Viral Misery | Book 3 | Revelations

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Viral Misery | Book 3 | Revelations Page 12

by Watson, Thomas A.

  “Bitch, you need to start telling me this shit!” Jason shouted. “How many have you spotted or think we need to take out?”

  “Off the top of my head, I’d say nine or so. We took out the closest on Date Night. The others are over forty miles away by map, double that by road. If you want to know what I’ve found out, read that blue padfolio you see on my desk, or go into the computer and open up ‘Area Control’. It’s a topo satellite map that I’ve marked with locations of survivors, hostiles, and other stuff. I’ve just got to add a spot for the tiger attack,” Arthur ended with a grin.

  Before Jason could respond, Jill and several others yelled out, “You’ve seen the tigers?!”

  Nodding, “Oh, we got to see them up close when one tried to bust out my window and climb inside my Blazer,” Arthur informed them.

  “We saw a really big white male kill like thirty dogs in Hazel Valley,” Jill said.

  “We saw his girlfriend and their kids, and just a word of warning, there’s an orange tiger with the white one and they don’t like shit near their kids. See them? Leave them alone,” Arthur advised, then grinned at Jill. “You’re memorizing the area very well.”

  “Study the map every night,” Jill stated proudly.

  Turning away with a grumpy face, “I can’t even memorize the names of all the kids,” Arthur mumbled.

  Jill laughed, “Well, I took your advice,” she said, tapping her chest that had an ID card with her name.

  Groaning, “They aren’t always where I can see ’em. I know who they are, but just can’t remember their names. I can tell you when they got there, who brought them in or if I found them, and where I found them, but their names just won’t stay in my brain,” Arthur admitted.

  “As much as you’ve done, I hope none are mad about their names,” Jill said and Wendy chuckled.

  “Jill,” Arthur sighed. “None of the kids care. As long as I love on them, teach them, and talk to them, they don’t care. I just want to be able to think of one’s face and the name be right there.”

  “It will,” Jill said. “Now that we know how to build a wall the Caravan Man can’t knock down, can I tell my crew to start back up?”

  “By all means,” Arthur smiled.

  Wendy moved over and hugged Jill, shocking the shit out of her. First the Caravan Man showed affection and now his wife? “You’re doing great. He’s very proud of you,” Wendy told her in a low voice.

  “Thank you,” Jill said, really needing to hear that.

  Loading up they headed home, and no one talked as they just kept watch. Reaching the south gate, Arthur hit the control and the massive steel gate slid open, allowing the caravan to safely return home. Taking the road that led to the house Arthur slowed, seeing the rear drawbridge was down. “They can see us on the camera, Pops,” Sean offered from the backseat.

  “They aren’t supposed to lower it until we call,” Arthur mumbled, but was willing to overlook it since he couldn’t even remember the kids’ names. Driving over the drawbridge, Arthur glanced down at the rushing water in the moat. “One of my greatest ideas,” he said proudly.

  “I’ll say,” Jason agreed and felt Arthur slow much sooner than he’d expected. Looking up, he saw the black 3500 Chevy 4x4 dually that LL always used parked at the back of the house and there were kids around it. Then Jason noticed there was something in the bed of the truck. “I thought LL was staying here?”

  “LL can do what the fuck he wants and you know that,” Arthur laughed.

  “Duh, I told you I would rub his nipples when you played his trombone,” Jason chided, and the mini-mes behind them busted out laughing. “I mean, if he had somewhere to check up on and you said you wanted someone here, hell, I would’ve stayed.”

  Arthur slammed on the brakes slinging everyone forward. Spinning in his seat, “Bull-fucking-shit!” Arthur shouted. “You were going to see your Graceland if I had to tie your ass up and carry you on a skateboard!”

  Thinking about that, Jason grinned. “That was my Graceland.”

  “This isn’t the house,” Wendy called over the CB.

  Not even responding, Arthur just drove up and parked. “Jason, tell them where you want this shit. After they get it unloaded, have them pull the vehicles down to the parking area,” Arthur said climbing out, and was hit by Vicki as she wrapped her arms around him.

