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Darkness Page 27

by Laurann Dohner

  That earned her a glare.

  “I would never accept. You’re the only man I want.”

  “I’d still hurt them.” He focused on the pan. “Stop distracting me. I’m not an expert at this. I’d like the first meal I make you not to be a disaster. I’m attempting to impress you.”

  “Strip out of your clothes if you ruin breakfast. I’ll still be impressed.”

  He softly cursed and licked his thumb. She knew he’d burned it. She couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry. I’ll go into the bedroom. Call me when it’s ready. You okay?” She turned, heading toward the other room.

  “I’m fine. I heal fast.”

  Kat grinned as she entered the bedroom and stripped the bedding off the mattress. It needed to be washed too. He wouldn’t let her do laundry but she could at least get it ready for him. Her morning had started out bad but it had gotten a lot better. Darkness was letting her stay. They were both making an effort to see how living together would turn out.

  She searched his room and found an empty laundry basket in the bottom of his closet. It was sad to see only his uniforms hanging on the closet rod. She glanced at the tall dresser, assuming he folded most of his casual wear. She tossed the bedding into the plastic container, hefted it up and carried it to the front door where she set it down.

  “That smells wonderful.”

  “Do you want ham and cheese?”

  “Yes.” She went after the towels they’d used and his outfit from the night before, minus his vest, and added everything to the pile. “Where are your dirty clothes?”

  “I washed them yesterday. I had time to kill while I was waiting for your file from the FBI.”

  That crumpled her good mood. She approached the counter. “My file?”


  “How did you get that?”

  He plated their food. “We have a contact in your world who was able to obtain it.”


  “Senator Jacob Hills.”

  The name was very familiar. It clicked. “His political platform is the NSO and your civil rights. Isn’t he also the father of Jessie North?”


  “Did you read anything interesting about me?”

  “You have a good record. There is no criminal activity in your background and your previous supervisor seemed to like you from his evaluations. You aren’t very close to your family.” He paused. “You—”

  “That’s enough. I sound so boring. It’s bumming me out.”

  He lifted both plates and came around the divider. “I usually eat with a plate on my lap.”

  She accepted the one he offered. “You need a coffee table.” She just sat on the floor.

  “I can acquire one today. I’ll take one from another apartment.”

  “Just like that? Nobody is going to mind you stealing theirs?”

  He chuckled and sat across from her. “Not all of them are occupied. We transfer back and forth from Homeland to Reservation.”

  “We need drinks.” She rose and grabbed two sodas after learning what he wanted. She sat again. “I have a question.”

  He peered at her. “You have many of them. What do you want to know?”

  She glanced around. “Does someone else live here when you’re at Reservation?”

  “No. I spend most of my time here so it’s a permanent residence.”


  “Why do you ask?”

  “I was just wondering where I’d live if you have to go there.” His expression tensed and his eyes darkened. “What? You plan to stay that long?” She dropped her gaze. “Let’s eat. This looks really good.”

  They ate in silence. They were almost finished when the phone rang. It startled Kat but Darkness just got to his feet and answered it in the kitchen. He spoke low and then hung up.

  “I have to go.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Fury wants to talk to me in his office. He’s taken over while Justice is on vacation for a few days.”

  “Where do you guys go?”

  “He went to Reservation with his mate.” He picked up his plate and put it in the sink. “Don’t leave the apartment or make calls. Can I trust you to do as I ask?”

  “Yes. I want to talk to Missy but I will do it when you get me a secure line. I heard you earlier.”

  He looked uncertain.

  “Trust me,” she urged. “I won’t leave the apartment or touch your phone. Even if it rings. I understand your need for security and procedure. I might not be a big fan of it and think it’s a bit paranoid but rules are rules. I have to follow them while I’m at Homeland.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be back soon.” He walked over to the door and picked up the hamper.

  Kat watched him go and finished her omelet. She’d keep her word.

  * * * * *

  “What can I do for you?” Darkness sat in Fury’s office. He’d made a few stops on his way.

  “What took you so long?”

  “I had errands.”

  Fury leaned forward and braced both elbows on the desk, resting his chin on his fists. “Is there something you want to tell me?”


  “I took over for Justice, remember? I read all the security reports.”

  “Nothing happened in the out world. One team is still there but I checked on my way here. They are fine. It’s quiet and no one has attempted to break in at the home they are occupying.”

  “What about Katrina Perkins?”

  “She’s here. I was able to retrieve her.”

  Fury frowned. “You didn’t take her to guest housing. I had a spare officer without a job since he’d been assigned outside duty to keep an eye on her.” He lifted his head and tapped a finger on a file. “This is a report of a disturbance at the men’s dorm. The male below your apartment reported loud noises coming from your home. He was too afraid to approach your door. He’s a primate from Reservation, only here for a few weeks a year.”

  That angered Darkness and he decided to speak to the male who’d dared complain.

  “Don’t. I can almost read your mind. You have Katrina Perkins at your home. She’s not at guest housing so I’ll assume she’s still there.”

