apartment—her choice. Josh had invited her to his apartment, but she worried that being seen coming or going from Josh’s apartment might raise eyebrows. She hated worrying about that, and when they were kissing on the train, she’d been ready to forget about sneaking around, but when the cool night air hit her cheeks, she realized that reality would be waiting for her at eight o’clock the next morning.

  From the first time Josh’s lips touched hers, Riley had a hard time thinking about anything else. The musical had been a romantic and very enjoyable distraction, and helping her overcome her fear of the subway was the most thoughtful thing he could have done, but now, holding Josh’s hand, knowing they were on the cusp of crossing the line between employee and lover, all she could think about was being close to him.

  Her fingers trembled as she fumbled with the key. Josh reached around her, pressing his body against her back, and put his hand over hers, settling the key into place. His breath was hot on her neck, and she closed her eyes as he turned the key, soaking in the feel of him against her.

  The door swung open, and Riley’s nerves caught fire. Oh my gosh! I’m going to have sex in his sister’s apartment. This is wrong on so many levels. Josh wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck, then nibbling her earlobe and whispering in her ear.

  “Let’s go inside so I can kiss you some more.”

  Who cares about wrong? Riley spun around and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the apartment. He kicked the door shut behind them. She’d stifled her desire for him for too long. She wanted him, and she wasn’t going to let something like who owned an apartment stop her from doing what her body and heart had been yearning for forever. The need was too great. She worked the buttons on his shirt as they made out like horny teenagers on their way toward the bedroom. It’d been too long since she’d felt such a craving for wantonness. Josh pulled back long enough to rip his shirt off and toss it aside. He reached for her dress, and Riley reached for the light switch.

  “I want to see you,” he said.

  Not after all the skinny models you’ve dated. “I’m a little embarrassed,” she admitted.

  He cupped her cheek with his hand—a mannerism that she’d already come to long for—and whispered, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

  I don’t care if it’s a lie or the truth. You just got major brownie points. She reached for a candle on the bookshelf. “Okay?”

  “Perfect.” Josh took a pack of matches from the shelf and lit the candle, then set it down on the bedside table. He pulled his wallet from his pocket and set it beside the candle.

  There were only three steps between them, but three steps felt like a giant abyss. Riley moved toward him, and he met her halfway, reaching his hand beneath her hair and gripping the base of her head. His hand was large and warm, and as he pulled her into a kiss, she wanted to touch him, to feel her skin against his, but she hesitated. Will he think I’m too forward? His tongue explored the curve of her mouth and the fullness of her lower lip; then he took her lip between his teeth, sending a sizzling need through her revved-up body, and just when she couldn’t hold back any longer, he raised her dress over her head. He kissed her again, and she reached for the button on his pants, drawing them down without ever missing a beat of his warm mouth against hers. Josh stepped back, raking her body with a slow, hungry leer.

  “Riley, you’re exquisite.”

  She looked down at her black lace bra and the line of her thong. What she saw was so different from what he did, but somehow, the way his eyes lingered over the curves of her hips and the fullness of her breasts gave her confidence. She stepped out of her heels slowly, savoring the heat that filled the space between them. She wanted to remember this moment forever. His sculpted chest and arms were so different from what she’d envisioned beneath his fine suits. Even her fantasies hadn’t come close to the hardness and definition of his perfect body. He’s so handsome.

  There was no music, no other noise in the room besides their heated breaths. Riley swore she could hear her heart thundering against her chest. Moonlight filtered in through the curtains, casting shadows that danced with the light of the flickering candle across the thick comforter. When Josh reached for her, Riley closed her eyes, wanting to luxuriate in the feel of his hands as they explored her, and she didn’t want to think past the next few breaths. She pushed away the worry of tomorrow, and when she felt Josh’s breath on her cheek, she opened her eyes.

  He kissed her again, and she wrapped her hands around his muscular back. His skin was hot, his muscles rock hard beneath her palms. She slid her hand to the curve of his back, just above the waist of his boxers, wishing she could stop her fingers from trembling. Riley had been with only three men
, but she was able to distinguish the difference. The nervousness she felt was caused by more than just being with any man. She was trembling because the man she was with was the only man she’d ever really wanted. Josh.

