Light and Darkness: The Complete Series: Epic Fantasy Romance

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Light and Darkness: The Complete Series: Epic Fantasy Romance Page 79

by Jayne Castel

They took seats at a table upon the patio, while the servant, Isla, carried in a jug of wine and goblets.

  “What’s for supper?” The High Enchanter asked.

  “There’s only salted pork and bread left,” Isla replied with an apologetic smile.

  “That will have to do then.” Mysandra paused. “Make sure to take some for yourself.”

  The woman nodded and left to do her bidding.

  “Isla’s the only servant still residing here,” Mysandra said when they were alone once more. She poured them two large goblets of red wine. “The rest left when the enchanters did.”

  Ryana raised her goblet to her lips and took a sip. It was delicious, if slightly sweeter than what she was used to. “Aren’t the enchanters of the Order loyal to you?” she asked.

  Mysandra snorted. “They were,” she replied after a pause. “When Gael first arrived, they distrusted him … but once he began training them, he managed to win them over.”

  “How exactly?”

  Mysandra’s mouth twisted. “He promised them things I couldn’t: respect and standing in the eyes of the community … and power. They were tired of being mistreated by the folk of this city … and I can hardly blame them for that. I’d hoped one or two of them might have seen through him … but none did.”

  Isla brought out a platter of food before leaving them alone once more. The two women ate in silence for a while and sipped at their wine. Around them dusk settled, although the brazier illuminated the garden in a soft light.

  Ryana released a sigh, stretching her long legs out before her and crossing them at the ankle. It felt wrong to eat and drink while Gael still breathed, while war hurtled toward them like a loosed volley of arrows—and yet there was solace in the respite this garden and supper provided.

  Despite everything, Ryana needed it.

  “How did you get to Veldoras so soon?” Mysandra asked finally, breaking the companionable silence between them. “You must have galloped here from The Royal City.”

  Ryana huffed a laugh. “It’s a complicated tale,” she replied.

  Mysandra reached for the jug and refilled both their goblets. “Excellent. I like a good story.”

  Ryana pulled a face. “I don’t think you want to hear this one.”

  The High Enchanter smiled. “Now you’ve got me really curious. Come on … tell it to me.”

  Ryana hesitated. She didn’t know this woman, but she liked Mysandra. The wine had relaxed her, and she felt the sudden need to unburden herself.

  And so she told her it all. She started from the very beginning, revealing her link to Gael and her involvement in ridding the world of the threat of Valgarth. She then went on to Elias. This part was harder to tell, for it was still raw. However, she forced the words out, explaining how they’d met, how they’d become lovers, and then what had happened the night of the Fire Festival. She concluded the story with details of their arrival here and what Elias had planned to do.

  Mysandra had shown little reaction during the story, although her gaze widened when Ryana told her about Elias. Once Ryana finished speaking, they sat in silence for a while.

  “I told you it was complicated,” Ryana said with a grimace. “I feel like I’ve made a colossal mess of things.”

  The High Enchanter didn’t contradict her. However, her first comment, when it came, surprised Ryana. “You have interesting taste in men.”

  Ryana snorted. “Aye, perhaps it’s time I took a vow of celibacy.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Mysandra replied with a shrug. “We all make mistakes. My past is littered with them.”

  Ryana watched the High Enchanter, taking her in with fresh eyes. Mysandra was indeed an enigma. A highly intelligent woman who’d been left in charge of a decaying House. She was wasted here, and yet Ryana sensed that this path had been Mysandra’s choice.

  “It seems as if my life has developed a pattern,” Ryana replied eventually. “I mess up, and then I have to try and fix things. I managed last time … but I’m not sure I will now.”

  “Don’t take responsibility for things you can’t control,” Mysandra said with an airy wave. “Most of it has nothing to do with you … Reoul … Gael … Elias … they’ve all made their choices. But like I told you earlier, all isn’t lost. Gael will be vulnerable tomorrow. You just have to choose your moment to strike.”