  “I didn’t break any rules. I asked one of the males to keep an eye on my door. Kat is secure. I followed protocol.”

  “This isn’t official, damn it. You’re living with her?”

  “She insisted. Those were her requirements to return to Homeland with me.”

  Fury’s eyes widened. He recovered from the astonished look fast. “She’s a human female. You could have subdued her easily and just forced her to go with you.”

  “I didn’t want to do that.”

  The male had the nerve to laugh. “And the disturbance in your home? I take it she wasn’t happy there?” He studied Darkness. “I don’t see injuries.”

  Darkness growled low and stood. “I have better things to do than be the brunt of your amusement.”

  “Sit down. That’s an order.”

  Darkness froze. “You said this wasn’t official.”

  “Not for the NSO. Family business. What is going on? Talk to me.”

  “What is wrong with everyone?” Frustration rose. “Why does everyone require me to talk? She’s here and fine. I’m not breaking rules by having her in my home and I had a male watch her since she’s not a mate. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Please sit.”

  Darkness slammed his ass in the chair and it groaned under his weight. He crossed his arms. “It’s none of your business.”

  “I care anyway.” Fury stood and rounded the desk, taking a seat in the chair next to him. “Is this better? We’re just two males having a conversation. Talk.”

  “She wanted to stay with me. There’s nothing else to say.”

  “You don’t allow anyone to get that close.”

  “I told her that.”

  Fury schooled his features. “Is there anything else going on?” />
  “No.” He avoided meeting Fury’s curious gaze.

  “Trisha called.”

  Darkness snarled. “So much for confidentiality.”

  “She just said we needed to speak. I’m the closest male to you. What does she know that I don’t? Did you lose your temper and harm your female in some way?”

  Darkness shot to his feet, resisting the urge to punch him. “I’d never harm Kat.”

  Fury stood. “I never thought you would do that with intent but you wouldn’t be the first male who worried they might have harmed one in the heat of passion. Trisha was worried and knew to contact me. You’re a difficult male who refuses to seek help from anyone. What is going on? Will you please tell me? Should we go outside and fight until you’re willing to open up to me again?”

  Darkness sat. “I won’t fight with you.”

  “Good. Ellie hates it when I mess up my hands. She likes to hold them and scabs aren’t her favorite texture.” He sat and turned his chair to face him. “Why is Trisha worried about you? Her intentions were good. She cares. We all do.”

  Darkness grimaced. “It’s annoying.”

  “I understand but we have to stick together. It’s all new. Are you attracted to Kat?”

  “You’re playing shrink?”

  “I’m being a friend and brother. It helps to discuss things with others who have experienced them. I fought emotions for Ellie. Is that what is happening to you? It may feel as if you’re losing your mind because love makes you question your sanity. It’s normal. You aren’t injured, Kat isn’t, so that means you must have contacted Trisha to evaluate you. You’re not suffering a meltdown.”

  “That wasn’t it.”

  Fury’s silence, as if he were waiting for an expanded explanation, calmed him a little. He took a deep breath and blew it out. “I lost control.”

  “How? Did you lose your temper and throw things?”

  He gripped the arms of the chair. “Sexual control.”

  “Humans aren’t as fragile as we imagine. They aren’t made of glass. Ellie can handle me. She enjoys rough sex at times.”

  “I came inside her before I completely pulled out.” He spoke softly, a bit humiliated to admit it. “It felt too good and she was biting me. I lost it.”

  Fury paled. “She’s not on birth control?”


  “Shit. Do you want me to smell her? I could tell you if she’s ovulating.” He leaned forward and gave him a sympathetic look. “You’ll need to talk to her if she is.”

  “She’s a smart female. I had a fit of temper afterward. I didn’t have to tell her. She figured it out.”

  Anger twisted Fury’s features. “You should have informed me right away.”

  “She’s not going to betray that information.”

  “She works for the FBI. For Robert Mason.” Fury stood so fast it knocked the chair over. “You hardheaded asshole. You’re putting Salvation and every other child in danger. I’ll have her brought in. She needs to be put on lockdown until we can be certain.”

  Darkness lunged out of the chair and tackled Fury. They both hit the top of the desk. He snarled in his face and barely resisted punching him. “No one goes after Kat. She isn’t going to put your son or others at risk.”

  Shock whitened Fury’s features but he grabbed hold of Darkness’ shirt and shoved some of his weight off. “Get control of yourself.”

  Darkness let him go and rolled away to stalk across the room, putting space between them. “She stays with me.”

  Fury slid off the desk and glanced at the mess of papers that had ended up on the floor. He glowered at Darkness. “I wasn’t going to hurt her.”

  “She does work for the FBI. That makes her very aware of the kind of dangers our children could face. She is willing to sign confidentiality papers to assure us of her silence. We spoke of it already. Have them drawn up but don’t send anyone after her. You do and they’ll end up in Medical.”

  Fury fixed his shirt and kept his distance. His anger faded and he masked his features. “You trust her that much?”