  She’d dreamed of what his mouth would feel like on her for so long that she nearly melted beneath his touch.

  Josh guided her down to her back on the bed, perching above her and looking deep into her eyes. He brushed her bangs from her forehead and smiled. “You okay?”

  Riley’s voice was lost in his touch. “Mm-hmm” was all she could manage.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to, Riley. I wanted to take things slowly, but…”

  She reached up and touched the prickly shadow that’d formed on his cheek. He was no longer Josh Braden, designer, employer. He’d become just Josh, the sweet, sexy man she’d had a crush on for years. No way was she going to stifle one more urge.

  “I don’t want to go slow,” she said.

  RILEY’S CURVES WERE luscious and full, different from all the other women Josh had been with. She moved with him, not at him like most women did. His other dates were always directing, showing, taking. But not Riley. He wanted to rip that thong from her body and plunge into her, deep and hard, but he held back. He wanted to savor their passion, to live in it while it was new and unscathed. Who knew what tomorrow would hold? Josh had lived his whole life for tomorrow. Tonight he was living for now.

  He lowered his mouth to hers again, feeling the satisfied fatigue of her kiss and arousing all sorts of licentious desires within him. Josh wanted more. He wanted to be as intimate as he could with Riley, to taste every inch of her. He hadn’t done that with a woman in years. It was such an intimate act, something he’d never do with a woman who was using him to move ahead, or with someone he didn’t see a future with. He was different from many men in that way, and when he was younger, he’d worried about that moral guideline, wondering if he were somehow strange to hold such a thing in high regard. Now, with Riley lying beneath him, her eyes filled with trust, her body open to him, and her heart filling his, he knew he’d been right to savor the sacred act.

  “Ri, open your eyes. Be with me,” he whispered, bringing her eyes to his, needing that closeness. She smiled, and the emotions swimming in her eyes nearly did him in. He reached for her hands, lacing them together, and he knew that come tomorrow, he’d have a hell of a time keeping his feelings for Riley a secret.

  Chapter Eleven

  RILEY AWOKE TO the sound of her cell phone vibrating on the bedside table. She reached for it without opening her eyes, and then she remembered the night before—and the missing piece. Did we say goodbye? She shot up in bed, pulling the covers against her chest. Her eyes scanned the bedroom. Josh’s clothes were gone, his wallet, too. Thank goodness. Oh no. Did he sneak out? Like a one-night stand?

  Her phone vibrated against her cheek, and she clicked the Talk button. “Hello?”

  “You were supposed to call me last night.”

  “Jade,” Riley whispered frantically into the phone as she climbed from the bed. She didn’t know if Josh was outside the bedroom door, still in the apartment.

  “What’s wrong?” Jade asked.

  “Nothing. Everything. Hold on.” She set the phone on the nightstand and pulled on a T-shirt and underwear, then picked it back up. “It was a definite date.”

  “Why are we whispering?” Jade whispered.

  “Because I can’t remember saying goodbye to Josh after…you know.”

  “You and Josh?” Jade screamed into the phone. “Really? This is wonderful!”

  “No, it’s not. I mean, it’s wonderful, yes, but it’s also crazy scary.” She tiptoed into the living room and, seeing that she was alone, breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Why is it scary?”

  “Because. Now I’m sleeping with my boss, and you know Cruella will eat that up and spit me out for all to walk on.” Riley noticed a note on the counter in the kitchen. “Hold on,” she said as she retrieved and read the note.

  Good morning, beautiful. Back soon. J.

  “Oh my gosh.”

  “Riley, clue me in here,” Jade urged.

  “It’s a note from Josh. He’s coming back. What time is it?” The sun was just beginning to rise over the crest of the trees.

  “Six your time,” Jade said.

  “Isn’t it like four in the morning there? Jeez you get up early to take care of those animals. Why would he leave and then come back before six in the morning?” Riley went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. There was a freshly used towel hanging neatly on the towel rack. “He showered,” she said.

  “And you what? Slept through him getting ready and leaving after you had sex?” Jade’s voice carried an entertained tone.

  “Ugh. I must have. I don’t even know what time we fell asleep.”