  Ryana met her eye. “And what of you? What will you do when the siege begins tomorrow?”

  “That’s easy,” the High Enchanter huffed. “As soon as I get the opportunity, I’m joining the ranks of the Rithmar enchanters. Her green eyes shadowed then. “I’m from The Royal City. It’s time I went home.”

  “I wish I was.”

  A male voice interrupted them.

  Ryana launched herself to her feet, her wine splashing over the table. A few feet away, leaning against a stone pillar at the entrance to the garden, was Elias.

  “How did you get in here?” she demanded.

  His mouth quirked. “A servant let me in.”

  “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough.”

  Ryana’s attention swept over to Mysandra. The High Enchanter sat there looking completely unruffled. Heat flowered across Ryana’s chest and crept up her neck as realization dawned. “You knew he was listening to us?”

  Mysandra smiled before nodding.

  Mortification rose within Ryana. Her mind raced, and she started to feel queasy. The wine had loosened her tongue. She’d been frank with the High Enchanter and open about her hurt. All the while, the man who’d betrayed her trust was eavesdropping.

  Ryana shot Mysandra an infuriated look. “You shouldn’t have let him in.”

  “I didn’t,” the High Enchanter replied. “But Isla’s easily convinced.” She shifted her attention to Elias, observing him keenly. “I’d wager you’re charming when it suits you.”

  Elias inclined his head to the High Enchanter before favoring her with a slow smile.

  “What are you doing here?” Ryana demanded.

  “Looking for you, obviously. I wanted to tell you that Gael now resides in the keep … but I see you already know that.”

  “And what about convincing your father to take the path of peace?”

  Elias’s smile faded. “That conversation didn’t go well.” He shifted his attention back to Mysandra. “Is there somewhere I could talk to Ryana … in private?”

  Ryana stiffened. “I’m not speaking to you. Get out of here … now.”

  “I’m not leaving … and what I have to say is for your ears only.”

  A tense silence settled over the garden courtyard, eventually broken by Mysandra. Her mouth curved as she met Elias’s eye. “Isla will take you to the library. You can talk there.”


  It’s Too Late

  RYANA STRODE INTO the library, jaw clenched. Elias followed her in and shut the door behind him. Turning, Ryana scowled before folding her arms over her chest. It was a defensive gesture, a barrier against his presence here.

  “What is it?” she snapped.

  Shelves of dusty books surrounded them, and a long oaken table dominated the room. It didn’t look as if anyone had studied here recently, for the table was clear save for a large lantern softly burning at the far end.

  Elias watched her, his own brow furrowing. “You can’t stay here, Ryana. Get to the gates like I told you.”

  She bristled at his authoritarian tone. “I’ll go when I’m ready … and while Gael breathes, I’m not.”

  “You can’t reach him inside The Swallow Keep.”

  “You could get me inside.”

  A muscle contracted in his jaw. “Not anymore … my father has disowned me. I’m no longer welcome there.”

  Ryana drew back, surprised. “He can do that?”

  “Of course he can.”

  Ryana stared back at him, momentarily forgetting her ire. “Is that his only punishment?”

  “He’s put me on the wal
l tomorrow, in the front line. I’m to make sure I don’t survive the battle.”

  Silence fell between them. Elias had delivered the words casually, as if he had just spoken of what he planned to have for breakfast the following day.

  Ryana’s throat constricted. “You don’t have to do that,” she whispered. “I could get you out of the city by cloaking you … if you wanted me to.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll not add ‘deserter’ to the list of black marks against my name. I failed my father, and this is my punishment. I’ll not run from it.”

  Ryana swallowed hard. “You came here to tell me this?”

  He moved toward her, away from the closed door. “Aye … among other things.”

  Ryana stood her ground although her pulse accelerated at his approach. “I’m not leaving Veldoras either,” she said softly. “Mysandra has a plan … I’m going to approach Gael tomorrow during the battle. I’ll attack him from behind.”

  Elias’s dark brows knitted together. “Why don’t you leave that to me? A sharp knife across the throat will be as effective as enchantment.”