  “I do.” It sank in slowly to Darkness that he wasn’t just defending Kat to keep her safe. He believed she would keep her word. He really did trust her. “Fuck.” He moved forward and bent to pick up the scattered paperwork. He hadn’t meant to go after the male. “Sorry. I’m on edge.”

  “It’s caused by fear.”

  Darkness’ head snapped up. “You’re wrong.”

  “That female might be carrying your son. You can’t just ignore it.”

  “I’m not going to grow alarmed unless there’s a reason to be. It was one slip.”

  Fury had the nerve to snort. It turned into an outright fit of laughter.

  “What is funny?” Darkness straightened, dumping the rest of the files on the desktop.

  “You are.”

  “I resent that.”

  Fury closed the distance between them and gripped his arms. “You can’t expect me to believe you just set that information aside and you’re not obsessing about what you’re going to do if she’s pregnant. You don’t want anyone to get close to you but you might have no choice. That will be your son. You’re terrified.”

  Darkness tore away from his hold and considered slamming him on the desk again. “No. I frighten others. I don’t experience fear.”

  The male got in his face. “You’re not so different after all. Denial is the first step to falling in love with a female. I know the signs. I saw it in my mirror after Ellie came into my life again.” He backed off fast, getting out of punching range. “You trust her when you don’t even trust me and I’m blood.”

  Darkness spun. “Send the paperwork to my home. I’m done here.”

  “Mate papers?”

  He halted at the door and turned, his look deadly. “Confidentiality agreement. You knew what I meant. Don’t fuck with me, brother.”

  Fury leaned his hip against the side of the desk. “Tell your female I said hello. We’ll be sure to invite her to dinner too, with you.”

  “Fuck you.” Darkness stormed out and slammed the door.

  His keen hearing didn’t miss the sound of more laughter from the male. His hands fisted and he wanted to hit something.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kat knew when she was being avoided. Darkness definitely stayed away from his apartment as much as possible. An officer had been posted outside in the hallway. She’d been instructed to stay inside or a New Species would stop her.

  Boredom was a terrible thing. She flipped channels and almost threw the remote at the television. Nothing was on that she wanted to watch or that could distract her. For the past three days Darkness had left early, stayed away and only came home late at night. They had sex but it involved handcuffs. He kept her facing away from him, restrained so she couldn’t touch him. She couldn’t say it hadn’t been fantastic, just controlled and a bit cold. He didn’t want to talk, just went right to sleep afterward. He would hug the edge of the bed, his back to her.

  The door opened and she turned her head, surprised to see him while it was still daylight. She hit the mute button and stood. “Hi.”

  He slammed the door. “Hello. I need to change my uniform. It’s unusually hot today and I sweat while on patrol.” He strode across the living room toward the bedroom.

  Her temper boiled. “I’m done.”

  He swung around, pausing. “Excuse me?”

  “That’s the most you’ve said to me since the morning after you brought me here. You’re gone all the time. I’m losing my mind.”

  “You wanted to live with me.” His mouth tensed into a grimace. “I work long hours.”

  She closed her eyes and counted to ten. He was gone when they opened. Kat stormed into the bedroom and caught him stripping out of his uniform. A fresh one lay across the bed.

  “I want to be escorted to the gates. I’m going to need some money to get home. You didn’t let me grab my purse.”

  “You’re not leaving.” H
e sat on the bed, removing his boots. “We’re still working on getting Robert Mason taken care of.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Justice decided to go through proper channels since it’s the FBI. We don’t like to make enemies and we need to stay on good terms with them. We’ve been assured they are investigating him and he’s been suspended for the time being. They took his passport away too, preventing him from leaving the States.”

  “I’m no longer in danger then. Even you can see that. I’m going home.”

  He rose to his full height. “You can’t.”

  “I can. I only came here to spend time with you. That’s not happening.”

  He frowned. “Mason could still be a danger to you.”

  “While he’s under investigation? He’s an asshole but not a complete moron. I told you he’s not going to kill me. I bet the other agents he sent to Homeland are fine too, right?”

  His lack of response was a good enough answer. He’d have smugly informed her if something had happened to the other agents just to prove his point. Silence spoke volumes.

  “I want access to a phone then. I’ll call Missy and have her come get me.”

  He made a point of staring at her stomach. “It hasn’t been five days.” He looked into her eyes then. “You aren’t leaving until you take that test and it comes back negative.”

  “Fine.” She tried to be reasonable. “Understood. Will you escort me to guest housing or should I ask the guy in the hallway?”

  He removed his boots, stood and unfastened his pants. “Your cottage was assigned to someone else. We have visitors. You’ll stay here.”

  “Find me another cottage then.”

  He removed the pants and put on the clean pair. “There is no guest housing available. This is it.”

  Kat wanted to call him a liar but with the way he’d been acting, he seemed as if he wanted to be rid of her. It also could explain his foul mood. He was stuck with her. “Great. Wonderful.” She spun away, marching back into the living room. Two minutes later Darkness exited the bedroom.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Right.” She refused to look at him. “Don’t bother waking me when you come in. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “Why?” His tone came out gruff.


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