  “That’s some good sex,” Jade said. “Really, think about it. When’s the last time you had sex and didn’t want to push the guy out the door afterward? You’re not exactly the sleepover type.”

  “Shut up. It’s not like I’m a slut,” Riley spat.

  “No, but you are really picky, which tells me one thing loud and clear. Josh Braden is good in bed.”

  Riley turned off the water of the shower and sat on the toilet lid, thinking about the evening before. Josh had touched her with such care and attention, like he was savoring every moment as much as she’d been. “He was, but it was more than that. When you and Rex finally got together for good, did you feel like everything he did felt right?”

  “What do you mean? He’s a man, and no man does everything right.” Jade laughed.

  “No, I mean like every touch felt right. With most guys, when they touch you, they’re rushing ahead and ready for the next step. You know, kiss, boob, coochie, boom. It wasn’t like that with him.” Open your eyes. Be with me. A chill ran up her spine with the memory.

  “Sometimes that’s nice, the rush of hot sex, but yeah, I know what you mean. So, what now? How will you handle Cruella?”

  Riley blew out a breath. “That’s the worst part. I told him I’d rather sneak around than let her know.”

  “No, you did not.”

  “Yes, I did. Oh, Jade. I’m such an idiot. He was ready to talk to her and tell her that we were seeing each other, and I kinda freaked out about being seen as the woman who slept her way to the top.”

  “Well,” Jade said, “if you’re gonna sleep your way to the top, you skipped all the in-between steps.”

  “Shut up. You know what I mean. I want to be taken seriously. Yes, I’m sleeping with Josh, but I’m not doing it to advance my career.” Riley wondered if she’d made a mistake following her heart instead of her head. “I should end it, shouldn’t I? Before we get any closer?” Even the thought of ending things with Josh brought a lump to her throat.

  “Look, if Rex and I can overcome a family feud that had gone on for longer than we’d been alive, then you and Josh can survive rumors. Tell me this. What do you really feel for him?”

  Riley shook her head. “I don’t know. I like him. A lot. Maybe more than a lot, but maybe that’s just because it’s new and exciting. You know how that works. Sometimes, after a month or so, that initial glow wears off. What if it does and then I’ve ruined my career for good?”

  “You know you’re only kidding yourself, right?” Jade asked. “You’ve liked him since grade school. This isn’t new. It’s just now revealed. How can you deceive your own mind like that?”

  Riley sighed. “I’m not. Okay, maybe I am. It’s like all those years of watching him from afar—”

  “Fantasizing about him late at night,” Jade said.


  “I did about Rex, so I know you did about Josh.”

  “Fine, okay. I fantasized about him since the day my hormones kicked in, and the fantasies only grew stronger every time I saw him. It was easier when I was away at school. Then I could sort of put those thoughts away for a bi
t,” Riley admitted.

  “I know the feeling, but, Ri, this is real. This is happening, and you know you don’t want to end it,” Jade said.

  A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts.

  “Someone’s at the door. That has to be him. I gotta go. Talk later?” Riley asked.

  “Yes, and, Ri?”


  “There’s nothing wrong with following your heart. Let yourself be happy.”

  Riley set the phone down and answered the door.

  “Hi.” Josh kissed her on the cheek and handed her a warm Starbucks cup. He breezed past her like he’d been handing her coffee every morning. He wore a pair of jogging shorts and a sweaty T-shirt and carried a garment bag and a gym bag over his shoulder.

  “Hi.” Riley closed the door and leaned against it, holding the warm cup between her hands. Let me be happy. The warmth of the cup didn’t compare to the warmth in her heart as she watched Josh in all his incredible handsomeness swing the bags onto the couch and come toward her with open arms. When he wrapped her in his strong arms, his skin was icy cold and slick with sweat, and still, when he kissed her, she nearly melted, and when he whispered, “I missed you,” into her ear, she was a goner. There was no way she’d end things with Josh to save herself from gossip. She froze against him. What was she supposed to do now? Go to work and act like nothing happened between them, like she’d basically asked him to do? How could she do that when what she really wanted to do was fall into his arms again and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.

  “You okay?” he asked. “Is the coffee all right?”

  “Yeah, perfect,” she said.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” His brow furrowed, and the concern in his eyes was genuine.


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