  Ryana shook her head. “This is my task, not yours.”

  They stared at each other for a moment longer, and then Elias stepped closer to her. They only stood around three feet apart now.

  “Stop right there,” Ryana gasped, panic welling. “Don’t come any closer.”

  The intense look in his eyes made heat rise in her cheeks. It had been a mistake to agree to talk to him alone in the library.

  “You’re the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met,” Elias said, his mouth curving, although the fire in his eyes didn’t dim. “You have no idea how much it makes me want you.”

  Ryana stifled a gasp. His words shocked her. She let her arms fall to her sides, her fingers closing into fists. “What?”

  “You anger me, frustrate me,” he continued. “But you’re in my blood, in my soul, just as you’re branded on my skin.” He reached up to where the faint bruise of her attack still remained upon his neck.

  “Don’t say these things,” she replied shakily. “It’s too late.”

  He stepped toward her, closing the narrow gap. “It’s not yet.” He reached up, his fingertips tracing her cheek.

  To her fury, Ryana trembled under his touch.

  “But it will soon be.” His fingers reached her chin, before the pad of his thumb slid gently over her lower lip. “I’ll not go to my death leaving things unsaid. I’ll not let pride stop me from saying this.” His voice lowered. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Ryana … a beacon of warmth and light in an otherwise soulless life. Meeting you made everything I’ve ever done seem pointless. Before the end, I want you to know that.”

  Tears leaked from Ryana’s eyes, trickling down her cheeks. Her chest now ached. The wound of his betrayal, which had barely started to scab over, ripped open once more. Only this time it wasn’t rage that swept over her but grief.

  She hadn’t known he felt that way—but would it have mattered if she had? They were from different worlds and were now on opposing sides. And yet the past few days could have been spent differently if she’d been open to hearing the truth from him, or if he’d had the courage to admit it.

  But time was running out now.

  “Don’t cry,” he whispered, brushing away her tears with his thumb. “It wasn’t my intention to upset you.”

  Ryana drew in a trembling breath, fighting the urge to break down completely. “Life is so hard,” she finally managed. “It’s as if we’re constantly fighting the tide. I’m so tired of it all.”

  “Then maybe it’s time we stopped fighting,” he replied, his gaze shining. “Give in to it. Give me tonight to show you what you mean to me.”

  Ryana sucked in a deep breath. She ached for him now. Her skin tingled where his fingertips traced. Longing rushed through her veins like wildfire. She couldn’t fight this anymore. All her rage sloughed away, leaving naked want in its place. With a soft sigh she nodded.

  Elias pulled her into his arms, his mouth claiming hers.

  The kiss was gentle at first, but as his tongue parted her lips and he deepened it, heat started to pulse between them. Ryana groaned into his mouth. Then she reached up and linked her arms around his neck. How she’d missed this: the taste of him, the feel of his stubble dragging across her cheek, the spicy male scent of his skin, and the feel of his hands on her body.

  The longing burned like a fever now. But she was done fighting it.

  Elias drank Ryana in, feasted on her soft, sweet mouth. She tasted of berry wine. His heart was beating so fast, it made him feel sick—ill with want. He’d never desired anything like he wanted Ryana. His fingers coiled into her thick blonde hair, pulling her head back. Tearing his mouth from hers, he let his lips trail down her neck.

  He breathed in the scent of her skin. Fumbling in his eagerness to touch her, he unlaced her shirt and the leather vest beneath. Then he bent over and buried his face in the softness of her breasts.

  Heart thundering, he sank to his knees before her and traced his lips over the satiny skin. He adored her full, ripe breasts. The silk shirt she’d worn over the past few days showed them off in a way her enchanter robes never had. During the journey south, he’d caught himself staring at their outline, jiggling as she rode.

  He’d been longing to suck on them. And when his mouth closed over a small, pink nipple, she gave a soft whimper.