  With her face buried in the bottom of his vest, “Don’t let them spank the monkeys please!” Little Momma begged. Images filled Arthur’s mind, and none were correct, but he steeled himself to beat every boy at the ranch for upsetting Little Momma.

  She lifted her face up smiling, “They’re so cute,” Vicki sang out.

  Blinking rapidly, “Vicki, what are we, no, you, talking about?” Arthur asked.

  “The monkeys,” she told him and grabbed his hand, pulling him over to LL’s truck. Surrounding the back of the truck were forty kids and Arthur had the funny suspicion that it was the same forty kids who were supposed to be inside for class. He found LL sitting on the lowered tailgate and Arthur froze, looking in the bed. There were two huge dog cages and in those cages were white-faced capuchin monkeys.

  “You went to Central America while we were gone?” Arthur asked in utter astonishment.

  “No,” LL laughed as the others in Arthur’s group ran over. “I told you I was going to find those monkeys so nobody could spank them, and Little Momma didn’t have to worry about them.”

  Stunned to say the least, “Um, I could’ve helped,” was all Arthur could think of.

  “Boy, you move in ten different directions, I wasn’t going to add another one on when it was something I could do that wasn’t vital,” LL said as Vicki let Arthur’s hand go and climbed up in LL’s lap. “Wendy says you’re a thousand times worse without that medicine, and never in my life have I ever told a friend what to do. But you, you stop taking that shit, I’ll shove it down your throat,” LL warned.

  Knowing just how to get under LL’s skin, “I’ll shave my legs for you, baby,” Arthur winked.

  “Goddamn, don’t talk that shit to me! You have a hot wife!” LL shouted jumping to his feet, and the monkeys in the cages went ballistic. Jason came over to stand beside Arthur and started rubbing the front of Arthur’s vest.

  “We’ll ask you to join us when the wives go to sleep,” Jason said seductively.

  “What is wrong with you two?!” LL cried out and Arthur turned to see Wendy and Samantha on the ground, rolling around and laughing with quite a few others.

  Getting serious, “Those aren’t pets. No monkey is,” Arthur stated. “I lived with a family who had three of these and other monkeys. Those fuckers can bite and won’t hesitate to do it.”

  Finally calming down, “Oh, I know that,” LL informed him. “Had one bite clean through my welding glove, but I didn’t spank him because it would’ve hurt Little Momma’s feelings,” LL said, looking down at Vicki.

  “I would’ve shot the fucker,” Arthur mumbled and meant it. “You aren’t bringing them inside the house or dorms. Monkeys aren’t pets. Professionals can keep them, but we don’t have any here.”

  “I know, Arthur. That shed over on the east side at the end of the draw? I was going to turn them loose there and feed them. I’ve read up on them. They can forage and we can let the kids go over with adults to feed them,” LL said.

  “LL, they start going after our chickens and bees, they’ll slowly disappear,” Arthur warned. “I’ve had enough trouble with fucking raccoons. Like I said, I lived with some for over a year and they’re smart.”

  “If they can take getting shocked by your electric fences from hell, I’ll cook them chicken,” LL declared.

  Grinning, “LL, I told you, don’t touch the fence,” Arthur reminded him.

  “Well, I didn’t think it would knock me on my ass!” LL shouted out.

  “Please, Pops. If they’re here I can make sure nobody spanks them,” Vicki pleaded, and that was all Arthur had to hear.

  “I want yo
u to understand, they aren’t pets but we’ll let them live on the other side of the creek in the fence,” Arthur told her. He knew the shed LL was talking about very well, it was near the ‘spot’. “LL, take Little Momma so she can see they’re going someplace where people can’t spank them.”

  Just like a monkey, Vicki leapt from LL to Arthur, hugging him and ignoring all the crap on his vest that was poking her. “How in the hell did you find them?” Arthur asked because he just couldn’t think of a way to search without the internet.

  “Been visiting veterinarian offices,” LL answered. “Finally found a note at one about a family who raised small monkeys. There were two others, but I wasn’t getting my ass kicked by chimps at one or orangutans at the other. It was only when I got there did I realize it was the organ grinder monkey.”

  “Where?” Arthur asked.

  “Not here,” LL responded.

  “How far did you travel?” Arthur asked.

  Shrugging, “Not that far,” LL answered.