  The sound made desire arrow through his groin. His shaft ached, pressed against the confines of his breeches. Yet he ignored it, focusing instead on drawing the nipple deep into his mouth, suckling gently at first and then increasing the pressure so that Ryana groaned and writhed against him. Her fingers dug into his scalp, urging him on.

  Elias shifted to the other breast, catching its nipple between his teeth and biting gently.

  Ryana gave a cry, shuddering against him.

  Breathing hard, Elias rose to his feet and pushed her back against the table. He was surprised to see that his hands trembled slightly as he stripped off Ryana’s shirt and vest, and started to unlace her leggings.

  All the while, she watched him under long lashes, her grey-blue eyes burning.

  Stripping the leggings off her, he spread her pale thighs, his fingers brushing over the dark blonde curls between them. Ryana caught his hand and brought it up to her mouth, kissing his palm gently as she reached out with the other hand and started to unlace his shirt. “I want to touch you,” she whispered.

  Elias stepped closer, between her spread thighs, his breath coming in short gasps as she leisurely undid his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. Her hands explored his chest, before she bent her head to him, her lips and tongue exploring his skin. When her teeth nipped at his nipples, it was his turn to gasp.

  She slid off the table and lowered herself to her knees as she made her way down his torso. And when her fingers slid across the heavy rod in his breeches, Elias sucked in a breath.

  Just the slightest touch from her undid him.

  Ryana unfastened his breeches and slid them down.

  His shaft sprang out to meet her. It was swollen, its end slick with need. And when she closed her mouth over it, he groaned, nearly losing control then and there.

  Elias growled out a curse, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back. Her mouth, her tongue, were almost too much.

  Moments later he couldn’t stand it any longer. He had to be inside her. Now, or he’d explode in her mouth. Hauling her up, he pushed Ryana back on the table, his mouth slanting over hers. She kissed him back hungrily, spreading her legs wide for him as he rubbed his shaft against her.

  Body trembling in anticipation, he slid inside Ryana, sheathing himself completely with the first thrust. Shadows, she was so wet, tight, and hot. He didn’t want this to be over fast, but it was taking everything he had to maintain control.

  Ryana groaned his name, arching back.

  Elias ground against her, and he felt her hea
t contract against his shaft. Ryana’s legs wrapped around his hips. She pulled him closer still, writhing against him as he took her in deep, powerful strokes.

  Sweat beaded on Elias’s skin. He deliberately slowed himself down. He wanted this to last. Withdrawing from her, he stepped away from the table. Ryana gave a gasp of protest, but he merely smiled, before pushing down his breeches and heeling off his boots.

  Naked, he climbed onto the table and rolled onto his back, pulling Ryana with him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he guided her astride him.

  He favored her with a slow smile. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  Before Ryana could answer, he lowered her onto him. She groaned, throwing back her head, while Elias took hold of her hips and ground her hard against him.

  “Shadows, Elias,” she gasped. “I—” Her body started to tremble then, cutting her off. Her words slurred into a cry.

  Watching her, Elias felt his self-control fray. He loved how wild Ryana was when they lay together, how she let herself go completely. He wanted to do the same for her, but he’d never let his guard down—ever. This position was new to him too. He usually liked to be the dominant partner. He liked to take a woman and remain in control.

  Yet, Ryana rode him now, mastering him. She slid up and down his shaft with agonizing precision, and with each slow rock, Elias inched toward oblivion. He forgot about control, about anything except this beautiful woman astride him.

  The lantern light kissed her voluptuous body, gilding those magnificent breasts that bounced with each movement.

  Elias’s climax slammed into him like a charging bull, taking him by surprise. A tingling, shivering sensation exploded up from his groin. His heart started to pound, and the world shrank. Nothing mattered but that moment. The muscles in his stomach and back contracted, and he arched up toward her, his neck snapping back as his hoarse cry echoed through the library.


  Hold Back Tomorrow

  RYANA STIRRED, SNUGGLING into Elias’s shoulder. “I think we should find a bed,” she murmured. “This table isn’t too comfortable.”


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