  Realizing LL wasn’t going to tell him because it would probably piss him off, Arthur chose the wise road. “Fine, take Vicki and show the monkeys their new home,” he said. “How many?”

  “Twenty-three. Had a net trap that’s used for turkeys set up and got all of ’em in one go,” LL proclaimed with pride.

  Turning away, “Where the fuck were you when I was getting my ass kicked by raccoons?” Arthur mumbled.

  “Where are you going Arthur?” Wendy asked.

  “To change and go see how I can help at the Tomb,” Arthur replied, since there were still a few hours until supper.

  When he came back with the work crew from the Tomb, Arthur saw all the vehicles were out of the backyard. Hearing squeals, he turned to see a group of kids in the pool. It was heated, but getting out in the cold air sucked. There were too many at the ranch now for everyone to swim in the pool at the same time so shifts were set up, but that was going to be addressed after the Tomb was finished.

  Grabbing his tool belt, Arthur headed to the shop to hang it up as the kids and the few adults on the work crew headed inside. They hung their tool belts up in their rooms. Everyone had a set of tools and their name was engraved in each tool so they had to keep up with them and couldn’t just grab someone else’s if they lost one.

  Knocking off the dust before walking in, Arthur saw the kitchen crew working away and Wendy was at the griddle on the kitchen island, flipping meat over. “Damn, smells good,” Arthur sang out and moved over to kiss Wendy.

  “Hey,” Jason said walking in the kitchen. “Go change.”

  Turning to look at Jason, “Yes, dear. What am I changing for?” Arthur asked, and Wendy had to step back as she chuckled at the two.

  “It’s time to lose your cherry,” Jason grinned, and Wendy immediately stopped laughing.

  She was beyond shocked that Arthur seemed excited. “You really think so?” Arthur asked.

  “Oh, I set up everything. It’s perfect with lots of choices. If you don’t lose your cherry tonight, I’ll throw away everything I own of Wilson Combat,” Jason offered, and Arthur gave a cry of joy running for the bedroom. Wondering what the fuck was going on, Wendy watched Jason follow Arthur into the bedroom.

  Not liking anything her mind was providing for her, “Arthur?” she called out and he acknowledged. “Babe, you lost your cherry a long time ago.”

  “No, I didn’t! You wouldn’t understand!” he shouted back.

  Jason laughed as Arthur changed and he looked at the walls with all the guns now hanging up. On each side of the bed, rifles were in racks. Arthur’s on his side, Wendy’s on hers. The pistols were all mounted on wooden dowel rods from the barrel and Jason was impressed with the selection. He’d been in their room before and was still setting his and Samantha’s growing collection up like Arthur’s and Wendy’s.

  At the end of the bed where the two dressers were, Jason saw pistols hanging from the wall with a spear gun over them and an M4 under them. The pistols weren’t hanging for use. They were displayed hanging from their side. “Arthur, why do you have Glocks displayed like this? I thought you didn’t like them,” Jason asked.

  “Don’t like Glocks. I have several but like I told you, when I pick one up it just doesn’t feel like it has a soul. It’s just a hunk of metal,” Arthur told him again.

  “Then why are there three Glocks proudly displayed with a spear gun and an M4?”

  “Oh, those are what got Wendy home. They took care of my girl, so they get a place of honor,” Arthur explained.

  Understanding that very well, “We need to build a glass display case for them,” Jason suggested.

  “I’m ready,” Arthur said and went to grab his plate carrier vest, but Jason shook his head.

  “Won’t need it. Just bring a gun you feel good with if we’re attacked going to the Big Range,” Jason told him.

  They walked out and Wendy saw both smiling. Arthur gave her a kiss. “Supper’s almost ready,” she told him.

  “This is important,” Arthur replied, and Wendy watched him follow Jason out.

  “Where’s Pops going?” Shawn asked walking in from the dining hall.

  “I don’t know,” Wendy admitted.

  “Can I go?” Shawn asked with a grin.

  “No!” Wendy cried out and Shawn gave a startle. “I don’t know what they’re going to do, and I don’t know if I want you to see,” she said and Shawn looked at her, clearly not understanding but neither did Wendy.

  “Where’s Jason?” Samantha asked, walking in carrying a baby. Shoving her spatula in someone’s hand and telling them to take over, Wendy flew around the kitchen island, grabbed Samantha by the arm, and pulled her to the bedroom. “What?!” Samantha cried out in shock.

  “Samantha,” Wendy started but didn’t know how to ask so she just blurted it out. “Jason took Arthur to lose his cherry.”

  “Oh,” Samantha shrugged, but saw the worry on Wendy’s face. “What the fuck do you think they’re doing?” she asked furrowing her brow.

  “I don’t know, do you?”

  Nodding, “Yes, Jason said it was time and he had what it took now for Arthur to lose his cherry,” Samantha told her and watched Wendy’s face pale.

  “Is Arthur going to be okay?”

  “Wendy, they’re going to shoot guns. Arthur’s going to lose his gun cherry,” Samantha stated and was glad to see color return to Wendy’s face, but Wendy still looked utterly lost. Then Samantha explained it to Wendy as Jason had explained it to her.

  “You lost your gun cherry?” Wendy asked.

  Nodding, “Yes, I felt something but not at the level my husband did, and I feel cheated,” Samantha told her. “Jason says with all those quality weapons, the odds that Arthur can’t find one to break his cherry doesn’t exist.”

  “What if I want my gun cherry broke?!” Wendy cried out.

  “I’m taking you up after supper. Jason said Arthur got to go first. Don’t ask me why, but Jason says this is a special moment and there shouldn’t be a lot of people there. Don’t even ask me why,” Samantha replied.

  Walking onto the range, Arthur saw seven folding tables set up. Some held AR-15s, two held AR-10s, and the rest held rows of 1911s. “These all came from my Graceland,” Jason said with pride. “Take a look, Arthur, because on one of these tables is your gun cherry.”

  Shoving his earmuffs on Arthur ran over, grabbing a pistol. It was on the third pistol Arthur picked up and shot that he finally understood what Jason had been talking about. He lost his gun cherry.

  After supper, Wendy came up and for some reason, felt cheated. She’d wanted to be there when Arthur lost his gun cherry. This sounded like an event they should’ve shared. Having shot with Arthur so much Wendy did have her doubts about this, but Arthur had come in grinning like a schoolboy who’d found his dad’s Playboys. Picking up the first gun and shooting it, Wendy did admit to herself it was accurate and handled nicely. It took Wendy five guns before she found the one that took
her cherry.

  Chapter Nine

  Gathering of Clans

  Staring out over the valley, Wendy watched a bald eagle soaring the air currents and just hovering in place. “You go after my sheep and I’ll shoot your ass,” Wendy mumbled caressing her Wilson AR. Yes, the same one that’d taken her gun cherry. Standing on the rise in front of the house above the valley, Wendy just smiled at the security she felt here and it was from the sense of ‘family’, though the big ass fence around them did offer comfort.

  It was nearly Thanksgiving and the work had kept them busy. The day before Halloween Arthur had declared the water in the lake deep enough and for the first time, opened the valves to the hydro station. When the five twelve-inch pipes coming out of the cinderblock hydro station had started spewing water, Wendy just smiled. Arthur had always said ninety kilowatts and that’s what he’d built for. Only Wendy knew Arthur had always based the hydro output operating at twenty percent efficiency. Everything Arthur had ever read said always plan for fifty percent efficiency, so Arthur always planned for twenty percent efficiency.

  When Skannish saw the power output staying constant from the five turbines at three hundred kilowatts, he’d nearly shit.

  But now they had power and with that, they could turn the generators off. Turning to the northwest and looking across the still dry stream bed from the spillway to the power station, where she could see the lake still hadn’t crested to use the spillway, Wendy looked at the four colossal buildings, the last of which had been finished in September. Each covered ten acres. Three were twenty feet tall and the other was thirty. This one they’d stored the cement in because Arthur was tired of running back and forth to the cement plant. Arthur had then led a group and brought in a small mixer plant from Clarksville that could do one cement truck at a time. Now when they returned to the cement factory, they could damn sure tell a difference in the vast storage building. But Arthur was tired of sending trucks that far out with the crazies grouping up. When they were done using it to store cement it would be used just like the others, as a grow barn.


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